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Everything posted by RainbowChick

  1. RainbowChick

    Van Helsing

    Well I've seen it and I really was expecting some action movie with a crappy plot line...so it was better than I thought it would be. I had fun even thought the acting was horrid and the accents even more. The vamps didn't exactly look like vamps to me...strange and the whole baby vampire thing was whacked. But I already knew that stuff before seeing the movie so it wasn't all that disappointing.
  2. My name was begotten when I was going through happy days of my life, which are still here...It sounds really lame but I like it because it's me. Although it might have something to do with the fact that I was visiting Rainbow Lake with my dad at the moment...meh.
  3. Now that I think of it, I do more stuff than that. I've done bungi jumping a couple of times...so much fun. And I mountain bike all the time. Let's see...oh I tried ice climbing once. That was scary. And white water rafting is awesome, once you get over the fear of drowning that is, lol. A lot of my friends skateboard but I haven't tried it yet...I might but rollerblades are fine with me, for now.
  4. Name: Vanessa Avery Age: 16 Gender: female Grade: 11 Bio: Vanessa is the youngest of three siblings in her family. Both her older brother and sister went to Jamie Anders and came out alive, not having ever seen anything strange. Her parents thought that the ghost story was stupid and weren't willing to send Vanessa to another school since both their other children had excelled in Jamie Anders. Interests: Vanessa's interest lie around sports related things. She was a star soccer and basketball player for her former school and loves those sports still. She also has some interests in acting and so forth, but not as much as athletic stuff. Human or spirit: human Description: Vanessa stands at 5' 6, with a slender yet firm build. Her light brown hair which usually falls down her back in soft curls is put in a high ponytail, held up with a red scrunchy. Her eyes are a pale blue with a shade of green in them. She wears a white tank top with a red zip-up hoodie over it and a white skirt that falls short of her knees. Her red ankle socks are worn under her white platform sneakers. Two intertwined, red sex bracelets are on her right wrist. Vanessa's left wrist is occupied by an expensive watch, with the date and time. She's also carrying a small purse with a few items in it. Personality: Vanessa is an optimistic person. She's happy and likes to be helpful. She easily befriends people and loves company. Though, rarely seen, her temper is a nasty one when she is provoked. She is generally a good sport and can be quite competative. Compassionate about people close to her and always stands up for them.
  5. [size=2]I found this comletely revolting. I wasn't exactly expecting a clean war, since there's never been a such thing but this is bit much. It's disgusting that these soldiers are stooping to the level of Iraqi soldiers. I totally disagree with this concept.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]However, I don't think that higher personnel should be held responsible for the doings of every single soldier, that would be impossible. They should be apologetic on their part but nobody has the right to blame them. It'd be like saying that the president/prime minister need to oversee every soldier personally, not only impractical but impossible.[/size] [size=3][/size]
  6. Name: Katherine Lilly Age: (not sure...15-18...I'll get back on that) Gender: female Species: human (another unawakened angel) Appearance: Katherine has a tall, slender figure, a pale face with animated features. Her blonde hair flows down half way down her back. A few wisps of grown out bangs sometimes fall into her violet eyes. Her clothes change often, but she's mostly seen in a white, long-sleeved shirt with a navy blue zip-up vest over it and a navy blue skirt that falls short of her knees. With that outfit, she wears skater shoes and nave blue socks. Side: undecided Powers: none so far Personality: Katherine is a headstrong and sensible person. She is bright and optimistic. Much liked by people. You can always find a smile on her face. On the inside though, she has problems determining who she is. Has problems "finding" herself(reason in bio). Bio: Katherine always had a life clogged up with her social affairs, school, extra-carricular stuff but lately all that stuff seems unimportant. She feels she should be doing something else...almost as if someone is calling her. As of late, she has also been having strange dreams...oddly like her childhood fantasies of angels. She will soon find that it is not a mere coincedence. If there are any problems let me know. And is it okay that there are 2 unawakened angels?
  7. I haven't played the game but I've heard of it from a friend. Anywho, both are nice but I like the first one better. Thankies.
  8. Heh. I love rock climbing too. I sometimes do extreme biking. I've tried skydiving during summer a few times and it's awesome. Scared the hell out of me but still fun. That's all I do for extreme sports but my friend is into extreme snowboarding. I don't know if I'll ever try it...looks scary to me. Plus I'd be happy to just plain old snowboard without falling, lol.
  9. Thanks so much! I love it. The banners awesome, I like you made the rainbow background. And I love the avi too. But out of curiosity, can I see the other avi, want to see what it looks like. Thanks again.
  10. I haven't heard any recently but a long time ago, there was this elementary school I was going to go into and my cousin, a sixth grader in that school, told me about this ghost in an abandoned hall that is closed off to students. He said that long ago, a girl had died in a room at the end of that hall. Her body was taken and buried but her spirit lived on in that room, seeking revenge on anyone that may be fool enough to enter. One day, a girl in grade three went up there for a dare. There was a bet that she would never agree to go up and to save her pride the girl, Emma, agreed to go up. If she made it back, she would be ten dollars richer. Emma climbed up the steps leading to the hall. When she reached the top of the flight of stair, she heard these agonized cries for help. The cries were coming from the end of the hall. By then, Emma was shaking but decided to go and help whoever was locked in the room. Her hesitant feet reached the end of the hall and her quavering hand twisted the doorknob. The door opened easily, with no excess pressure on Emma's behalf. As the door creaked open, Emma peered inside the room looking for the source of the cries she heard. By the time the door had been completely pushed opened, it was clear that no one was in the room. Emma gathered her courage and walked into the room. Suddenly, the door slammed closed behind her. Next, came a piercing scream that was heard throughout the school campus. By the time teachers made their way up, it was too late. Emma was found covered in blood and a butcher's knife in her hand. Nobody knows what happened to her but since then, no one has dared to go up those stairs again. [center]... ... ...[/center] [center] [/center] [left]I never found out if that school actually started that story or if my cousin was telling me to scare me, which he did, because I moved far away from that city.[/left]
  11. I'm looking forward to Shrek 2. Shrek was a pleasant surprise when it came out and from the trailers, Shrek 2 seems interesting enough. I'm definately going to go see it.
  12. Very interesting thread. My house hasn't been broken into ever but my grandma's friend's house was broken into and the thieves stole a bunch of stuff. They had guns and they were threatening my grandma's friend with it. Nobody was able to call the police and the owner of the house was shot at when he protested. The thieves got away but were caught later...don't remember how... As for guns, I live in Canada and guns are a no-go for self defence...unless things have changed a lot, lol.
  13. Funny story. I find algebra pretty easy but nevertheless, if that was true I'd be very mad at that certain teacher, lol. Might not be written very well but still amusing.
  14. Are sign ups still open or is that it?
  15. RainbowChick

    Van Helsing

    I'm looking forward to see Van Helsing even though I'm not expecting a great movie. True the plot will probably be rushed and it might ruin some great characters but I still want to see if it's any good. Although it's a bit disappointing with the whole romanian accent. I didn't even realize she had one untill I read this.
  16. Thanks. As for the character, Rei's my favourite so she'd be nice and the colors should go with the picture, so you can pick them. Thanks again.
  17. Name: Selina Gender: female Race: fire demon/human Age: 100 (about 18 human yrs) Weapon: steel rod with blade on each end Side weapon: fire balls/tornadoes (summons them into her hand) she is also able to 'call' on fire Appearance: As a fire demon, she is consumed by fire. Her body turns into fire. She's rarely seen in that form. Usually she is seen as a human with aburn hair, emerald green eyes, a fair complexion. In her human form, Selina is tall and skinny with a slender yet firm build. She wears tight fit black shirt with a black leather jacket over it. Her bottom is pair of black flares. Bio: Selina always loved her abilities but had trouble communicating with normal people. So when she discovered Paranormal Inc, she decided to join and make the best of her abilities.
  18. [font=Arial Narrow][size=3]Hi. Could someone please make me an Evangelion banner and a matching avatar. I'll let you choose the design and picture. It just has to have my name on it. I'd really appreciate it if someone can make those and you'll get credit in my sig. [/size][/font]
  19. I've only faked being sick a couple of times and only if I'm not feeling good for some reason other than sickness. One thing that works for me is going in the bathroom and gagging and coughing while I let the water run. Also, if I make this certain face and pretend my stomach hurts a lot I can convince my parents to let me stay home. But other than that, I mostly tell them I don't want to go to school and they let me stay home since I'm generally a good student.
  20. I liked the books better than the movies but I still think that the movies are good. Although they are rather disappointing in some areas, I still love the movies. So I'm going to see it as soon as it comes out. One thing that bugs me about the movies is that the actors aren't what I pictured them to be in the books. As mentioned before, there's that age thing where the kids are supposed to be 13 but the actors are 16 or older. It kind of throws off the movies because it's weird seeing a 16 yr old act younger than they are...Well, I'm still gonna go see it and maybe it won't be too bad.
  21. [color=green]Abby had been talking to Blaire for a while. She found that Blaire was a really interesting person. To start with she was interesed in dark arts, you don't find many of those now adays. The conversation went on and off about families, interests and so on. Abby was beginning to think coming to Hogwarts wasn't so bad after all.[/color] [color=#008000]It was a while before the converstion died and Abby noticed a boy sitting next to Blaire. Seeing as her new found friend had escaped to her own little world and was no longer paying attention to her, Abby tried to start a friendly conversation with the boy.[/color] [color=#008000]"Hi I'm Abby Rosen. What's your name," Abby asked politely.[/color] [color=#008000]"Alton," the boy replied indifferently.[/color] [color=#008000]Abby, startled by Alton's abrupt behavior, said, "Ughh, well nice to meet you."[/color] [color=#008000]She didn't try to make any further attempts to talk to him. Judging from his spaced out eyes, Alton didn't really care. Abby not wanting to seem like a desparate fool, turned her attention to the front of the class. The teacher was still talking to some other first years. Over all only a few other people were talking and the rest were zoned out. Abby decided to do the same and stared out into space.[/color] [color=#008000]Finally, the professors sharp voice cut through Abby's daydreams, waking her and her classmates up. She shook her head as if mentally shaking off her drowsiness. Then turned her attention to the proffesor. He started talking about transfiguration, its importance, uses and so on. Soon, Abby gave up trying to pay attention and started doodling in her notebook. She saw Blaire doing the same and they shared a knowing smile.[/color] [color=#008000]What seemed hours later, the bell rang and everyone rushed out of the stuffy room. Abby parted with Blaire and tried to sought out her next class, Charms. As she walked away from the Transfiguration classroom, Abby thought it wasn't all that bad...At least there was no homework so far. With out really knowing it, Abby promised herself that she would make the best of this life and enjoy it thoroughly.[/color]
  22. Very nice Wasabi. I like how it's so simple and pretty. The rose petals add a nice touch. Keep up the good work.
  23. If you think she's a really good friend of yours then you shouldn't believe the runours. Like what everyone else has been saying, go and talk to her. It's the best ways to solve your problem. And RPcrazy, you think this is crazy (I agree with you)? Well in my school, a person was writing in there little folder a [b]story[/b], something fake, a thing from their imagination. A teacher found her writing in it and it wasn't even during a class, it was break. So the teacher reads it and its got language and porn stuff in it. The teach goes and calls the girl's parents, then passes the book to all of the girl's teachers and has them read it. Then, all those teachers call the girl's parents, that's like 8 teachers. Now the girl is seeing a psychiatrist because of this and other reasons. I mean for gods frigg'n sake, she was writing in a private book of hers about something totally fictional and the teachers are making such a big deal out of it. I think that, along with StrikeGundum's situation is completely ridiculous! I hope you and your friend are okay StrikeGundum.
  24. [color=#006400][color=darkgreen][size=2]Abby opened her eyes and blinked a few times to get accustomed to the brightness. She looked around at her room for someone to talk to and realized she was alone. Last night Abby had been exuasted from the feast and sorting and so she was asleep before her head hit the pillow. Now, since she was alone she looked around her and toolk in her surroundings. [/size][/color] [size=2][color=#006400]She found herself in a bright room with huge windows opened to a beautiful view of the lake. The sun bright and it's rays were falling in through the windows, illuminating the room with a cheerfulness that Abby had never found at home. She sighed and her opaque eyes wandered to the intrecate grandfather clock in a corner.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#006400]"Oh no!" she thought to herself, "my first day and I'm late. No wonder there's nobody here. I should have made more of an effort to make friends last night. At least then someone would be here to keep me from getting late..."[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#006400]Abby shook her head, as if to shake away the lingering drowsiness surrounding her. Then she started to get dressed, stopping every so often to fix a button or untangle something. Finally she was dressed and had her books with her. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=#006400]As she walked out of the dorm, she looked at her schedule and started walking to her first class,Transfiguration. Abby made her way through the maze of hallways and stairs, not meeting anyone on her way. After what seemed an hour, Abby finally stopped in front of a solid pair of wooden doors. She could hear the professer's droning voice coming through the solid doors. As she started to open the door, for the first time, Abby wondered what it would be like. Living in Hogwarts, would she make friends? Well she'll just have to see. Abby took a deep breath and opened the door. As she stepped inside, the whole class turned around to stare at her, along with the teacher. The look that professor gave Abby, it was enough to let her know this would not be her favourite class.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#006400]The professor sighed and the look went away. He told Abby to come in and find a seat. To the rest of the class, he said lates will be excused today but only because it was the first day. Abby looked relieved and thought that maybe the prof wasn't that bad after all.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#006400]Her next task was to find a seat. She looked around and her eyes dawned on a tall, blonde haired girl sitting alone. Gathering her courage, Abby walked up to the girl.[/color][/size] [size=2]"Hi, do mind if I sit beside you?" Abby asked politely.[/size] [size=2]The blonde haired girl replied, "Sure, I was dieing of boredom, sitting alone here. I'm Blair Triforce. What's your name?"[/size] [size=2]Abby sat down and smiled at Blair, thinking to herself, 'she sounds nice. Maybe we can be friends and I remember her walking to the girls dorm with me'. To Blair, Abby said, "Nice to meet you Blair. My name is Abby...Abby Rosen."[/size] [size=2]They chatted a while more as other late students walked in with lame excuses and worried expressions. Abby was happy knowing that she wasn't all that late and there were others behind her. The fact that she had found a new friend helped a lot. Blair was a really interesting person and had won Abby over in five minutes. Everyone settled down and class started.[/size] [/color]
  25. Yeah, I'm making one for Abby so pls save a spot! Here it is. Name: Abby Age: 11 Gender: Female Year: First Bio: She comes from a line of very prestigous wizards and witches who aren't everyone's fabvourite at times. Known about magic since she was a little kid. Personality: Abby's really cool and snotty with people she doesn't know. Can be very condescending on those she doesn't like. When you get to know her, she can be sweet and very nice to be around. Strong feelings for being in Slytherin. Appearence: Tall, nice figure but kind of spidery. Pale blonde hair and opaque blue eyes. Pale complexion. House: Slytherin Familiar (pets): Fluffy, white snow owl Wand Type: 14 in. oak with unicorn tail core Special Traits: naturally smart, coordinated Special Ability: None as of yet Strongest subject: Defense Agains Dark Arts & Charms Weakest Subject: Astronomy Dislikes: Fish Likes: Candy, junk food, noodles, Italian food, ect. Dislikes: Mrs. Noble Likes: Mr. Potter Schedule: Class 1-Transfiguration Class 2-Charms Class 3-Sciences Class 4-Arithmetic Class 5-Potions Class 6-Defense Against the Dark Arts Class 7-Library Class 8-Advanced Charms Other items: Locating mirror (give a person's DNA sample and it shows their location) Tell me if there is anything wrong. Preferably by PM.
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