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Everything posted by RainbowChick

  1. You know how there are some songs that you can totally relate to? Well, mine is Perfect by Simple Plan. It's about these kids who dropped out of college to go after their dreams, becoming a band. Only problem was their parents didn't support them and thought it was a waste of time. The kids went on and quit school anyway and in the song they talk about how things will never be the same and how they can't be perfect. Sometimes my parents are like, not in all things but some things. In fact they're usually understanding and let me do what I want but other times they just refuse to listen. Anyway that's how I relate to this song. Are there any songs that you peeps can relate to in any way?
  2. Nicknames? I got a lot of them. My real name is Stephanie. Nicknames are: Steph, Stephie, Phefe, Finny, Anie, Tef/Tefie. Those all originated from my name and different people use different one at different times, so yeah.
  3. [font=Courier New]Ok, all you do is answer the question the person before you asked (w/ stupid answer) and then ask ur own stupid question. [/font] [font=Courier New]Q: Where am I?[/font]
  4. Name: Trista but known as Triste (French 4 sad). Also shortened to Triss by some. Age: 15 when she died Gender: female race: ghost How she died: Killed herself in a deserted field (slit her throat). Ghost Item: looking mirror Personality: secluded, doesn't trust anyone, insecure but doesn't show it and looks in control and calm. When you get to know her or gain her trust, she's like she was before she killed herself. Warm, friendly and very nice person but few people see this blessed side of hers. At times she even has a sarcastic sense of humour. Bio/Death: She used to be an ordinary girl. Triste had a nice family and good friends. That all changed when she turned 14. Her dad left her mother. Triste mother couldn't take this and lost some of her sanity. She started abusing Triste and Triste's siblings. One day her big brother, Triste's idol, ran away. He left a note to her, saying he couldn't take it any more and she would understand why he left when she was older.Triste was devasted. She drew back from her friends, building an unbreakable wall around. Soon her friends got tired of trying to get through to Triste and left her alone. She became known as the freaky daughter of the stark mad woman. People bullied her and her marks dropped from A's and B's to C's and D's. Triste got booted off the soccer team she played for because she had missed a major game. Everything was taken away from her. The poor girl couldn't take it anymore and tried to run away like her brother but her mother caught her and beat the very life out of Triste. The next day Triste left at 8 for school but instead of going to school she started for a deserted field just out of the city limits. Her former family had spent hours in that field, pickining, having fun. When she got there, Triste pulled out a knife and slashed her throat. Then, lay under tree and thought, how right to die miserably where she had played happily. Now, it has been centuries and her unhappy soul still wanders. She doesn't really do anything spectacular, all she wants is to find happiness but never admitts it. Pretty withdrawn from other ghost but secretly wants to be friends. Appearance: Triste has ice blue eyes most of the time but they change to different shades of blue when she's in different moods. Ice blue is when she is super angry. With the eyes, she has pale blonde hair that drops down to the middle of her back. No bangs, it just falls straight down in a simple hair style. She has a pale, unbreaking comlexion, she's 5 feet and 5", skinny, ect. Triste wheres a pale, icy blue coloured zipup hoodie, hood included (it's usually up). Underneath, she wears pale blue capris and a black halter top. She's got black platforms. She also has a silver locket but no one knows who's pic. is in it (not even me). She also has a silver bracelet on her right hand. And that's about it.
  5. Inuyasha: his personality and his ears. definately his ears Sesshomeru: he's so mysterious and calm and such a hottie I can't think now but I'll edit later and add more!
  6. Yeah for Fairly Odd Parents. I love that show, it's so funny. My fav episode was when he wished his parents didn't care. It was hilarious. I also like 'My Life As a Teenage Robot' and 'Spongebob Squarepants' .
  7. I love disney movies. They're so funny and moving. My favourites are: The Lion King: Moving and cute (both movies) Emperor's New Groove: Hilarious Finding Nemo: I was funny cute and everything else (almost)
  8. I love Evanescence. The songs they sing blow me away. They're just so powerful. Some of the ones I really like are: [list] [*]Whisper [*]Going Under [*]Bring Me To Life [*]My Immortal [/list]
  9. Hi everyone. I not much of a poet, hell, I'm not a poet at all but I got this inspiration and wrote this. What do you think? Flying Free There is a place I call my own Where I can stand by the sea And look beyond the things I've known And dream that I might be free Like the bird above the trees Gliding gently on the breeze I wish that all my life I'd be Without a care and flying free But life is not a distant sky With a cloud without rain And I can never hope That I can travel on without pain Time goes swiftly on it's way All too soon we've lost today I cannot wait for skies of blue Or dream so long that life is through So life is a song I must sing A gift of love I must share And when I see the joy it brings My spirits sore through the air Like that bird up in the sky Life has taught me how to fly For now I know what I can be And now my heart is flying free Well, what do think?
  10. Wow, DW! You're my new favourite OBer. You are the funniest person I know. Can't wait till the next thingy you think of!
  11. Where do you ppls live? I have never ever had even a day off let alone a week cause of snow and trust me there has been a lot of snow. One time there was like two feet of snow and growing with the temp. -40 and windchill -52 and all schools were still open! That shouldn't happen, [B]ever. That is so unfair. Anyway that was my rant. If I did by some crazy chance have a week off of school I'd watch tv, surf the net, mess around w/ stuff, put my music on full blast, and all that good stuff.
  12. I've been taking french for four years. So ya, I can speak french. The peak of my french speaking career was when my parents dumped mw with this french family in Quebec who didn't allow [B]any[/B] english to be spoken in the house. I can't say that was fun but it sure helped:) .
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Swordsaint [/i] [B]Ya know, when you look at it, it's not Valentines day that sucks. It's all the inconsiderate and advantageous pricks out there that are... [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I was gonna say! Oh well, what Swordsaint said is so true. If those 'inconsiderate and advantageous *****' weren't there I think lots of people would like Vday. Personally, I'm kinda indifferent to Vday. Sure I gave thise cards in elemtary and I still give them to friends cause I think they're rather sweet. And I get a present for my boyfriend and him one for me (hopefully, lol). I think I like Vday but then I think of the years that I spent alone, no cards no anything, feeling like crap. I think that's really unfair, having a holiday that makes ppl feel bad. I dunno, I guess I'm kind of mixed up about it. I hope anyone who isn't feeling so good about Vday finds the guy/girl of her/his dreams and lives happily ever after (hmmm... although i doubt 'happily ever after exists, lol.)
  14. I agree. I think keeping your cat would be painful for both of you and it would be helping your cat if you put him/her to sleep. Sorry if I sound harsh. I just think you should do what's best for your pet. Goodluck with deciding.
  15. I had a really long and deep essay type thing for your banners but it got deleted:bawl: . Anyway, I thought they were all great. My favourites were the 'lost in heaven', the inuyasha on and the one in your sig. They are all really well colour coordinated. I also liked how you had the face and then the enlarged version of the eye in the last banner. Keep up the good work!
  16. That was so funny, I can't stop laughing. It was hilarious. And as I assume typical of you. Keep it up and I can't wait till lesson 4.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The_Ghost [/i] [B]Yea for poems that don't rhyme! Rhyming poems always seem so dry to me... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I totally agree but some can be really good. Anyway, it was a really great poem and so together. You really expressed your self well and got your point across but didn't overdo it. You know this reminds me, sometimes the things that hurt you the most also bring the best out of you. In this case, it brought out your poetic side. Great poem. Sorry about how you're feeling. Hope it doesn't last too long.
  18. My room is ok. Things are where they're supposed to be but their not really organized. I can find things when I try but it wouldn't be like I know exactly where everything is. About the only things that are organized in my room are my CDs, games, DVDs and clothes. My binder is pretty ok but it has been in better conditions. Most of my things are like that because anything that is too organized looks out of place to me, especailly my room.
  19. Hmm... I see what you mean. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Note to self: look up words that you're not sure of. Ha, I feel pretty pethatic now but screw that, I finished one that's deeper and it's way better than the last essay! Plus this one way harder to do but I did it.
  20. Thanks for pointing that out G/B/S Master. I really love animals and i guess i was overwhelmed (emotianally) so i didn't notice the little details. Boy do i feel better. Thnx again.
  21. Hi again. I have to do an english essay on my life's most profound moment. Yay! And I had the best thing ever, the christmas of 2003. Because of it I am the happiest person alive. *takes deep, calming breath in*. On Christmas day, I got a plasma tv *squeals* yes peeps, a plasma. And it is so frickin huge. That, for me is enough profoundness but not for my parents. See, my mom bought my the plasma and she didn't tell my cuz he can't keep a secret, right. And she's always telling him that. So, to prove my mom wrong, he kept a really i big secret. He got me a new flat, skinny computer, complete with a cordless keyboard and cordless mouse with a charger. So i never have to change the batteries:wigout: . so when i get of the computer, i just take the mouse and put it on the charger. And then, my grandma, who was visiting, got me a 24k gold bracelet. Aahh yes, this is the life... Only then when I handed the essay in and the teacher read it and everything, she started *****ing me. She said it had to be DEEPER. I am so pissed :mad: Oh well. Anyway, I was wondering what ur guys's most profound moments are. Think of good ones! :)
  22. Oooh... OK I got my first scar when I got in a motorcycle accident. Now I'm a pretty safe rider n everything but the guy who was actually driving (driving??) it was turning on a major intersection and the bike was on too much of an angle, so it skidded. Now smart little me was wear sunglasses and as I hit the ground, they shattered and a piece dug into my forehead and it hurt like hell! I got like 7 stitches. That was like 8 years ago and the scar is still here but it is fading (or is that just my wishfull thinking and overworked imagination?). Yeah, I've never been allowed to ride with that person since *sigh*.
  23. School... let me just say i list of things that i don't like about (the way teachers teach, the projects, the occasional ***hole, ect.) but I couldn't live without it. It's just an essential part of life if to want to be someone. I mean I'm sure everyone has a career they want and it's not possible without school. School has its cons, but doesn't everything? And that's why I do really like it. Oh, and anyone who really depises it, you'll get over it. And if it isn't just a phase, then you can bet these 12 yrs will be some of the most hellish years in your.
  24. I found the most disgusting thing ever!!!! I'm not vegatrian or anything and I'm okay with eating animals to a certain degree but this is wrong. A phycho from school showed me site... [URL=http://www.petsorfood.com]www.petsorfood.com[/URL] . It looks perfectly normal but then you click on 'recipes' and guess what you find? Recipes for cooking animals that most humane people keep for pets. Like there's recipes for cooking DOGS, CATS and even some exotic animal. When I first saw it, I almost threw up. That was wrong and really sick and I felt like crying:bawl: . Does anyone think people would actually eat those things? I hope not...
  25. the wierdest thing i've ever tasted...ok, this is really wierd. i took cooked rice, put it in a bowl, ripped up pieces of white bread, put it in the bowl, added milk and put in sugar. lots of sugar...and it was edible. well it had to be edible cause i had to make an original recipe that was actully edible for home-ec. yep, i'd say that was as original as i can get...:babble: oh, and another wierd thing is that my brother eats hard boiled eggs with ketchup:eek:
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