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Everything posted by RainbowChick

  1. I was looking at my otaku name, RainbowChick and thinking where did that come from. I mean it totally goes against my personality. I am just not the happy-happy kind of peson. So I thought about it and came to the conclusion that the rainbow part came cause my dad is on a trip to Rainbow Lake. The chick is there cause I couldn't think of anything else to go with rainbow. Anyway, I've seen some other pretty, let's say, interesting names and I was wondering how they came to be. If you have any experiances with strange, ironic or just plain crazy names let me know.:) ps. they don't have to be from any paticular place
  2. This is great. Name:Inu Yasha Age:17-18/56-58 (whatever, he looks 17-18 and acts like it) Gender:male Species:half dog demon/half human Bio:Had a dog demon for a father and human mother. As a child he was an outcast and hated by most everyone. His mother died when he was very little and when his father died he left his tomb in InuYasha,secretly. When he grows up, Inuyasha meets a priestess, Kikyo, who's spell puts him to sleep (Kikyo dies, reincarnated as Kagome w/ the shikon jewel). Kagome frees Inuyasha. The jewel shatters and they adventure and put it back together. Also meet others who become friends. Anyway, he's ambitious and arogant, thinks the world hates him. Great fighter. Demons beware and so on. He aslo has a well hidden soft side that's rarely seen. Appearance: golden eyes, long silver hair, dog ears, red outfit (what's it called??) Weapon:Tetsaiga the sword and his claws Past/Present: past Good/Bad:good I think that's all. By the way, anyone know how old Inuyasha is?:(
  3. Thnx everyone for making me laugh (nno offence or anything). I am feeling a lot better and like i said i really do love my life. If i thought about it, and thought deeply, i guess i wouldn't want to be anyone else. Sure like some of you said, i do want some qualities that i don't have but other than that i'm fine. And like KnightOfTheRose said, i'd turn out to be snobby and i don't want that, not that my friend is snobby. Plus, i do have a nice life. My parents are great and i have pretty much all of the 'reasonable' things i want in life... and all the rest of that crap. Now about changing the species... well, i think i'd be a kind of bird. Just the fact that they can fly is enough reason for me.
  4. One song that really describes my life is Perfect by Simple Plan. It's about how this person is trying to live up to his/her parents' expectations and are having hard time dealing with it. dropping out of school, flunking subjects and so on. Course, i haven't gone that far, just enought to let the ppl i that i know know that i can't be perfect. I also really like the song just cause. well that's the only 'issue' in my life worth mentioning, other than that, i'm great! some other songs that i like are Numb, Somewhere I Belong, Paper Cut, In the End, pretty much anything by Linlin Park. I also am a fan of Good Charlotte, Blink 182, and many others. I'm not a fan of Nickle Back but I love that song called Someday. It is so awesome!:)
  5. Have you ever found your self fantasizing about yourself as someone else? A famous person, a friend or just the perfect person with the perfect life? Have you ever felt like crap and wished you were some one else? I'm sure evryone has sometime. Anyway I was feeling that way this morning and wishing I had my best friend's life. She's an only child, she's spoiled rotten, rich, movie star good looks and so on. And I was wishing I had her life. Course I don't really mean that, it's just something I do when I'm feeling like *****. I really do like mylife. But anyway I was wondering if anyone else felt this way and it would really make me feel better if I wasn't the only one. In fact, you don't even have to feel this way. All you hve to do is think if you could be anyone you wanted to be, who would you be?
  6. I think chivalry is really sweet. In my opinion, chivalrous people are nice, intelligent and well brought up. Ok so girls can open doors, pull their chairs out, and ect. by themselves, everyone knows that. But I think knowing that and still going out of your way to do it is totally sweet and theirs nothing sexist about it. You do it because you're nice and considerate. It has nothing to do with the person being a woman (not true in some cases ;) but it is true overall). It's also common courtesy. I wouldn't want some guy to be chivalrous because they think I'm a girl and can't do it, that I'm to fragile and so on. That is outdated. But I don't mind if someone did it just to be nice. In fact it would mke me feel rather special.
  7. [COLOR=coral]yeah i totally know what u mean. i do draw all the time and sometimes nothing comes out right. then, i'd like be sitting in math class, doodling (what? it's math!), and get this sudden burst of inspiration and draw the most amazing thing ever. same thing with writing poetry. i mean i can write really touching poetry but if i have that creative energy burst, it makes my writing so much nicer![/COLOR] :D [COLOR=firebrick]the things that get me inspired are music, movies, books. anything out of the usual gets me thinking. art is another thing that really inspires me. and sometimes, just doing nothing and zoning out gives me the neatest ideas ever![/COLOR]
  8. On school nights I've got pretty civilized sleeping pattern. i wake up at 6 and get to bed around 10. Weekends are a completely different story. Get up whenever I please and don't get to bed until after 3 am. Holidays are different since they lst longer. During holidys i get up around 9am and get to bed no later than 1:30am. Don't ask why. Twice a year i do change my sleeping pattern to go home to England from Canada. It's really wierd cause England is 7 hrs ahead of Calgary and just as I'm getting used to it, it is time to come back. Anyway when I'm visting London, I wake up at 7:30am and get to bed any time from 10-12.
  9. [COLOR=deeppink]i was in band a long time ago but i had to quit cause of all the other extra things i did. anyway to answer ur ques. i really did love band. it was fun and i was a pretty good clarinet player. the best thing about bnd was camp and that's cuse of the hot tub in the snow and kareoke and that huge bungee thingymabob. it was really fun and sometimes i still tell those 'one time at band camp...' stories. it's nice to know not everyone thinks band is for losers... gee, i wish i hadn't quit, i'd be going to california this year *sigh*.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=crimson]If i were prime minister i would change our education system. make it better, in other words easier and more flexible. so ppl in school like me can enjoy it (as if that's ever gonna happen!). anyway, i'd also do something to save the evironment form dying and taking us with it. i mean there's all these ppl making promises but as far as i can tell, nothing happened so far. i want that to change. i would also change a million other things but i gotta go now.[/COLOR]
  11. in my opinion, people should vote for candidates that meet their expections. but i stronlgy disagree with voting just for the heck of it. that isn't fair for people who really believe in democracy.
  12. [COLOR=indigo]neopets was cute at first but now it's sooo old and boring. its also really overprotected and kiddy. i used have an account but now i don't even remember it, kinda sad eh?[/COLOR] :smirk:
  13. every school has some wierdos and everyone is freaky sometimes. i remember lots i knew and still know. some r ok but others r just scary. doesn't really make difference 2 me though.:)
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