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Everything posted by AthenAltena
No, that's Uedan, what fallen means is the one that comes with the .hack games, the ones about the 3 girls in the real world who have a friend who fell into a coma.
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
AthenAltena replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
I feel very much the same way as Panda, but there are some characters that I really can relate to. One of them is Sango from Inuyasha, and all my friends say I act like her when I'm mad. Another is Kirika (also my avatar) even though I don't have amnesia and can't hang people by neckties or kill them with an ID card (though my school one is pretty sharp) I really understand her feelings of lonliness and isolation. Who else... Oh yeah, also San from Mononoke Hime, since both she and I are the fight-till-you-die-for-what-you-believe-in type. -
Suddenly Kagome heard a voice behind her. "Well well, it's nice to see [I]you[/I] again." Kagome whirled around. "Kagura!" Kagura smiled. "I see you remember me. Good." Koga turned around and gasped. "You...you..." Kagura rolled her eyes. "Please wolf boy, enough with the passion." She turned her fan on it's side and smiled. "Just be a good little boy and let me kill you quickly. And if you're [I]really[/I] good I might just use you as a puppet." Koga growled. "You'll never use anyone as a puppet again once I'm through with you!" He leapt up and tried to slash at her, but she dodged easily and hit him with her wind attack. "Amature." she scoffed. She flew to his right and brought down a hard wind attack on his right arm. He gasped and flew back into the bushes. He sat up and bared his teeth. "You witch, I'll take out your heart and put it in a bowl!" Kagura shook her head. "Bad doggy, looks like you need to be taken out!" She brought a second wind attack down on him, and he fell to the ground and did not rise.
Kanna closed her eyes. "I have met the young woman in green before, she managed to break my mirror." She opened her eyes slowly. "However, if I can pocess one and use them to kill the others, I will kill two birds with one stone, so to speak." Jin grinned. "You may not be the most talkative child of Naraku, but when you do speak you have great ideas. So, which one will it be?" Kanna turned to him with a blank expression. 'You will see when the time comes." She turned her face upwards. "What I need is a distraction." Anzuka grinned. "Shall I?" Kanna shook her head. "No, I only want to use you if I have to, your'e too valuable." She looked over at Jin. Jin bowed. "At your service, mi'lady." Kanna shook her head. "Not you, I need someone who they have never seen before, or at least for some time." Jin thought for a moment. "I have heard rumors of a fallen Tenyo near a village to the west..." "No. I need someone who will cause them to become inraged, and make mistakes while doing so. I will call my sister Kagura, she will be more than happy to eliminate them for me." Jin smiled. "White as snow, with a heart as black as coal."
Barako shoved Kagome out of the way. "Kagome, go to the right side and hit him with you arrows, do it!" Kagome froze. *What's going on?* she thought *Why can't I move all of the sudden?* Barako unsheathed a sword from her belt and ran to the left, slashing at his arm with a cry of rage. To her surprise, the sword only left a bruise. *What is this?* she ran to his other side. *My sword can slice through steel, but it's not working!* Jin smiled and swung at her. It connected with her right cheek, and she screamed as she fell to the ground. As she was falling she caught a glimpse of a white girl standing to the side. *She's the one! I have to stop her!* Barako lurched up and ran towards the young maiden. Kanna held up her mirror with a wry smile, and with a small childlike voice she said, "Look into my mirror, be lost in my mirror." Barako froze, and fell to the ground, her eyes now an empty grey.
Barako closed her eyes and gathered her powers into her fist. A flame sprun from her palm, which she used to melt the ice around the lower part of her body. She leapt up quickly and pulled a sword out of her belt. "Be careful of this guy, he has a very negative aura." She closed her eyes for a moment. "Be wary, he is very powerful." Shakia growled. "I can see that with my own eyes, idiot." Barako turned to Kagome. "If you really are Kikyo's reincarnation you should be able to fight him, so show me the power of the legendary Kikyo!" *Oh boy,* thought Kagome *I knew I should have kept my mouth shut.*
Anime Love Triangle between Mimiru, Tsukasa, and Subaru! This concerns me..
AthenAltena replied to a topic in Otaku Central
I personally never picked up on a Mimiru/Tsukasa thing going on, allthough one person on a different board did think Mimiru was played by a guy. XD Tsukasa and Subaru are a really cute couple, and I think that the reason Tsukasa likes Subaru is because she's so kind and was one of the only people who saw him for who he/she was besides the Mimiru/Bear gang. I did like the fact that Krim seemed okay with their relationship, and I personally think that between Krim and Subaru their was more of a big brother/little sister relationship. Btw, the english voice of Mimiru was doing an audio commentary on Evangelion, and Mimiru is her! She also did one of EOE, making comments like "Pow!" during the fighting sequences. She also made a really wrong, but really funny remark about a time in the movie when an Eva got spikes through its head, she said: "Ooh that's nasty, you got a headache!" *Giggles* She's absolutely nuts! -
For the second time that day Shakia heard the sound of a bowstring being pulled taught. Annoyed, she turned around to face the young priestess. "I thought their was something odd about you. Now tell me, are you a human or a demon in disguise?" Barako was dead serious, and Shakia could tell she had better be careful what she said. "I'm surprised you could tell, priestess. It's not particularly obvious to the untrained eye. How did you guess?" Barako stared back unflinchingly. "None of your business. Give me your jewel shards or else!" Shakia smiled. "Or else what?" Something flashed in the young woman's eyes, and a moment later Shakia felt herself leave the ground and flip upside down. Her swords flew out of her hands and her arms became pinned to her sides. "What the.....? Put me down now!" Shakia struggled against her invisible bonds, but found doing so was useless. Barako held one hand in front of her and twisted it. Shakia flipped right-side up again, but she was still immobile and floating. "Tell me what you are and how you managed to get your hands on those jewel shards, and I might consider putting you down." Shakia snarled. "Put me down or I'll rip your head off!" Barako smiled and leaned on her bow. "How can you kill me when you can't even move?" *Damn it,* thought Shakia, *If I can't get out of this how can I possibly kill that idiot Naraku?*
I first saw Excel Saga in a manga, and boy was it funny! My favorite line in the manga is when Excel is talking in her sleep and saying, "Primates...homosapians...." Of course that had NOTHING to do with anything, but it was really funny. ^ ^
Name: Murasaki Age: ? (looks 7 or 8) Gender: Female Bio: She is a tenyo (angel maiden) who fell to earth years ago and has since been living alone in the wild. She is a lost soul, to put it simply. She doesn't even know her own name, so she named herself after her favorite color. She has powers of levitation, mind reading and has the power to control people telepathically. She is very lonely, and was forced out of the last villiage she was near because she was kidnapping children to keep her company. She is neither good nor evil, positive or negative. She is chaos incarnate. Appearance: Long dark hair, empty grey eyes, wears a robe that is white. She has small wings growing out of her back, not nearly big enough to fly with. She has two wings coming out of the top of her head. Good/Evil: ?
Barako winced as she inspected the wound on her shoulder. "It's not what you think." Duo snorted. "Okay, then what do I think?" He brandished his sword over his shoulder with a smug grin. "You think I would use it to become more powerful, but I want to destroy the jewel so no one can use it for that purpose." She touched a small pendant around her neck lightly. "Even though I no longer stand by my vows as a priestess, I still carry the principles of the Shinagami within me." "Shinagami?" This seemed to take Duo by surprise. "Wait, if you're a priestess, how come your not at your temple?" "I quit." Barako said cheerily. "Why do you think I have these black stripes on my arms?" She looked towards Kagome. "Did I hear you say something about Kikyo? If you meant the priestess Kikyo of fifty years ago, she and I are of, well, were, in the same order of priestess." Kagome was unsure what to think of this strange young woman. What should she ask her, since she seemed so much like herself in her former life. (The person playing Kagome should take over from here.)
*Sigh* I must warn you that on past Noir boards this argument has happened, but in the end it is pointless because there is no strong evidence either way. Just to warn you.
I'll play Kanna and Kagura if you want. (Hope it's okay to play two but seeing as they are two halves of a whole it makes sense.) I'll also play a villian. I'm going to look through some of my artbooks for ideas.
Dog: Hey, come 'ere nutface. I'm gonna make you an offer ya can't refuse. Squirell: 'What up, Dogfather? Tastless, I admit, but I think it's kinda funny.
(Sorry If I interupted something.) An arrow thudded into the tree beside Kagome's head. "Hey you! Stop right there!" All three turned to look at the fierce young woman standing on the road in front of them. She had already knocked another arrow before they had a chance to react. "Just explain to me calmly why you have a sacred jewel shard and I just might not use you for target practice." She looked from the two young oddly dressed women back to the young man. "Oh dear," she thought to herself, "what have I gotten myself into now?" (Oh, I love playing a badass! You guys take it from there.)
Name: Barako Age: 16 Gender: Female Bio: Barako is a young rogue priestess whose mother was in the same order as Kikyo. Barako has developing psychic powers that caused her to be shunned from her villiage and forced to join the priesthood against her will. Barako became agitated and left the order, but still poses as a priestess when she needs to escape a tough situation. Barako is a veteran fighter who can use her powers to direct her weapons at enemies. She can also communicate with ghosts and spirits, as well as see into the minds of demons. Appearance: Shoulder length black hair, green eyes, attire the same as Kikyo's with exception to black stripes on sleeves. Weapons/Attacks: Sword, bow and arrow, small knives. Can throw knives and shoot arrows along with psychic powers. Good/Bad: Good with an attitude
Well, cultures from all over the world think that the eyes are the windows into the soul. (Kirika Yuumura is good evidence for that.) Generally in Anime the bigger the "light point" in someone's eyes the cuter they look. As it turns out the first thing I learned to draw in anime was the eyes, and if you screw up the eyes on a character I learned very quickly it completely wrecks their expression.
Oh well, my opinion is slightly biased seeing as she is just like me. Or at least I like to think so. ^ ^ So, in a way it makes me feel like you're hurting me when you say you don't like her. Yeah! Psychiatrists degree here I come!
Meh heh... My friend and I rented Excel Saga on new years eve and got totally trashed on caffeine. ^ ^ The opening theme song is just funny, especially the random places they go while singing. (A bathouse, come on!) My favorite episode is the one where they go to America. Excel: Mi amo Excel. Felise navidad. You're my bitches! (Laughs histerically and rolls around on floor) It always amused me that in the manga they had various holes filled with things, such as cave crickets, water etc. The closing credits nearly made me pop a vein I was laughing so hard the first time I saw them. Btw, Excel Saga has a plot? My impression was it was random silliness. Oh well, need to watch it again. ^ ^
I've played the flute for about 5 years, but I've never been in a band. Not too many bands these days use flutes. :(
Hmm... I'll borrow the .hack//outbreak ova from my friend and get back to you, 'kay? That's the one about Kyo, right?
Well, the relationship between the two are a lot more obvious in the japanese. I admit, Noir is slow, but the main reason I kept watching it was because of Kirika. She's such an interesting character, and at the end when she turns "black" (with slit pupiled eyes and an emotionless expression) she seemed to become even more intriquing. As for all the questions left unanswered at the end, those are pretty frustrating. In a way Kirika didn't find out who she was, but became a stronger person in the process. Kirika actually matures quite a bit during the series, and it is very evident in the last episode. Chloe is my favorite next to Kirika, simply because of how mysterious and childlike she is around Altena.Chloe, however, would not have worked with Kirika as Noir, since in episode 24 she was willing to kill Kirika to save Altena, and a Noir could not place another person before their other half. By the way, did you know that the director of .hack//sign and Noir are the same person? The same is true for the person who did the music. Both soundtracks are awesome imo.[list] [/list]
Yeah, supposedly EOE was made to say, "up yours" to all the fans who didn't like the original ending. *Shivers* The entire EOE movie was just made to make people get sick or start crying. I heard through a friend in the Phillipenes that a 22 year old kid actually KILLED HIS MOTHER because he was already mentally unstable and wathched Evnangelion. I've heard in this new game that they will clear up a few mysteries, and maybe find out who did the you-know-what to you-know-who, by which I mean Kaji. Btw, how do you black out spoilers? I can't seem to figure that out.
Why hasn't anyone except Ryu_Sakura mentioned Subaru?! She's kind and caring, she has a great theme song and she sees Tsukasa as the person he really is and not just an antisocial hyprocrite! She's so nice to everyone, well almost. ^-----^ She also has such a hard situation in the real world, but she still perserveres and makes up with Crim as a friend. She's so cool, why didn't she get more votes?
Anime Something going between Tsukasa and Subaru?!
AthenAltena replied to Chibi Subaru's topic in Otaku Central
Subaru is so awesome! ^ ^ She's so kind and caring, and she helps people who are down. Btw, there is so evidence that Tsukasa's father abused her. There is a scene from the real world where she is sitting at a table with a guy who looks like a police officer, with a bra and a toothbrush on the table, and then her father comes in and slaps her. What a jerk! There's also that heartbreaking scene where Tsukasa-chan is taking care of a kitten until her father takes it. Jerk! And yes, Subaru is paralyzed from the waist down. I've heard a rumor that there's a scene at the end of the series when Tsukasa and Subaru meet in real life. Also, I've heard that in reality Crim is really pretty young, though he sounds much more mature.