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Everything posted by Oblivious

  1. I do like the whole side love story. Yes, after a while, it can seem redundant, but I think that the characters would be weird if theres a guy and he goes across the world, saves a girl several times, and gets saved in turn a few times and doesnt end up at least questioning his feelings toward her. Granted, I dont think they always need to end up together, but questioning it just makes them seem less two dimensional. One more thing is that I have to commend you all on such widely spoken view points brought together here, and still we act mature and dont get offended by ones opinionand go into rants. which tends to happen in other message board like sites. Thank you all.
  2. I DID play the game its just that, well I had been told that whole thing was a flash back. I thought [spoiler] Squall and Rinoa both lived [/spoiler] but after being told by several people who had debated this topic on other sites, I started to question that. Thank you for making me less confused though.
  3. Im kinda new here so I dont know if this has been debated before, but, what happened? [spoiler] did Squall die? did Rinoa die? I thought they had both had lived at the end but Ive had a few people tell me otherwise. [/spoiler] Im really confused and need an answer please.
  4. I dont know why sooo many people like Sephiroth! I didnt like him because when I first played the game I had the flu and he made the game confusing, and as most people whove had the flu would know, it is not good to be confused when you have the flu! Aside from that, [spoiler] He killed Aeris and I didnt like that! I liked Aeris. I didnt like Tifa because I thought that the little girl in the beginning of the game Marlene was hers and Barrets and she was leaving the cute little girl all alone! (remember I was sick and hadnt yet fully found everyones background) So with no girl characters left that I liked after Aeris (I hadnt found Yuffie yet) I was left with Barret Nanaki and Cloud. And that is why I dont like Sephiroth. Also hes pure evil, I mean he didnt care at all. I think everyone would show just abit of remorse if even for only one person! Hes too one dimensional [/spoiler] I guess you just shouldnt play Final Fantasy when you're sick. So even when I play Final Fantasy 7 again I just dont like certain characters because of what I thought of them the first time. I personally liked Seymour because [spoiler] he didnt like humanity. They suffered because of themselves and he sought out to end that. I find that that was a pretty interesting take on life. Or maybe Im just confusing him with another rpg villain[/spoiler] Anywho, I just remembered liking Seymour!
  5. My last atttempt at a reply got deleted because I forgot to log in. So, here goes at trying to redo my last message: Thats a very fair opinion you have James! I warn you though that FF X-2's battle system is worse than FF8's. The one thing that I do have a problem with that everyone seems to not recognize is the game play length of FF X-2. Im not the best and definitly not the fastest gamer out there. I dont play games as much as my little brother, instead I opt for a good book. Despite all that this game was short. In other rpgs that Ive played youve had to level up, solve puzzles, find your way, strategize, and most importantly THINK! And even after Ive beaten a game once and use codes to just watch the story line, it seems longer than this! It usually takes me on the average of several months (and an all time high of an accumulated game play time) to beat your average rpg. FF X-2 took me a week and the shortest ever for me to beat it ! It was just soooo short! Along with being a bit of a girly fan-service, FF X-2 was for me just too short!
  6. I Really like Aragorn from the LOTR by J.R.R. Tolkien. I like his apprieciation of the elvish culture and his respect for diversity. I liked how he always had a handle on things and how at the end, he made only hobbits allowed in the Shire. I also really like the character Happy Noodle Boy from Johnny the Homcidal Maniac by Jhnen Vasquez (The "O" in Jhnen's name is dead for those of you who dont know) Mainly because he is random and hilariously funny. I also must say that the quirky Billy Pilgrim from Slaughter House 5 by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is a very bizarre yet believable character. Finally, I like Nita from Diane Duane's Young Wizardry Series because apart from a few events, everything she has gone through in the series has happened to me.
  7. I agree with you OtakuSennen! I believe that a new golden age of the FF series is about to incur. I just hope for two things: 1. that we dont have any more games with a side quest of "massaging" o.O 2. That fans dont get their noses out of joint. What I mean is that FF8 was a very good game. It just didnt live up to fans standards that they got from FF7. Was FF8 a great RPG? DEFINITLEY! Was it up to crack with the rest of Squaresofts line at the time? Possibly not. I just hope people wont bash another semi-good game because it wasnt as good as they expected to be. I'm not saying though that FF X-2 was a good game. It was like a 5 year old's fan service kind of.
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