Sir Kyle
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]That hurts when you say that, Sir Kyle. Really.: [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sorry if that did offend you or if that was sarcasm (Damn internet and your lack of emotional distinction and such!), but I guess that's way I feel. The reason is that I grew up in kind of a half rich/poor type of school where there were a lot of kids that bragged about not having to get jobs because mommy and/or daddy gave them a $1000 a month allowence as well as buying them things like Land Rovers and Trail Blazers for their sixteenth birthday. Sorry I have to rant, but this is just one of those damn touchy issues with me. When I bought a car, I only had made about $1700 and managed to buy a crappy '91 Grand Am. She may be a piece, but I love her to death because I bought it with my hard earned money. I didn't have to beg my parents for cash or anything like that, I worked and got a car. I just figure that hey, all these rich kids do is party and be lazy all the time without learning the responsibility/employee skills they might need later in life while I'm gonna be prepared. Their lives, I suppose. Maybe it was just the fact that when I was a young child, my father made absolutely no money one year according to his tax return. That's right, $0. All tha wasn't spent on essential things was spent on taxes. I don't know, perhaps I'm bitter, perhaps I'm jealous at other's good fortune as compared to mine. I don't like feeling this, but I do. I guess it's one of my huge fallacies and I shouldn't really rant about it. You guys probably don't want to hear my sob story anyways :rolleyes: By the way, if it WAS a joke, Good one! If not, then I still certainly digress from the topic by a long shot. ::Jumps back in topic:: So yeah, I've worked since I was 15 years old and made 5.15 for a year. Then went to 5.85 for another year, followed by the massively prosperous year where I made a whole 7 dollars. Yes, good times indeed.
I'd like to state that there is NO song in particular that is annoying to me. That's right, I'll listen to anything that pops onto the radio, whether it be Rap/R&B/Hip-Hop, Punk, Pop, Rock, whatever, it's all pretty much good to me. If I had to pick something, ahh, I don't know. Maybe like country or something. I guess their songs kind of annoy me when they sing about pansy stuff, but it's not too hard to tolerate. Yay for all music!
I'm pretty sure I laughed a little bit at the AOL commercials. Just the way they were filmed, like amateur style, was a breath of fresh air to AOL's usual commercials. Also, I'm thinking that that Staples commercial was pretty good with it's Godfather imitation and what not. And I guess the Budweiser commercials weren't half bad either. Overall, a pretty good Super Bowl commercial run this year.
Hmmm, what to say of blink-182? I'm not too completely sold on this album personally. Perhaps it's just not my style or taste. I've never hated the guys by any stretch of the mind but I've also never really got into their music. It just seems a little too much like the bands that preceeded them and doesn't seem to tickle my fancy. Green Day would do the job for me in a heartbeat over these guys, but they still seem to have their redeeming qualities. First, though they sound and sing a lot like some other "punk" types that have come before them, they still manage to mix in plenty of themselves to set them apart from others, just not enough to me. It seems, though, that they really tried hard to get that kind of attitude away from people with their new album that has just been released. They looked like they were in a downward spiral since they started releasing stuff that became more "pop-like" with every song, something they didn't want to do and something that was detracting from their intended musical style. You can definitely tell that they went more back to their roots with this album and it does bring some breaths of fresh air back into the mainstream punk industry where all sorts of clones are popping up out of nowhere. Decent album to me, though not a show stealer by any means. I'd give it a 3 star out or 5 star rating for their effort of going back to what they do best. Most definitely better than some of their previous stuff, they are on the right track for sure.
Yeah, I'd say he's more of that "casual" listener kind of musician. You can turn him on and just listen to him in the background and enjoy yourself. That may not be his goal, but it seems to be what is happening at the time. He's got music that isn't out there completely and makes you have to listen to it hard and upfront, but his music isn't something you just turn off either. Kind of strange, but he's still got the talent to be big. And what did you do at Target, by the way? I was mostly Sale's Floor but got moved to Electronics for my last tenure of work there before I quit.
Indeed, I understand. It's just that when I've mentioned to people outside this board about how Jason Mraz is a good musician, I've been given strange looks and such. It just seems that there are those kind of people hanging around here and I'm just covering my bases as well as trying to get some people to look beyond one type of music. Of course, I may just be over reacting to all things and just timid in that respect. But hey, I guess everyone has an opinion to voice and I'm here to respect that, right? Right.
Here's an opinion from a guy's point of view. I've known about Jason Mraz I believe in early 2003, nearly a year ago. I worked at Target and on the Target Video Network (the thing that plays on all the TVs when you're shopping) they showed him doing an acoustic version of You and I way back when he first released his album. We all thought of him as kind of a loser, what with all his crazy hat styles and that red hat he always wore sideways, I mean, what a weirdo. Later in the year, his single Remedy was released and made into a video which was also played on the TVN for all to see. Basically, at first we all wrote him off as one of those "wannabe" singers trying to woo a few chicks here and there. But then I really started to listen to what he was singing and his stuff started to grow on me. And you know what? That man is a true musician in every sense of the word. He can write good lyrics and put a nice rhythm with it. He can play the guitar (not an easy instrument, especially the acoustic guitar) and he can also sing. Quite well in fact. He's got all the tools he needs to become huge, and now that he has two singles out, his fanbase is starting to really pick up. Most people that I've seen here are all like "Wo0t, Deth Medal is TehH RoxxxorRring..!!1!>2@2311@e3four Theyysh r soo HARDCROE, tehy reeeeluy sppeke 2 meE!!2@!2123##$$11!" I've seen that these people have a tunnel vision that only see Hard Metal and stuff like that as real music. Most of these people will write off good ole' Jason Mraz as a pansy little prissy boy who can't play music but I find that untrue. Being a musician myself (have been since the 5th grade) I know how tough it is to be truly good. And Jason Mraz, in my opinion, is a really good artist. Worthy of more than just a skindeep label. Go ahead "hardcore" music fans, call me gay and what not for liking a guy who can actually perform. In all reality, I like all kinds of music and I enjoy nearly every single genre there is in existence. I think to appreciate music you've got to look everywhere and not just stay single-mindedly at one type of music. Jason Mraz, to me, is a 4 star musician out of a possible 5 stars. Give him time, he's got the talent to become great. Also, anyone like Maroon 5? Those guys got some talent as well.
Hmm. No, I'd like to say that my body is in perfect condition and that you could only find a more flawless body within the Statue of David. Seriously though, I'm not really one for body abnormalities but I do know of a couple to recollect for the good readers here. When I was about 7 or 8 (the age is a blur) and I was playing a little backyard baseball with a couple of friends of mine. We set up these little bases and would go all wiffle ball style, playing to our hearts content. Getting to the point of the story, home plate was placed near one of those underground sprinklers with a broken guard around it. Needless to say, sliding into home plate created quite a gash in the knee, one that bled for a very long time and one that made a permanent scar that's nice and visible for all to see. Other than that, I'd like to pride myself by saying I've never broken any bones of done anything too harsh to my body that I can recall. I guess I have a tattoo on my right arm and that's technically a scar on my body, but I don't really find it a disfigurment or an abnormality. ;)
You're complaining about $7.00 an hour? Let me tell you a story. A story about my work experience. At the time that this is posted, I'm 18 years old, soon to be 19, and I've had a few different jobs over my tenure of high school and part-time service. My first job ever was a job as an "all-around" worker at Arby's, a fast food restaurant for those not familiar with it. You know what I made? $5.15, or minimum wage as we call it. I worked there for two years of my life, with both heavy lifting, tons and tons of customer interaction, and smelling like absoulte crap when I would get home at night. At the end of that two year period at Arby's, I was making $5.80. That's it. Two whole years of my life, and all the more I got was not even 6 bucks. Then I moved on to Target, a department store for those who might not have one near them (though most people have 3-4 near them ;). When I started there, working on the sales floor as a person who keeps things straight, helps the "guests" out when they need it, and performing different operations when needed. When I started, I made $6.75. Hell, I was estactic to make that much cash since it was almost a dollar more than what I made back at Arby's. Now I'm in college and I don't have a job at the moment (yeah, a little lazy but I do work when I return home on break and make my cash there) and I can tell you I only made more that $7 an hour for about 3 months of my working life so far. Anyways, be happy that you make $7.00 an hour when you're just 15 years old, that's a hell of a wage (at least it is here) and I'm sure the amount of work you do isn't as hard as you think it is. By the time you've worked there a month of two, that work will be absolute cake for you and you'll be making an easy 7 an hour without much effort. And hey, at least you can say you're working. I'm glad you're not one of those kids who never ever has a job throughout high school and college because mommy and daddy take care of it. That's just pathetic, in my view, and doesn't adequately prepare you for life down the road. Just my 2 cents, as it would be.
I think I'd be Howard Stern. That's right, Howard Stern. He's not too sexy or over the top (though sometimes he is) and he's pretty much just a regular guy. Except for his crowning feat. This man is the object of so many beautiful women's eye that it's frickin insane. For some reason, the ladies all flock to him even though he's no better than the next man on the street and I find that to be insanely awesome. Being able to go around and be like "I'm Howard Stern, you are now in love with me." would be a great thing to be able to do.
I think ole' Ashton Kutcher did a great job acting in the Butterfly Effect. To me, it really seemed that he knew what he was doing and is quite capable of being a serious actor just as much as a goofy, comedic one. Comedy, though, will probably always be his main bag seeing as it's where he's most comfortable working. Sure, he can put out a nice drama or thriller once in a while, but just being weird and funny comes naturally to the man. Gotta give him props for proving a lot of people wrong. Guess everyone got Punk'd, huh? (Yes, I'm stupid, thanks for noticing)
Oh yes indeedy, this ought to be quite a fest of interesting. May 20, 1985. Mark that down. A day that has lived in infamy for over 18.5 years and going strong! And by the way, is that you way up there Mr. Kevin Mac?