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About DarkHuntress89

  • Birthday 05/03/1989

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  • Biography
    You live. You die.
  • Occupation
    I provide much needed insanity.

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  1. I've never really been able to get into Friends but I grew up on Seinfeld. I've always loved that show. It seems like no matter how old it is, it's still funny.
  2. I personally can't stand rap. My mom listens to all that crap....which is kinda strange....but anyways, that was a bunch of bosh, that 50 Cent thing.
  3. I used to really like Linkin Park. I listen to a lot of different stuff now but they used to be my favorite band. They're still really good my taste has just changed. The songs actually had some depth to them. The best part was being able to blare it cuz it didn't have swearing. lol. And why the hell did Chester Bennington shave his head? It was cool when it was a mohawk for awhile but now they all look old. It's quite sad. Mike is still hott. I still love One Step Closer which was very different from all their other songs. I love Papercut and Forgotten. Faint was one of my favorites, too.
  4. I didn't even bother watching the Grammy's this year. Today's music has all gone to hell.
  5. The biggest influence, in my opinion, to horror movies' decline is that they are more accomidated for teens now. It seems its easier for teens these days to watch rated R movies than it was a few years ago. Since then it seems that a large percentage of horror movie goers are teenagers, note the character ages in the movies themselves as well. Teens don't want that much in movies: sex, gore, and special effects. They sadly could care less about the actually story, which sadens me.......(un-needed subject change.) Kids don't read enough anymore.
  6. I just say the House of the Dead and I've been noticing that horror movies are getting or proportionally stupid. The horror flicks of today are usually just rated R because of nudity. The thing that really drove me batty was that my two male friends can sit there and watch these movies and think they are the greatest things because they have over used Matrix moves and naked women. I would just like to see a good slasher movie with some good effects and no tits. Other dissapointment that I'll rant about while I'm here is movies like Underworld and the Legue of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It's really starting to depress me to see what looks like a really great movie advertise and then waste $8 to see vampires and werewolves SHOOT at each other. These are sad times that we are living in. ~This has been another rant by DarkHuntress89, thank you for tolerating.
  7. I love those commercials but everyone else thinks theyre annoying.
  8. LOL! Wow, that sounds better than any of the commercials in the US.
  9. There were a couple of really good ones this year but is it just me or are the commercials not as good as they used to be? I don't really follow sports so I usually watch the Superbowl just for the commercials but they just aren't that funny anymore.....or maybe I just turned into a fun killer over the last few years. lol.
  10. I love this album! ......That's all I have to say for now.
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