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Request Argentosoma banner/avi please (Pic Included)
Veritas replied to Veritas's topic in Creative Works
[color=darkred]Thanks alot Doc, I like them very much I am going to use them for now though i would still like to see some more attemps everyone. [/color] [color=darkred][/color] [color=darkred]Thanks again Doc,[/color] [color=darkred][/color] [color=darkred]shadow[/color] -
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]The rapid opening and closing of drawers breached the forest around the forge. Fayt was checking over everything to make sure he had everything needed for his voyage. If all went good and he was chosen he would be gone for a long time, although if he wasn't he would probably be back tomorrow. "Blankets, cloak, jerky, leggings, dried berries......" he tought to himself scanning though his travel bag. Satisfied he slung the bag around his shoulder and walked to the corner of his room. The corner was occupied by his weapon Caspar wrapped in cloth with leather bindings and shoulder strap. Grabbing it he took one last look at all he had known the majority of his life, he would be leaving and he might not return to this place of comfort for him. Clearing his mind he slowly walked out the door, continuing down the stairs. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]He would be traveling to the beautiful White City, a sight he was accustomed to being on the edge of a forest next to the city. At night it was almost like having a second moon the way it defied darkness. Though pleasure was not the reason for this trip, he was going to try to do something a hero should have been doing, not a Blacksmiths Apprentice, he was going to try to be one of a few people to be selected to explore a ancient tomb, untouched by time itself. The Minbar army in most cases would have kept it within the army, but the need for those men on the frontline has taken priority. His thoughts we interuppeted abruply as he walked through the door to the forge.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Heya Fayt, 're we ready ta go? Are yeh sure bout this too?" Melchior blurted out with a heavy brow and concerned eyes.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Fayt paused briefly before answering cheerfully "......I think that its what needs to be done, and who knows I might be back tomorrow, I'm sure there's many skilled mercenaries going for this opportunity"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Melchior let off a hoarse chuckly before going silent for a moment "Fayt, yer a skilled blacksmith, but tha things yeh lack are, experience 'n' wisdom. Both of these will come with time, as well as travel. Yeh have practiced with many a weapons under my instuction, but never agaisnt another or in a skirmish. I think these things are important in smithin weapons, you must truely understan a weapon to forge it to the limit of yer skill. Also, experience in the world will grant ya many a things, wisdom an experience alike. Yer like a son ta me, an your the heir ta me trade, so know I don't ask yeh of this lightly" The burly man choked out.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Fayt concealing his own tears replied "I am going because I may be needed to protect, and I promised you that"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Aye....well take these, I wish I could have done full armor for yeh, but it's to short notice." Melchior stated tossing a bundle at his apprentice. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Fayt unwrapped the cloth revealing a set of gauntlets with bracers, a shoulder guard for his left shoulder, a pair of amored boots, as well as two long dueling daggers. Fayt put them on slowly marveling the craftmanship of his master.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Thank you" Fayt croaked chocking back tears as he placed the daggers in his belt.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Yeh, better get goin though, before it gets dark on yeh" His uncle said rushing Fayt out the door handing him his things " As soon as you get in the city head to the castle to check in."[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]They embraced once and Fayt turned and ran toward the city, words not wanting to leave his thoughts. The path was crowded with many people of a mindblowing variety, which only increased as he approached the luminous city. Making his way through the gate he weaved in and out of people, some dressed in strange foriegn garbs while others wielded odd looking weapons, though Fayts was out of the ordinary too. Fayt had been here acouple of times so he found his was quite easily despite the amount of people. The poeple where friends as usual especially the shopkeepers, to think the amount of business they must be getting. "Come to think about it, the forge has been rather busy also" Fayt noted as he approached the checkpoint.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"What be yer name?" [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Fayt Argentum" Fayt said uneasily at the mans piercing gaze.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Ok lad, Hold on an I'll get someone to show yeh to yer quarters"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]A man approached and beconed Fayt to follow, and after a few twists and turns he stood outside a thick oak door. The guide opened it and left after making sure everything was in order. Throwing his packs down on the floor, Fayt made his way to the bed. Anticipation shook him as he undressed and retreated under the covers. Slowly sleep found him as he drifted off into an uneasy dream, unaware of what would come in the future.[/color][/font]
HI, I was wondering if someone could make me a Argentosoma banner and avi. I was looking through a anime website and stumbled across this picture, after looking at closer I think it would be a pretty good banner and avi. I'd like there to be text with it but I have no idea what but something insightful. Thanks alot I look foward to seeing some people give this a go.
Most of what of what I would suggest has been named such as Last Exile, Raxhepon, Geneshaft, Soul Taker, Argentosoma, Outlaw Star, neon genesis evangelion. Though one that hasn't been said that I think you might like is DNAngel, and also if you want a anime movie I would highly recommend any of miyazaki's works, Princess Mononoake, Casle in the Sky, and Spirited Away. One more that you might or might not like is Beserk, I liked this anime very much. It is rather gory and some people don't like the animation, I liked it as well as the story. There is one more along the lines of Love Hina that I am trying to think, ah its Girls Bravo, I have not personally seen this but I might be worth looking into. :animeswea
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Fayt Argentum[/size] [size=1][b]Age:[/b] 21[/size] [size=1][b]Sex:[/b] Male[/size] [size=1][b]Trade:[/b] Blacksmiths apprentice[/size] [size=1][b]Appearance:[/b] see attachment 1, though he had two long daggers at his hips. Attachment 2 is his weapon but his is made from steel, Fayt named it Caspar.[/size] [size=1][b]Personality:[/b] One of the things people notice the most about Fayt is his unyeilding determination, if he wants to do it he will get it done especially when someone tells him he can't. Because of this many take him as being stern, but the warm smile he gives will clear anyone of those thoughts. He doesn't talk all to much unless he has a valid point of something needs to be said, he is content with listening. He is a very strait forward person and like to just get to the point. He does have a very strong sense of humor though with a contagious laugh.[/size] [size=1][b]Still Life: [/b]Beams of sunlight slowly invaded into the darkness of Fayt's room. A Mockingbird in the back round seem to sing along encouraging the sunlight to press on illuminating the darkness. The room was small, more like a glorified closet than a room, but it was his home and had been for years sixteen years of his life. The walls were bare reaviling the nude color of the wood, and his only only furnature was a desk cluttered with different blacksmithing books and a small dresser. On the top of the dresser sat Fayt's belongings, a ring owned by his father, some oddly shaped stones, some metal ore, and the first sword Fayt ever forged. The flat of the blade brandished many indents, the tip came to a short halt and the balance could be compaired to a farm tool. [/size] [size=1]As Fayt slowly withdrew the covers of a thick wool blanket and sat up, his bare feet resting on the cool, smooth wood. The room was illuminated with light as the darkness fled to the comfort of the shadows. Standing up arched his back, lifted his arms up and stretched before walking over to his dresser and pulling his usual clothes on. Walking over to one of the bare corners of his room he picked up a long bundle wrapped in cloth, with a leather shoulder strap. Throwing the strap over his head he left the room and made his way downstairs. As he walked into the kitchen he was greated by his uncle, and more importantly master.[/size] [size=1]"Mornin' Fayt, did yeh sleep alright?" Melchior gorged out behind a piece of bread, slathered with honey.[/size] [size=1]Fayt laughed even though he had seen this sight time and time again "I slept decent"[/size] [size=1]"What yeh laughin at" Melchior growled though it only made his student laugh harder. [/size][size=1]"Yeh off ta get a bit o' practice with that uhhh, thingamajig of yers" [/size] [size=1]"Yup" Fayt said softly stepping out the door into the refreshing morning breeze, thinking about the past.[/size] [size=1][i]He had been practicing with weapons since he first moved in with Melchior. It was he who had suggested it, one to make Fayt stronger, two to improve his understanding of weapons and three to instill discipline. Fayt had started off with daggers and short staffs, moving his way from weapon to weapon, till he became comfortable with spears and pole-axes. Though neither of which was perfect to him, so he began to think of the aspects he liked and didn'l like. He liked the styles with a spear though at was a mainly a thrusting weapon at a distance, a pole-ax was very damaging but heavy and unwieldy. After a week of frustration about failed ideas a possibility hit him. He would take the size of a short spear and add two blades onto each end. The blades would be large but still smaller than a pole-ax. The weapon was balanced, damaging and better for melee combat than a spear of pole- ax. [/i][/size] [size=1][i]He introduced the idea to Melchior who at first laughed, but Fayt kept on asking and finally his master agreed, hoping it would teach him to stick to traditional weapons. Fayt worked at the forge for two months trying to perfect the weapon. Melchior would watch and shake his head or place a comment "Yer wastin yer time with that idea of yers". This only made Fayt strive harder, and in the end he succeded. As he held his work in his hand he felt extremely proud although the weapon was far from perfect. It wad alittle heavy as well as slightly unbalanced, but it was his. He found sleep o so easy that night, as if he had not truely slept for the two months while he slaved away.[/i][/size] [size=1][i]Awaking in the morning he felt something weighing down on his lap. Opening his eyes he gazed down at a oblong object wrapped in cloth. two leather straps at the end held the cloth on, while a strap bewteen them served as something to carry it with. Fayt slowly unwrapped the cloth revealing his blade, but it had been improved. The handle had been wrapped in leather, the blade had be polished and sharpened. Standing up and holding it in he had he was shocked to find that the balance was perfect, as well feeling lighter than it should have. "Melchior must have done all this last night, amazing" Fayt thought spinning the blade above his head. Gently setting the blade on his bed he ran out of his room, across the hall and into his teachers room. The burly man was sleeping soundly as Fayt ran up and hugged him. The man awoke to hear a thank you from Fayt. He just rolled over and pulled the blankets tight before grumbling [/i][/size] [i][size=1]"Can't yeh see I'm tryin' ta sleep"[/size][/i] [i][size=1]"Oh ya, sorry" Fayt said realizing he must have been up all night.[/size][/i] [i][size=1]Withdrawing silently from the bed he approached the door before being stopped by Mechior's voice.[/size][/i] [i][size=1]"Promise me somethin Fayt, Its something I made yoer father promise me, when I gave him his firs' blade. Never use that thingamajig o yers unless your life is threatened, ter protec someone who is unable ter protec themself, or ter fend of evil. I won't have any of me weapons used fer misconcieved idea, yeh understand?" Mechior said solemnly rolling over to look at Fayt.[/size][/i] [i][size=1]Fayt stood there shocked, this is the move he has ever asked of me, what should I say? What could I say? "Yes" Fayt choked out as if he just barely learned how to speak[/size][/i] [i][size=1]Satisfied Melchior rolled back over and began to return to his sleep. Fayt stood the frozen till he was sure there was not another question he turned and began to walk out the door.[/size][/i] [i][size=1]"Yer Father, he would be proud of yeh" Mechior stated before returning to the silence of his sleep.[/size][/i] [i][size=1]Fayt returned slowly to he room and studied the blade that had just been given to him, and the promise he made to recieve it.[/size][/i] [size=1]He now walked with that same weapon five years later. [/size] [size=1]OCC: I hope this ok[/size][/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]I hope this is ok Fallen im kinda going outside the box, feel free to kick me back in though.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]Also if you want me to i am willing to change my character to a human, i noticed their is a lack of them and if you want more just let me know.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Fayt [b]Nickname:[/b] Crimson Shadow, Fallen Immortal[/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][size=1][b]Race[/b]: Vampire [b]Age:[/b] 913[/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][size=1][b]Gender:[/b] Male Powers: Ex-Member of the Fire Clan. He is able to draw fire out of humans and vampires essence. The power isnt fatal to the target though it weakens it. The flame can also be used as an offensive weapon. Among other things he can imbue the flame into weapons, items and people strengthening them, or burning them from the inside out, though a person with enough will could resist it. [b]Weapons:[/b] One thing that seperates Fayt from all other vampires besides being clanless, is he uses guns if needed. He prefers his melee weapons, his longsword Caladbolg in his right hand, and a long dagger in his left by the name of Ragnarok. Also the has throwing knifes on his belt.[/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]It was once said by one of his opponents that survived that trying to strike Fayt was like trying to hit fire or a shadow, a Crimson Shadow. This is due to Fayt unnatural Agility even for a vampire. Plus the added confusion from his cape makes him a hard target.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][size=1][b]Personality:[/b] Fayt has a sort of likeness to Kraven in many aspects such as thier determination, and brutality in battle. They both will do anything to achieve thier goals, though in one aspect Fayt diverges from this in his willingness to use guns as a weapon to achieve his goals. Most vampires cringe from the thought of using a tool of thier food, thier livestock. Therefore Fayt has been cursed by his own kind, calling him an abomination to thier kind. Though all Fayt sees is the need to survive in a world crashing down on itself.[/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]Besides his determination, and willing to do anything to win Fayt is very thoughtful. ALmost constanly by himself has left him with little else to do. He is very logical in all he does and sees things that way. He carries himself with good posture, taking much pride in himself. One hing he believes in above all else is respect, this is the reason he left the clans he began to see a uprising in disrespectful behavior.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][size=1][b]Appearance:[/b] see attachments, his battle attire is shown in the picture, if ever attending a meeting or anything formal he wears a black pinstripe suit, with a black shirt with silver lapels and a black tie, also he puts his hair in a ponytail. When in this attire he carries two silenced black Berretta 45s and a pair of kukris (i'm looking for a pic of them). [b]Character Snippet:[/b] The moon was ablaze with white fire overhead as Fayt walked the deserted city streat. Every here and there he would see a couple walking, where he often found one of the people glaring coldly at him. Now and then a muffled scream or cry for help would pierce the night. The light footsteps of his dress shoes rang down the street. Stopping to look up at the full moon a thought ran across his mind "Things have changed so much........for better or worse, is what I can't tell. [/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]At that thought he heard faint scuffling in an ally to his side. Turning quickly he resumed his brisk pace entering the alley. Carefully weaving in and out of the mess, sidestepping crates, stepping over garbage, never loosing pase though like Fayt was floating rather than walking. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]Apon reaching the source of the noise he identified 3 young vampires. The all worered, though they vaired in size, the first was rather tall, and had a very obese build, the next tallest was about half a foot shorter and about half the body width of the first being every slender. Lastly the shortest who had a lean muscular bodybuild. They surrounded a young beautiful brunette woman, with eyes wide in distress. Her mouth was covered by the first vampire, here clothes were dirty from the grungy alley and they other vampire were struggling to get he shirt off. Apon hearing a a footstep the short vampire tured to face Fayt.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]"You lost or somethin? Or you just looking to die!" He snorted glaring hatefully at Fayt.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]"No respect anymore these days" Muttered Fayt under his breath.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]Before the short vampire could respond Fayt pulled the fire of his essence out of his body leaving the vampire struggling on his knees for strenght. He shot the flame into the skinny vampire just getting to his feet. As it entered his body he stopped and padded around his chest looking for fire. After finding none he looked up and laughed. The laugh was soon mixed with a scream as he began to burn from the inside out. The fat vampire was now barreling down the alley at Fayt, crushing the crates between them. With blazing speed a gun found its way into Fayts hand, the sound of two fired rounds was soon accompanied by a thump as the body fell the floor, two gaping holes, one in the head, the other the heart. The short vampire was now standing his eyes flaming.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]"You, how could you do this to your own clan?" he yelled bitterly as he began to charge his hand alit with flames.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]He desperately threw his flaming punch at Fayt, who simply spun while drawing a kukri and bringing it down on the back of the vampires neck. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]"You were my clan" Fayt said as the two thuds filled the alley.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]Suveying himself for blood stains he found none till he looks down at his shoes. The left shoe had recieved a large blood splatter from the fight. "Damn" He thought walking over to the woman who was now curled up into a tight ball shaking. Crouching down he stroked her on the side. Looking up at he she entralled him in a tight hug. He could feel, even hear the heavy beating of her heart, the sight of the veins rippling her skin awakened his lust. He quickly opened wide and began to drain the womans life away, slowing the beat of her heard till it came to a stop. Gently setting her on the ground he stood up and took a hankercheif from his pocket and wiped his mouth.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkred]"This gift,.....this curse" he whispered as he dropped the hankerchief to the ground.[/color][/size][/font] [size=1][color=#8b0000][/color][/size] [size=1][color=#8b0000]OCC: I hope this is ok, fallen if not let me know and i will edit it[/color][/size]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]its been awhile since ive been on here let alone joined an rp so here goes nothing.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Name: Zaion Osiris Age: 19 Gender: Male [/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Race: Half-Darcen (A race of humanoids that live on the planet Kauld, but it is commonly know as shadow because of the planets little sunlight, and constantly cloudy atmosphere. The inhabatants are of dark skin shades some grey to black even browns(Zaion being half looks like a human but is able to shade his skin for short times), they have excellent vision in the dark. The gravity is alittle more on Shadow making its inhabitants slightly stronger but the most noticable is increasing thier speed and agility.) [/color] [/font][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Appearance: [/color][/font][url="http://www.otakuboards.com/attachmentid=19379"][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Like this, but he wears a black leather jacket with a black shirt underneath, also a black tank top under that. He has loose dark blue denim jeans with a whitish fade. Also around his neck he wears a chain with an ank, cross and crown on it. [/color] [/font][/url][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Personality:At first sight Zaion looks like a cocky, and overconfident but most of all liek the knows where he is going. Though on the inside he is very indesicive, and thoughtful person. He is somewhat cold and withdrawn whick to adds to people assuming he is a jerk. Though indecisive he is a very logical person but when fighting he cares nothing for his own safety which is why he is alive thus far. [/color] [/font][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Bio: Zaion was home schooled ever since a child at his dads wishes. Though one of the true reasons where to help cover the abuse Zaion sustained under him. Though his mother new she did nothing to stop in, afraid to steer the wraith towards her. this continued till Zaion was 10 when he was being beat he grabbed a letter opener on his fathers desk and stabbed him through the heart. Finally free from his oppresser he fled at once. Learning to live alone for him was a whole new experience for him, like learning how to walk again, better yet breath all over again. During this strife is when he learned how to fight, nothing formal but how to survive. Which surving he did from his determination and willingness to sacrifice everything to better himself. Now 16 he returned home to his mother, now changed and unafraid to show affection, he began home schooling again. Now 19 he was walking through town one day and was approached by a man in a black cloak, a blade dancer though little did he know it.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I hope that its ok[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic]Rett layed one his bed looking out his window at the large glowing full moon. Slow sitting up, getting off his bed he walked twoards his window. Slowly sliding the window up he let the cool night air rush into his room.[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]"Theres never anything to do this late" He said gazing at the moon once more.[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]"Might as well get on to the world, ain't got nothing better to do" He said walking over to the computing in the corner of his room.[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]The black screen became a dim display of colors and words as he logged on to the world.[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]Username: Lunatic13[/font] [font=Century Gothic]Character: Shadow[/font] [font=Century Gothic]Password: *******[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]Rett found himself immersed in the world as his character shadow. He walked along the streets out of memory. [/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]"I wonder if Team H has been started yet, they probably have alot of applicants because of how popular Crucifix is" Shadow thought passing a rather burly heavy axeman.[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]"Maybe I'll swing by her shop see what happening with Team" Shadow said turning towards Crucifix's shop.[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]As he walked closer to her shop a small crowd became more and more visable. Joining the crowd Shadow managed to find away to get past most of the people finding a well shadowed corner to sit in. Shadow stared up at Crucifix before setting his sword infront of him keeping both hands on the butt of the handle.[/font]
[font=Century Gothic]Yunsung, this is just a friendly observation I had and I thought Id let you know.[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]A twin blade uses katar type weapons one in each hand. So technically if you wanted a two-handed sword you would have to be a blademaster or heavyblade.[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]It isnt my rpg though so its up to Crucifix but I thought I'd let you know.[/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Kyoske stared at Mijiko with eyes full of hate and disgust that she would actually have the nerve to come up and speak to him. Remembering the mission he quickly whiped the expression from his eyes returning to his normal empty appearance.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"....Sure,....thanks" Kyoske said taking the egg roll.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Your welcome. So how do you like the school so far?" Mijiko asked with a warm smile.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"It's allright I guess" Kyoske answered looking long into the horizon.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Oh, well I'm sure it will take some time to get used to" She said glancing at Kyoske.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"You seem like a nice guy, everyone is spreading rumours like crazy about you and that Max kid" Mijiko said takinf a bite of her egg roll.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"It makes me mad" she added after swallowing as the bell rang.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Well you should get to class, maybe we will have another class together" Mijiko said getting up and walking towards the door. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Kyoske stood up slowly, egg roll still in hand and began to walk.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"She doesn't seem that bad, but she is still a human" Kyoske thought dropping the eggroll on the word human.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]He got to swordfighting just in time to see Max attack the human Yunsung. Yungsung managed to block the attack with his massive sword.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Very impressive Max is a great swordsman alittle reckless and sometimes overconfidant and sloppy when he lets his emotions interfere, he is still one of the best and to block his attack you must have some skill." Kyoske thought.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]As the two squared off a girl with a bow jumped in and held the string to Max's throat. "Pathetic, he is toying with them they don't even realize that they would be dead if we weren't supposed to be undercover" Kyoske thought watching max walk away.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]The girl began talking to another girl and sworn Yunsung joined them. Yungsung and the girl with the bow began walking off while the other ran back to a boy.....Koji. "Well thats interesting, I wonder" Kyoske said under his breather walking over to where max stood.[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Kyoske walked down the crowded halls unnoticed by most. It was an ability he has had for awhile being able to slip in and out of places without being noticed or being able to blend in with crowds. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]As he cam to the lunch room the noise of the humans was overwhelming. He could barely hear himself think. Though he would have to bear with it. As he walked through the ocean of students he over heard alot of them talking about the new kids, spreading all sorts of rumours."If only they new the truth they'd wish those rumours were true" Kyoske thought. As he walked he spotted Maia, Aida and Koji sitting at a table.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"I think we need to tone it dow abit, the humans are getting suspicious" Kyoske said sitting down across from Maia.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"I could have told you tha-" Koji started but a wave of Maia's hand shut him up.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"As far as they know were filthy ordinary humans, we just have an additude problem" Maia said looking at Kyoske with a piercing gaze.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"I agree with Maia" Aida said shifting his wieght abit.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Very well, suit yourselves" Kyoske said standing up and heading for the nearest exit. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Finding a bench outside he said down ap pulled a folded pice of paper out of his pocket. "Lets see if I have any classes that are interesting" He thought scanning over the paper. His eyes scanned through the words quickly. "P.E. might be interesting to see the capabilities of a human" He though still reading each class. "Wait, here is something swordfighting, that will be most interesting"[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Name: [/b]Rett Plyght[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Age:[/b] 17[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Appearance:[/b] See first attachment minus the guns though[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black]Personality: Rett is is easy going, talkative and friendly. He can get hyper really easy and ends up doing stupid stuff. He loves the night and is a border line imsomniac. He doesnt get mad easy but when he does he tends to stay mad for a bit. He is very proctective of his friends and has thier back no matter what.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Country:[/b] Ireland[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Bio:[/b] Rett has been playing the world for 3 years whos character is very strong although not many players have heard of him. He is constantly exploring the never ending dungeons of the world to level up and to find item. He normally has alot of odd and rare items that you wouldnt find in a shop.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black]In real life Rett is starting reciever on the football team. He does ok in shcool and is planning on going to college. He goes and causes trouble with his friends alot especially at night.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black]When he heard about the trouble in the world he was going to start a team to help but someone beat him to it. So he decided to join thiers instead of starting his own.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][/color][/font] [b][font=Century Gothic][color=black][/color][/font][/b] [b][font=Century Gothic][color=black]World character[/color][/font][/b] [b][font=Century Gothic][color=black][/color][/font][/b] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Username:[/b] Shadow[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Age:[/b] 17[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Appearance:[/b] See second attachment[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black]Weapon: Sword in pic[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=black][b]Type:[/b] Heavy Blade[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Kyoske could hear the laughter of the class from the hall. His stomach wrenched as the noise got louder. "Pathetic" he muttered under his breath walking through the door.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Another new student I presume" a man who appeared to be the teacher asked.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Kyoske just looked at the teacher before turning his head and glancing at Maia. He walked up to the teacher and handed him a note which he immediatly began to read.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Well Mr. Hiwitara, I am Mr. Tamagotchi. Why dont you introduce yourself to the class"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"......I am Kyoske Hiwitara" He said after a brief silence.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Ok why dont you take a seat in the front there" Mr. Tamagotchi said pointing to a vacant desk in the front corner.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Kyoske began walking toward the seat only to walk past it and head for the back of the room. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Uhh Mr. Hiwitara, I said the front." Mr. Tamagotchi said walking over to the empty desk in the front.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Kyoske turned and shot the teacher a sharp cold glare before turning. As he began to walk again a girl with black hair gave him a timid smile. He stared at her blankly as he passed not returning the smile. She turned her head away and made a sort of hmph noise. Finally Kyoske selected a desk in the back of ther room.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Well since your seem to have no desire to listen to me and it is your first day I will allow you to sit ther, Allthough any problems and your in the front." Mr. Tamagotchi said annoyed and flustered before turning back towards his desk.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]OOC: Just to let every one know the black haired girl was Hoshi. I hope you dont mind Crucifix.[/b][/color][/font]
[left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Name: Kyoske Hiwitara[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Age: 17[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Gender: Male[/color] [/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Side: Dark Seraphim[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Description: Human- See 1st Attachment[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=#8b0000]Angel- See 2cd Attachment[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Bio: Kyoske Can normally be found in the back being some what of a loner. He has the strange ability to enter and exit places unnoticed as if he appeared there. He generally has an empty, mysterious appearance about him and is quiet even though he has a sharp tounge. The only people he will actually initiate a conversation with is Maia and sometimes Max. He is loyal to Maia and will do most things with no questions asked though if he has a problem he will let you know. He Acts the same way at school only answering a question if called on. Keeping to himself though if provoked his tounge becomes sharp sometimes resulting in a fight. He has a cold, calculating personality.[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=#8b0000][/color][/font] [/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=#8b0000]I hope this is ok if not let me know and I will edit it.[/color][/font][/left]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Okay thank you all for your submissions. I am going to use animesoul's banner and avi for now though I will most likely switch to Kyokokeiji's set in a while. Turdle your set isnt really what I was looking for sorry, thanks for trying though I appreaciate it.[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]True Athletes are the ones that love whatever sport they play that they enjoy conditioning themselves to make them stronger and better even though it will be hard because they know it will be worth it. I think people that load up on steroids are just looking for a cheep way out. [/color][/font]
[quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Oh, and whoever said porn would become useless is way off base. Just ask my former roommate whose girlfriend appeared to fulfill all of his sexual needs, but yet he had the greatest porn archive I'd ever laid my eyes on (cd booklets upon cd booklets, lol).[/quote][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Im not talking about being sexuallly satisfied I'm talking about if you were around naked people all the time it wouldn't be that special. So I think porn would pretty much be useless for most people. Though I'm sure there still would be many that would, though I believe it is more out of addiction or habit.[/color][/font]
[quote name='Ben']What I'm getting at is, if a man was to go walking around in an environment filled with something that he views as sex objects, his sex drive could be exponentially hyped up. The number and frequency of the events I've listed could go up. Is that something we want to happen?[/quote] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]I disagree because I think people would get used to the sight of breasts and they wouldnt be viewed as a sexual object anymore or at least not so much. So maybe then people would start to relate a nude body to beauty more than sex.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]I[/color][/font][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred] personally think nudity would also pretty much make porn useless (unless all you saw were ugly girls) because you would be around it so much it wouldn't be that much of a big deal anymore. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]I think part of the reason guys like breasts and nudity so much is because they are forbidden in most cultures and they are always covered. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Thats just my opinion though and if it came down to it I like clothes cause there is something you dont want to see plus I like clothes most of the time.[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Hmmm, this is a pretty hard choice because my two favorite bands arent taken Thursday and A Static Lullaby.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]While more people have heard of Thurday I think Im gonna go with [b]A Static Lullaby[/b] because Im more familliar with thier songs and I like them alittle more.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]I could go with someone more mainstream but I kinda like being the odd one out.[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Im from Orem, Utah in the U.S.A. which is about 30 mins away from Salt Lake City (Where Winter Olympics were held). Currently Im training for football, playing baseball and taking drivers ed (I turn 16 in october). Im going to be a shophomore in highschool when school starts again. I want to get a job but I'm having a hard time finding one let aone getting transportation there (mom works and dad doesnt live with us). Thats pretty much what I do plus chill with my friends, cause trouble, draw, play video games and snowboard in season. I'm half black , half white as far as race goes and I tend to vary to the extremes as far as personality goes. Thats pretty much me.[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]OOC: Sorry I havent posted in a while, for some reason it allways happens in your RP's Takuya, sorry :sweat:[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]IC:[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Tir held his sword at ready as the new group of soldiers attacked. The quick whip work of Vaxla made the first two kills as Jaht took two on at once. Tir occupied himself with with blocking an attack from a soldier weilding a large spiked mace. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]As they stood weapons interlocked the man managed to place a sweeping kick knocking Tir to the floor. Quickly rolling to the right he dodged an attack on the groud where he once lay. Continueing to roll to dodge attacks he rolled under a table and sprung back to his feet on the other side. Tir jump and the table as the soldier charged at him. Tir gracefully flipped over the enemy as his attack his the table. As the man turned to stike again Tir's blade struck deep into the mans face.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Turning his attention to Vaxla he saw her pre-occupied with 2 soldier in front of her as one tried to to sneak around an attack her back. Tir switched his grip on his sword and then threw the sword is if it were a spear. The sword sailed through the air before piercing the enemy and pinning him against the wall. Quickly following his sword Tir ran and removed it from the body and stood back to back with Vaxla. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][You look like you need someone to cover your back] Tir said readying his sword.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Thanks" Vaxla said letting her whip strike down another enemy.[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Dark layed surrouded by complete darkness. He looked down to check on Niji when he realized she was gone. He bolted upright a tried yelling her name but no words escaped his mouth. He began to fly but no matter how high he flew he was surrounded by darkness. Finally he shot ice shards in every direction be for returning o the dark gound. "What is this place?" He though falling to his knees, "Am I dead?".[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"HEY! DARK" Yelled Niji's voice as he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]The darkness began to spin and soon he was engulfed in a white light. Dark sat up fast suprising the female demon about to strike him again. Standing up he brushhed himself off feeling with some effort feeling the aches and pains of the fall.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Thats some thanks" Dark shot with a grin.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Its not my fault you dont wake up" Niji said returning the grin.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Anyways are you alright?" Dark asked tracing the fall.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Yeah, are you?" Niji asked following Dark's eyes.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"I will be" Dark answered flapping his wings a bit before turning to to Niji "I need to stop looking out for you, its gonna kill me one day" Dark added with a laugh.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Thats good we need everthing if we are going to beat the angels and I never asked for your help" She said looking at the ground.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Well what do you want to do we can camp here or keep moving?" Dark asked looking up at the sky.[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Thanks Turdle, I like it alot though Id like to see some other attemps before I start using one. Thanks again, shadowofdeath13[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Okay, all of you are in except sesshomaru 3. Ty, you need to do your bio, work alittle more on your personality and then try to make your sign up alittle more clear. So the spot for hate is still open, though if no one signs up for it you can have it Ty.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]My sign up[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Name:[/b] Fayt Lunier[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Age:[/b] 18[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Glyph:[/b] Loneliness[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Glyph Appearance:[/b] A blood red arcane looking O with a arcane looking V under it[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Glyph App. Location:[/b] Below left eye[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Personality:[/b] A true loner, Fayt is always by himself. He hates the commotion and noise of people. He is very proctective of himself and lets few people close to him. He hates most people because they annoy him and he slightly hates himself. The biggest reason he distances himself from people because he doesnt want to get hurt but even more he doesnt want to hurt anyone. He has a hard time espressing his feelings other than depression and anger.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Bio: Fayt's mother died during labor and they barely saved him. From there he grew up with his father who was allways gone and when he was home he wasnt really there. He normally ended up wandering the streets late at night, this is how he met Jenn. She lived next to him and was out side of her house crying. He felt drawn to her for some reason. As they grew up together Jenn was the only person he could talk to. Jenn's dad was abusive and one night he hit her down some stairs causing her to slip into a come. Fayt became out raged and totally shut down. He ended up jumping Jenn's dad and nearly killing him. He was arrested and in jail a man approached him saying he could get him out of jail they just needed him to help them test a new drug. Though he refused to speak with the man the only person he would talk to was Jenn. He soon realized he was going nomatter what did or didnt come out of his mouth when he felt the shot enter his skin and everything fading away.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Weapons:[/b] Sword in pic and a handgun that shoots ice elemental bullets.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Majik/Special Attacks: Doomsday Slash-[/b] A powerful all or nothing down wards slash, though the user is vulneralble while using.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Frozen Heart Lancer-[/b] Shoots a long ice shard at an enemy[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Hollow Soul-[/b] Blind himself with anger and becomes a berserker, feels no pain, attacks everything friend or foe and want stop till something is killed whether its him or the enemy.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Soul Eater-[/b] Plunges sword deep with in a enemy and drains out some of their eneregy restoring heath.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Transformation:[/b] Exile- Gets completally covered by arcane, midnight blue armor. His left eye shines blood red from the darkness of his helm and he gets Dark Wings of Light.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Transformation Weapon:[/b] A giant sword (to rival Cloud's lol)[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Nightmare Attack:[/b] One Man Army- A series of attacks both majik and physical.[/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Okay this is my first attempt at an rpg even though I've been here for awhile. I hope everyone likes it.[/color][/font] [center][b][u][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Story[/color][/font][/u][/b][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Glyphs an achient majik that was lost long ago. They were a powerful, more permanent majik with many different glyphs, some powerful and some not. Most would only use alittle energy from the user while in use and work on most everyone but it was discovered that you could attach a glyph to the heart and soul empowering it further. Although this only worked properly on a select few people for the glyph had to represent the heart and it takes time to be accepted by the person although it varies. The dark glyphs were these, glyphs that attached themselves to the owners soul and heart. They used the darkest feelings of a persons heart to make him more powerful but, like all glyphs only properly worked on a select few people. It was said if a glyph was used on a person thats heart did represent it that it would begin to purge the heart and soul of all things exept itself. In most cases the subject ended up destroying itself, that is why they were banned. Though time has passed since then and most people forgot about the glyphs and even more about the warnings." A man muttered under his breath reading from an anchient pice of parchment.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Jaril, have you found the subjects?" Said a man in black stepping through the door and motioning his hand towards him.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"I have Sirian, sir" Jaril said standing up quick and walking towards the door.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Very good, what about the glyphs? Have they been attached yet?" Sirian asked as the waled down the hall.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Yes they have bu-"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Excellent, with them no one can stand up to us"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"But as predicted they have fallen into a deep sleep"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Well get them up and I don't care how"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"We have tried everything that is non-lethal or damaging but we still have nothing, we believe that the sleep is related to recieving the glyph"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"I see... monitor them and when their status changes let me know"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]"Yes sir"[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]100 years has passed since that day, their project was abandoned and forgotten. Sirian has taken over most the world by attaching the darkness glyph to himself. Since then he has dubbed himself as the dark lord. They were supposed to take over the world for him now they are going to save it from him.[/color][/font] [center][b][u][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Sign up sheet[/color][/font][/u][/b][/center] [center][u][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Rules[/color][/font][/u][/center] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]1. No godmodding[/color][/font][/center] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]2. I decide if your in or not[/color][/font][/center] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]3. Make your sign ups decent[/color][/font][/center] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]4. Last but not least have fun[/color][/font][/center] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Name[/b]: (should be obvious)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Age[/b]: (16-20 please if youd like to be older pm me with your reason and I will decide from there)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Gender:[/b] (Male or female)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Appearance:[/b] (Pics or good detailed descriptions)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Glyph[/b]: (Loneliness, chaos, hate, despair, malice, lies, greed, pride, death and sadness) [/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Glyph Appearance:[/b] (A tatoo people recieve when they join with a glyph. Pic or description, Id like them to be somewhat arcane in appearance)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Glyph Appearance Location:[/b] (Where the physical marking of the glyph is located)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Personality:[/b] (Should reflect the glyph they have although people can hide thier true personalities)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Bio:[/b] (Short life history before they were kidnapped should have somestuff to do with the feeling of thier glyph)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Weapon:[/b] (Max x3)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Majik/Special Attack:[/b] (4 slots you can choose to be strait majik, strait special attack or a mix)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Transformation:[/b] (Occurs when life is threatened or experencing extreme feelings especially if it ties into your glyph. Transformation doenst happen alot but when transformed you abilities increase as do attacks although it is very strenuous to maintain and will normally dissapear after using a Nightmare attack)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Transfromation Weapon:[/b] (One weapon for this one)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][b]Nightmare Attack:[/b] (A special attack that is only usable when transformed very damaging)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Loneliness- me (shadowofdeath13)[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Chaos- Cysword6[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Hate- Open[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Despair- Reserved for Kieko[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Malice- doukeshi03[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Lies- Kittychanann[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Greed- Open[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Pride- Open[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Death- Vilearchangemon[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Sadness- Open[/color][/font][/left] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]I'm looking for dedicated RPers with good spelling, grammar, post length and post consistancy.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]*If the spot you want is taken go ahead and do a sign up I will take the better of the two but if another spot is open please sign up for it unless you bound and determined for the taken spot[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]**Also if all the spots are taken and you want to sign up PM I can add another glyph or if you have a glyph in mind PM me and tell me what it is and I will approve or dissapprove of it[/color][/font] [center][b][u][font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Other Info[/color][/font][/u][/b][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]The world this takes place in is called Tetra, they have technology as well as majik (magic) though most of the technology is powered by majik of some sort. The majority of the majik technology is powered by various majik crystals depending on the function. Majik technology is fairly advanced though you only find it in cities and connecting them. Most small villages use simple technology or majik for things. In cities people get around using telepads and walking. There are guns that shoot majik bullets, but they can be blocked and dodged although it is hard. Aslo as they shoot majik rounds they can be majikally blocked, reflected and absorbed etc. [/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]Also PM me if you have any suggestions or questions, thanks.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=darkred]I will post my character after a few people have posted thiers, enjoy.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=blue]**EDIT** I forgot to mention that you characters glyphs will eventually become their opposite light sides. When that happens I'll let you know what your glyph will change into if you cant figure it out.[/color][/size][/font]