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[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Lucifer wakes up in the schools Infirmiry. He sits up in bed and looks around the room. He runs his hand through his hair and thinks "What happened." He remembers flashes from the dream but it is to fast to comprehend. He sees a cabinent with different medicines and alot of medical posters. He turns and is about to get up when the nurse come comes in. "I see youve finally woken, as youve probably guessed im the school nurse". Lucifer remains silent. The nurse says " Well arent you a quiet one, i will go notify Joe to come her and get you." She leaves the room and shuts the door softly. After 5 minutes Joe opens the door."Are you alright? What happened?". Lucifer calmy answers "im fine". "And I dunno what happened i must of passed out". Joe shrugs and says"ok, well you ready to get out of here?" Lucifer gets up and walks towards the door Joe following behind. They head towards the front of the school. "Hey Joe who was that girl?" "What Girl?" Joe answered. "She was one of the dancers the youngest i think?" replies Lucifer. "Oh thats Sare" Answered Joe with a tone of interest. " Does she go to this school?" Joe looked at him with a grin and said "Why you interested in her?" Lucifer keeping a blank expression replied ''no". "Oh well i dunno if she goes here i just remember seeing a paper with the names and pictures of the dancers" answered Joe.They walked out the doors into the parking lot. Lucifer just stared up at the sky. Joe intterupted the sudden silence by asking " Hey do you need a ride home?" Lucifer stops walking and looks at Joe and replies"no" and motions toward a bullet bike. Joe Looks over and states "I see. Well I'll see you tomorrow" as he walks to his car. Lucifer get on his bike and starts the engine, he revs the engine twice before driving off.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Name: Lucifer Kain Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=4]http://animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=4[/URL] Weapon: Broad sword and fire magic Type: Fire Side: Light Bio: Grew up in the same town as Chi. His father left his mother before he was born.When he was little, kids would pick on him and he would do little about it. That is how he met Chi one day when he was being picked on she came and stood up for him. They have been friends ever since. They spar with each other quite often while he has the advantage in strength and is very fast, Chi is more agile and faster. Most of the time they end up in a stale mate to tired to continue. He is almost a different person in battle he is confident and full of energy. He spends most of the day sitting around looking up at the sky unless there is work to be done. Abilities: Can create and manipulate fire. Fire doesnt burn him or anyone he chooses. Burning armor- Created a armor of fire over his body that melts most weapons or burns whoever touches it. Can make walls with this too Flaming sword- Pretty buch same techneque as above except applied over his sword. Flame orbs- Balls of fire that he hurls at enemies that explode on contact. Personality: He is very calm and quiet outside of battle. Looks like he his in a constant daze or day dream. He normally keeps to himself except when hes with Chi but he still lets her do all the talking to people. He Has a strong sense of justice and will protect someone at any cost even his life. In battle he becomes very confident and energetic like someone has lighted a fire inside him. Sometimes he loses his head in battle and get carried away to the point of going berserk this has happened once. Some people think he is cold hearted because he keeps to him self but it is out of lack of social skills. He is a great listener and very smart for his age.
Name: Delita Olivert Age: 19 Andraen years, 1900 human years Race: Pheonix Andraen Gender: Male Height: 6'6" Weight: 200 lbs Eye Color: Crimson Red with a Yellow ring around iris Hair: Red with Yellow tips Other Things: Looks pretty much like this [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=19]Click here[/URL] Transformations: Berserk level 1: Gets orange wings with yellow tips. Pheonix talons start to grow on hands. Speed increases Berserk level 2: Flames on wings turn a pale blue. Talons get bigger as do wings. Fire engulfs hands. Eyes are still red but look like fire. Speed increses alot power increases slightly Berserk level 3: Eyes turn red with a yellow fire for the iris no pupil is visible. Wings grow and become a Blood Red with Gold tips. Flames cover hands and forearms. Speed is unmeasurable. Equipment: Chaos Flame Edge(rapier) Silber bangle on left arm Dagger of the sun Bio: He was a rebel in his family which happened to be considerably weathly. They had him taught by the best fencing teaching in the land and he was beating the master after a year of lessons. He became bored with just fencing and wated a challenge of a far greater stature. He became a mercinary and ended up enrolled in the army and during an important battle he was taken from the front likes and delivers a message that his father had died and left him his sword and dagger. After returning home to attend the funerals he heard a rumor about Laithen and her return he decided in memory of his father that he would defend his planet from Laithen at all costs.
The sun was rising and someone was on the roof of a building watching. Who am I?What am I? Then he heard a voice comming from the door "Hey Luke." "Thats not my name" the person replied. The voice answered back "I know I know it's lucifer but, do you mind if i call you Luke? "Lucifer is kinda long and well........odd." Lucifer replies" If you want to." "What is your name again" he askes? The kid who is now standing next to luke says " Im Joe, the vice pres. of student council and im supposed to show you around." Lucifer remains silent as the start to head down the stairs. "That's the Lunch room, if you ever need any food or a drink thats the place to go." Joe expains. "So how do you like your new school so far?" Before he could answer Joe frantically grabbed lucifers arm and says "I almost forgot there is a ballet company preforming today!" They start running towards the auditorium Lucifer being draged along by Joe. They get there just in time to see the curtain rise. Lucifer is watching not paying that much atension when he sees a girl, younger than the rest. he starts to think "something about here is familliar but what?" He thinks harder and harder then all of a sudded he is in a different place a castle, there is people. a girl and a boy the boy is reching out for her. There is a lady in black and red motioning towards him. She seems to be talking but he hears nothing. He looks again at the boy and girl and then at you hands. His hands a covered in blood. He turns his back to the lady in black and starts to walk away. just then something pierces his back and lucifer feels an immense pain in his back. There is a flash of light then everything faded to black. Lucifer was out cold.
Name: Lucifer Utaka Age: 24 Profession: Secret Army under Amura Side:Valentine Weapons: Fire and Wind, Energy Sword ( Made out of raw fire and wind element it is very powerful, looks like buster sword in ff7)2 hand guns. Bio: His girlfriend was diagnosed with a deady disease and the money for treatment was out of this world. Valentine came up to hime and told hime if he worked in her army she would put her in a hospital with the best doctors in the world working on her. He allready had lots of skill and Valentine figured with some training from Amura he could become a great weapon and so he did.( extremely fast reflexes like his teacher) Appearance: 6'0" looks like this [URL=http://animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=3]http://animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=3[/URL] His sword straps to his back. Has a tatoo of wings on his back one wing demon one angel.
[FONT=Courier New][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]Name: Khaos Kage Age: 16 Gender: Male Description: A panther demon. About 6'1" average build With long Siver hair with Tan skin. Has Blood red eyes and Slightly pointed cainine teeth. Also has a Tail. Wears a Black ninja outfit with a red sash. Has a silver mask covering his mouth and nose. Has a Bracer on his left forearm. Wears a raged brown tunic over all this. Bio: Grew up in a Ninjitsu dojo and studied there till 14. He did not have much interest in the killing aspect of his trainin although he acceled at it but he wasnt going to let his training go to waste. He started stealing to earn mone most of all but to keep sharp on his skills. Likes to keep to himself most of the time but if he belive he can trust you is very friendly. He has great infiltration skill and is very rarily detected. He likes to show boat for some reason and usually make daring escapes that sometimes take a turn for the worst. Weapons: Carries two kitana's and shurikuns. Companion: a falcon named Darc.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic][B]Name:[/B] Chyme Repaer [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Race:[/B] Half-Elf [B]Class:[/B] Druid [B]Weapon[/B]: Double edged Spear and Long dagger [B]Magic:[/B] Star's wind(heals allies a little and removes status effects) Shattered will(decreases strength and makes them more prone to statuses) Wind Thrust ( a gust of wind knocks enemy off feet, little effect against rock, makes fire enemies grow) Hero's call( raises strength and defence for a short time) Brimstone Inferno( a rain of brimstone hails apon the enemy no effect on water) [B]Appearance:[/B] Tall with a more human build. Has Short Black hair with Navy blue eyes. Wears an Bracer on his left arm. Has a leather glove with metal plating on his right and a shoulder guard on his right shoulder. Has a small light breast plate that stops at his abs. Metal plated leather boots with plating abot the ankles to the knees. Wears a black hooded cloak. Bio: As a child he lived with his mother and learned magic an archery but he was not well liked by the local children who made fun of his human father. Eventually the conflicts started getting rough and turned to violence. Most of the time he would come out as victor because of a more human build making him stronger than the other children and equally as fast. Eventually his mother decided for him to go live with his father till things settled down. While living with his father he learned how to use a spear and various other weapons.He learned very quickly and had great skill but this made him very cocky. He is quick to lash out for a fight and gets ahead of himself quite often. Could be a better fighter just needs to practice and keep calm. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Lucifer [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Who he was on Lowne:[/B] An Ex-general of Akona's demon army [B]Powers:[/B] Uses Flame and Darkness elements to cause destruction to foes. Has wings that incease his power but he only sprouts them when needed. Although his Darkness element is stonger he prefers to use Fire because Darkness was the power he used while a general this is also why he hides his wings plus being alble to blend in. [B]Personality:[/B] Very quiet and distant often mysterious but if there is ever anyone in trouble he is the first to help. In battle he almost goess berserk out of habit of his old fighting days. Likes to sit out late at night and look at the stars and sleep. [B]Weapon:[/B] Carries a Black sword. *EDIT* just for anyone who was wondering Appearance: looked like this on lowne [URL=http://animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=4]http://animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=4[/URL]. He wears different clothes on earth except for when he fights then he looks like this. [/COLOR][/SIZE]