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  1. Eli

    The Singers

    [SIZE="1"]Name: Jing-Li Darlington Age: 21 Organization: Singer Personality: Although a very soft-spoken girl, and not prone to social many social encounters made on her behalf, Li kindheartedly welcomes the company of others. Despite the latter, however, she is often found in meditative thought, inwardly frustrated with herself and the peculiar dissatisfaction of her learned past. Other than so, Li is a powerfully strategic young woman; conversely, her shyness causes her to simply bite her tongue. Mecha: [IMG]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/4396/jingsmechaag4.jpg[/IMG] Bio: She dreamt not. Hah, dreams—such things were for the blind-hearted, the distracted. Unprofessional, a being of sole logic could admit. [i]…What…?[/i] But, what was this? The soft beeping, faint to her ears? Here, with eyes that hardly opened, she was instantly blinded-- the light she previously underestimated was understood, and in turn revealed the world. [i]Ceiling light…[/i] But what world was this…? With a downy, dewy gaze to her eyes, she gingerly lifted her hand, one finger attached to the monitor that caused her stirring. [i]Hospital room…?[/i] And so led to the investigation of her whereabouts: the ravenous hair that rested on her shoulders, the white sheets that lovingly shielded the lower half of her body, the stainless floor— Her reflection in the glass of a solitary, calm painting. [i]That’s me…[/i] She stared across the lonely room, face blank, heartbeat slow. [i]But…[/i] Frustration ensued at blank thoughts as she merely groped at mental pockets of air. A past was dead. And, to slowly realize this, her head tilted to one side—and the metallic door then opened. Her breath stopped short as she jerked her head to the right, eyes wide from the sudden movement. “Dear Go…” The sound of a clattering clipboard brought her hands to her ears… As her life thus began anew.[/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1]*drumroll* "Quotes are nothing but inspiration for the uninspired." Why do I like this quote? Well, just look at it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [color=deeppink][size=1]Last year's resolution was a huge one for me (at the time). Of course, all of them, for the past four or five years, have been about giving up something for one year. In a short list, I haven't even touched soda, saccharine candy, fast food, kool-aid-- and last year, I gave up ramen. The cool part? I felt pretty dang good after the midnight of the last day; so I decided to give up all those things for good! But this new year's resolution is slightly difficult for me: [B]chocolate[/B]. That's right- no chocolatey goodness for a full 365 days, haha. And, to reveal the wimp in me, I'll probably go inwardly insane by March~. Then again, I'll probably make it through-- I've succeeded in all my past goals. This one's just a bit tougher, hehe. Doing this also shows how much I don't really need those extra perks in life. I'll probably bump up to two things a year come 2008 (one materialistic item), just to make the "game" more fun. =D *ding*[/color][/size]
  4. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]My birthday is today, as a matter of fact. =P... *cough*January 10th*cough* So that makes me a [B]Capricorn[/B]. In short, I'm supposed to be a pretty hard worker- as well as concious about my decisions, and focused on the future (that's what I read last, at least). I'm also supposed to be undeniably stubborn. Well! All of this is true...Well, I guess you could stick in that I play as much as I work... ^o^ My stubbornness is probably the funniest quirk about me; if I can't get something open, or if I'm working on a killer math problem, I'll end up putting everything off until I get it. That's probably my flaw in life, but whatever. Uh...I'll get back to you on that whole pwn'ing business...[/color][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Name: Xena Age: 27 Gender: Female Nationality: Russian Personality: Once a loving femme of sorts, Xena wears a stoic face, and a bleeding heart coated solely in willpower. Her emotions aren?t easily revealed, as she hides most- and renders others when provoked. Physical Appearance: Xena, a gray-brown eyed, tanned woman, stands at nearly six feet, weighs about 140 lbs, and always keeps her dusty black hair in braids. (Or you could just look [URL=http://img282.imageshack.us/img282/7480/007uf1.jpg]here[/URL].) Weapon of Choice: Butterfly Switchblades Innate Magical Element: Wind Preferred Jinki: Zessen (Stopping Fans - Wind Element) Bio: Xena, a Gear hybrid, is one of the strongest Gears to rebel against Justice and her force. And, like any of the rogues, she had (and still has) her reasons for her revolt- all which walk hand in hand. [I]She did this to me.[/I] Having become genetically altered, the once Xena Wlodi realized her loss of being completely human- something she felt was a right..but trading that in for a "privelage." She blames Justice for her "betrayal"; the humans attacked her for what she now was. And so, despite the gap of strength between her and Type 01, Xena is still determined to find and destroy her-- even if it means dying in the attempt. [I]Because without him...I'm already dead.[/I] A full year passed since she broke away from the Gears. He was (and still is) the sole reason that Xena even dared to dwelve about. Having been hit unconcious before she realized what became of a man she loved dearly, she awoke realizing the unpredicted ambush in her city was far over-- and he was not by her side. She knows not if he still lingers on, or is dead (which she refuses to believe, at any rate). His fate is indeed a mystery, and she wishes to find him. [I]But with him, I'm just the same.[/I] That was another obstacle: How would he react to her current position, if they were to meet? If he did in fact become a hybrid, but stayed with Justice, they would discover one another as enemies. But so meant the same if he were still a human... But taking that chance, so she felt, was somehow worth it.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][i]Oh, please.[/i] "And I told them both, 'If you won't let me, I'll kill myself!'...They're just out to ruin my life, I hate them. I hate everyone! And then..." Styr's eyes glazed over under her striped hat, latte-matte lips pursed to one side of her face; the damned boy ranting a distance in front of her caused one eye to finally twitch- and so led to her gradual gripping of her coffee cup. Nonetheless, she pressed her teeth on her tongue, remembering her last two dilemmas with the manager of the ever-tiny café; and taunting this "poor" soul would probably lead to her banishment. And, being such a (usually) quiet place, so quaint and dim, she did her best to just let her annoyance... [I]Ah, the hell with it--[/I] "Apparently some people enjoy bitching about stupid things in life. Wouldn?t you agree?? And right before the words burst from her mouth, she was stopped by a certain someone. But who? ...Well, someone she didn't know, really, by the sound of the voice. And with so much as a quick glance to her new table-buddy, Styr fixed her eyes once again on the dramatic lad, dragging time out from a long sip of her latte. "...I'll do nothing short of." "...And when they said that, I was soooo pissed! I mean, really!" Styr had to chuckle a bit, leaning over to murmur to her new "chum", her accent a twist of the city and Britain. "I mean, just look at 'em, the ninny. You'd practically think he's the only one with problems in his bloomin' life." And, almost to herself: ?Hell, they?re not even real problems.? Her voice then steadily boiled hot enough for the kid to hear. "Emo-alert, aisle one! Someone fetch ?im a magazine for his issues, already!" The chap did, however, catch on-- and so began yelling back to her from his little quad of sober friends. "You talkin' to me?" Styr laughed in a tub of amusement, automatically singing back. "You're the only one bitching 'ere, love. Now then, do us all 'ere a favor, and do shut your ass-hole, alright? Thanks, you?re a doll." Without warning, however, the angsty teen broke from his seat, standing and catching more looks in the lounge. "You don't know me! You don't know what I've been through, you bitch!" Styr merely looked on, almost sympathetically. ?Mm-hm. Go slit your wrists already, then.? And to prove that she was serious, she slid her used butter knife across her table with a perky smile. ?Nnnnn?you know what?! I will!? And with that, the boy and his antics raged out the door, his friends following him quickly with glaring looks. Styr, nonetheless, quietly bursting into fits of snickering and holding up the knife. ?Wait, poppet, you forgot this!? After they were gone, Styr took no notice of the tension of the room, returning to her dull manner and taking another extensive sip of her drink. ??There. Problem solved.? Her new acquaintance, however, begged to differ; she noticed where he was looking as he spoke. ?Um, not really?? And, slightly nodding his head a little to direct her attention, Styr looked behind her?then up. ?Oh?hello there,? she saluted the manager cheerily. Of course, his disposition wasn?t as pleasant. ?Get out. Now.? And, noticing the gentleman to her side, he quickly added, ?And take your friend. I don?t need any more trouble.? To the monotone order, Styr sighed back to her coffee cup. ?Well, off to find somewhere else to spend my money.? Tagging her finished words, she sweetly held her empty coffee cup in the air, the item hooked to her finger. ?I?ll be taking this.? And with that, she tipped her hat to the manager, not even taking twice thought to grab her new accomplice?s arm and drag him out the store with her. ?Let?s be off, then!? ?Uh?!?[/SIZE]
  7. Ah, Halloween-- one of the few holidays that make me feel alive and well. Not to mention it'll be the last one with my friends, so we're totally decking it out with a Mario Bros. get-up. IT'S A ME, MARIO! *boing* (Yes, even have the yellow buttons on my overalls. =P) Hehe, I'm ashamed to admit it, but I think I'm going trick-or-treating more for the reason of just hanging with my friends and getting looks from candy-givers, rather than for the candy itself. I do know that I will never. Give. Up. On. Candy corn. That is the blessed sweet of Halloween goodness, bwahaha. On a different note, I'm enjoying pumpkin carving more than I have in a while. Yesterday, I carved a kitty on a tree-- I must say, it looks pretty good (for something I haven't done since I was a kid). ...And I hope the migrane I have goes away before Halloween-- I've had it all this weekend. But I digress. >_< HAPPY HALLOWEEN! BWAHAHAHAHA!
  8. New York? Well, I think of my family. My parents and sister have visited there, and I do admit I envy them. (But I shall have my day...) I think of costly colleges, as well. Nonetheless, they're lovely. And such a topic leads to money-money-money-money-- because that's always what I think of on my list of fave states. *winkedy wink* Any road! I think I'll play the imagination game, now. Streets. Walkways. Busy lights and all that jazz. Cultural diversities. ...Cotton candy? (Please, don't ask-- even I don't know.) [SIZE=1]...But Project Runway was the first thing that blasted into my mind...[/SIZE] Hehe, I'm a fashionistical person-- love it all. Shwah.
  9. [SIZE=1][QUOTE]1. Have you ever attended a homecoming dance? If so, what was it like? Was the music good? What kind of dress did you wear?, etc.[/QUOTE]Actually, I attended all four of my homecoming dances-- and this year, I'll actually go to prom, hehe. (I would have went last year, but stupid things happen, ya know?) Everything was always brill-- no barmy fights or lame music. We had some pretty good DJ's, and I hope it stays like that when I'm gone. If anything else, I alway wore short n' sassy dresses that fit our theme. (Like, this year's was Hollywood themed, so mine was definitely sparkles and up-do's. Showah.) [QUOTE]2. How does your school celebrate homecoming?[/QUOTE]We go all out: Decorating the school, having spirit week, etc. Actually, Spirit Week happened just last week, and was super brill. My favorite day was Hero Day; me and my best friend dressed up as Mario and Luigi, and threw fireballs at people all day. [QUOTE]3. What has been your favorite homecoming experience?[/QUOTE]Well, this year's was the both the best and the worst. The best: I won a lot of things (not to mention I started a huge congo line, and other such things- but hey!). The worst: We only had about a little more than an hour to party, due to a bomb threat. I guess you could say this is my favorite-- but being a senior (especially knowing I won't be living here anymore) is disheartening.[/SIZE]
  10. Name: Astyrian ?Styr? Kaiser Age: 22 Gender: Female Occupation: A college student, Styr works odd jobs to keep her going. Bio: Into her third year of college (and considering dropping out), Styr was always the girl one could find?Well, where couldn?t someone find her? And just like a Starbucks in Las Vegas, she blended into everywhere and everything- hence, her nickname (said as ?stir?) frothed up? Along with her realization of being ?special.? Long story short? Take some shady guys, a few guns and a nearby dark alleyway. "Styr" well, and Bob?s your uncle. Personality: A sarcastic, ?I?ll-stay-in-bed-all-day? girl, Styr takes no real direction in her life?basically making her a sober drifter. Talking to strangers about strange subjects is a favorite hobby of hers, and playing the hyperactive shot of the party is always a yes. She also finds amusement in toying with other people - especially the ?softies?, whom she pesters even more than others. Home City / Current Residence: Styr, family originally from Bristol, Britain, was born and raised in New York- and having said that?well, she never really bothered to move. Powers / Abilities: Styr is a traveler of shadows; her body can morph wherever there may be darkness, or shade- which can be a disadvantage, if in a limited area during the day. She can, however, take someone with her into the shadows.
  11. [SIZE=1]Name: Amber Ubry Age: 29 Gender: Female Place of Origin: San Francisco, California [U][SIZE=2]Known History[/SIZE][/U] Colorblind at birth, Amber grew up with her younger sister and bickering parents, whom she moved with from Texas (her birth state) to Maryland, then Pennsylvania, where she stayed for the majority of her childhood. In third grade, her social valor deflated; she was teased constantly by an older threesome of boys. One day, she made a new friend, George, whom had chased away the group and reported when they physically abused her. Although Amber became incurably shy, she was overjoyed to have George with her throughout elementary school. Unfortunately, Amber?s timidity swelled after her parents? divorce and departure from George. Forced to live with her father and sister, she moved yet again to a quieter location in Texas, not far from her birth town. Here, she met a group of neighborhood friends, whom helped her unleash her love for mysteries and strategy games. As the super sleuths grew older, it was Amber?s turn to become abandoned. The six of her friends had either moved or found new companions, leaving her to face the transition of middle school to high school on her own. This, however, stirred her passion for the arts: she wrote stories, and even began illustration, which won her recognition from an art university. After graduation, she attended the school, moving to San Francisco and leaving her old life behind. A fresh start meant a fresh face. During her start of college, Amber shed her bashful skin, blooming into ?the curious kid.? Fellow students loved her for this, two of which becoming her best friends throughout their college days. She couldn?t tell green from blue, or red from purple, and the rainbows she spotted after storms were meaningless to her- but she managed. Evolving from a simpleton to a spontaneously sassy singleton, Amber completed her MFA in illustration, inspiring younger students with her potential, despite her minor disability. Ending the chapter of her young adulthood, Amber continued to work in a small flower shop with her treasured friends, where she had begun work after moving. Progressively, the store turned into an art shop, instead. [U][SIZE=2]Personality[/SIZE][/U] Having the tendency to dart through numerous possibilities and ideas, Amber adores strategic fixations, riddles, and codes. If flustered, her stubbornness is triggered, which sometimes distracts her from the big picture. Even so, she refuses to give up until she has an answer. If she [i]is[/i] forced to see no other option, she will back out defeatedly, without further argument. When faced with a decision, Amber?s mind usually hovers over her thoughts?a trait that she will always sport. She despises having to make a choice without reviewing facts, miniscule or not, making her a developed listener. Amber is usually an open book, as well. Her spicy ?and sometimes seasoned- optimism is what she presents the most. It is common to see her humming, as well. [U][SIZE=2]Appearance[/SIZE][/U] An eating disorder consuming the majority of her teenage years, Amber stands at 5?6, and weighs at an estimated 110 lbs. Her skin is relatively light, as she tends to stick to shady places. Her amber colored locks grow back at an annoyingly fast pace; thus, she keeps it mildly above the shoulders, and loose. The trait that tends to pop out most to others is Amber?s eyes, which are large, bright and gray. Her attire, which circles around casual, is always tagged with some sort of necklace or bracelet. She loves to capture the light within particular jewels. [[URL=http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/4443/327528200604011458290ov.jpg]This[/URL] is a relatively decent picture of Amber (it isn't really her, though). Of course, subtract the estranged oxygen mask. I'll draw up a new picture of the real Amber soon.] [SIZE=2]Animal Genes: [/SIZE] [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/03/Sympetrum_flaveolum_-_side_%28aka%29.jpg/800px-Sympetrum_flaveolum_-_side_%28aka%29.jpg]Yellow-Winged Darter[/URL] (Sympetrum Flaveolum) [ Dragonfly ] [U][SIZE=2]Hybrid Abilities[/SIZE][/U] [b]Flight:[/b] Akin to a removable tattoo, Amber harbors transparent, filmy wings that "glue" against her back in dormancy. When the time calls for so, the wings separate from her normal skin, allowing Amber to soar at speeds up to 60 MPH (the breaking limit). Due to immaturity, she is only able to fly for an hour at most. This time limit is hindered when Amber carries heavy items in her arms. [b]Motion Camouflage:[/b] Like the dragonfly, Amber is able to project herself as a stationary object while swiftly attacking her enemies. This ability is exceptionally useful in aerial combat. Oddly, it is useless when she attempts to flee. [b]Ommatidium:[/b] Amber?s large eyes contain 15,000 facets (eye units) each, embedded under the cornea. This enables her to effortlessly detect movement and light waves, despite her poor color resolution.[/SIZE]
  12. I guess I have two, though I'm not sure. I think antipathy is one of my two strongest emotions. Although I am rather optimistic, my anger causes me to lose control over my actions. I've done a lot of things in the past that I now regret. And because of that, I'm trying - and learning - to keep cool, nowadays. ^^; (And because it's been awhile since I've completely exploded, I don't think this is my strongest emotion anymore). My second strongest emotion would have to be gusto. When I'm enthusiastic, I'm usually able to get everyone laughing at least once. I'm also contagiously hyper and random, so I get really animated for anyone who's watching- I start singing, dancing, or doing the first thing that comes to mind. (I have endless tales of my friends joining me on stuff and things.) XD I guess the downside of the latter is that I'm unable to turn off at times... >>;
  13. I know this girl that pierced her own nose during spring break. It took her and her friend a good hour to get the bar through, and I personally don't think was very smart. But anyway. I guess that's your body-- if you want to pierce yourself, by all means... I mean, it's not like I can stop you. XP I guess I'm more on the safe side. I've had my ears pierced twice and my naval pierced, but that's it. Speaking of which, I remember when I got my belly piercing (which is about four months old, now). I practically laughed through the entire process. XD; It was just too ticklish. I think I find eyelid piercings the weirdest. They irk me so badly, not to mention seeing it makes my own sensitive eyes water like crazy. Bleh.
  14. Eli


    [quote name='Joseph_G']When I dream, I usually don't remember it.[/quote] Yeah, I know how that is- forgetting and everything. Nowadays, I'll spend an hour trying to remember what the heck I was dreaming about. :animesigh But I'll instantly fill in the blank with another dream about being stuck somewhere with my closest friends. It doesn't even have to be...I don't know. We could be in a huge imaginary box, or in the mall...it varies. The freakiest dream I've ever had was about this white room that you could enter-- which turned out to be the largest dance floor [I]I've[/I] ever seen. The catch was, if you entered the room, you could never leave. And you had to dance...FOREVER. *evil cackle* Hey, at least you got to talk with everyone around you. And the songs weren't bad, either. Nice variety. XD;
  15. Hm...well, interesting. I guess my signature reveals that I'm motivational...But I haven't been like that forever. It just suits how I feel at the moment-- everyone does have a certain potential within them that they haven't noticed quite yet. Take me, for instance. Each semester during school, I always ended up with a C+ on my report card. It didn't matter what course, what difficulty- I had one C. And this highly irritated me, not only because of the miserable abyss of a near B, but my perfectionistical attitude as well. (Yes, I know "perfectionistical" is not a word. Wa-waah.) Anywho. I happened to stumble upon that quote that now lies embedded in my sig, and I guess it stuck to me- and I tried a little harder. The work payed off, in the end. ^_^ Color signifies something, too. The words are colored a pastel pink to show that: - I like pink. ...Yeah. So, to summarize, I merely reveal to people that things are possible-- before they go, at least. New-fangled people always leaving in such a rush, dagnabit.
  16. [SIZE=1]I dress according to my mood in the morning- basically in a "preppy punker" kind of way. I like to raid my two fave stores, Abercombie and Hot Topic. To put it bluntly, I try to wear non-matching outfits- stuff like lime green, purple, black and maroon, etc. I find it more fun than [I]trying[/I] to match. I guess the main colors in my clothing are white and black. I also look for things that stand out. Such as, my favorite outfit is my torn set- my shredded, gasoline & white out-splattered bellbottoms with an A&F shirt (which I ripped the bottom half of). ^_^ It's more of something I would wear to the mall or club, rather school. *Shrug*[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Dione Allens [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Rank: [/B] Ensign [B]Specialization:[/B] Science [B]Personality:[/B] A bit of a daydreamer yet quick to react, Dione holds a natural curiousity, revealing how caught up she can become in her work. When in a task, she is sober, calm, and difficult to distract. She enjoys the company of others with a friendly attitude. However, if frustrated or distressed, she prefers to remain alone and deathly silent. If anything, Dione is far from an emotionless expression. Her personality, in general, is animated and lively- she is not one to hold her emotions back. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://server3.uploadit.org/files/Maurelle-Dione.jpg]Click[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] At the wee age of five, Dione's parents had divorced due to an affair on her mother's behalf. Through the years spent on her home planet Iola, she remained with her father, who was a scientist at heart; it was assured he would be found doing research instead of sleeping. Wanting to spend time with him, Dione would scuffle through his notes with a child's awe and interest. This was what had sparked her thrirst for studying chemistry. Dione transfered to the Military Academy at the age of seventeen, her father proud and supportive. The next three years had been put through learning added chemistry, astronomy and a small course of physics. She was not rather fond with studying physics; this was what led her to revise only a section. That year, Dione had then been assigned to the Twilight, her studies and data then becoming vital.[/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='The F-Bomb']More seriously, the most annoying person I've ever met would have to be a reading teacher I had while I was in middle school, Mrs. Wesson. Her duck-like voice and waddle are forever etched in my memory. I swear, the next time I hear somebody say ,"It's time to shift gears class", heads will roll. It's not what she says, it's the waaaaay she says it. She could make the nicest compliment sound like the meanest insult.[/quote] Oh jeez, that totally describes my school counselor- though she sounded more like a chipmunk. *Shivers* Anywho, there's also this one guy I know at school- not your everyday stalker. After just one conversation (no matter who you are), he'll sneakily follow you [I]constantly[/I]. It used to drive me crazy, especially when he would sneak up right behind me, and breathe on the back of my neck. There's only one way to stop 'em- kick him as he walks behind you. Trust me, it works.
  19. I can usually tolerate annoying people, considering I'm one of them. But by far, the most annoying person I've ever met is my cousin. When he visits, and it's dinner time, he'll chew with his mouth open- in my ear (on purpose, might I add). The sounds and sight of his chewing are absolutely sickening, and my sanity flies right out the window. The saddest part of it all is that he's older than me. -__- On the other hand, I absolutely love to poke everyone to death- that, and hug random people for no reason. That's always fun. ^_^
  20. Ah, keychains- one of the little pleasures in life. I absolutely love my Happy Bunny ones. (Happy Bunny is my hero) ^_^ There's also these other two I have that say, "I know karate, and six other Chinese words!" "If I throw a stick, will you leave me alone?" Those are basically my favorites, though I'm sure I'll have more in the future- since I'm not too picky and all. If the keychain interests me in general, I'll consider buying it. ;)
  21. I most likely will go to Homecoming this year. Our school says it'll be a Lord of the Rings theme, though it's not certain yet. If it happens, I guess it'll be cool. Really, I only go for the food n' drinks. That's basically how every homecoming was in the past- everyone just sat around and ate cake...pretty much like a "fancy" tea party. :o
  22. I remember breaking my wrist while playing football on the school playground (3rd grade). The ball snapped my hand backwards as it hit. That was amusing, since I couldn't move my fingers n' stuff. The doctor seemed to have a problem with stating the obvious when I visited him. "Hm, it seems you have a broken wrist." Gee, thanks. I would've never guessed. :rolleyes: But anywho, there was this other time when I was attacked by my ex. He n' his friends were arrested n' crap, and I was taken to the hospital by my friend. After passing out, I wake up in a hospital room to see my arms, legs, and thigh stitched up. Then I saw my friend waving her hand in my face, calling out my full name and teasing me. She told me how I had slept for nearly three days and all. Fun fun. Whelp, that's basically the biggest injuries of my life. *Shrugs*
  23. Yes, I stand with Chibi and KOTR. Stalking sure isn't fun, especially when it's done to you. Just think about it- catching a glimpse of someone through the window, watching you every minute of the hour; knowing exactly what you're doing and the exact time. They hang your pictures on their wall, and...yeah. No stalking for me. Plus, it sounds like a lot of work. Eck.
  24. Hm, I seem to remember one time back in seventh grade. Ahem...*cough* I was in Theater at the time being, and it was the day for our original class play to be graded in the auditorium. I was playing the part of the wolverine- one piece of my costume involved a [I]big[/I], black cape. So as the everything started, we got through our little scene quite well...until I entered. -_- I was supposed to come running into the scene, but the cape had gotten tangled in with my feet. All in all, I had just about "bumped" into all of my classmates in one way or another, ending my "debut" with everyone hearing a loud crash backstage. [I]Eli- Blas-ephoo-gah!(Crashes stage left)[/I] Don't ask about that word, I'm still trying to find out what I said as well. I'm glad I can still watch this, because it was taped. Yayness.
  25. [SIZE=1]I was another victim of depression, which worsened to the point in which I had become suicidal. I believe that all started when I was nine, and it had definitely pushed me to my mental limit. The worst thing, in my opinion, was keeping my despression to a low point (so that no one would notice). But it ate me up inside for seven years, leading me to snap one night when I was left alone in the house. Yeah, I did some pretty crazy things then, I must say. All in all, I'm thankful I was able to get out of it all before...yeah...[/SIZE]
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