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Everything posted by Eli

  1. [QUOTE]I would like to say Congrats to Eli for actually FINISHING her RPG, My Grayce and Pity!!! ::appluades:: Yay![/QUOTE] Thank you for the congrats, Delirium. I appreciate it. ^_^ I wish to congrat every rpg that has been finished. I'll never forget My Grayce & Pity, since it was my very first rpg creation. All the characters were awesome, and each played a beautiful part in the story. I even decided to write a different version of it, and now hold it as a memory of G&P. :) The rpg was near the end anyhow, and I just wanted to wrap it all up. And with that, I asked each poster how they wanted to end their character's life in the rpg, considering the fact that everyone was supposed to die anyway. :D "Yay! We all lose!" XD;;; I definitely agree that having a goal for an rpg is important, as well as a pretty decent backround for the story to set on. And from past rpg's that have been made, you can learn what might be needed in the future. "One step at a time." Through rpg's I've taken a gander at from the past, some even lose the theme/goal they've started with while progressing into the story, and somehow switch to a new one that wasn't even planned. I don't know about anyone else, but I find that utterly and devastatingly fascinating. -_- Seeing as to what mistakes G&P had, I'm going to build up from there, trying to have more solid stories/backrounds/goals for the future rpg's I make. As of now, G&P II (the comedic/romantic side of G&P) is hatching in my mind...hehe, "hatching."
  2. [quote name='Mage_Rikku']Yeah, but I also love him ^_^[/quote] Hm, I see. So yeah, I was curious. *shrugs* ...And as I think about it, good looks is one of the last things I would die for. I mean hey, if I were to die [I]just[/I] because someone looks good, I don't think I'd have lived to see my ninth birthday. :smirk: Yes, that's an amusing image. (Hm, I wonder. Is it possible to die for yourself? I'm not talking about suicide, mind you. All the same, this is just a thought.) [SIZE=1]Off-Topicness: The average life span on [I]Earth[/I] is 17[/SIZE].
  3. If I see a person I truly care for, I'm going to shake my head when the gun is turned to my direction. In other words, I'd let them get shot/die instead of me- hey, every man for himself. Yeah, that's cold, I know. Though if I was still alive after their death, the guilt would definately get to me, and I'd kill myself through starvation as a self-punishment, or something (what irony). Yeah, that's me for ya. [QUOTE]I would die for me love ( my b/f) ,because he's just so beyond fine![/QUOTE] Not to be rude, but I take it you're going to die for someone just because they look good? -_-
  4. When I imagine it, I can hardly stand the idea of being stranded on an island. I just don't like being unable to communicate with anyone by any means. I'd suffer from boredom, and kill myself with the rock I sharpened after a week of living alone- either that or start a HUGE fire to signal for help. XD
  5. I just want to see if anyone knows this riddle.... :p [B]80%[/B] of preschool knows this, though only [B]5%[/B] of Harvard students do. It is greater than God, and more evil than the devil. Poor people already have this. Surprisingly, rich people sometimes want it. You're born into the world with this; you die with it as well.
  6. [QUOTE]This thing conquers all but it can be be your toughest challenge. Many people died in its name I hope you all are willing to do the same. Some thought they had this and because of it they lost all they had which waf worse for somw than it was for others. It can be the best or the worst thing in your life but thats up for you to decide.[/QUOTE] I'm saying that the answer is love, due to the saying "Love conquers all." Many people have died for love, I guess...(though I'm not willing to die in it's name, that's just me). =/ Love was the first to come to my mind after reading those first two clues, though the last two might not fit. *Shrugs*
  7. Harukichi watched in stilled shock as the male Demon known as Imric stab himself in the chest, then muttering a soft, "Thank you" to her. She didn't feel right about this Demon, he was different in a way. He accepted his death, rather than fight on. [I]"...And he probably had a reason for his actions..."[/I] though Harukichi. She turned her head towards Azurel. "What should we do?" asked a soft-spoken Sydney. Looking back at the newly impaled male, Harukichi began to hum a small song she once knew from her violin lessons, feeling as though she couldn't do anything else. And with that, she kneeled down to the Demon, carefully folding his hands over his stomach. Silence- until the wind blew against the trees. She stopped humming, and as she did so, a lone tear fell from her left eye and onto the Demon's right hand. She didn't feel the tear coming forth, though she was rather surprised that it had fallen. [I]"I'm mourning for an enemy...?"[/I] And that was exactly what she was doing. Minutes passed, the wind slowed; Harukichi stood up again, using her spear as if it were a support to help her up. Holding it by her side, Azurel and Sydney were already up in the air, about to fly off to the nearby Kingdom Sintra- they did so moments later. Though whilst remaining in the air a little bit, hovering over one street, Harukichi felt...disturbed. A chill went up her spine, and she bit her lip; though she never told Azurel nor Sydney. [I]"Someone, or something, is watching us...though they're not here somehow. Who...and how the hell...?"[/I] Though her inquiries would not be answered until later- much later than she would expect. And dawn approached slowly... [COLOR=Indigo][B]EDIT[/B]- Okay, I have decided with a heavy attempt, that this rpg will close, with an agreement from all remaining in it, considering it's lagging on. ^_^; Though I can't bear to let it go without an ending, so I am going to input a wrap-up post/summary. Instead, I am thinking of turning this rpg's sequel into a fanfic. (Though it's only a possiblity.) Here's the last post...[/COLOR] ________________ [I][SIZE=1]After destroying a few Demons in Sintra, the Angels Harukichi, Azurel and Sydney flew off to the Kingdom Mantua. There, they unexpectedly faced the two Demons Niji and Dark. Knowing that another battle would take place, they fought viciously. All in all, Dark died for Niji. And with that, Sydney and Niji had both killed each other with equally matched attacks. So all who were left, were the Master Demon Endymion, Azurel, Harukichi, Grayce and Pity. Harukichi and Azurel realized that only they could reach Hidden, which was surprisingly across the ocean. Though Demons could reach Vain, the humans could not have access to reaching Hidden. That was why the Angels were needed. So comes the beginning of their end... After clearing out more Demons in the land, Harukichi and Azurel had entered the citadel, the place where Endymion resided- along with Grayce and Pity. But first, their old rival Malakai was ready to battle to the death. In the battle, struggles came forth, until Azurel fell, his last words to Harukichi- "I'm sorry." With trembling sorrow and renewed anger, Harukichi had soon slaughtered Malakai, and made her way to Endymion. This is where we find her now... [/SIZE] [/I] Harukichi flew slowly up to the top floor of the citadel, no tears just yet. She entered through two large black doors, Endymion right across the room. Everything was low and dim, his back turned to her. "Harukichi," he chuckled quietly, though his voice rang through the room. Silence fell again as she stepped foward. He did not move from his place yet as he spoke. "You have come to kill me, I presume? Why waste my time going about to take you away, when you could just come here for your death? The irony of how things work out- I'll be needing that weapon of yours for the ceremony of Deathe. Grayce and Pity will finally be one when I let it be so. Such a shame, I have grown a liking to you, Haru. I have been watching you for some time now-" Harukichi snapped her spear in half, then throwing the pieces down onto the floor. "I don't care anymore." she whispered, her voice quivering. "Just kill me for all you want. You win, you understand? Do whatever you want to this damned world- hell do whatever you want to anything! My friends and everything I have is gone, so there's no point in living on." She was then standing right behind Endymion. He had then turned around, and looked down at her. Harukichi did not return his glance, keeping her eyes locked onto the floor. And instantly, he snapped his fingers. "You could be of more than I thought..." he said, and at that moment, dark tendrils were wrapped around her neck, wrists and mouth. She couldn't breathe, choking and struggling. She closed her eyes, soon unconcious feeling the darkness. Whilst sleeping, she felt a pain surge through her, though she couldn't place where this agony was coming from. With time, pain had been replaced with a rush of warmth, engulfing her. [SIZE=1][I]After an hour of sleep, Harukichi was still unconcious. Though this was the first time he had thought of someone as "love." How could he admit it to himself? The feeling that he had truly loved Harukichi had grown inside him- he loved an Angel, completely against his will. Waking up, Harukichi found Endymion had died for love, his emotions had released after realizing this.[/I][/SIZE] This left Harukichi more surprised than anything, with a side of terror gripping her. At that moment, a spirit appeared before Harukichi. He had ankle length, honey colored hair, and water blue eyes. His cloak draped around him, his hood down. Harukichi looked up at him with a pang of agony. They both remained silent, and it felt as though time went on forever. Not able to take it anymore, Harukichi slumped to her knees on the ground, holding her stomach as if she were in pain, and she sobbed. "All I want is home, I don't care about anything else!" The spirit looked down at her. "If that is what you wish, I will do everything in my last power to bring you home, and put Grayce and Pity in their places. Be warned-" The spirit's words were cut off by the angry blonde. "I don't care, as long as I'm home!" Harukichi's voice softened to a whisper. "Please....just let me go..." The spirit showed no emotion as he touched her forehead. And with that, the wings on Harukichi's head slowly vanished. Her angelic suit had then changed back into her white tank top and navy shorts. The blood stained on her skin was gone. Breathing slowly, she felt her eyelids become heavy, and she fell to the floor in a deep, dreamless sleep. She felt, heard and saw nothing at all. Sleep and time drifted on....until her eyes gradually opened. Hard to believe what she was seeing, she blinked many times- she was looking up at a blank ceiling. Harukichi turned her head to the left, to see that she was in a hospital bed. Instantly sitting up, she startled her sleeping mother in the chair across from her. "Harukichi..." gasped her mother, tears already falling. She stood up and embraced Harukichi instantly, after rushing over to her. Not able to say anything, Harukichi hugged her mother tightly in return, unable to cry anymore. "You were unconcious in the park, after Jiroi found you. We thought..." Her mother couldn't finish her sentence, and Harukichi couldn't answer... (Ten Months Later...) Harukichi recieved a new violin. She was in her room, sitting on a stool, and the first notes had been played. She closed her eyes as the rich sound filled the air and her heart. The song was sweet, yet depressing. Though Harukichi messed up the song bitterly as her stomach felt like someone kicked her. She dropped her new violin as the pain grew worse, and it broke on the floor. She clutched her stomach as she felt a knot in her throat. "Mom, I need help!" she cried, stuttering and breathing heavily. Everything flashed by as she was then in the hospital... Harukichi winced as she was put on the hospital bed. Doctors and nurses were by her side, helping her. "Now just try to relax," said one doctor. "You'll be fine." She clenched her teeth and winced. "What's happening to me?" she thought. "I didn't show any signs of this at all!" Time had passed... The nurse was holding a newborn boy, who was quietly crying. Harukichi whispered to the doctor next to here; her eyes filled with hot tears. "...It's not true...It isn't my fault...Keita..." And with her words, she died from exhaustion, realizing that her wish to not live, was granted. The war between the Angels and Demons was then truly over- no victory, no loss, only Deathe. [CENTER][IMG]http://img4.imagetown.net/4822496.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  8. Poem: Greive fills my head, my soul and heart The two of us, you broke apart The friendship that you had once known Is now hate and is set in stone Word: Believe
  9. [SIZE=1]Jing Li sat in the lounge, alone like she wanted to be, resting her head on her arms, leaning on the table she was sitting at. Her eyes were closed, though she was awake in spite of all that had happened then. She listened to Zoltin as he played the piano, along with the few voices flowing about. Thoughts faded away the second they were brought up; all that had occured since she woke up in the hospital felt like the nightmare of her dreams. [I]"If only I could wake up."[/I] She did not realize it, though she was softly humming to herself whilst thinking. Opening her eyes only halfway, her view was blurry, coming into focus within seconds. Everthing around her seemed to go too fast; either that, or she was in slow motion at the moment. Becoming dizzy, she closed her eyes again and kept on listening to Zoltin's song. Though while doing so, she then strangely felt as though she were falling endlessly, followed by flashing streaks of silver- then nothing. Not wanting to stay in the lounge any longer, she gradually stood up and walked out, heading to her quarters to lie in her bed for a little while. [I]"I guess I'm sleepy, a small nap couldn't hurt."[/I] [/SIZE]
  10. Nightmare: I was running from an unkown person, and they were trying to kill me in my house at night. Of course, the weather had to be "perfect," major thunderstorm, lightning and all. The power had gone out at the time, and this guy had slaughtered my family already. So he finally found me, and of course I couldn't get get away as he dragged me out of the closet I hid in. To keep me from running, he stabbed me twice in each leg, lower and upper. He blindfolded me, chained me to the top of his car as it rained, and he took me out to a dark forest. When we reached the forest, he dragged me for about two miles. When we were deep enough in the forest, he tied me to a tree and took the blindfold off. Then and there, he skinned me alive with the katana he had with him. And when I was completely skinned, all but my face, I was still alive (surprisingly). Though I wished I was dead, so he threw salt all on my body and left me there to die. THE END. Really, I kind of find this amusing... :wigout:
  11. Harukichi was dreaming about her childhood as she slept in the chair...The young Harukichi, at age seven, was playing her small violin as her parents were still married, and arguing in the room next to hers. She tuned their voices out of her mind, focusing on her weeping song. She played louder each minute, though that only made her parents yelling rise even more. Her kid brother Jiroi wasn't born yet, so she was all alone. Tears flowed down the little Harukichi's face and onto the floor as she kept on playing the sorrowful music. And right when the music reached it's peak of noise and melancholy, she heard a loud thud against the wall, right after hearing her mother scream in horror. In shock, Harukichi dropped her violin, and it shattered as it hit the ground... Harukichi bolted awake, realizing that she was covered by a blanket. Azurel was leaning against a wall, his arms crossed as he looked down to the floor. Though when Harukichi stood up, he brought himself to look up from his position. Sydney was asleep in another chair, curled up and quiet. Harukichi whispered to Azurel after folding the blanket up and placing it on the chair. "How long has it been?" "About five or six hours." answered Azurel in the same quiet voice. "Where's the elder?" "In his room." Harukichi walked down a small hallway, and through one door. Surprisingly, it was the old man's room. It was completely dark, and the candle on the table next to his bed was not lit. [I]"Smoke?"[/I] The candle was giving away some smoke just then, and Harukichi quietly stepped over to the elder's bed. "Sir, are you alright?" she whispered in the most quiet manner, and lightly tapped the blanket completely covering the man. But something was wrong- the blanket was damp. Harukichi was bemused as she examined her fingertip, seeing that it was stained a deep red. [I]"No.."[/I] Flustered and anxious, she tore the covers off the bed to see the once healthy old man now just a bloody corpse. His wrists, head and chest were slit, and his neck was bond with rope, which was also bloody. His eyes were gouged out, and his mouth was like a minature pool of blood, overflowing a bit on the side of his mouth. Harukichi backed away with her hand to her mouth, dropping the blood-soaked blanket she held. Her hand was wet with his blood then, and she fell to her knees. Her hands were shaking with a panic as she clenched them beside her head, and she let a growling screm escape her lips. A little afterward, Azurel rushed in the room, followed a bit after by Sydney. They both stopped in the room and stared at the body of the elder in the bed. "What happened?!" asked Azurel in a dizzy, angered tone. Sydney just remained shocked and silent. Suddenly, the howling wind whispered a bit through the open window that the three then looked upon. Harukichi stood up instantly, walking over to the window sill, seeing marks of fresh blood upon it. She looked back at the two. "Demons must have slipped in and killed him in his sleep, that's why nothing was heard." Azurel was even more angry than before as he sped out the door, grabbing his sword along the way. Sydney remained in the same spot, dazed as she stared at the former old one who invited them into his home, and had their wounds healed. Harukichi had to grab her by the wrist to wake her from her horrified trance, and she pulled Sydney along with her through the door as well. "Come on, we need to stay with Azurel." said Harukichi softly. Finally out of her shock, Sydney nodded with a "Hm," and grabbed her sword as Harukichi took her spear. Their weapons were renewed by some of the residers of the little Kingdom Vidia. They met up with Azurel outside; the night was slightly dim as the moon beamed downwards upon everything, illuminating things here and there. They didn't know if any of the remaining people in Vidia were alive, though hopefully they were. The three scouted about, not seeing any more dead bodies. But right then and there, Harukichi noticed Sydney in a funny manner. She was smelling the air nearly five times. "What's wrong?" asked Azurel, confused. Sydney shook her head. "I smell something burning." They all could clearly smell it then, as they turned around to see four humans panicking in different directions, with a house on fire. The three Angels flew down to each of the humans seperately. Harukichi asked a woman a question. "Is there anyone else in that building?" The woman shook her head frantically, then sped off into the direction she had headed for. That was when Harukichi noticed something in the air- not Sydney or Azurel, for they were both a little distance from her. She squinted to see the same male Demon they had faced not so long ago- the one that used to be with the other male and the female as his companions. [I]"Why is he alone?"[/I] thought Harukichi. Though that wasn't important. He turned his head down to look at Harukichi as she squinted. And in surprise, he flew off and away. Harukichi clenced her teeth in spite; and after waiting awhile, she flew after him. She could hear Sydney call out behind her. "Harukichi, wait up!" She and Azurel followed behind, catching up with her. "What's going on?" asked Azurel, slightly yelling through the speed at which they were going. "We're following the Demon that got away with killing that old man and burning that building," replied Harukichi. "He was one of the three that had fleed from before- the one that killed Daisetsu." Saying this, Azurel and Sydney remained silent as they flew a bit faster. The Demon wasn't seen, though they could feel where he was. And that Demon, also known as Imric, would lead them to the next Kingdom- Sintra. Harukichi thought as they soared onward. [I]"He didn't kill us because Azurel was thankfully awake, and he's not with his two companions...but why didn't we feel his presence before?"[/I]
  12. [FONT=Times New Roman]*Grabs cowgirl hat* Howdy dowdy do, I'm come from Cattle Land, cowpoke. Yeeehah! (TX :p ) Oh yeah, fun fun here. *Moves to California*(...I wish...) I'm planning on moving on out to LA sometime around next year, and I plan to go to college somewhere in the state, and major in literature and biology. (Don't ask.) My family is fricken huge, man. (Or it may just be me.) We go from Cali all the way to Germany, scattered in many various areas. XD Though I have at least part of my family tree, and I can tell that so far I have 21 cousins, most of them newborns. v_v;;; Born in Texas, I moved to Pennsylvania, California, and right back to Texas again. I've been playing piano since I was three, so I'm kind of hooked to it- that and drawing, which I've been doing for about a year now. I enjoy basically any kind of music but country, though I'm a big fan of all the rock and classical music. I like to be the shcool clown, and do embarrassing things that people would rarely do on a daily occasion. My favorite food is Pocky and Yan Yan, yummy! *Rubs tummy* Hey, "yummy" and "tummy" rhyme. [Random person- "So does 'dummy.' "] Hey, who said that?!...ANYwho... Private shcool sucks, I promise. I think I'll beg my dad to go to public school...maybe...I try to stay on all A's, though the occasional B and C slips out a couple of times. I'm really fond of Spanish class, though my fill of it is over. There are no more classes for me to take, so I gotta take French. Meh, what can ya do? I'm also going to take Drama and Dance too. W00t! Ever since third grade, I had my head set on being an astronaut for NASA. Though something hit me last year, and I've now decided to become either a rock star (which is most likely not going to happen), fashion/house designer, scientist, or a writer. Yeah, I think that's it. :D I just quit my job yesterday, it's time to take a break and party hard before school starts back up again. I'm definately going to work in this rock climbing area- more pay + less labor= oh yeah! :cool: Am I done? I think that's it. Yes? No? Screw it, I'm done. [/FONT]
  13. While Azurel had killed two of the three male Demons, Harukichi pulled the ice shard from her side, and her blood that had swollen in that area had dried up a bit from how cold the ice actually was. The wound was caked with dry blood as the center was still forming a pool of the new red liquid. Harukichi felt her side go numb a bit as she noticed Sydney slaughtering one of the female Demons to death in a frenzied rage. The last male and female Demons did not leave without trying to kill another Angel, and the female used shot a lightning orb at Sydney, to hit her on her left shoulder. Just as the effect on Harukichi's right arm, the lightning dug into Sydney's shoulder, biting into her skin. In mere seconds, her blood arose a bit upwards, as if it were boiling. As Sydney lunged straight for the female Demon in full speed, the male flew over and in front of the female Demon to protect her. But that was a fatal mistake, as Sydney's sword stabbed through both his and the female's necks. As the two Demons remained hanging on the sword by their necks, Sydney twisted the sword like once before, and the blade carved holes through their necks. Blood splurted from every which way, and the two gasped for air, until they were silent. Sydney let them slide off her sword, and they fell below onto the ground with a hard thud. The Demon team was prevailed, and the remaining three Angels landed quietly on the ground. This was the first Kingdom in which they had seen Demons lying about, rather than humans. Though remembering Hana, Harukichi looked about the area. The place where Hana's body lay, was now bare. Her body was gone, including her bow and arrow, just like Daisetsu and his sword. [I]"A spirit must have taken her already."[/I] thought Harukichi. And they heard an unfamiliar voice. "You three, down there. Look up." As Azurel, Sydney and Harukichi did so, they saw a teenage boy in the air. He had emerald eyes and short, black hair. He wore a white hooded cape, just like the first spirit they had ever seen, though his hood had diamonds on the border. He flew down to the three Angels and landed on the ground. He let down his hood, and spoke. "As you might have guessed, I'm the fourth spirit. I took Hana away already. Though you three must know that you can't give up as you lose someone. Each time one of you die, we use everything in our last bit of power to bring you to peace, rather than rot away. I hope you guys can manage with your wounds for the time being, we only have so much to help you with, and we can only do so little at a time..." The spirit faded away whilst talking, leaving the Angels quiet. It was evening at that moment. "I know it seems awful to," began Harukichi. "But I think we should stay the-" Though she couldn't finish her sentence, as she heard the shuffling of feet nearby. The three Angels turned around and held their guard, only to find nearly twenty to thirty humans wandering from different places of Vidia. "-Night?" Harukichi finished her sentence as if it were a question. One of the elder men stepped forth, approaching slowly. His voice was shaky. "P-Please, we're humans. We don't have any reason to hurt you..." Harukichi nodded slowly, flashing a weak smile upon the gray haired man. He looked over the three, and noticed each of their wounds. "As our thanks of saving us whilst we hid, we will help you through the night until you wish to leave." Harukichi looked over to Sydney and Azurel. She, for one, didn't have a problem with staying here- as long as they remained hidden well in Vidia. Agreeing upon resting up for the early morning, the Angels entered upon one fairly large house. It was like a cottage inside. The elder that led them there showed them in. "This is my house, you may stay for the night. I would be more than honored." Harukichi didn't want to be rude, though she felt dizzy, and sat in the wooden chair closest to her. Some of the remaining women in Vidia had brought bandages, and hot water. They cleaned each of the three Angels' blood off their wounds, and wrapped them up so that they would heal. When finished, the several women bowed and left. Harukichi looked down at her bandaged lower arm, and then at her side, and thought of it as a job well done. It felt weird to Harukichi, knowing that Angels were with humans. [I]"Though how could I think this?"[/I] she thought. [I]"I was once a human too, that doesn't make me any different."[/I] Her mother then came to her thoughts, as she slowly drifted into a small slumber in the chair she was sitting in. Harukichi could still remember her mother's voice as she had remembered being given a piece of advice at a young age. [I]"When you do something, you go and finish it headstrong. You don't back away because of what you see happen to others, even if it means sacrificing a few things of your own..."[/I]
  14. Harukichi looked around expeditiously as she dodged shards of ice and rock from various Demons that were soaring around her. Azurel was trying to be of help to Hana as Sydney as able to keep some Demons off by herself. Though from behind, one of the Demons had launched a fairly broad shard of lightning. It reached Harukichi just as she had turned around, and hit her near her wrist on her left arm. The bolt literally gave her a shock as it dug through her skin like acid, blood gradually emerging and spilling onto the ground she hovered over. With her new wound, it would distress Harukichi to attack. Though there was no other possible option, and fleeing would be just as horrible as staying there without a fight. So she kept on through the pain as an ice shard came close to hitting the wound she had gotten on her side. She needed to come up with a way to kill them as she fractically looked over to where Hana was. She was shooting arrows carefully whilst Azurel kept them at bay, and the idea struck Harukichi. Flying around a distance away from Hana, Harukichi tried to get some of the Demons to follow her, in spite of what would happen. Hana had followed along, and shot one of the female Demons. The female had recieved an arrow through her hand as she tried to make an orb of earth to stop it. Though in the process, the arrow went clear up her arm, causing her flesh to tear up. It was as if a bomb were erupting through her muscle. She yowled in convulsion as her blood gushed about, and Hana shot a second arrow as she was distracted. The arrow then hit the Demon in the lungs as she fell to the ground like a fly. The remaining nine Demons had seen this act, knowing it was then wise to directly attack Hana. And as they flew over to her location, Hana flew a bit higher into the sky, shooting radom arrows to keep them back. While the Demons aimed their different powers at her, Harukichi darted over to a male Demon from behind. She then pegged her spear up into the wicked male's back. With this, the spear went through his skin tissue at a slanted angle. And with that, the point of the spear hit him through the back of his neck, and into his head, killing him then and there. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as Harukichi then withdrew her spear, and he fell to the ground as well. Sydney had slayed a female by slashing at her neck and stomach numerous times. And with a final touch, Sydney chopped the female's head in half. She had killed a male Demon in the same manner, keeping to that attack style for the time being. There were then six left- two females and four males. At that moment, Harukichi looked up to see Hana attempting to keep two of the Demons away. But what none of the Angels knew, was that they had created their own plan as well. While Harukichi kept one of the male Demons away by blocking his ice orbs and shards, she heard Azurel shout out from behind. "Hana, watch out!" While dodging the ice shard the male had just shot, Harukichi bolted around a bit, turning around to see one of the female Demons a distance behind Hana. Harukichi's pulse grew faster to see the danger grow ever so quickly, and her eyes widened and trembled. The female Demon had created a large, long ice shard. Sydney had shouted out as well, as the Demon plunged the ice shard into Hana from behind, as if it were a sword. It went clear through Hana's stomach, as she gave a shocked expression. She remained still as she gaped, her pupils then dilated as one tear dropped from her right eye. Slowly, she dropped her bow and arrow that she held in her hand, as she weakly fell to the ground far below her. Harukichi was then stunned and felt her heart shatter as she watched all that had just happened. Though she realized that the battle was not over, when the male Demon she was battling had thrown a shard of ice into her side, in the exact spot that she had been wounded in a long while ago. Harukichi gave a short wince. And with a newfound fury, she dove downwards, right above the male Demon, and crashed her spear into his skull. Making sure that the spear was at least two feet deep through his head, she released her attack to see the male foam blood at the mouth as he instantly died. There were then two female Demons and three males. Azurel and Sydney had fought more arduous as well, to see the newly departed Hana.
  15. Eli

    O Fortuna

    [FONT=Times New Roman]Elayne watched the men boil the bar up with their fighting, and wanted to smirk. Though that would have looked suspicious, so she instead pretended to be rather shocked with the scene. "Oh me, oh my! Goodness gracious!" she said, coating her voice in a frightened and sweet manner, though she didn't mean any of it. Finally letting a small smirk appear on her face, she jumped off of the table, dodging some punches from the drunkards that were too intoxicated to see straight. Though one drunk man grabbed her by the waist as she tried to leave, and she bolted her view in his direction. "Where do you think you're going, beautiful?" he asked; his voice wobbled from his drunken manner. Annoyed with his actions, she quickly slapped the man, and tripped him into one of the bigger fights in the bar. She called out to the man while taking her leave. "You could really use some lessons on how to treat a lady!" That was when Elayne caught up to her companion Aleyn, as he was walking with money bags in each hand. "...I think we have enough for our vacation now," said Aleyn, smirking. Elayne could hear the brawl of the bar fight that they had left behind, and she gave a quiet laugh. "Just as planned, exactly the way I like it." she stated, and put her hands behind her head in a carefree manner as they walked. She was quite pleased, though she never expressed so. "How many full bags do we have in all?" Aleyn counted the fairly large money bags that were once empty. "Hmm, it appears that we have five." he replied. "Though all of them are full, so we did a pretty good job." Elayne then gestured to hold one of the bags, and Aleyn lightly threw one over to her. She in turn caught the bag, and began to toss it up and down in her hand. Aleyn then caught sight of her, and she looked back in return. "What's the matter?" asked Elayne, curiously. Aleyn shrugged and responded to her inquiry. "You seem...funny today. You're just not in your grumpy mood today- though I find that good. Other than that, you're awfully quiet at the moment." Elayne yawned a bit, and squinted. She remained without a reply, feeling a bit annoyed as to why Aleyn was so suspicious of her. Minutes later, Aleyn huffed. "If you must be that way, then fine...It seems as though Miss An-" "I thought I told you numerous times before, and I'll tell you again," interrupted Elayne. "Do [I]not[/I] speak that name. It's not suited for me by any means- I hate it." She closed her eyes while letting out a small, "Hmph." Aleyn quickly rolled his eyes while she wasn't looking. They both left the matter in a short amount of time and silence, with Elayne smirking as she spoke again. "The only reason I'm not a bit grumpy today, as you might call it, is because this plan went rather smoothly." Elayne then remembered their last plan, in which somewhat failed. They had managed to get away, though they had been caught in the process of stealing the money. And along with the fact that Elayne absolutely hated anything going wrong, she remained in a bad mood for the past couple of days. Changing the subject, Elayne continued to speak. "Strange as it may sound, I'm actually going to miss this place. It was very fun swiping from here and all, and the people were very generous." She snickered and looked over to Aleyn. He shifted his view to many things, though didn't return her glance. "I want something more," he muttered while hiding the other money bags in his pockets; this way, they would have a better chance of not being found out. Elayne did the same, and put the bag she was holding in her own pocket. "What do you mean 'something more?' " she asked, and Aleyn just shook his head. "Never mind." A small flock of birds flew across the sky as Elayne hummed for a little bit. Thus they set off towards Gunvyle. Though they would take their time; there was no need to rush.[/FONT]
  16. Harukichi knew that burning the bodies was the best way, though she still didn't want to fully accept the fact. When flying off toward the Kingdom of Vain, the four Angels kept along with the dirt path. The rain was stopping, and they remained low to the ground whilst in flight. Pretty soon, they had passed a fairly large tree. And on the biggest branch, there were three small children- one was a girl, the remaining two were boys. They looked torched as they were hung from the largest tree branch. The girl's arms seemed as if they weren't her own, for they were twisted and broken, leaving some bones to have cut through the flesh. One boy had his legs chopped off, as they were lying on the grass. His mouth was filled with blood, which was drizzling down and off his chin due to the rain. The third boy had a huge hole in his side, shoulder and head. All of them had burns everywhere, blistering their skin. Harukichi felt her stomach quiver all the more. Random bodies lay in fields, it seemed pointless to gather each one and continue to burn them into ashes. And onward they flew into Vidia. They reached the small Kingdom in a matter of an hour. It was the smallest Kingdom they had seen yet. Harukichi landed on the ground in the middle of the street that the four of them were flying over. She looked around in confusion as Sydney noticed that she had stopped flying. "What's wrong Harukichi?" questioned Hana, who in turn stopped with Azurel in the air. "Something's not right, look around." answered Harukichi. The other three looked around as Harukichi explained. "Do you see? There are no bodies lying around." All of them examined the area cautiously. "You're right," exclaimed Sydney in surprise. "So where [I]are[/I] the bodies?" At that moment, Demons erupted from some of the buildings. They broke through walls and roofs. There were ten Demons this time- four females, and six males. It would be harder to take since there were more of them, and the fact that Daisetsu was gone.
  17. Name: Storm Age: Late twenties/early thirties Comic: X-Men Power: Storm can manipulate the weather and other elements in a variety of ways (including using wind to give her flight, and summoning lightning bolts are her favorite tricks). Bio: Orphaned, Ororo Munroe was later taken in by a tribe. This was the time she discovered her power of weather manipulation, and thus was worshiped as a goddess. She later joined on with the X-Men team after being told that she was a mutant, not a majestic being. Description: Click [URL=http://img6.imagetown.net/8149811.jpg][COLOR=Indigo]here[/COLOR][/URL] Real Name: Ororo Munroe
  18. Considerably ask her on her opinion about taking your relationship to the next level. That way, you'll understand how she feels about it. In my opinion, it's better than her just saying 'no' right off the bat. (That's just how I see it.) Though if she likes the idea of being girlfriend/boyfriend, the by Joe go on! ^_^
  19. Harukichi remained stunned in her position as her eyes shined with unnoticable tears that last fell from where she was, all the way to the ground. She took a deep breath as Hana and Sydney remained a bit teary-eyed themselves. Shaking her head in a furious manner, she pointed south with her spear and called out to the others. "We go this way, since those three went off in two different directions. We will clear more of weaker Demons from anywhere, but I swear we'll meet...them...again." The rain had become a bit weaker, as the sky remained gray in it's afternoon state. The ground was wet, and the atmosphere smelled of dew. Looking behind her, she saw the other three Angels nod. And before flying off in that direction, Harukichi took one long look at Daisetsu's location of death. None of his blood lay there any longer, and his body was gone with the spirit that had taken him to peace. In an instant matter, Harukichi whispered under her breath. "Unexpectedly..." That was when her tears stopped, and she looked up at the sky again. She felt someone become an even stronger bond to her heart, and she weakly smiled as a result. With that, Harukichi flew off first, signaling that it was time to go. They flew south, to what they would soon know as the Kingdom Vidia. All four of them remained quiet, drowning in their own thoughts as they weakly searched for any random Demons on the trail.
  20. Eli

    O Fortuna

    [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Elayne Kundre [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Kingdom:[/B] (Temporarily in) Elys [B]Role in Kingdom:[/B] Elayne is mainly a typical theif- stealing what she wants, when she wants. Along with her stealing streak, she travels to keep her usual round of whatever she can get- pocket money, food, jewelery, etc. Other than her partner by her side, she thinks nothing of any others' company. [B]Description:[/B] Click [URL=http://img2.imagetown.net/85454911.jpg][COLOR=SandyBrown]here[/COLOR][/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Elayne is someone who likes to take things swift and agile, and as little confrontation as possible. Her likings are ironic to her lifestyle, considering some people attempt to catch her after she is caught taking something. She especially dislikes confusion and failure in plans. Elayne can speak in a cold and sarcastic manner, but has a warm attitude when known for a certain amount of time. Though all the same, she has a casual, laid-back expression to herself. In the views of other people, she sees no reason to help with any of their problems. And if flustered with anything, she can become rather insolent and hasty. All in all, Elayne tries to think things through before truly taking action. In a nutshell, she is spunky, thoughtful, and usually easy-going. [B]Background:[/B] Unlike most children, Elayne ran away from home at the age of seven. She saw no reason to stay with her "boring" parents, thus she renamed herself as "Elayne Kundre." She had never revealed her real name to anyone, though only to her partner [URL=http://img4.imagetown.net/87765192.jpg][COLOR=Red]Aleyn Claudace[/COLOR][/URL] (First name pronnounced as 'Allen'). When Elayne was eight, it was upon that time that she had met Aleyn (who was nine), and had become close friends and allies. In the successful attempt, they had managed to steal two fairly large daggers as weapons. Ten years had passed in their friendship, and Elayne is 18 (as Aleyn is 19). They had become theives from the time they had become immensely close companions. As they see Elys in a new perspective, they now set out on traveling to the kingdom Gunvyle as what Elayne calls "a vacation."[/SIZE] Hope this is alright. PM for any problems of any sort.
  21. Harukichi remained in her position next to Daisetsu. Her eyes were lying upon the spirit that had come, and she looked back to Daisetsu. Her eyes widened as she then gasped. "No..." It seemed as though all were going in slow motion- the Angels and Demons battling, and the strange spirit approaching her and the ever-sleeping Daisetsu. Tears streamed even more down Harukichi's face as she sobbed quietly. The spirit finally stood over the two, seeming as if she didn't even notice the others at battle. Harukichi looked up at her, the rain washing away and mending with her tears. "Do not fear, child." stated the spirit, her amethyst eyes glowing as a bolt of lightning flashed in the far distance. "I am the third spirit, here to take Daisetsu away. Our powers cannot bring him back to life, though he can sleep peacefully with the use of my remaining power." Hearing this, Harukichi stood up with her spear, and watched as the spirit casted a white glow over Daisetsu's body. Once he had completely vanished, the spirit looked at Harukichi and nodded. "Go help your friends. They need you now..." And with that, the spirit faded as well. Harukichi looked upon the other Angels in battle with the Demons. She gripped her spear in anger, ready to avenge a fallen Angel. She remembered his words, as she flew off to where the others were, assured that Daisetsu would rest in peace. [I]"You all stay strong. You know I'm...not going to make it." [/I]
  22. Harukichi was standing on one roof, looking about the area below. [I]"Everything is too quiet," [/I] she thought. But she thought too soon, for she then turned her head to the left. There in the distance, were three Demons flying toward them. The other Angels saw them as well. There were two males, and one female. They all looked determined, as they approached the five. Harukichi looked upon the other four Angels, and nodded. They all flew off of the roofs and into the air, calm and quiet. [I]"These three Demons aren't like the rest, they aren't hasty to attack yet."[/I] Harukichi squinted as she gripped her spear in alert and preperation. And as she quickly eyed Daisetsu, he was slightly shaking. She wanted to ask what was wrong, but now wasn't the time. All five of them remained silent as they stopped and remained in the air. The three Demons were now very close, and the stopped a little length in front of the Angels. The two sides looked upon each other, and Harukichi examined each one of them, little by little. She held her spear with both of her hands, and she held it in front of her, grasping lightly. Nothing was said for a few minutes; and the wind howled worse as the gray clouds covered the sky and sun. And as the two sides stood in their positions, a few rain drops fell onto Harukichi's arms. But that didn't distract her- she kept completely focused on the three Demons.
  23. [SIZE=1][I]"Dammit, why didn't Kayin come? This is such bull-"[/I] After Jing Li stopped her mecha and remained still in a hushed panic, the most throbbing of her headaches had come, and she could not finish her previous thought. She gasped in pain, though stopped herself shortly afterward, and thought to herself as she closed her eyes. A part of her memory was coming back to her, though she did not realize it. She heard the same child's voice again. And though it was the same child, it did not sound like it at all. The voice was filled with anger and pain, as if the small one had just been emotionally destroyed. [I]"...You don't know what I want...You have no idea who [I]I[/I] am...DO YOU!?"[/I] After hearing the voice, Jing Li's eyes snapped open and trembled. But as she then focused back on what had recently happened, she felt a sense of anger rush slowly through her. She clenched her teeth and fists as her mecha Serenade lulled for those few minutes. In an instant, Jing Li unwired herself. She walked over to the small, maroon chest that lied in the corner next to the control panel. Then and there, Jing Li tore the necklace from her neck, rather than taking it off. After opening the chest, and taking the small note from the diary, she surprisingly cut her fingertip with the paper. It wasn't a deep cut, though enough to make blood come forth. She used her blood to write the word, "FLY" in the first page of her diary. She did not know why she had written it; but after so, she felt a bit calmer with herself. Slipping the note back in the chest, still examining the diary, she noticed something peculiar. [I]"What the hell...?"[/I] She had flipped through the pages out of spite and curiousity, but Jing Li realized that the last page of her diary had been written in. She examined it closely, and then read the writing. And as she read the last page, she felt as though she could hear the same child reading with her.[/SIZE] [I] [FONT=Times New Roman]"What has happened? All of what they taught me...had it been in vain this whole time? They showed what hypocrites they were. Their lessons had no worth my entire life! I'm going to prove what I am, and I'm not going to care about what they think anymore. How can I even trust them after what they did? They not only hurt themselves, but they hurt me..."[/FONT] [/I] [SIZE=1]Jing Li squinted at the paper, confused over what had been written. It felt as though the room were heating up, and she began to breathe deeply in pace. Her anger was starting to rise again, and thus she threw the diary against the wall. It crashed with a soft thud, and landed on the floor; some of the pages crumpled under the pressure. After a heavy, weary sigh, Jing Li walked gradually over to the center of the cockpit, and wired herself back in.[/SIZE]
  24. Harukichi flew a bit behind, thinking about what would happen if one of the Angels were to actually die. [I]"Would, or could, anything bring us back? Not to be dramatic, but we're too young to die...And if we were to get killed, what would happen to us?"[/I] It was then late morning, the sun was resting lightly in the sky; though it was covered by gray clouds. The sky itself was a pale gray. The Angels had flown for quite some time before reaching their next destination, the Kingdom Circta. They had all stayed low and near to the ground as to not be revealed by Demons. It surprisingly worked, as they landed on the ground to check out the entrance grounds of the Kingdom. "Oh my gosh..." whispered Sydney. The other Angels gasped as well to what they saw. At least a hundred people or so were on the ground- bloody, slaughtered and dead. Not only men, but women and children of all ages were in their own blood. The look of terror had struck some faces, some were foaming a bit at the mouth with their saliva. One small boy was even hung by a building with some rope; his neck was torn on one side, and his arms were twisted and tied from behind. Harukichi held her mouth to keep from vomiting, as well as a reaction to the sight of a total massacre. The five of them flew slowly and carefully over the bodies, checking to see if there were any of them surviving- none were moving, all were completely dead. "It's...engrossing," stated Azurel, whispering. Any Demon could be here, so they had to keep on their full guard.
  25. Harukichi stood in the alleyway as she was left by Daisetsu so that he could help the others in battle. She could hear them attacking as she shut her eyes tightly. [I]"Think! What could get rid of this vision?"[/I] Harukichi then thought of her mother, her brother Jiroi, and anything that made her feel happy. When she opened her eyes, the illusion of blood blocking her sight became clear; she could see the environment around her again. "Finally!" she said, annoyed yet relieved. She looked about the corner and up as Daisetsu had, and peered onto what was going on. Hana shot two arrows, though the Demon had easily dodged them. Daisetsu and Azurel came at her with his sword, only to miss in the attempt. The Demon then giggled. "You know, this game would be more fun if you learned to use your head. But you'll never figure out how to." The Demon laughed again, and then threw six blades of darkness at Sydney and Hana. Luckily, they doged them in the last second. The Demon's back was to Harukichi, so Harukichi could only examine her from behind. [I]"There's gotta be a weakness to this *****, but what? She said 'use your head,' but what the hell does that mean? Hm..." [/I] Harukichi looked upon her head; something was peculiar, though very subtle to see. The female Demon's red scarf was slightly glowing at the tips. [I]"What the ****?"[/I] thought Harukichi. [I]"What if that has something to do with her strength?...Maybe not, but it's worth a shot."[/I] Harukichi waited until she got Azurel and Sydney's attention. "Distract her." mouthed Harukichi, and they both acknowledged and attacked even harder than before. After doing the same with Daisetsu, Harukichi motioned Hana to fly around as fast as she could. [I]"This'll hopefully get her to not notice me...Here we go!" [/I] At the right time, when the pale Demon had shot a blade at Hana for it to only miss in time, Harukichi flew out to the Demon as fast as she could, aiming to take the red scarf from her head. But as if she knew all along, the evil female turned around right when Harukichi came behind her. For the first time, the Demon's eyes were filled a bit with shock. Having to emprovise, Harukichi used her spear to rip through one part of the red sash, and she tugged harshly to pull it off. Just as she did, the yellow cross engraved on the Demon's forehead gradually dissappeared. Her eyes then turned red due to the fury. Her teeth became fangs, and she growled as she lunged for Harukichi. "Hana, now!" yelled Daisetsu, and Hana shot three arrows in a row. Because Hana shot from behind, the arrows landed in the Demon's back, neck and head. Stunned and instantly dead, the Demon fell to the ground. But as her blood spilled out, the Angels noticed it was the color black. "Ew," said Sydney. But they had to press on to another Kingdom. "Which way do we go now?" asked Azurel, tending to his wound a bit. Harukichi took in the pain from the slash she had recieved on her side, and ignored it. "Well," replied Sydney. "The Forest of Mantua is the center of Vain, and nothing is there because the Demons have already taken Grayce." Daisetsu thought a bit while rubbing his right shoulder to alleviate some pain, and then spoke. "We've cleared Siango, now Cruelna....If only we had a fricken map, dammit!" Hana shook her head in dissapointment. "I guess we fly west? We'll probably get the next Kingdom from there..." And with seeing no reason to argue, the Angels flew up into the air and west. They didn't know that their choice of direction would lead them to Kingdom Circta, and that it was quite a distance off.
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