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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Hana had finally woken up, as Sydney had checked on her. Harukichi became slightly mad at his reaction to the situation. She looked at Azurel, choking on her words. "How could you think of food at a time like this?!" she asked. "We're taken through and onto this strange land, we've been changed into...flying humanoids, and all you can think of is how HUNGRY you are?!" Azurel stared at Harukichi as if she were crazy, and Harukichi paused. "...Sorry," she whispered. "It may be because of how shocked I am over this whole thing." She shook her head and stood up, for she had finally gathered enough strength to pull herself together. Daisetsu scratched his head in wonder, as Harukichi walked slowly around. It was dark; the sun would rise in several hours, it seemed. Then, Harukichi squinted, as she noticed that there was a gray glow not far off. She called out to the others behind her. "Hey," she said, without calling over her shoulder. "You guys see that?" The gray glow became brighter as the other four accompanied her by her side, and the form appeared in front of them. It was the same white-haired one from before. He walked up to them all, and put out his hand. "You all have made it through," he said. Harukichi noticed that his eyes were a bit more lively this time, and he continued to speak. "Of course, it is obvious that you are no longer in your galaxy, or on your planet earth. I am here to explain why." He paused, and waited for anyone to object; though the five of them just stood, silent. "You all are needed here in this galaxy. As I have told you, this galaxy is Cosmon, though it is very small, considering that there is but one planet- Yu. And on this planet, we are in Vain. This land is in a terrible state, for there is a horrible enemy against it- the Demons." "The Demons?" asked Daisetsu. The glowing spirit nodded, explaining. "They hate this land, and want it destroyed forever. And they have taken our precious gift, Grayce. She is a companion to the opposite, demonic gift Pity. If these two are combined through a special ceremony, then the ultimate weapon will emerge- Deathe. If this happens, not only will Vain be destroyed, but other galaxies will be annhilated as well. This includes your planet as well." "What?!" asked Harukichi, though she understood everything. "So what do we do to stop this mess?" The spirit looked at her, then held out his hand. "I am glad you asked that. You are the Angels, Vain's -and other galaxies'- only hope of destoying the Demons. Now, here is the land description." The spirit's hand began to glow a crystalline blue, and a large cloud of sheen appeared in front of them all. In the cloud, was a picture of land, presumingly Vain. It was quite large, along with an island up at the top, not far off to the right. "This is Vain," explained the spirit. "And we are here..." He pointed over to the island. "This is Kingdom Siango. There are five other Kingdoms on the mainland- Mantua, Circta, Cruelna, Satrin, and Vidia. They surround the forest that Grayce had taken slumber in- the Forest of Mantua." The cloud dissappeared as the spirit closed his hand. "Do not fear, there are others like me. There are only seven of us spirits, and we will help you along the way to find Hidden." "What is Hidden?" questioned Hana. "Ah yes," said the spirit. "Hidden is the land that the Demons live on. Though no one -including us seven spirits- have been able to find this land. It is so difficult to find. Though you five, the Angels, have the ability to find it. But first..." He paused and gave each of the Angels a pleading glance. "You need to make things right in Vain. You must help these Kingdoms by fighting off the Demons that terroize them. Here..." The spirit snapped his fingers once, and instantly, five weapons were floating in front of them all. There were three different swords, a bow and arrows, and a spear. The spear was floating in front of Harukichi as she took it. The others took what was in front of them. The spirit then began to fade away, with his last words. "Use those as your weapons as well as your defense. Help us, we need you." Harukichi held the spear with both hands, gripping it and looking to the ground. She realized that either way, she, Daisetsu, Sydney, Hana and Azurel would have to fight and bring justice. Because if they didn't, they would be as good as dead.
  2. Harukichi was sleeping humbly. She was dreaming of her as a child with her small, newborn puppy. Harukichi bounced the puppy's small ball, though it rolled out into the street. When the puppy went to fetch the ball, it collapsed. Harukichi ran over to the little creature, cradling it in her arms. But the puppy went limp in her arms. It had died, and the young Harukichi didn't know why. Harukichi's dream then changed. She saw darkness, then a flashing alternation of two children- one with silver hair, and one with pale blonde. The one with silver hair was sleeping heavily, as if she could never be awakened. Her outlook seemed so peaceful and quiet. The pale blonde child was awake though. She looked dead, without an expression upon her face. Her eyes themselves looked horrid and immensely frightening. Harukichi tossed and turned as she only saw the girl's eyes in her dream, which had now become a nightmare. And Harukichi could not stand it anymore, as she said "Help" quietly in her sleep. But as she realized that she could talk again, Harukichi slowly opened her eyes, and blinked gradually to alleviate her blurry vision. She felt herself on cold ground, and slightly shivered. [I]"Where...am I?"[/I]
  3. Harukichi was petting Azurel's dog as the unkown girl came over with Daisetsu; he was trying to flirt with the girl in the tree as she hopped down, or so it seemed like it- Harukichi couldn't tell from her distance. They both walked slowly over to where Azurel, Sydney and Harukichi were, and Daisetsu grinned a bit. "I've guess we've got some kinda' posse, or what?" said Daisetsu with a laugh. [I]"It does seem like we're a group,"[/I] thought Harukichi, as she smiled at the girl that was recently in the tree. The girl introduced herself. "My name is Hana," she said. When everyone knew each other at the moment, Harukichi checked her watch. "Well, it's about time I go. So now-" But her voice was cut off, for the dog Angel was now squirming like crazy to get out of her arms. Sydney's cat Dusty was not far off, though was hissing like crazy. The five stood about, staring at the two animals for their behavior. "What's wrong with them?" asked Daisetsu. "They seem...hungry?" Azurel and Sydney both shook their heads. "I don't know what could be wrong," said Sydney, and Azurel agreed with her. Harukichi thought to herself again. [I]"Then why the hell are they acting so strangely?" [/I] Suddenly, the two pets ran away from the park! A cold chill came so suddenly, that Harukichi shivered. But not because it was cold- she felt a touch frightened. "Hey," said Azurel, still looking up at the night sky, the stars popping out brightly. "What the hell is going on?" Harukichi looked up to the sky, along with the others. Sydney stopped herself from running off to catch Dusty, and looked up with them. The sky looked like it was moving. "But how can the sky move?" asked Daisetsu with a laugh. "Man, I knew that gang would make me feel strange afterwards, but not to see swirling skies and pets going crazy." But the sky was actually swirling, as a glow emitted from the from the revolving night and stars. The five of them stood there, shocked and bemused. Harukichi for one, couldn't speak. But it was certain that the others felt the same way. Then, Harukichi heard a voice. She didn't know if anyone else could hear, so she remained silent as she listened. "Lusafahaitoui," was all that was heard, before a immensely bright light made the five shade their eyes and wince. And at that moment, the bright light shot into five directions- all upon where each of them were, even upon Harukichi. It felt as though she were being grabbed somehow, so Harukichi opened her eyes to see pure darkness everywhere. She could still feel herself being pulled, though she didn't know why. [I]"What the **** is going on? Why the hell am I in the dark like this! Oh my gosh..." [/I] When she tried to speak, she couldn't. Her voice was gone. And she was not on earth, for as she turned her head, she saw the world far away. She looked frantically around for Sydney, Azurel, Hana or Daisetsu. They were all a distance apart from here, floating the same way she was. And as they were all being pulled, Harukichi felt herself being brought away from her own life. She didn't know that she had a duty to fufill, as her body was being taken closer to an unknown galaxy and planet. Suddenly, she saw a soft, white glow in front of her.[I] "What the...hell?"[/I] she thought, for she couldn't speak. It was clear that the others couldn't speak as well. All was silent and cold. The glow became larger, and then it formed. It seemed to be a person. But she didn't know who he was- he had white hair, and the palest, foggiest eyes ever. He was wearing a white cloak that had a hood, which he didn't wear; so Harukichi saw his face clearly. He looked so emotionless as he spoke. "Azurel. Daisetsu. Hana. Sydney. Harukichi," he said. "Have no fear." Harukichi could only squint as he continued to talk. His voice was heard clearly, though his lips weren't moving at all. "I am a spirit. You are all needed in the galaxy of Cosmon. There is a land in danger- the land Vain, on the world Yu. But more shall be explained later. You must be transformed; for you all are the Angels." Harukichi could only gape as she widened her eyes in fear to the word "transformed." And as he said the word "Angels," Harukichi felt an agonizing pain rush throughout her veins. She tried to scream out in pain, though it was no use- even as her mouth opened, she was silent. She then felt herself become light and dizzy as two bronze, narrow wings sprouted from the back of her head. Her body glowed a bronze as it enveloped her completely. She then looked down as the glow faded, to leave a metal suit. She had one arm completely in bronze armor, with a black glove, though the other was completely bare. She wore a bronze armored bikini, along with bronze boots. And she was complete with her transformation as an Angel, as she completely blacked out. ___________ [URL=http://home.datacomm.ch/aah/gallery%202/death.jpg]Warp1[/URL]
  4. Harukichi scooted over to the side as she let the short-haired blonde sit next to her. The three guys were just a distance off now. "So," said Harukichi, excited to meet a "teenager." There was already another girl in the park as well. "My name's Sydney." Harukichi's eyes beamed as she asked her question. "How old are you?" "21." To the answer Sydney gave, Harukichi was shocked. She looked younger than her age. Though Harukichi didn't care, she had a new friend. "Do you know those guys over there?" Sydney asked with a smile. Harukichi shook her head to the question bestowed upon her. "I have no idea who they are. I've only heard their names," Harukichi said as she pointed. "I've heard that one as Akio, and the other as Daisetsu. But I don't know who that other guy is with them." Upon hearing his name, Daisetsu looked over to Harukichi, grinning. He waltzed over to her and Sydney, his eyes a very deep sapphire blue. "Hi," he said. In fact, he said it as if he were trying to be smooth. Sydney kind of laughed as Harukichi answered. "Hi," she said slowly, shaking her head and squinting. Daisetsu continued on. "Must I say you two ladies are looking hot this fine evening." He winked as he shoved his hands into his pockets.[I] "Show off," [/I] thought Harukichi. The other girl walking into the park had climbed into a tree not far away, along with some colored pencils and a sketch book. Harukichi found her interesting, and she as well looked fairly young. [I]"All these teens today, it must be my lucky day to mingle!"[/I] thought Harukichi happily, and she couldn't help but flash a small smile. Though that smile turned to a frown as Daisetstu spoke once again. "So babes," said Daisetsu. "You have names I can call you by?" Harukichi crossed her arms, as Sydney rolled her eyes in amusement. But attention was then put onto Daisetsu greatly after what Akio had done from a distance. He had kicked the soccer ball clear onto the back of Daisetsu's head, thus making him stumble foward. Daisetsu looked back at Akio in complete anger, along with Akio shrugging and the unkown guy laughing a bit. "AKIO!" shouted Daisetsu at the top of his lungs. Akio pointed with a face filled with guilt. "It was Azurel, not me!" [I]"So his name is Azurel..."[/I] thought Harukichi to herself. The one named Azurel stood up after gulping his soda in shock. "How could it have been me?" called Azurel. "I was sitting!" Akio laughed nervously as Daisetsu kicked the ball back with so much force, that the ball went clear over both Akio and Azurel's heads, and across the street; down the street it went, rolling along the ground. "FETCH!" said Daisetsu laughing, and Akio looked at him as if he were crazy. "It's the least you can do after hitting me in the head!" he barked. "What can I say?" said Akio, shrugging. And he left to go get the ball that was still rolling down the street. After watching that little scene, Harukichi looked at her watch again: ten minutes until it would be completely dark. There was the girl in the tree, Sydney, Azurel, Daisetsu, and herself there now. All the children and elders had left completely, leaving the park desolate and silent. Only those five were left.
  5. [B]Cysword6[/B]: The rpg has started, I was about to post that, but you beat me to it. Besides, your signup is not accurate enough to accept immediately on the last minute. [I][B]The signups are closed.[/B][/I]
  6. Harukichi was still sitting on the bench, and she saw three very strange guys- two with blonde hair and one with black. She never budged from her position, though she slowly rolled her eyes over to them. One blonde was actually quite near where she was sitting, with the other two walking over. Harukichi's eyes lit up a bit. [I]"Oh wow. People that look my age. This usually doesn't happen." [/I] Two of the guys were seemingly apologizing to the other one, and Harukichi eavesdropped upon their conversation. "Sorry about that," said the black-haired one. He punched his blonde companion on the head. "Daisetsu here doesn't know when to quit." The one named Daisetsu shouted out in annoyance and pain from the hit, and hit his friend back in the same manner in fury. "Yeah, Akio here doesn't know that I CAN quit, as long as HE quits hitting me." Harukichi couldn't help but snicker at their behavior. [I]"Man oh man, and I thought I was childish." [/I] So the dark-haired one was named Akio, and his friend with him was Daisetsu. The remaining unknown blonde spoke again. "Well now, sorry about that again. You guys still want a soda?" The one named Daisetsu shook his head and responded. "No thanks. All I want right now is a new soccer ball." He pointed to the slightly flattened ball, and huffed. Harukichi changed her mind.[I] "No, he's even worse than Jiroi." [/I] She sighed loudly, feeling that someone was watching her; she dropped the matter quickly. The sun was close to setting now, as she looked at her watch. [I]"About a half and hour more, and I'll be outta here for bed. I guess I'll just watch them." [/I] Harukichi thought this while looking around- only two small children remained, along with the three other teens. But what she didn't know, was that she wouldn't be going to bed at all.
  7. [SIZE=1]An unknown spirit looked upon the entire land of Vain, sorrow fufilling his heart, and eyes hazy in thought. His white hair shifted through the howling wind. "What will become of this once peaceful land? Has the end finally neared to the last moments of despair?" Everyday was now dark, the sun never rose; the moon was always beaming. He watched the madness from the sky above, shocking screams of crying and cruel laughter. "Unless..." At that very moment, the weak spirit used some of the last stregnth he had to make a prayer. The sprit began to glow a soft silver, shining with the moon in harmony. "Lusafahaitoui." Shimmers of light then rose higher into the sky as he lifted his arms, looking up. The prayer would reach out to another galaxy- to the planet Earth. The land of Vain needed the five saints more now than ever before; they needed the Angels. And the spirit faded away for the time being, not having the heart to watch the agony of the people suffering. He would wait for the Angels to come and save and restore Vain to it's former glory.[/SIZE] __________________ Harukichi lay against the side of the wooden fence, clutching her gun to her chest, breathing ever so shallow. All was silent, until she could hear her heart beat; louder and faster her pulse grew. She couldn't take it anymore. She had to take a chance, she had to try her luck. But before she could even take one move, her brother jumped over the fence, instantly aiming his gun at her. "Haru-Chan, think fast!" Harukichi's eyes widened greatly...as her seven year-old bother sprayed water all over her! They were playing water-tag, and used water guns as their offense in "battle." Harukichi shrieked with laughter as he got her completely soaked, and she fired in return. Soon, they were both out of fire power, and drenched from head to toe. Harukichi dropped her water gun onto the boucy grass, and wiped the water from her eyes. "I'm done now. I'm going to go change." she said, tired. "Aww, please sis?" begged her brother. "Just a little longer." Her voice turned a touch cold. "No, lil' bro. Bug off." It was a hot summer evening in Kyoto, and a bit busy. Harukichi lived with her mother and only kid-brother, Jiroi; they all resided in a semi-quiet neighborhood. Because no neighbors had children of their own, Haruchiki and Jiroi always had to play with each other. But Haruchiki was growing up, and needed to find friends her age, or at least older. "Mom, I'll be at the park for the rest of the day!" she called out. But there was silence- her mother was asleep again. Harukichi sighed, then left a note on the refridgerator. After walking into her room, she changed into a white tank top with navy shorts and tennis shoes, and then left for her destination, leaving her damp blonde hair to dry while walking. On the walk to the park, Harukichi observed whatever caught her eye- the icecream man, sandy children from the playground, elders taking up the benches. She was already bored- anyone that was older than her was either old or the icecream man; and she definately did not want to talk to the children. There wasn't anyone her age either. [I]"Geez. Well, I guess I'll just enjoy the boredom- whoo." [/I] She then sat at one on one of the empty benches, leaning back, relaxed in the shade. She huffed, blowing some hair away from her face. "This makes math class seem like a good idea- and I absolutely hate algebra."
  8. Very good, all of you who have signed up. I am impressed with your work, and will be starting this rpg soon. Take note that there are 2 free Demon signups left, and that I am willing to take any last moment calls. Tomorrow (the 17th) is the last day; then I will begin. All of you who have signed up, take notice: Demons will come a bit later into the story. Angels need to post first. There will be extra Demons and spirits (aka NPC's) that will come as well. [Spirits help the Angels at times] And as a last rule, all IPC's have a chance of being raped and/or killed off. (I'm just stating the facts) EDIT: I am starting now. All Angels check so they can post first. Remember to post correctly, please.
  9. [SIZE=1]Name: KyoKaoru Kadanoe Age: 19 Country: Kyoto, Japan Power: Intergration and Oversoul Ghost: Sakedomoni ____________ Sakedomoni's Bio: In the nineteenth century, Sakedomoni was a professionally skilled female ninja. Though her power had become so immense, she butchered 600 men- for her own amusement; out of boredom. She loved to tease her victims with torturous pain, and sometimes gave others a quick death. She was swift, agile, and always smirked at the sight of one's blood. Heaven did not accept her spirit because of her misdeeds; thus she stayed on earth as a ghost, refusing to do otherwise. She then had wandered around, until reaching a forest in the countryside of Kyoto, and stayed near a small pond. One day in our modern time, Sakedomoni had become immensely fed up with her location; she sat on a large rock near the pond. She as ready to go search for a more exciting place, though a rustling of foosteps made her head bolt in that direction. Through the forest, came a fairly young girl; she held a ninja star at her side, looking over the place, until she spotted Sakedomoni. They stared for the longest time, ever so quietly, until the pale girl spoke harshly. "Another human ghost. Great." Hearing this, Sakedomoni stood up on the rock she was sitting on, and clenched her fists. "Oh yeah? Can I ask how you know?" The girl responded, her eyes emotionless and her voice flat. "I have seen a couple before...though you are the most boring of the ones I have met." This of course angered Sakedomoni. Though she couldn't help but love the girl's cold attitude and spunk. At first, the girl disliked Sakedomoni. But after an extended period of being aquaintances, they then became allies; thus they started their partnership together. ____________ KyoKaoru's Bio: KyoKaoru Kadanoe hated the name her parents had given her, so she had chosen to be called "Kyou" for short. She was always either silent, or spoke coldly. She lived with her parents; near the city, yet close to the countryside of Kyoto. At the age of nine, she recieved her very first ninja star; though it was made of rubber. That way, she couldn't hurt herself. She practiced each day with full length wooden dolls, and soon her skills increased to earn a real ninja star at age twelve. She kept earning all her ninja stars from her father, who had taught her the ways of the ninja. At the coming age of eighteen, she then earned the ninja star she had her eyes set on the most. It was silver, with diamonds embedded in it, and was quite big for her stature. "Kyou" had then practiced in various forests, considering her new ninja star had chopped the wooden doll figures to bits. She had trained with her father at first, then decided it more fun to travel the days into the familiar forests alone. One day, Kyou had taken a risk, and traveled even further than what she had done before. This was the day that she had discovered Sakedomoni. Of course, Kyou had seen two human ghosts before, considering that she lived near busy towns. She had only spoke to the two ghosts to realize what they were; though she had come into contact with them at age fifteen, and never forgot it. When she walked into the forest area where Sakedomoni resided, she showed no fear, although she was actually quite startled. Kyou never liked to express her feelings in any way whatsoever, and taught herself to keep an emotionless face. Along with that came her cold attitude. Upon meeting Sakedomoni, she learned what a true annoyance was. Yet, Kyou learned to become closer to her. Hence, the relationship of the two progressed to a partnership when Kyou surprisingly agreed. ____________ Weapon: Ninja Star [U]Special Moves[/U] Bu-meran: The ability to launch the ninja star 30 yards, with it to come back to it's user in return. This attack brings forth the chance of more damage. Kutsuu: The ninja star turns immensely hot, thus cutting through as many things as possible, as if they were butter. Takusan: The user of this ability can make up to twenty illusions of themself, thus making an opponent bemused of the user's real position. ____________ Oversoul Appearance: When Sakedomoni and Kyou intergrate, Kyou's hair turns blonde, and only does that. Kyou's eyes also have a swirl of maroon in them, which is the color of Sakedomoni's eyes. Because Sakedomoni is a dead spirit, her aura is a pale white, and outlines Kyou's ninja star; the glow seems to have a pulse. Kyou's voice becomes even more harsh, and her attacks twice as vicious.[/SIZE] [URL=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=beramode/v=2/l=IVS/*-http://pantransit.reptiles.org/images/2001-06-10/f_beramode.jpg]Kyou's Pic[/URL]
  10. Name: [I]Harukichi[/I] Age: [I]16[/I] Appearance: [I](See picture below)[/I] Biography: [I]Harukichi is just another quiet teen. She used to be a total trouble maker; loud and obnoxious, uncaring about any other person's feelings. At age fifteen, she even was arrested for causing trouble in a night club. But she is starting to act her age now, and sticking to making good grades in school. Harukichi lives with her mother and little kid-brother Jiroi, who is seven. She loves to hang around places that have numerous people so that she may observe them and their behavior. Harukichi can sometimes be cold or emotionless to an unknown person, though is usually neutral to people she knows and cares for.[/I] Calling: [I]Angel (See picture below)[/I] Weapon: [I]Pointed staff[/I]
  11. [B]An unknown spirit looked upon the entire land of Vain, sorrow fufilling his heart, and eyes hazy in thought. His white hair shifted through the howling wind. [I]"What will become of this once peaceful land? Has the end finally neared to the last moments of despair?" [/I] Everyday was now dark, the sun never rose; the moon was always beaming. He watched the madness from the sky above, shocking screams of crying and cruel laughter. [I]"Unless..." [/I] At that very moment, the weak spirit used some of the last stregnth he had to make a prayer. The sprit began to glow a soft silver, shining with the moon in harmony. "Lusafahaitoui." Shimmers of light then rose higher into the sky as he lifted his arms, looking up. The prayer would reach out to another galaxy- to the planet Earth. The land of Vain needed the five saints more now than ever before; they needed the Angels. And the spirit faded away for the time being, not having the heart to watch the agony of the people suffering. He would wait for the Angels to come and save and restore Vain to it's former glory.[/B] __________________ Cosmon is another galaxy far from our own, and in this galaxy resides one planet called Yu. On Yu, there are only two lands left, due to an ancient war. One land, Vain, is the land of peace. Though on the other hand, there is Hidden- a land that is controlled by raving chaos. Although, no one knows of the land's location, hence the name. Only the Angels are able to unlock it's bemusing location. And on this land, resides the Demons- a terribly hated kind that love to perform havoc, not to mention their thirst for the destruction of Vain. The Angels- the saints of Vain- must must fight in the name of Grayce and all Vain's people. In the land of Vain, there is a special child- a young girl, Grayce. This precious gift lies deep within the Forest of Mantua, located at the very center of Vain. She has been in an eternal sleep, her power immense and untapped; she herself was sleeping in an orb of light. Now, the Demons have come and taken Grayce away to Hidden, and have caused a plague of darkness upon the six Kindoms of Vain. They want her power for their own; to awaken her and merge her with their own gifted child- Pity. Pity is the demonic child of Hidden, her powers as well remain untapped. But she remains awake, never sleeping; ready to merge with Grayce, and evolve into Deathe- the ultimate power that can destroy Vain forever, as well as other galaxies. Upon this reason, the Angels must do all they can to protect Vain, not to mention Earth, and other planets among the stars reach. The six Kingdoms of Vain are Circta, Mantua, Cruelna, Satrin, Vidia, and Siango. They are scattered around the Forest of Mantua- all but Siango, the island very close to the land Vain. These Kingdoms are not actually based on royalty; they are simply major cities. The people residing in all of these Kingdoms are now dying through hate, slaughter, and horror. And a ferocious battle between the Demons and the Angels will soon commence; a bloody war that is to annhilate either righteous or evil. __________________ [SIZE=2][B]Now for signups...[/B] Name: A first name will do Age: Anywhere between 14 - 21 Appearance: If no picture, you must be [I]thoroughly[/I] detailed Biography: Describe your life, what you are doing momentarily, and your personality Calling: Angel or Demon Weapon: (Only for Angels) Anything primary- A spear, sword, etc. Power: (Only for Demons) Only one element- fire, wind, etc. With a few details[/SIZE] ___________________ And please, Angels must [I]not[/I] have a dark appearance- it must be the looks of an Angel. I ask that if you are a Demon, then your appearance must be of one. All the Angels start out in Kyoto, Japan as regular humans, then transform into Angels when they are sent to the Kingdom, Siango. This is where their adventure sets off. So, the Angel signups will need two pictures/ descriptions. Remember, [B]I can only allow five Angels[/B], male or female. I need [B]up to six Demons[/B], one of them to be the Master Demon [Sorry, this has already been taken in advance]. The Demons will already be in any Kingdom they wish, doing whatever chaos they please. Anyone can have wings, but they aren't necessary. More importantly, there [I]absolutely[/I] cannot be anything sacriligious about this rpg (Nothing about God or the Devil). I just wanted to make that clear to everyone that this is non-religious, and the terms "Angels" and "Demons" are just for the story. [I]Take note that if you sign up for this rpg, please understand that I do not take very kindly to [B]erratically written grammar[/B]. Use your full extent on grammar, to the best of your abilities, including punctuation, etc. If there are any questions, feel free to message me.[/I]
  12. Eli

    Wolf's Rain

    Leilani sat on her bed, inside her extremely small dormitory. And the only things in that dormitory, were her bed, fairly small desk, and a little television. She was writing in her journal, as a small rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. Leilani felt comforted by it, for she loved storms, and felt at peace again. It wasn't unusual to stay alone as much as possible; though today, she felt as though she were keeping from her own self. The faintest noise of that thunder made her relax once again, as she progressed to write in her journal. "The words of one are very confusing. Not knowing what they really could mean, nor..." With this, Leilani shook her head and tore the paper from the journal, crumpling it into a ball and throwing it away. "Nothing I write makes sense right now. Guess I'll have to give it a rest today." With saying this, Leilani swiftly closed the journal and put on her perriwinkle over-shirt, then left to go for a very short stroll around her alleyway in the city. "A walk might do some good, at least for now. And hopefully a storm will come tonight...Very unlikely though." The thought of the word "unlikely" made Leilani ponder about the once known Paradise, a wolf's dream. And as one thought led to another, she then sensed two humans coming her way. She kept her view coldly locked onto the ground as she walked past them; the humans were both talking in rather loud tones. "Did you hear on the news?" said one human, kind of cocky. "Something about raids." Both of the humans' voices faded as Leilani kept walking. "Guess I'll have to go and take a look at this when I get home." thought Leilani, as she squinted and let out a silent sigh.
  13. [SIZE=1]"Forget it. I'm just thinking out loud..." After Kayin had said this, another shock of turmbulence made the vessel rumble. It was easier for everyone to uphold their balance this time, considering they all had to adjust to the navigation. [I]"Did we just stop?" [/I] Jing Li felt her stomach slightly knot up, but helping seemed as the best priority at the moment. She turned to Ryo. "So you're coming?" "Hell yeah!" exclaimed Ryo in return. "That's my friend out there!" "Well what exactly are we gonna do?" asked Kayin, a bit thoughtful. "Why don't we just get out there and go from there?" said Gene, just a twinge annoyed. "We're not getting anywhere just standing like this." With that, Gene started off down the hallways, with Ryo, Kayin, and Jing Li following not far behind. Each of them had then reached their designated hangars, and entered. Soon, Jing Li was in Eloquent Serenade, wired up and ready to take off. "...636282045." After her mecha started up, the doors to ship the mechas resided in automatically opened, and Jing Li piloted Serenade out into the air. The sky was filled with a sense of melancholy as the rain poured, with clouds a deep gray and lightning flickering. A boom of thunder made Jing Li cringe. Pretty soon, Gene, Ryo and Kayin were out into the sky as well. "There he is!" said Ryo, through her intercom, and Jing Li looked in her direction. Zoltin was a distance off, in a heated battle with another mech. Jing Li then had a slight headache as she watched the dark mecha, but she shook her head, alleviating the pain as to not be distracted. "Don't lose focus now! Do [I]not[/I] lose focus now!" she muttered under her breath. The Prelude to Destruction was lunging for Harmony as it dodged. There were also three Instrumentalist grunts in the distance, but they seemed paralyzed. "I'm going to go and take care of those other Instrumentalists seemingly in wait," announced Gene, through the intercom of his mech. With that, he rocketed off towards them. Kayin followed, messaging to the intercom as well. "If it helps Zoltin and Harmony, then I'm going to aid Gene in dealing with these guys." Jing Li didn't know what to do at the time being, so thought as to soar off with Ryo, who was also following Gene and Kayin to get the grunts that were somehow paralyzed.[/SIZE]
  14. Here's the pics of Leilani and her wolf form. For some reason, I can only put them here...Oo More or less, here they are. ;)
  15. [U]Wolf human[/U] Name: Leilani Occupation: Journalist Living Quarters: Dorm Appearance: Leilani has back length, honey colored hair. Her eyes are amethyst. She wears a black belly shirt, with a periwinkle overshirt. She also wears white, low-ride pants, and black boots. And on the side, she also has a pair of sunglasses to go with her outfit. Human Pesonality: Leilani is basically very secretive and serious. She tends to keep her emotions hidden, yet her anger breaks through when nescessary. She hasn't been very close to anyone, let alone children. Leilani keeps her thoughts to herself and is usually unexpressive, or emotionless. Species: Gray Wolf Type: Wanderer Appearance: When in wolf form, the fur is a blended pattern of gray, white, and some black. The eyes are a pale cream-yellow. Wolf Personality: When a wolf, Leilani is very swift and agile, not to mention immensely placid. [I'll still have pictures]
  16. Eli

    I Am Sam

    I Am Sam is a pretty good movie. I love how much emotion and reality that is put into the story, and the actors did an excellent job. Though it wasn't enough to make me cry. Maybe it's just me. *Shrugs* But I still did enjoy it. [I love Sam's organizational skills.] ^_^
  17. [SIZE=1]Jing Li was walking out of the hangar her mecha, Serenade was in. But as she did so, a shock of turbulence made the vessel shake a bit. Jing Li stumbled, having to find balance. When the rumble passed, she became confused. "What the hell happened?" She went through the hallways and back to her familiar corner, passing by Kayin. She stopped, thinking that he might know what was happening. "Kayin," she said, speaking a little louder than before. "Do you know what's going on? The vessel was shaking and well..." "I don't know," said Kayin, scratching his head. "But try asking Gene. He should be hanging around here or something." Jing Li nodded and walked a little further, until she bumped into Ryo, who was walking rather swiftly, and looking a bit frantic. "I'm sorry," said Jing Li, but Ryo shook her head in confusion. "Where's Zhi?" she said, sounding worried and a bit demanding. At this point, Jing Li was also bemused. "What do you mean? He's not in the infirmary? I thought he was there with you." Ryo shook her head again. "Zhi was gone when I woke up from the vessel shaking, I-" But Ryo's voice was cut off by Gene's. "He left," Ryo and Jing Li looked at him for an explanation as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "That's right, he took the Prelude to Harmony and went off searching for that friend of his. And I believe the vessel has just now found him, because we're off course. That's what I've heard." "So I'm guessing that's what the turbulence was from." said Jing Li, wondering out loud. And Ryo remained silent.[/SIZE]
  18. Hmm. I go to the movies not only to see them (because I feel like it), but I go to annoy people (but only on rare occasions). I also like going to movies that no one'd ever go to. That way, I can yell and crap with my friends for no apparent reason whatsoever. I can say that I go for the horror movies and laugh at them all. Come to think of it, I haven't been to the movies in awhile...*scampers off*
  19. Well let's see now. Considering only five is hard, since I like everything in anything BUT country.....bah oh well... 1)Disturbed- Down With the Sickness, Prayer 2)Linkin Park- With You, Crawling, Lying From You 3)Coldplay- A Rush of Blood to the Head, Politik, The Scientist 4)Muse- Time is Running Out, Stockholm Syndrome 5)Jet- Cold Hard ***** ....There's also Brittany Spear....J/K J/K
  20. You know you're easily amused when... [FONT=Comic Sans MS][FONT=Comic Sans MS]1) You dress as Lucky and round up your group of friends, making them become the kids that yell "CATCH LUCKY!" as they chase you through the mall. 2)You proceed to do #1 until the cops ask you to leave...^_^; 3)You make a very corny pokemon play and perform it in the park on a day when all the kiddies and basketball players come 4)Go to watch Star Wars at the movies with your friend, and as it is playing, you apparently sneak down to the front row and turn on your toy green laser-sword, slashing it- with your friend as your rival 5)You do #4 until people yell frantically to get down in front, then yell back "Me Jar-Jar Binks!" 6)Go to the mall with three other friends and act like major preps, stoners, rappers, or British ditzy people who take the names of stores literally. (Ex.- "The Gap? So you just jump in? Oookay!") [I've done all four of these] ^.^;;; 7)You walk into every expensive hotel possible, with a fake 1,000,000 dollar bill. [I swear, each time I did this, all the staff-people thought it was REAL...] 8)Turn your TV upside-down and try to play video games that way 9)Tape a five-hour long horror movie with Barbie dolls [Ken was the killer] 10)Attempt to sell self-esteem at a busy corner, and try to make the price $5 [One guy actually bought some, I'm not joking][/FONT] 11)Walking up to random people asking, "What gender are you?" and it's obvious what they are 12)Wonder about yourself and your very existence and the reality of you, by saying, "This is me, hello me," about 354 times SLOWLY[/FONT] I'll have more later...
  21. I feel that I represent Chun Li from Street Fighter. *Chuckle* I can kick butt and I have a black belt. (Not bragging though) Plus, my big bros (Domon and StrikeGundam) and my big sis (Ash, who is really my best friend) call me Spitfire. So yeah, I've also been fighting since 2nd grade (for good reasons, too). ^_^
  22. Hmm, let's see now...Besides Kung Pow, I like... 1) Now, I'm speaking what I feel for my all-time favorite movie, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Not because it's scary, but I found it to be the funniest movie in my entire collection. I especially found it amusing when Leather-Face gets his arm chopped off. Hi-lar-ious! And the fat lady- she made me laugh so hard that I fell off the couch. *Two thumbs up* ^o^ 2)Dracula is a good one too (the romantic one). Though more romance than anything, it still was funny when Dracula's shadow kept getting very clumsy. And the part with the picture book...HA! I also loved when Lucy had her head chopped off. Yup, that was funny too. 3)What Lies Beneath had me rolling on the floor. Literally, it had me choking on my popcorn. I still can't resist making fun of it when all my friends are biting their fingernails. I definately like the near-ending. That's where all the comedy is, at least in my case. Yes, I find all horror films to be hilarious and amusing. So sue me. ^_^
  23. [SIZE=1][U]Physical[/U] 1)Yes, eyes seem pretty popular (hence other posts). I've gotta say that a guy's eyes have to look alive, if not anything else. Emotionless eyes are pretty cool. (They look dead, but they aren't...if that makes any sense) You know, alert. I wouldn't mind the color, all eye colors are great. I just look at depthe. 2) Don't know why, but I'm okay with a guy that's two inches shorter than me. As long as it doesn't go past that, then I'm fine. Tall is good to, as long as they're not two feet above my head... -.- 3)Physically Fit. *Dodges rock* Whoa! Well hey. I'm not saying that a guy has to be a lean-veggie-eating-machine, just as long as they take pretty good care of their body. Abs aren't required, but they sure are a bonus. ^_^ 4)A nice smile is required, which needs to be in the close range of white and the teeth in pretty good alignment. So yeah. 5)The hair...well I like creativity and uniqueness...like blonde with red highlights...but that's just an example. Natural hair colors are good too. But if it's natural, I like it black or blonde. The style would work with the color, if that makes sense. (And it doesn't) [U]Personality[/U] 1) As much in common as possible would be awesome. *Throws rock at whoever said opposites attract* I mean, an occasional difference would be ok, that way you could have something of your own to show-and-tell. 2)Respect for my friends and family. I mean hey, value of friends and family shows his manners and maturity. This includes honesty. 3)He won't blow off his friends for me. (Call me weird, and leave it at that) I know relationships are nice, but they aren't as important as friendships. To me, it shows how he sets his standards. He also must acknowledge my time with my friends, and not try to drag me away from them. 4)He has to have a balance. Like, he has a bad and good side to him, which shows me something. It wouldn't hurt to be expressive or creative either; like art or drama. He also could be adventurous and curious, or a bit of a dreamer. Oh! And a touch sensitive too. Not like boo-hoo sensitive, but has feelings. ^.^ 5)Pass me the mic so I can scream into it...SMART! I mean, his IQ doesn't have to be like Newton's, but at least be able to carry on a conversation with reason to back it up. Good grades wouldn't hurt either; A's and B's. 6)Of course, NO violence. Ahem...yeah. Just went through this problem with my former ex... 7)Forgot to mention humour. He has to keep me amused. I usually look for the one who keeps his group of friends laughing. Like someone who's kind of a class clown, but doesn't show it all the time. [U]Heading For The Hills[/U] 1)Teeth yellow? Bad breath? Stinky? Uh-uh. No bad hygiene WHATSOEVER. (Hence other posts) It's obvious no one wants this... 2)A player. I don't want someone who'll drop me in the next two minutes...*shrugs* 3)A total dumbbutt. I mean, if he doesn't know what the word "imbecile" means, then he's not for me. 4)A druggie. I'm not into that kind of stuff, so there! 5)Over-obsession. O.O The phrase speaks for itself. 6)Selfishness. I mean, claim a few things, but if he takes two miles, it's not cool with me. It means (in my opinion) that he's a pig that would love himself more.[/SIZE] Well, I think that's it. I'm fastidious, yes.
  24. [SIZE=1]Jing Li was in a daze, thinking of Eloquent Serenade. Whenever near it, an atmosphere of solitude and determination. However, she was also timid, drifting into her own world of curiousity and inquiries. [I]"I don't remember this mecha from before," [/I] she thought. [I]"So how do I know the...reminisence code?" [/I] Her mind was then set upon the note she had torn off the leg of Serenade, and wondered of her parents, the town, and the base. But her daze was interrupted by the new passenger aboard. "Hi, my name is Kayin. What's yours?" Jing Li felt vunerable and extremely shy as she stumbled upon her own name. "J-Jing Li," she whispered, and then bit her lip. [I]"Why can't I just be calm?" [/I] She forced herself to slightly smile, but each time she tried to make eye contact, her eyes would then fall back to the floor. [I]"He's being friendly, and I'm being so rude..." [/I] She shoved her hands into her pockets. "Nice locket," Kayin stated, supposedly trying to make conversation. Jing Li instinctively held her locket by her fingertips. "Thank you," she said, and nodded slowly. Becoming even more queasy, she slinked out of the corner she was sulking in, and walked down the hall of the infirmary. "If you would excuse me..." Kayin shrugged, and she kept going.[I] "I need to feel comfort again. I want to feel secure."[/I] She looked for the hangar Serenade was in, but she felt as though there were someone following her in the empty hallways. Every time Jing Li looked behind her, she saw nothing, so she brushed the matter away. A short time later, she found the hangar her mecha was resided in, and entered. The closer she reached the back of the head, the better she felt. "So what are you doing?" The sound of a person's voice made her instantly flinch, and whirl around to find Gene in the doorway. He leaned against it, eyeing her. "You're not leaving, right?" Jing Li kept her ground. "No," she replied. "I'm just taking a look around it." She then resumed her path into the back of the head. When the door's shut behind her, Jing Li sighed and took a gradual stroll around the area. Everything was opaque and lifeless, the wires on the floor, the controls immobile. She then spotted something unusual next to the control panel, on the floor. It was a fairly small chest. And engraved on the top, was the same rose marked on Jing Li's locket. She touched her locket, while kneeling down to the chest. Dust lightly rested on the top, making it's deep maroon paint look faded and worn. The lock on the peculiar chest, was in the shape of a heart. [I]"Funny," [/I] thought Jing Li, as she took the necklace off. [I]"It's almost as if..."[/I] She placed the locket into the lock, and it fit- like a puzzle piece. Jing Li then opened the chest to find a tiny audio recorder and diary. She reached for the diary first, and opened it. Pressed rose petals fell out, and tumbled to the floor. And there was also a note. She read it, despite the dim condition of the mecha. [I]"When I get to fly this mecha, Eloquent Serenade, I'll help everyone as a Singer. I want my dream to become a reality. So now, I'll be cheering for myself from now on."[/I] Jing Li then set the note on the floor, flipping through the pages of the diary. She stopped halfway, realizing that there wasn't anything written. She then put the rose petals and note back in the diary, and put it back in the chest. Picking up the audio recorder next, she found a tape in it, and pressed the play button to reveal a voice she heard before- the small, unknown child's. "Hi, um...this is me," The child giggled to what they were saying. "Well...I want to tape my thought and feelings here. So go on me...chat away!" Jing Li heard the child laugh again, and then silence. She stopped the tape, and thought for a minute. "I'll say something later..." After placing the recorder back in the chest, Jing Li closed everything up, locking the chest carefully. She then put the necklace back on as she stepped out of her mecha, not knowing that the last page of "her" diary was really written on...[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][SIZE=1]Jing Li was waiting near the infirmary, but since Ryo took Zoltin, she remained where she was, too shy to do anything. She backed into a part of a corner, away from everyone as humanly possible. She held her hands behind her back, clasped tightly, and looked at her feet. She didn't want to be noticed yet, so she just slowly rocked back and forth on her heels. She wondered about Zoltin and his wound, but after hearing the doctor speak of his recovery, she gave a sigh of relief. She then thought of Eloquent Serenade. [I]"How do I know about this mech? And how do I know the...reminiscence code?" [/I] Jing Li never remembered before, and it just fell into place, or so she thought. She didn't know what to do for a while. And after staying that way for minutes, she felt another headache. She held her head with one hand, the other with her stomach. She closed her eyes, and saw the same child from before. Jing Li could only see the child's back again. The small one was walking, and soon, was then jogging. Jogging then turned to slow running, and that to sprinting. The child faded away, leaving Jing Li to only see darkness. The pain from the headache was gone again, and she opened her eyes to view one of the doctor's assistants watching her. [/SIZE] "Are you alright?" she asked, and Jing Li nodded hastily, daring to not say anything whatsoever; at least for now. When the woman left, Jing Li looked around to glance at the other pilots aboard. She had already met Gene, and a new aquaintance, Kayin; though she hadn't spoke to them yet. [I]"Wonder when we get to this base..."[/I] She slumped back against the wall, and remained to stare at the ceiling, fiddling with her locket.[/SIZE] (Filler Post)
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