Ahh, gaming death sequences. You've gotta love 'em. Have you ever killed yourself on purpose, just to see what happens? Well, I have. Death sequences make up a surprisingly integral part of the gaming pie. Where would we be without them? Sometimes, it even softens the blow of defeat to see your character spin around and fall, lifeless, to the ground. Sometimes. But anyway, to the point. I want to know what your favourite death sequence is, from any game. And this is my first thread so go easy on me, heh.
My favourite gaming death sequence is from Metroid Prime. Samus's scream, the cracked helmet - the first time I saw it, I really felt shocked. It was all so sudden. I felt a twinge of guilt, which made me want to go back and try again. There's just something about it that makes you feel... dead. Very effective stuff.
Of course, I can't leave without mentioning Zelda: Majora's Mask. I don't know if it really counts, because it only happens when your three days is up, but it really has the mother of all death sequences, because everything dies. It's a must see.