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Everything posted by armana

  1. First of all, I wouldn't say that I despise any temples in Ocarina of Time. There were some that I disliked more than others, however. Here we go. My favourite temple is the Forest Temple, and not because of how well it played. It was just so atmospheric. There were two rooms where you could look up at the sky, and it was just so overwhelming; I really felt as if I was in an ancient temple in the middle of a forest. The music was great too, some of the best in the game. There are other temples that I really enjoyed too: the Spirit Temple, because of the whole adult-to-child-to-adult thing; the Water Temple, even though I found it confusing, for the one room with the tree in the middle of it (I played the game up to that point once just to see it); and Dodongo's Cavern, because even though King Dodongo was extremely easy to beat, I just thought he looked sweet. Oh yeah, and the Fire Temple because of the coolness of Volvagia. My least favourite temple is the shadow temple. Like I said before, I don't really dislike any temples, but this one was the one that I enjoyed the least. It just felt like a chore playing it, the same as it did when I went down into the well. I guess it was just the colour scheme, it was so damn morbid. But the ship that takes you to the boss was cool.
  2. I'm all for remakes/compilations. There are many games that I love to revisit, and many classics that I've never played. Take, for example, The Wind Waker's bonus disk containg Ocarina of Time and OoT: Master Quest. When it was announced that the disk was coming to Australia, I cried. Seriously. I was more excited to get another copy of a game that I already owned on the N64, and that I had completed already, than being able to finally play TWW. I would have happily payed the same price as a new video game for it had they released it as a stand-alone product. Remakes are great too, like Metroid Zero Mission and MGS: TTS. I've never played the original of either of these two games - and now I get to experience them in an updated form. Including the original game with Zero Mission is also a good addition, as I'll actually be able to play the first game in the series in all its pixelated glory. I can't really see the downside to revisiting old classics. Yes, it's an easy way for publishers and developers to make money, but as long as it keeps me happy I couldn't really care less if Shiggers gets an extra plate of sushi for dinner.
  3. Ahh, favourite cinemtaic, eh? Let's see... I can't really pic a favourite, but there are some that I'll always remember. First of all, ALL of the FMVs in Final Fantasy X. They really blew me away. I'd gotten used to Nintendo's real-time cut scenes, so it was a real shock when I first saw them. Absolutely stunning stuff. Next up, it's the opening FMV for Super Smash Bros. Melee. Just seeing all those Ninty characters in one place - oh yeah. The bit where Samus's Starship, the Blue Falcon and the Great Fox all flying alongside eachother just looked amazing. And all the Yoshi's running along the field, hehe. I still love watching it. Finally, I'd have to say the ending of Ocarina of Time. Most of you probably wouldn't consider it a spoiler, but I'll cover it up anyway. [spoiler]I'm talking about the bit right at the end, when Link walks up to zelda in the courtyard, and they look at eachother. It was just so emotional, I think I even cried. I think. Anyway, it was just pure Zelda, something I haven't seen since.[/spoiler]
  4. Ahh, gaming death sequences. You've gotta love 'em. Have you ever killed yourself on purpose, just to see what happens? Well, I have. Death sequences make up a surprisingly integral part of the gaming pie. Where would we be without them? Sometimes, it even softens the blow of defeat to see your character spin around and fall, lifeless, to the ground. Sometimes. But anyway, to the point. I want to know what your favourite death sequence is, from any game. And this is my first thread so go easy on me, heh. My favourite gaming death sequence is from Metroid Prime. Samus's scream, the cracked helmet - the first time I saw it, I really felt shocked. It was all so sudden. I felt a twinge of guilt, which made me want to go back and try again. There's just something about it that makes you feel... dead. Very effective stuff. Of course, I can't leave without mentioning Zelda: Majora's Mask. I don't know if it really counts, because it only happens when your three days is up, but it really has the mother of all death sequences, because everything dies. It's a must see.
  5. Well, I know most people would say that it isn't a true RPG, but I'd have to say Mario & Luigi for GBA has the best battle system I've played. I like the idea of being able to control how powerful your attack will be by using different button combinations. And, the deeper you get into the adventure, the more combos you learn. I find that, with most turn-based RPGs, I tire of the battle system after a few hours of play, but the battle system in M&L was the complete opposite. I guess that by adding the button pressing, there was an extra layer of strategy, and this in turn gave me extra reason to continue deeper into the game. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my first post on Otaku Boards.
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