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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [b]Wow, I wish I found out about this sooner. Today is the only day I can get that Mew! I wonder if it's worth getting. (I have to travel to get to a wifi spot and it's outdoors so it wiill be cold.) I already have a Mew from a LeafGreen Pokémon game I bought, but I'm not sure how the original owner got his. What do you guys think? Is this worth the trouble?[/b]
  2. This might not be an unrelated title, but so far I still have no clue on this one. [b]Durarara!![/b] - One of my favorite series of all time but I'm not even sure how to pronounce this one, so I usually call it "DRR!!" as I've seen it written sometimes. I originally thought I had figured out the titles connection to one or two characters, but both of my guesses are spelled differently. I'm still working on finishing this series though, so maybe they explain it somewhere near the end.
  3. [b]Yay for a new player! XD I missed this thread actually. I've just used the Pokéwalker recently. I need to stop walking my Pokémon and actually start battling again. I just get addicted to trying to unlock the new Pokéwalker routes sometimes.[/b]
  4. [quote name='Vicky' date='22 October 2010 - 08:31 AM' timestamp='1287729070' post='701226'] Does anyone know how many cups of black coffee (three sugars) are needed to effectively A) Give you a slight caff' overdose or high, B) Make you sick or, C) Kill you? I'm really not feeling too well now after a 24 article writing coffee marathon, guys =(. [/quote] [b]I hope you feel better Vicky. =( Also, welcome back. I haven't seen you around OB recently. I guess it depends on how much caffeine is in coffee? I have no clue. Just don't get diabetes either okay? I only drink black coffee if the coffee is really good. A friend made some coffee for me one day and it was so good it didn't even seem like I was drinking black coffee. Besides that, I've never had a coffee marathon.[/b]
  5. [quote name='Sangome' date='20 October 2010 - 12:27 AM' timestamp='1287527226' post='701166'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Ace, that post was awes--HANG ON A MINUTE. [spoiler]What's Godot doing alive in Apollo's timeline, much less out of jail!?![/spoiler] [/font][/color] [/quote] [b]I agree, that post was pretty incredible. Although your new signature is really good too. I love all of the colors. It's nice to see the Padded Room living up to it's name again. Slow downs are no fun.[/b]
  6. [b]Name:[/b] Finella "Finny" Rowan [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearence:[/b] [url="http://i55.tinypic.com/jtnig6.jpg"]Finny, in the jacket given to her by Heckie.[/url] It's what she wears when she's not singing. Finny stands tall and slender, with a singer's build much like her mother. She shows it off whenever she can in different dresses when she sings. However, she also inherited her albinism from her mother as well. [b]Weapons:[/b] Finny always carries two dirks with her at all times. They are mostly used in secrecy, but in battle she wields them both at once. For a real battle however, she always carries her trusted pistol sword with her. [b]Occupation:[/b] Singer [b]History:[/b] Finella was raised alone by her mother. When Finella was very young, they both had to run away from their home and her mother had to find a new place for them to live in the world. Finella usually asked why they had to leave when she was a little older, but her mother always just became quiet so she stopped asking. Finella, like her mother, had a lovely singing voice. So her mother nurtured this talent. However, her mother disappeared one day, so Finella had to fend for herself from now on. She tried stealing from the pocket of one man, but he turned around and grabbed her arm and nearly cut her hand off. When he saw her though, he put his knife away and brought her to his place. The man introduced himself only as Heckie and gave her food to eat and a place to sleep. He told her that he wouldn't turn her in, so she would be safe. The next morning, Heckie woke Finella up and found out about her. After the introduction, which was a bit lacking on his end, he decided to call her "Finny" and taught her what he knew out of life and how to successfully steal and fight. Her training came to an end quickly. She learned a lot from Heckie in a short amount of time. Heckie knew a noble that owed him a favor, so she took in Finella and raised her like one of her own. After years of living in her now home, Finny is now a singer, with a hidden life thanks to Heckie. The dirks and pistol sword he gave her our her souvenirs from their time together. Her love of singing is the mark her mother left on her. Now she just needs to find a ship so she can hopefully one day find news about her mother.
  7. [quote name='chibi-master' date='07 October 2010 - 11:26 PM' timestamp='1286486760' post='700968'] [color="#4169E1"][font="Tahoma"][size="5"]HAPPY BOO'S BIRTHDAY DAY~!!![/size][/font][/color] [/quote] [b]LATE CONGRATULATIONS, BOO!!![/b] [quote name='Mrs. Maul' date='09 October 2010 - 07:58 AM' timestamp='1286603923' post='701008'] [color="#4169E1"][font="Arial Narrow"][size="2"]Our anniversary is in 4 days WHOA.[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] [b]AND EARLY CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOU, MAUL!!![/b] [quote name='chibi-master' date='11 October 2010 - 01:08 PM' timestamp='1286795299' post='701042'] Except I have to spend my extra day working on a group project for school... [/quote] [b]Not fun. D: What's the project?[/b] [quote name='Anomaly' date='11 October 2010 - 07:05 PM' timestamp='1286816748' post='701044'] [font="Garamond"]Happy Canadian!Thanksgiving, everyone! :3 [/font] [/quote] [b]Yay another reason to celebrate! :3 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you too! Although the last thing I want to think about is food right now. I'm feeling a bit sick and my brain is working against me. She thinks it's funny when I throw up so she's making me think of all kinds of yucky stuff. I'm going to go lay down now. [/b]
  8. Yay, welcome back!

  9. Lilt

    I miss BoBo D:

  10. [quote name='The Tentacle' date='06 October 2010 - 10:45 PM' timestamp='1286397917' post='700935'] SEE! Â Sango-Chan gets it. Â That's sorta the reason I like Lucky Star but I'm also in it for the anime references and voice acting. Â I admit that 24 episodes was a little excessive but I never felt like the show was getting repetitive. [/quote] [b]Well, if it doesn't feel like it's getting repetitive then that's good. Some shows you just wish they had more episodes or a second season so you can get more of it. I agree with you on the voice acting part though. Hearing Aya Hirano as Konata singing Dragonball Z's theme song made me really glad I was watching Lucky Star. How is the English Dub by the way? Because I just noticed that they have Wendee Lee (I like her, but I can't picture her as the voice of Konata) and Michelle Ruff (who I like no matter what role she plays.) I do like that I can just sit back and not worry and just enjoy Lucky Star though, like Sangome said. I think I just need to try not to watch it in a marathon kind of mode.[/b] [quote name='CaNz' date='07 October 2010 - 01:15 AM' timestamp='1286406907' post='700943'] i am trying really hard not to compare the two since the style of humor is much too different (and i would love to find something as funny as AD, but that just doesn't happen often for me) but i do love the lucky channel portion. which reminds me more of FLCL actually. cant figure out why... maybe the squint eyes and pink hair of Akira. that is kinda encouraging.... i really should at least give it till the 10[sup]th [/sup]episode before dismissing it. and i was watching it when i was half asleep... and that might have taken some of the edge off. as for cuteness... i have seen much cuter, but really after watching the over-the-top figures of Gundam 00's girls, any change up makes me happy. however nothing tops Chiyo for me... it was best batman movie since Mask of the Phantasm in my opinion. the animation was excellent (save for a cheesy 90's 3D car chase thingy) and the story was a good one. i was kinda afraid of how Joker would sound since Mark Hamill didnt do it... but Bender did a great job! John DiMaggio makes a good brutally sadistic supervillan and i hope he keeps with the character. [/quote] [b]I tried not to compare them either but I think it was the sports festival that really reminded me of AD. Especially the bread eating contest. Every anime can have a sports festival though. I'm going to keep trying to watch Lucky Star too. I haven't even reached episode 10 yet either. (I just finished episode 8.) I try to watch half an anime before giving up on it unless it's really really bad. Wow, you blew my mind CaNz. O.O I had no idea Mark Hamill was the Joker. I don't know what blew my mind more though. Finding out that Mark Hamill played as the Joker or that Bender played as the Joker too. O.o @Sangome and Tentacles: Thanks by the way, I'll be starting up Lucky Star thanks to the both of you. [/b]
  11. [quote name='CaNz' date='06 October 2010 - 06:24 PM' timestamp='1286382240' post='700931'] so i started watching Lucky Star, mostly cause of people here. i think i expected it to be more than what it is... but i am not crazy about it. I have watched six episodes now and i figure i will watch a few more (if only to see what song they will sing at the ending credits. so far my favorite is episode 4 ) but i dunno if i will see it all the way through... especially when i know there are shows i would like better. [/quote] [b]I would quit while you're ahead. It's up to you though, but I'm not even sure if I can finish it and usually shows like this are perfect for me. I heard it was funny and so far the only thing that makes me laugh usually is Lucky Channel (which makes me wonder if I should just watch all of those on Youtube or something.) If the only funny thing about Lucky Star is that it references anime and talks about everyday life, then I'd rather watch Sayonara Zetsbuou Sensei (although that gets pretty weird and creepy at times.) However, if Lucky Star is just about the cuteness, then I'd rather watch K-On! since that has both cuteness and humor. I guess I shouldn't have also watched Azumanga Daioh first, since some of Lucky Star reminds me of Azumanga Daioh now (and not in a good way.) If Lucky Star was 13 episodes, it would be great actually. But for 24 episodes, I don't know if I can last that long.[/b]
  12. [b]MY BIRTHDAY IS NOT IN THIS MONTH AND THAT IS ALL I HAVE TO SAY! Oh wait, that's not all I have to say. Because thanks to the 11th, It's My Party anyways! Yay for everyone having an excuse to have a party! So how many girls here are going to skip celebrating Bald and Free Day? (Why does it happen twice? ) I'm not sure about everyone else, but I finally got my hair to the right length. I'm not losing it all now. [/b]
  13. [quote name='Desbreko' date='25 September 2010 - 08:58 AM' timestamp='1285397926' post='700750'] [color=#4B0082]That's ironic, considering Azumanga is classified as a seinen (adult male) anime/manga.[/color] [/quote] [b]I can believe that, with scenes like Osaka staring at Sakaki's chest and not saying anything. Then two of the other girls run by saying "Watermelons! Watermelons!" (I still laughed though, although not as hard as when they said that there was "An American among us" because of Sakaki.) Those were the only two examples besides Kimura and Kaorin that I can think of that include scenes of pervyness. I just saw my favorite episode of Azumanga Daioh ever though. Believe it or not, but it contained all of the below examples and more in one episode. I'm still laughing. XD (I'm linking to each youtube video to cut down on space. Feel free to check them out since it's hard to spoil an anime with no plot. However, if you're planning on watching this soon don't watch any of them since it might spoil some of the character's personalities for you.)[/b] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhOXV5lsluQ"]Killer Car Ride[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNrO0RyX0v4&feature=related"]Amazing Engrish[/url] (I couldn't find a seperate video so this is part 2 of the episode. Jump to 4:40.) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv6IZHEIQwA"]Flying Knife[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEtGFu3igjg"]Spooky Laugh[[/url]
  14. [quote name='James' date='29 September 2010 - 01:38 AM' timestamp='1285717094' post='700784'] [font="Palatino Linotype"] So, anyway, it looks like I'll be going to America again - probably toward the end of next year. This time I'll be taking my sister, so that should be fun. The biggest issue now is finding reasonably priced flights! If I buy too far in advance they are so expensive - even more costly than the accommodation. [/font] [/quote] [b]Yay congratulations James! How long do you think you will be staying? Also, are you going to the East Coast or West Coast or somewhere in between? I still want to visit another country some day but there are too many choices. [/b]
  15. [quote name='chibi-master' date='24 September 2010 - 03:34 AM' timestamp='1285292057' post='700720'] EDIT: Ace, make sure you bend your knees just a bit. Otherwise, your legs might lock up and you'll pass out. [/quote] [b]A friend of mine did that once. She hit the floor face first. >_<[/b] [quote name='Phenom' date='24 September 2010 - 05:33 AM' timestamp='1285299213' post='700721'] Yes, Boondocks is a great show. I haven't been able to catch it like I want to, but it's pretty much the only "comedy" show on adult swim I'll actually watch. All that other stuff gotta go. Had a pretty decent day in school. Just gotta find some info on Shelbyville Tennessee (population, demographics) and town centers... My project is making a town center there. [/quote] [b]Is that the same show as the comic strip? Or is it something different? The only thing I know about Shelbyville is that the Simpsons and the rest of Springfield don't get along with that place at all. Does that help? [/b]
  16. [quote name='CaNz' date='22 September 2010 - 01:11 AM' timestamp='1285110710' post='700666'] the critics agree! glad to know I am still on the same page as you Lilt. also... i got my laptop back today! any and all plans i had are now destroyed and i will now be laying around hugging my shiny computer. [/quote] [b]XD Yeah, same here. I remember you saying that about Azumanga Daioh, but I never understood why until now. [/b] [quote name='Stephanie' date='22 September 2010 - 11:30 AM' timestamp='1285147847' post='700671'] So, apparently, I now fit into a size EIGHT pants, USA. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! *happy dance* Also: hamster. I <3 my hamster. HE IS SO CUTE. But really, I want a ferret. [/quote] [b]Congratulations! You should definitely get a ferret though! They're so cute! What would you name it though?[/b]
  17. Right now I'm really into Slice of Life School Style anime. However, some of them get pretty scary... Here's what I'm watching right now. [b]Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei[/b] - I'm on the third season now and what started off as a series about a teacher who only sees things in a negative light teaching a group of abnormal students has turned into more of a random comedy. (Although it was kind of always like that to begin with.) I still laugh at it, but sometimes it gets pretty creepy. [b]Lucky Star[/b] - I wanted to watch this one for a while, but the first episode nearly killed it for me. I can only take girls talking about how to eat different food for so long. My friends and I like to talk about random stuff too, but I'm sure it's boring for people to watch us too. Lucky Channel and how it is related to the team behind the Melancholy of Haruhi (I think) is keeping me interested in this show. [b]K-on![/b] - I love music and bands and this ended up being a funnier show than I thought it would be. Almost anything involving the main characters together is usually hilarious. (Especially Yui and Mio.) I'm glad there's a second season. [b]Azumanga Daioh[/b] - An older slice of life show but a good one. I thought this was going to be the most boring show a while back, but now that I'm watching it I was really wrong. It's way out there most of the times. Especially when Osaka or Kimura are involved.
  18. [quote name='Phenom' date='12 September 2010 - 09:35 AM' timestamp='1284276944' post='700432'] Incase you haven't noticed I'm not into slice-of-life or comedies. [/quote] [b]Okay, after a few episodes I've found out that Azumanga Daioh is a slice of a life that I'm not used to. In fact, if I went to a school like theirs, I think I would [i]NEVER GO TO SCHOOL AGAIN.[/i] Especially if I had this guy as my teacher. [/b] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZWrkeNTakE[/media] [quote name='Anoel' date='21 September 2010 - 12:50 AM' timestamp='1285023021' post='700650'] [color="#800080"]KITTIES! Today's Hetalia episode featured the nations as cats! And it was ADORABLE! So much so that I was flailing a bit over the cuteness. Therefore; KITTIES![/color] [/quote] [b]That does sound adorable! I could use some cuteness about now. Also, on an unrelated note, foreign languages are a lot more difficult than I thought they would be. [/b]
  19. Happy Women's Frienship Day!

  20. Happy Women's Friendship Day!

  21. Lilt

    Happy Women's Friendship day!

  22. Happy Women's Friendship Day!

  23. [quote name='CaNz' date='04 September 2010 - 08:27 AM' timestamp='1283581649' post='700226'] im pretty sure my typo killed the joke... but oh well... [/quote] [b]No, I think me staying away from any gutters probably killed it. Then I accidentally fell into one after reading that. I just did some research though and it turns out that Women's Friendship Day is a holiday made by women for women. So any girls reading this, say hi or give a gift to your girlfriends! I'll probably bake something and throw a sleepover or something.[/b]
  24. [quote name='Phenom' date='12 September 2010 - 02:39 AM' timestamp='1284251961' post='700422'] Ghost in the Shell eh. Big fan of the series (it's my #1) but I hear the game itself was between below average to average. I think you're the first person I heard to say something positive about it lol. I think I've heard of Oni before. I gotta read about it someday. Mr. Popo is blue because he's been edited on CW. Apparently they started something called Toonzai... I don't know much about it outside of it being equivalent to 4Kids. (They're suppose to air more anime and cartoons on there... "coughs" I will not be watching anything on that channel) I don't have any issues with edits, but that's ridiculous (albeit a bit funny) Azumanga something... Never watched it either, but that's not my type of series. [/quote] [b]Well, what I liked about it was I could pick it up and enjoy it without being a fan of the series. (But maybe that's why I liked it? Maybe it didn't do justice to the series?) I was mostly impressed with some of the stuff that you could do, like dodge. Since I've only seen one recent game that allows you to dodge kind of like you could in Ghost in the Shell. I would pick up Oni first then. It's like Ghost in the Shell but better. It should be pretty cheap now too. What other kind of games do you like to play? RPG? First Person Shooter? Is that the new Dragonball Z Kai thing? Because if it is, I saw a commercial for that recently. XD They claimed that they had "new" episodes of DBZ coming out in October. I think it's because it's probably a "slice of life" show if I remember. They're a bit random without much plot. I think it's good filler for a more dramatic anime. Usually I watch something with some drama to it, then switch over to something else for more comedy. Some of the shows like Azumanga get to be too much if you watch them back to back.[/b]
  25. [b]Well, right away I think you would like the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex It's a pretty good third person shooter/action game. I'm not even a fan of the TV series and I still liked it. But if you really don't like Ghost in the Shell, there's Oni too. It's the same kind of game but with an original character and more fighting moves. I think the story is forgettable for both of them though and they're a bit short. What kind of games do you usually like? Anything besides third person? And what happened to Mr. Popo? Why is he blue? (He's the only thing I remember from DBZ actually. XD) I had a good giggle today too. I don't know why, but I never watched this show. Now I want to after seeing this:[/b] [center] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFBZBAbbKt8[/media][/center]
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