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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [quote name='Phenom' date='11 September 2010 - 03:37 PM' timestamp='1284212265' post='700409'] So my little 2 week vacation comes to an end Monday, where I start my final quarter and then I graduate. I think I'm gonna try to aim for a couple more A's, although, it's going to be rather difficulty seeing how my Monday class is Microeconomics and there's 2 things wrong with that. 1.) I tend to be rather average when it comes to general education classes.. (seriously. All my grades were C+'s in those classes except for Problem Solving which I got a B+) 2.) I'm nowhere near business material nor do I really care about it. Jumping back and forth thinking about what games I want to buy for my ps2... (I really need to upgrade to a ps3 someday) [/quote] [b]Early congratulations on your graduation! I'm actually going to take a language class for once myself (I missed out on languages of any kind except English of course. I don't know how. ) I'm also going to try to get A's in my classes. Why? [i]Because an anime scared me away forever from doing anything 50/50[/i]... What kind of games do you have right now? I'm stuck with my PS2 and I just found a lot of fun games of different genres so I can probably recommend something for you to get.[/b]
  2. Lilt

    Hey James, I was just wondering what year OB officially started? It's for an RP I'm trying to make. Thanks in advance. n__n

  3. [b]Wow, a fight in school already? Are there usually fights at your school, Selene? I'm just glad you got away with a warning. It would suck to be suspended for a fight you didn't start. And hey, at least you didn't get hurt either right? I've never really been involved in any fights at schools. Well, not directly involved at least.[/b]
  4. [color="#9932CC"][b][size="3"]Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei[/size][/color] - I never thought I would end up liking this series, especially with how scary some of the episodes can get in the second season, but [i]Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei[/i] is becoming one of my favorites. Somehow, a teacher with a constantly negative outlook on life paired up with students who have all kinds of problems just works. I normally watch something more dramatic, but this is the first anime I've watched in a long time that usually has me giggling out loud. Also, it's an old meme, but I now can't help saying: "I'm in despair! [BLANK] has left me in despair!" XD[/b]
  5. [b]I plan on baking an apple pie! Except this is my first time making any kind of dessert. I need to find a good recipe. Two of my friends are now married to each other, so I'm going to bring over an apple pie and something with chocolate. (Their honeymoon ended last week and I'm going over to visit their new home.) Does anyone know of anything chocolate I can make besides a cake? That's my backup plan. XD Does anyone have any Labor Day plans by the way?[/b]
  6. [quote name='CaNz' date='02 September 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1283456316' post='700156'] i like your idea of a holiday Lilt. and i think we all no what the 1[b]9[/b]th is really celebrating... and its got nothing to do with friendship. [/quote] [b]I think I finally get this. I don't know why it took me so long. [/b] [quote name='CaNz' date='03 September 2010 - 02:55 AM' timestamp='1283475359' post='700179'] ah... well, since its a legitamate holiday and all it must be okay right? [/quote] [b]I think I'll use that as an excuse for that Be Late For Something holiday. [/b]
  7. [b]I had no idea there was a fanfic version. Thanks for the link, Guy. Also just to let everyone know, I will be a little busy this weekend and Monday. But from Tuesday to Friday I will have a lot more free time than usual so I'll get one or a few posts in. EDIT: Okay, I'm ready to get a post in. However, there's not much happening. Should we start an attack or try to move on to a new area or something, Guy?[/b]
  8. [quote name='Arch angel 12' date='01 September 2010 - 12:40 AM' timestamp='1283294451' post='700093'] How about Mr.Despair? [/quote] [b]That's funny, I was just about to mention this one. I'm almost scared to watch it though. Not because of the dark humor, but because I accidentally watched an episode from the second season and this guy showed up and started [i]opening things.[/i][/b] [center][img]http://i52.tinypic.com/1hyxj5.jpg[/img] [b](Commodore Perry, yes that Commodore Perry)[/b][/center] [b]I forgot to mention that on top of him showing up, for most or all of the episode there are both subtitles and supertitles. They're mostly different conversations too, but happening at the same time. My brain hurts. Here's some of the scene if anyone is curious. Don't worry, it ends before Commodore Perry takes off his shirt. D:[/b] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuXT6oS6FRg"]Commodore Perry[/url]
  9. [quote name='CaNz' date='02 September 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1283456316' post='700156'] i like your idea of a holiday Lilt. and i think we all no what the 1th is really celebrating... and its got nothing to do with friendship. [/quote] [b]Thanks, but I can't take any credit. I found out about that holiday thanks to chibi.[/b] [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/44459-july-holidays/"]July Holidays (It's a real holiday on the 14th)[/url]
  10. [quote name='chibi-master' date='02 September 2010 - 06:36 PM' timestamp='1283445416' post='700149'] I see what you did there. But...seriously... National Beheading Day? Who thinks of a holiday like that?! [/quote] [b]...Yeah I stopped reading there. I was hoping for some funny new holidays I didn't know about, like National Nude Day, but not something like that. What are creepy holidays doing in my September? I knew that the 19th was Talk Like a Pirate day, but I didn't know about the pudding or the women's friendship part. Do you think that is friendship between women? Or friendship from a woman regardless who the friend is? I'm wondering if that's a girl's only holiday or not I guess. Also I hope no one gets fired on the 5th! XD[/b]
  11. [b]Thanks Petie. Also I just came up with another comparison. I haven't seen too many episodes though, so feel free to prove me wrong anyone. On Dexter's Lab, Dexter has to constantly try to hide his secret lab from his parents. Another comparison, although not as close to Phineas and Ferb since Dexter actually invents stuff, would be The Fairly Odd Parents. Timmy has to hide his fairy godparents from his parents and everyone else. So are most of the Phineas and Ferb episodes like this? The only difference between this comparison I've seen so far is that Phineas and Ferb don't seem to care who finds out what they're up to, especially since most of their inventions disappear by chance at the end of the episode. Not that this is a bad formula for a show. It's worked for lots of shows in the past and I like how they change it up from all of the other shows with similar concepts.[/b]
  12. [color="#DDA0DD"]With the interview over and the interviewer already gone, Mi Hi decided to leave the club.[/color] [b]"Are you going already, Capri?"[/b] [color="#DDA0DD"]That was Donovan. He was the only one at the club or anywhere for that matter, who was allowed to call her Capri and keep breathing. "Yeah, I'm out Donny. I'll see you tomorrow night." Mi Hi waved.[/color] [b]"Okay, stay safe."[/b] [color="#DDA0DD"]Donovan waved back before turning around as Mi Hi left the club. The club wasn't far from Mi Hi's home, so after an uneventful ride in a quiet town, Mi Hi was finally home. She kicked off her shoes and her clothes. Her parents were away for a few days so she had the place to herself. She decided to call up Wendy, one of her few close friends in Arizona. She looked at her phone and suddenly remembered the text messages. "I doubt it was really them. Wendy probably just put some people up to it. She's the only one that knows about them." Mi Hi thought to herself as she deleted each text message. Mi Hi sat down on the couch with a soda. By the time she decided to call Wendy, she had already forgotten all about the text messages so she didn't ask her friend about them. "Hey Wendy, want to come over? Okay. Okay. See you soon then. Bye." Mi Hi put away her cell phone and turned on the TV.[/color] [i][b]"...the first annual GGG Heavy Industries Pop Culture Expo will be taking place here one week from today," said the attractive young news reporter as the busted old TV flickered into life, "Thousands of people will be in attendance to witness the new releases by GGG Heavy Industries, as well as the first public appearance of the mysterious Ms. Veronica Vixen, new CEO of the company. The official press release for the expo claims that it will be "full of surprises," with one of the few attractions to be announced thus far being the genius Video Game producer Ashley Frieze, showcasing his new product line. But as far the expo goes, we can definitely expect a number of GGG-signed bands to make appearances, including the ever-popular Clash at Demonhead, and the newly-signed Sex Bob-omb to name but a couple. We will be bringing you all the latest news on the Expo when we hear it, back to you in the studio."[/b][/i] [color="#DDA0DD"]"That sounds like a good excuse to go to C.A." Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Mi Hi yelled. Wendy walked in, seeing Mi Hi, she got similarly dressed and sat down on the couch too. Mi Hi got up to get her a soda. "So, what do you feel like doing today Mi Hi?" Wendy asked. "Want to go out or just watch movies here? I brought some good ones." Mi Hi could always count on Wendy to make this boring city a lot of fun. The clubs were awesome of course, but once you left then that was it. That's why she was glad to have Wendy around.[/color]
  13. [quote name='chibi-master' date='31 August 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1283283938' post='700083'] Will this do? In the interest of keeping my job and my life, I've been forced to stop quarping. But I shall quarp when nobody is around... [/quote] [b]Wait, were you quarping in real life too? I thought it was just a forum thing. [/b]
  14. [b]Okay, one last question then before I post and post my fonts. This expo, where does it take place? If it's in California that's perfect for my character since she wants to make her way out there anyways. EDIT: Sorry about all of the images, but here are the fonts for my character at least. The first three are Strength, Luck and Speed power ups. The last three are Strength, Luck and Speed times two.[/b] [img]http://i53.tinypic.com/2a7e5fq.gif[/img] [img]http://i55.tinypic.com/2v9xgyu.jpg[/img] [img]http://i55.tinypic.com/30szle1.jpg[/img] [img]http://i52.tinypic.com/2aamqfp.gif[/img] [img]http://i51.tinypic.com/33xvqmh.gif[/img] [img]http://i52.tinypic.com/23ud5ky.gif[/img]
  15. [b]If everything works out, I should have both my fonts and my post up by tomorrow. I read through DeLarge's first post (it was a great one by the way, DeLarge,) and I was just wondering. Will we get our own romantic interests in this RP? Since it was a part of the whole story in the comics and everything else?[/b]
  16. [b]Thanks for keeping us updated, Susanoo. Also, interesting name by the way. It reminds me of Persona 3. (Although I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Japanese myths and legends, right?) Anyways, back on topic, I should have some fonts posted in this thread again sometime this week.[/b]
  17. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='27 August 2010 - 05:37 PM' timestamp='1282923421' post='699933'] Wir Sind Helden's new album is out. Schweet. [/quote] [b]Who/what group is that? It sounds interesting. And yay for posting on the [color="#FF0000"]300th[/color] page![/b]
  18. [quote name='NeedMoarRope' date='27 August 2010 - 04:52 AM' timestamp='1282877572' post='699906'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]You people are looking at it from the wrong angle. Being smart makes you a lesbian.[/font] [/quote] [b]Wow, suddenly I understand everything! [/b]
  19. [quote name='James' date='23 January 2009 - 08:53 AM' timestamp='1232693580' post='671859'] [font=franklin gothic medium] If we were to do an OB podcast, it would need to be different to the AP one, so as to avoid being redundant. I suspect we'd focus more on the goings-on here, for example.[/font] [/quote] [b]Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but who's the target audience? Also I was a part of a Podcast on another forum site. They really just covered their forum, but they had a loose format. They mostly talked about internet memes and stuff like that. If we are talking about OB goings-on though, I would like to hear the Theater represented. We don't have to mention any RP specifically, but some sort of RP tips corner or something might be nice at least for a little bit.[/b] [quote name='chibi-master' date='06 August 2010 - 12:49 AM' timestamp='1281048567' post='698944'] Good news! I'm going to Best Buy this weekend to look at microphones! I may need advice and help along the way, but I think I can work something out! COUNT ME IN! [/quote] [b]Just make sure to get something with a headset. You don't want an echo or anything.[/b]
  20. [b]XD That makes me want to not eat vegetables anymore. It's just too cute. I kind of hope they make at least one other matching vegetable Pokémon now.[/b]
  21. [b]I can't believe I forgot about Kablam. I really miss that show. Prometheus and Bob were one of my favorites. Anyways, one show I never seem to hear about from anyone is: -My Life As a Teenage Robot The title says everything about this show. It's a girl who happens to be a teenage robot that has to save the world. The stories can be a bit cliche sometimes but there was something special about the characters. Tuck is great. I think it still plays on Nickelodeon if anyone wants to check it out.[/b]
  22. [quote name='NeedMoarRope' date='26 August 2010 - 06:29 AM' timestamp='1282796981' post='699859'] [font="Comic Sans MS"][i]Perry[/i]? A secret agent? That's absurd! He's a platypus. They don't do much.[/font] [/quote] [b]You're right! What was I thinking? Is this show still ongoing by the way? Or did I discover it too late?[/b]
  23. [quote name='Stephanie' date='26 August 2010 - 08:00 AM' timestamp='1282802400' post='699862'] like just about anything. :x It's the boy I'd been with for a while; I think I rambled to you about him, Taryn-chan. But, he is not mine at the moment. D: So. Yeah. [/quote] [b]Oh, [i]him.[/i] D: Yeah I know who you mean. All I can say is, let me know if you need any hugs. [/b] [quote name='Blue' date='26 August 2010 - 05:27 PM' timestamp='1282836457' post='699878'] Why are women so confusing? [/quote] [b]It's a secret actually. Seriously, I was sworn to secrecy by my mom when I was little![/b] [quote name='CaNz' date='26 August 2010 - 08:31 PM' timestamp='1282847511' post='699885'] that is pretty irresistible... when i see a sexy lesbian i usually just think, "she's pretty, and smart too" [/quote] [b]I'm probably reading this wrong, but being a lesbian makes a girl smart?[/b]
  24. [quote name='Beretta' date='26 August 2010 - 03:48 PM' timestamp='1282830515' post='699873'] Heh, I just can't bring myself to watch it. Only way I can bring myself to watch it is if these people get back at that guy at some point. And even then I still wouldn't watch it because it's just not my thing. [/quote] [b]They do get back at him, but it's not for the weak of stomach. Also, certain people get back at someone besides him I believe. I would just say don't watch it.[/b]
  25. [b]I've only seen Paprika, but I agree, it's always sad to hear about someone's death. Director or cashier at your local store, it's still sad. I've only watched Paprika, but the part that got to me the most was from Paranoia Agent. I haven't seen any other part of Paranoia Agent than this though, so I'll spoiler tag it just in case. [/b] [spoiler]It was a young girl and apparently it was the birthday of someone she admired. Well, he was out so she checked out his computer. Click after click revealed photos of her undressing.[/spoiler] [b]I just thought it was incredible that even though I have no idea what the story was for that episode or who the character was, but out of that one little scene I felt so much empathy for that character. I felt so sorry for her and later on impressed at the director of the show. I still need to watch all of it one day.[/b]
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