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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [b]It's good to see the thread going crazy again. I was worried there for a second.[/b]
  2. [b]Trin will want anything pink. So spinel, pink sapphire, etc. And actually, this was more of a helpful site than I thought. It even tells you what the colors mean, and what wearing a pink (or the color of your gem,) will do for you. So maybe it will help us get an idea of how are pets will be too? Here's the link.[/b] [url="http://www.bernardine.com/gemstones/colors.htm"]Gemstones[/url]
  3. [b]Wow, a psychic/fire type? That hasn't been done before, has it? And what are Aloe's and Dente's roles in the game? Or do we not know yet? I wonder if anyone in the anime will comment on Team Plasma's crazy outfit design. I can see Ash or someone laughing when they first encounter them. Thanks for posting the official art by the way. [/b]
  4. [quote name='mangamaniack21' date='02 August 2010 - 11:52 PM' timestamp='1280785940' post='698589'] Hi everyone <3 I'd like to join the nuthouse here XDD [/quote] [b]Well then, let me be the first to say, enjoy your stay. I'll let Chibi or someone fill you in on the house rules. [/b]
  5. [b]Actually, if it's okay with you Inu, during any down time like between missions, Trin will probably approach Lucas and ask him to play with her. She could learn a few things from him. That is, if he's in the mood to teach of course. And maybe just have them cover their ears or something? I'm not sure lol.[/b]
  6. [b]Okay, thank you Guy. And just letting you know too, I'm moving stuff around in my house today. So if all goes well, I'll be around this week. If not, then I got disconnected from the internet. Thanks for being so patient with me. [/b]
  7. [b]Just letting you guys know, desks are being moved around at my house so my compy might get dismantled this week. I doubt it but it's a possibility. So if you don't see me posting, that's why and I'll try to come back soon. (It shouldn't last more than a week from today.) Also, it's not a guarantee that it will happen. It's just a likely possibility. I have a question though, Inu. If the note affected the demon and not any power, does that mean Trin could have done the same thing with her violin? I'm not planning on having her do it, especially since she's not as experienced on the violin, I'm just curious.[/b]
  8. [b]We should definitely throw our own slumber party then, Chibi. No one's thrown one for a while over here and it sucks. Also, thanks Magus and CaNz for the advice. [/b]
  9. [quote name='Knuckles' Girl' date='31 July 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1280600693' post='698351'] I am SO enjoying the bliss of being able to play old school PS games on the PS3. FF9, whoo hoo! X Box 360, eat your heart out. lol [/quote] [b]Hey KG, maybe you can help me? I can't decide if I should get FF8 or FF9? Is FF9 worth getting then? And do you think I should try to get it for my PS2? I would have to buy a Playstation one memory card if I did, but I need one anyways for Chrono Trigger. [/b] [quote name='chibi-master' date='31 July 2010 - 10:08 PM' timestamp='1280606933' post='698358'] I went into Best Buy today to knock some skulls around. I got my Cowboy Bebop box set replaced. While I was browsing around the DS games section, I came across a frustrated father and his small son (about 5 or so). The dad was arguing with his son about how neither of them knew the difference between a DS Lite and a DSi. The dad started muttering about never finding help when you need it, so I stepped up and started explaining the differences between a DS Lite and a DSi, then I completely blew his mind by adding in some info about the DSi XL. It felt good to help them~! On another note, I now have a Pikachu stylus for my DS Lite~! *squeal* [/quote] [b] Did they hire you on the spot for your good sales work? Also, congratulations on the stylus! I almost bought a Darkrai one, but then I also saw a Lugia and Ho-Oh stylus set. I don't know what to get. [/b] [quote name='demon39536' date='01 August 2010 - 04:17 AM' timestamp='1280629052' post='698393'] Yes! I am finally back home from 3 weeks of TIP! [/quote] [b]What in the world is TIP? And welcome back! [/b] [quote name='chibi-master' date='02 August 2010 - 01:02 AM' timestamp='1280703764' post='698493'] Shut up, you. I guess I was really upset a couple minutes ago, but now I feel better and a bit more calm... *breathes slowly* I want a salad. [/quote] [b]Did you just quote yourself? Why didn't OB explode? And fruit, pasta, potato, or normal salad? So many choices... [/b]
  10. [b]One last question before I post, Guy. (Expect it Monday. I'm really sorry about the delay.) You said that they are taking turns doing work? What work is it? Just scouting or what? Thanks again for the help.[/b]
  11. [quote name='CaNz' date='29 July 2010 - 01:24 AM' timestamp='1280359496' post='698163'] i am always happy to help when i can. and you're welcome in advance. the jedi knights are the highest current rank for a jedi right now, so it would be possible to fight a sith master... winning however would not be possible yet. surviving isnt too far fetched though. also... there is really no masters to fight... there is one sith master far away from these three planets and one sith lord on each. really you are likly to run into a sith knight or two. as far as your other character goes... you can pm anyone with what you want to have happen. i am already doing that sort of thing with Anomander and a certain jedi knight. also, we have no rules on your npc's so you can have a totally different storyline for her, and have your characters interact occasionally. running into people across the galaxy seems unrealistic, but this is a star wars rp. in order to capture the feel of it, we WANT to keep a bit of over-the-top twists. [/quote] [b]I am a Sith though. Did you mean I could fight a jedi master? Would it be okay if I fought a jedi apprentice then? Okay, I'll send you a PM now then. I'll probably just post again when I get back on Monday, maybe from Sarli's point of view.[/b]
  12. [b]So no undies because no tight pants? Does that mean guys that like tight pants never go for boxers? Also, this is probably just me, but thongs are overrated. [/b]
  13. [b]I'm sorry too guys, I know this has taken me forever to post in the RP. Anyways, here are my questions again so someone can help me out if you guys don't mind. I don't want to make Rakin seem too powerful, so I'm not sure who to have her fight. So who should she fight against to show off her strength? Obviously she can't take down a jedi master, since she is only a knight. I'll edit my post with her battle scene. As for Sarli, would it be stupid to have her run into one of the good guys and maybe they're giving her trouble? I don't want her to get out of the story so soon by killing her off or capturing her, I just thought that would be interesting. Thanks in advance for the help.[/b]
  14. Rakin and Sarli were both on Telos for a few days before the invasion hit. However, they stayed apart as to not arouse any suspicions. Rakin mainly stayed at their hideout, since her right arm was pretty distinctive and hard to hide. If someone recognized her, it would mean risking the entire mission. So Sarli went around the planet as her eyes and ears. Then, the day finally came. [b]"Rakin, it's time."[/b] was all that Sarli said and was all that needed to be said. Considering the importance of today, Rakin put on her mask after grabbing her robe and left the hideout. The attack was starting. Soon, Telos will fall. Rakin and Sarli would both personally see to it that it does, with the help of the fleet and countless other Sith. Rakin walked along quietly, concealing her mask and arm as much as she could under her oversized robe. Then, when the screams and blaster fire started, Rakin flipped it aside and ran with her lightsabers at the ready to rendezvous with her apprentice. [b]"Sarli, what's your position?"[/b] Rakin asked into her headset. There was only static however. Rakin swore and moved faster. She hoped that her apprentice wasn't already compromised. She knew the Sith would win today, even if Sarli wasn't able to fight, but one more person, even if it was an apprentice, wouldn't do anything except help Telos fall faster. [b]OOC: Sorry about the short post guys, I just want to get going in the RP and I don't want to make Rakin seem too powerful, so I'm not sure who to have her fight. As for Sarli, would it be stupid to have her run into one of the good guys and maybe they're giving her trouble? I don't want her to get out of the story so soon by killing her off or capturing her, I just thought that would be interesting. I'll post this also in the underground thread.[/b]
  15. [quote name='chibi-master' date='28 July 2010 - 03:03 AM' timestamp='1280279020' post='698064'] I've always wondered... How do guys wear boxers and pants at the same time?! It seems like the fabric would get all folded and uncomfortable... [/quote] [b]Same here. But what I was also curious is, how do guys choose boxers over normal undies? Any guys here want to explain the reason? (Without going into too much detail please. )[/b]
  16. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='27 July 2010 - 10:11 PM' timestamp='1280261484' post='698031'] I did. But then someone played a bit of Beethoven and I went back to normal. Though a bit itchy. [/quote] [b]I used to watch the cartoon of that movie all of the time at an older cousin's house. Was that how she turned back to normal? Didn't a sneeze turn her into a tomato or something? Boy that was a weird cartoon...[/b]
  17. [quote name='Elk' date='27 July 2010 - 08:15 PM' timestamp='1280254522' post='698023'] I agree with Inuyasha Fandom. The other team has already finished with their mission and we haven't even gotten to our destination. I mean, I'm not one to talk because I came in kind of late, but we really need to get a move on with the other mission. I'm totally for someone posting a super long post to get us at least half way through with our mission. [/quote] [b]I'm at fault too. So I'll be a part of the "finishing the mission" team if you guys want. Let's just find out what White wants us to achieve by talking to that demon.[/b]
  18. [quote name='Magus' date='27 July 2010 - 03:49 AM' timestamp='1280195382' post='697959'] I've never played the Persona games but I have played like the first 10 minutes of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, and from what I gather of it, it's similar to Dragon Quest 8 where it forces you to use Buffs and Debuffs. They're my kind of RPG's but the main thing that's keeping me away from Persona 3 is the thought of not being able to control my other party members. What's keeping me away from 3 and 4 is the drawn out dungeons. I watched a couple of videos and it just seem like it takes forever to get through a dungeon. I don't recall having to walk that long in Nocturne, but I also stopped playing early so yeah lol. What's keeping me from playing all SMT games is my conscience lol. I'm a church guy (christian) and the thought of teamming up with Lucifer just rubs me the wrong way lol. I'm trying to get over it but lol, so far no good. I haven't been playing anything at the moment, although I could continue on my Devil May Cry 3 run as well as my God of War 2 run considering all the stress that's been building up from school. I'm thinking about what game I'm gonna buy for the DS though. Not sure yet. [/quote] [b]Well if not being able to control your party members is keeping you from playing Persona 3, then I would get Persona 3 Portable if you have a PSP. I quit Persona 3 because I couldn't control them, but now I actually came back to it since they changed it for the portable version. It does take a little bit to get through the dungeons though. But unless it's a part of the story, you can leave when you want if you find an exit. Don't bother getting over that part though. It rubbed me the wrong way too. What I did was, I never made him or used him on my team. I still see the name though as an option when making a new persona, so that bugs me a little bit. It is possible for you to skip using him on your team, but if it bugs you that he is even in the game then don't get Persona 3. Also, I would recommend skipping the Devil social link. I was fine with maxing that one out, until I found out that I unlocked Beezelbub. That part kind of bothered me too. As for the DS, I'm getting Dragon Quest IX today. Maybe try that one out? I was going to skip it since I've never played Dragon Quest at all, but I've heard good things about it and also I like how you can make your own character. That's always a nice option for an RPG.[/b]
  19. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='26 July 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1280178385' post='697944'] You just google'd "angry pikachu" didn't you? [/quote] [b]Angry Pikachu is awesome though.[/b]
  20. [b]Okay, I got my first post up. Sorry about the wait, White. And if worst comes to worst, since I know how busy KG can be, I can take over for her until she can post. Blayze is an important character to Trin.[/b]
  21. [color="#9932CC"]Trin just shook her head and laughed to herself at Lucas' explanation of acquiring their weaponry. She was going to take her vespa and follow after the van, but it was much easier to stick together with everyone else. [i][b]"Wait, everyone?"[/b][/i] Trin thought to herself She suddenly looked around the van and did a quick headcount. Then she counted the ones who were sent to Antartica. Like she thought, someone was missing. It was Pedr. Trin tried to keep track of the newer members but she got so caught up in the mission that she forgot all about him. She pulled out her cellphone and gave him a call. [b]"Come on, come on...Answer your phone, Pedr."[/b] However, there was no answer so she left him a message. [b]"Hey Pedr, it's Trin. If you want to come meet us, I'll give you the address just in case. You also have permission to use my vespa. It's the pink one. Wait, why am I telling you the color? It's the only vespa there. Just be careful with it please! If you're staying at HQ though, text me back and let me know. Bye."[/b] Trin hung up the phone and then texted Pedr the address, along with a little message that said. [b]"Save me some pizza please! ;-D"[/b] Trin closed up her phone, but kept it out in case Pedr responded. She never got car sick, but with the way Lucas was driving, her stomach kept telling her it might be a good idea. She fought it though and decided to make small talk. Trin looked over to Ayeika. [b]"So, Ayeika? How long has Lucas played the violin? I would ask him myself, but I think he's too busy trying not to kill all of us."[/b] Trin said, smirking at Lucas to show that she was teasing, even though he couldn't see her. [b]"I play myself, but my playing isn't as nearly as important to our missions. It's more of a hobby for me."[/b][/color] [b]OOC: Okay, I got my first post in. I wanted to make it longer, but I'll let Elk decide if he comes with us or not.[/b]
  22. [quote name='White' date='25 July 2010 - 05:18 AM' timestamp='1280027938' post='697834'] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"] That being said I've got a lot of questions pertaining to specifics like what car does my character drive, how the blood circles work, etc. Honestly, use your own discretion. If someone makes Zach own a van, I don't really care, just give good reasoning for it (like he's got all this tech equipment or drives other members places a lot). Not everyone wants their characters to be [i]that[/i] flexible but that's how I want you guys to continue this story. If you're apprehensive about throwing something new in there, just do it and we'll see how it goes instead of not posting at all. ^__^ Those of you in the active group, you're doing great and you guys can keep going. Don't feel like you have to wait for us. I actually split the group in two because I figured more than a few people would be inactive from the start and I didn't want it to hinder everyone else's experience. That being said [b]Knuckles' Girl[/b], [b]Vongola[/b], and [b]Lilt[/b] (though I think she's about ready to post) all have yet to post. I'm going to give them around 7 days, send a final warning and if they still don't reply I'll be killing off their characters. I don't have much patience for inactivity these days and I want this RP to go smoothly (and if worst comes to worst and someone couldn't post in that week but still wants to participate we can write them back in). Here's what I've got for pets: [b]Inuyasha Fandom (twins) [/b]- None (which is totally fine, I'd rather only have a [i]few [/i]pets in a big group like this) [b]CaNz (Ally)[/b] - Kitten? [b]Lilt (Trin) [/b]- Ferret (good choice, so keeeuute ) [b]PseudoWhim (Blu)[/b] - Sparrow Hawk [b]Anom-nom (Eun Jung)[/b] - A slow loris, lawl So the way I was thinking of doing the whole psychic pet thing was just having one spirit that has split himself into all of our animals, so when the pets are close to each other, they just talk as one person (telepathically of course) and when they are split up they're able to think and behave separately. ...but I'm starting to think that's too confusing. How would you guys feel if we just had separate spirits in the pets so each one IS different? I'll explain it better in the RP (I've got quite the idea set up to introduce them) but let me know what you think. Keep up the great posts and feedback guys! [/font][/color] [/quote] [b]I think seperate spirits in the pets would be better. That way we don't have to worry about misportraying the personality of that one spirit. And White, I'm just going to give my character her own vehicle. Also sorry about the delay in posting. Weekends are never good for me, also my compy got fixed just recently. I should have a post up tomorrow if not sooner.[/b]
  23. [quote name='Sangome' date='24 July 2010 - 10:44 PM' timestamp='1280004287' post='697793'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"][url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Tsundere"]TV Tropes to the rescuuuuuuuuuuuuuue![/url] It's distressingly common in anime these days, though I myself am a bit of a mild case. But yeah.[/font][/color] [/quote] [b]Oh, I see. I think a lot of us have our tsundere moments then. (Myself included.) And Helga, from one of my favorite shows, is a tsundere? *Head explodes* [/b]
  24. [b]I thought this was a "what if" thread from readin the title. Wow. Actually, thanks to Tekken 6 and my Tekken on the PSP, I've become a Tekken fan kind of. I mostly like the customization though and the huge amount of character choices. I'll always be a Street Fighter fan, so I'll probably buy the Street Fighter version. It's nice of them to release ttwo distinct versions though. I actually can't wait to play this now.[/b]
  25. [b]I know I should know that word as well, but I'm lost on the meaning (and pronounciation,) of tsundere. It's a person you shouldn't mess with I think? [/b]
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