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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [b]Right now I'm playing [color="#FF00FF"]Persona 3 Portable[/color]. (The title is pink in color because I'm playing as the new female character. ) I never actually beat Persona 3, but this one, even with the stuff that it is missing, is a lot of fun. I already beat it once and I'm going back again to beat it and see the other ending. This is actually one of the few games on my list that I've actually beaten. It's even on my shorter list of games I've beaten and want to play again. However, if anyone wants to play this and you're going to choose the original character, I would get the PS2 version if you can find it.[/b]
  2. [b]Night trading would work fine for me, but my wifi network is set up wrong. So I have to go somewhere during the day or afternoon to connect. I missed out on the event Jirachi anyways. I at least got one, but I didn't get one for Platinum. So I might just forget about trading my Turtwig and start a new game. Unless someone still wants to trade but only if they need some Pokémon from me. Thanks by the way Kei. I just need to figure out if I should forget about the Battle Frontier and fight Red without Brick Break or not. My team is ready besides that one move.[/b]
  3. [b]I'm of course looking forward to Birth by Sleep, but since that has already been mentioned, I'll bring up another game that I'm looking forward to. [url="http://www.sega.com/games/valkyria-chronicles-2/"]Valkryia Chronicles 2:[/url] I don't know much about this game besides it's a strategy RP and I know I should play the first one, but I don't have a PS3. So I might pick this one up. I was never a big fan of strategy RP's, but after playing Disgaea and Eternal Poison I'm willing to give this one a try.[/b]
  4. [b]What's so upsetting about that quote, Shy? And peanutbutter-chokkit milkshakes are so rich. At least the way they make them at this one café. Just drinking half of it about kills me. [/b]
  5. [b]Hey Guy, I was just wondering before I post. Who is in my group right now? Who are the other three that are with me? Thanks in advance. I'll post after I clear this up.[/b]
  6. [b]Is it safe to post now? Also, what kind of car does Zach drive? Or should Trin have her own set of wheels? Oh and I would like a ferret for a psychic pet if that is okay. How will they work by the way? If it's not a spoiler for later on. Do they talk? Do they disappear until we summon them again? Stuff like that.[/b]
  7. [quote name='demon39536' date='22 July 2010 - 02:16 AM' timestamp='1279757777' post='697623'] Hello people who probably don't know who I am. I bought awesome socks yesterday. [/quote] [b] That's cool. But how do you feel about leggings?[/b] [quote name='Sangome' date='22 July 2010 - 06:23 AM' timestamp='1279772633' post='697635'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Don't get me wrong -- I completely agree that a lot of moe is a bunch of crap saturating the market, but...I have never heard anyone call Pokemon "moe", ever. I suppose a good deal of attributes of Pokemon can be "OMG KAWAII DESU NE", but I don't really think "moe" is the right term for it, in this case.[/font][/color] [/quote] [b] For the longest time, I didn't even know what "moe" was either. My friends and I would always just use "squee" instead to describe stuff I later found out was "moe".[/b] [quote name='chibi-master' date='22 July 2010 - 07:59 AM' timestamp='1279778377' post='697637'] 2 in the morning at my cousin's house. I'm having chocolate gravy on biscuits for breakfast. No, I'm really serious. I'll give you the recipe if you want it. One day I'm going to move back down south and get a home in a small town. It seems like a good retirement plan to me. I wish I could find a copy of Dumbo somewhere... I love that movie, though the acid trip elephant bubble scene scared me as a little kid. [/quote] [b] Actually, I want to try that. I've had chocolate for breakfast before. (Chocolate cereal, chocolate waffles, etc.) How do you make it? I guess it depends on what part of the south, since I've heard some places are better than others. I found the deep south relaxing, so that would be a good retirement plan. I forgot all about that scene. I can't find the scene that I'm looking for, but when this camel freaked out about going home, I was scared as a little kid too.[/b] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAJ4pMLXRTA
  8. [b]I like the new banner a lot, CaNz. It's so awesome. XD As for Sailor Moon, DBZ, and others, I watched Dragonball more than I watched Dragonball Z. It came on at like 5 in the morning right before Sailor Moon so I would actually wake up early to catch both of them. They were both like my first anime I guess? Well, besides Guyver but that was more of a nightmare than a happy memory. Speaking of nightmares though, what are they doing with Dragonball Z now? What is this Kai stuff? D:[/b]
  9. [b]I wonder how much of the network stuff will translate over to the US version. Also, sorry if this was mentioned earlier, but any mention of a Pokéwalker at all for Black and White?[/b]
  10. [quote name='CaNz' date='20 July 2010 - 03:22 AM' timestamp='1279588966' post='697471'] (and i will take one of those cookies... i love the sugar ones with trees in them.) [/quote] [b]Christmas comes early then. *Girl hugs once more while passing a sugar tree cookie* And you're welcome, CaNz. I'll be glad to see your new banner then. I hope it was nice to see San Francisco again at least. Also, I meant to say that I've been there a few times. Another friend of mine was also born there so I visit her when I can. It's one of my favorite cities actually.[/b]
  11. [quote name='CaNz' date='19 July 2010 - 01:29 PM' timestamp='1279538979' post='697450'] who really celebrates 'Christmas' anymore? My family could rename it "giving people stuff and getting junk you didn't want day" or Gpsagjydwd for short. [/quote] [b]I wish my family was more into Christmas. Lately we've barely done anything. Same with birthdays. This year though, I'm going to try to change things and bake some Christmas cookies for once. Also, I can't bro-hug but I'm here for you CaNz. *Girl hugs you anyways*[/b]
  12. [b]I'm surprised this one hasn't been mentioned before, but I'm playing Persona 3 for the first time thanks to P3P and even though I haven't reached it yet, I've heard that [spoiler] (going to spoiler tag it just in case, even though I'm not mentioning names,) the final boss in this game has about 14 forms and on top of that a friend of yours warns you repeatedly that she is undefeatable![/spoiler] I have a month in in game time to train to fight the boss, and even that seems like it might not be enough time. I'm scared! EDIT: It was tough, but I beat the boss. [/b]
  13. [quote name='chibi-master'] I wanted to have a way to protect myself and others in the event that I did not have a weapon. I have always wanted to study a martial art, and karate just stuck out to me. I would certainly recommend it, but just be careful. There are some dojos that let you buy your belts, and that is just wrong. There are a few different styles of karate, so you may need to look into that. I personally study Isshin Ryu. Speaking of relatives, I'm not going to be on next week because I'm staying with my grandma in Arkansas and she has no internet. Lilt, watch CaNz and Botar for me, please! I have a very special job for you all. This is my last post before I leave for Arkansas, so I want it to take care of business. I would like to ask everyone to take over something while I'm gone. Please look in the birthday box every day until I get back next week and send a birthday PM to any member you recognize. It's a fun hobby and I hope to spread the joy it brings! See y'all, and good night! [/quote] [b]Buying your belts makes about as much sense as those advertisements about buying your high school diplomas. XD And thanks Chibi, I'll look into the different styles. You can count on me. Actually, the birthday PM thing sounds kind of fun. I got one of those from someone, and it meant a lot to me. So thank you for the suggestion. And in other news, I've never made this face ( ) so much at a video game so much before. (At how cute it was.) I wish they had more like it. [/b]
  14. [b]If it was a Haunter or something that you were looking for on the GTS, I would say it's because they're trying to evolve it. However, since it's a Houndour I think they're just hoping someone will fall for a trade like that. I don't see why anyone would though. It does get annoying though, since I can't always get on the GTS to trade. So when I see trades like ones for that Houndour, it wastes all of the time I had to trade. Also, is anyone available to trade in the next week or so? I still need to transfer some Pokémon from Platinum. Just let me know what you want okay? Thanks in advance. Oh yeah, and does anyone ever play the Battle Frontier?[/b]
  15. [quote name='chibi-master' date='14 July 2010 - 08:07 PM' timestamp='1279130869' post='697302'] I like it! It's adorable~! It's superb! It makes me very happy whenever I learn something new. Me. It seems like every time I listen to my music, someone feels the need to talk to me when it is obvious that I'm busy. MultiQuote is absolutely fabulous! [/quote] [b]Thanks~! I've never really cared about very many fictional couples until now actually. XD They're just too cute. So why did you start taking karate? And would you recommend it to someone else? Or should I look for something else? (Nothing else interests me though.) Also, I can't figure out the MultiQuote for some reason. [/b]
  16. [quote name='Korey' date='14 July 2010 - 07:39 PM' timestamp='1279129144' post='697299'] [font="Garamond"]Riddle me this: Who listens to music on their iPod soft enough to be able to hear ambient noise or people's voices?[/font] [/quote] [b]I do, but only if I'm cooking or something and need to hear if someone is trying to talk to me. That's the only time I listen to it that soft. And continuing on that subject, what kind of headphones does everyone prefer? I have the little earbud ones, but for style I wear DJ style headphones. I can easily show my friends my music, so that's a bonus too.[/b]
  17. [quote name='chibi-master' date='14 July 2010 - 04:12 AM' timestamp='1279073531' post='697260'] Might I suggest a cutesy heart between the couple and the chibis in the corner, corny as that may seem? I worked out some intense fury in karate tonight, and I'm so glad I did. Otherwise, I'm sure I would have shredded a certain someone's face off, and that would be quite unladylike... [/quote] [b]Actually, even if it is possibly corny, I finally feel like my banner is complete. (I found a heart design that is a bit different too, so I like it.) Thanks so much for the suggestion Chibi! <3 So how is karate anyways? I've always been interested in taking some form of self defense class. @Sangome: I'm actually replaying games too. I don't have Majora's Mask, but I am replaying Ocarina of Time And thanks. @CaNz: As you can see, the banner is done. Thanks though for offering to help me out. My summer plans are to get a summer outfit going, even though it's a bit late for that. (I have summer clothes, but nothing that great,) actually do something with friends that doesn't involve movies or other indoor stuff, like visiting this cool park we found. Besides that, not much besides drinking iced tea and getting out of the heat. XD Really? San Francisco? I'm jealous. I miss that city. Have fun! @James: Awww, I'm sorry. I'll try to email you some of my summer. [/b]
  18. [b]Thanks CaNz! I was inspired by your combo to make a cute one. I really like the hat picture in the banner. The banner itself though seems to be missing something though. I might ask for your help with it. It needs some better text or something. So how are you doing? Any summer plans? Actually, what is everyone's summer plans? I want to know how all of you celebrate or try to beat the heat. [/b]
  19. Lilt

    I don't know what song that is in your about me section, but I really dig it. =)

  20. [b]Well, my team to defeat Red is ready! Well, almost. Everyone is level 80 now. That should be good enough to beat Red, right? The only problem is, I don't know how to get Brick Break. Can you only get it from the Battle Frontier? I just barely survived 7 matches in a row and I only got 2 BP. D: If anyone plays Battle Frontier, is there a way to get 2 BP per match at all? (Maybe in the Battle Hall or Castle, etc?) Thanks for your help guys.[/b]
  21. [quote name='chibi-master' date='13 July 2010 - 02:32 AM' timestamp='1278981158' post='697202'] I never noticed that until now... Now that you mention it, that is kind of unsettling... [/quote] [b]I've never seen it. Is it on Youtube? Also, I just got back from visiting a friend. We're the same age, height, etc. so she gave me a bunch of old and new skirts. I don't know why, but suddenly I appreciate a good skirt now and then. Maybe it's the weather or because they were free? Maybe both? [/b]
  22. [b]So if I hold onto Ice Punch then, would this be a good move set if I decided to forget about Hi Jump Kick and get some 100% accuracy moves? Calm Mind Brick Break Force Palm Ice Punch I like attack moves over moves that you have to use to get ready to attack.[/b]
  23. [b]I think that sounds like a good idea, Humaru. I already started my LeafGreen over and I am about to do the same with my Platinum. I need help though with my Medicham move list. Everyone seems to say that a Medicham needs Psycho Cut, but I don't see how it can learn it? So does anyone know how to get it to learn Psycho Cut? Also, here are the moves so far: Confusion Hi Jump Kick Force Palm Ice Punch I was thinking of replacing Hi Jump Kick. I know that only gives it one fighting move, but I always seem to hit the 10% and miss with that move. So should I give it Thunder Punch? Calm Mind to raise attack? Or should I use a fighting TM on it?[/b]
  24. [quote name='Kei' date='08 July 2010 - 02:58 AM' timestamp='1278550691' post='696750'] [font="Tahoma"][color="#000080"]You can only get the Kanto and Hoenn starters in HGSS. You get one of the Kanto starters from Professor Oak and one of the Hoenn starters from Stephen at Silph Co. Also, I'm completely available at any time during the evening. The only thing I would want, potentially, is a version-exclusive, like a Growlithe or a Phanpy. [/color][/font] [/quote] [b]I'm pretty sure I have both Growlithe and Phanpy. Are there any others you would want? I should be ready to trade with you next week. I am going to try to get the event Jirachi today or tomorrow. We just need to discuss a time and a day to trade. Thanks in advance for your help, Kei. [/b]
  25. Lilt

    Wow, the American is so loud in here. I can barely hear myself think. (Great banner, James. XD)

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