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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [b]Yay! Thanks Chibi! Then I just need someone's help to trade. I'm available Friday and next week. I just need to know what someone will want in exchange for helping me trade. I'll need to trade my Piplup and Jirachi from my Platinum to my HeartGold. I have some Pokémon I wouldn't normally have thanks to that LeafGreen game I got. Is there a way to get Chimchar after I beat Red? Can't you get him from Professor Oak? If so, I'll forget about him until then.[/b]
  2. [b]Hey White. I just had one question so I can finish my sign up. How realistic do you want our first paranormal experience to be? I don't want to go overboard. Thanks, I should be done soon.[/b]
  3. [b]I'm not sure what I can offer for a trade. So is there anything you want, Kei or Chibi? (Whoever can help me.) My only problem is, I wanted to get the event Jirachi on my Platinum game and start over. But I don't think it can be traded? So should I even try to get one on my Platinum? If I can just trade my Piplup, I could just forget about getting Chimchar and starting a new game. So I guess it's a choice between Chimchar or Jirachi. And what is with the rematch time for gym leaders? I can battle some of them during 8:00pm in the "afternoon", but others stop battling me at 10:00am even though it should still be morning. Also, my new additions to my team are: Chironji: My Mankey got angry and tried to attack me. So Chironji, my Medicham, used her psychic powers to help me out. So I'll be having her take his spot in my team. She doesn't have as good of a choice with fighting moves, but what she does have should work well against Red. Star Wars: My Electrike got homesick for Japan. So now my Rotom, Star Wars is the second new addition to my team. EDIT: My Shiney Diglett evolved into Dugtrio! Now I have three cute blue-nosed guys. ^^ Also, I finally got my Platinum strategy guide in. It comes with cool stickers. I wonder if I can stick one on my Pokéwalker...[/b]
  4. [color="#800080"][b]Name:[/b] Silje "Trin" Holan [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/e0rcrq.jpg[/IMG] Trin doesn't seem to own a pair of pants. Instead, she goes for skirts or skirts and leggings if the weather is colder. From the waist up however, she doesn't mind wearing t-shirts or anything else. Trin is also a big fan of scarves or shawls in warmer weather. She usually carries a dark purple messenger bag wherever she goes, which keeps her notepads and various other objects for P.I.T. and she likes to wear a black cabbie on sunny days. On lazy days with nothing to do, she is usually seen with her headphones on listening to her music. [b]Personality:[/b] Trin is very loyal to both Blayze and Zach. She opens up to them more than anyone else. However, she also likes meeting the new recruits and helping them out with the ropes if they need it. She's a bit scared of the supernatural, despite being in P.I.T. But because of Zach and Blayze, she faces her fears and lends a hand on missions. [b]PIT History:[/b] Silje was very close to Zach and Blayze as she grew up. Because of this, one of their parents gave her the nickname "Trin" (triplet) and it has stuck ever since. Especially since most people usually have trouble pronouncing her actual name. Even as kids though, when Zach would talk to her about a group that would eventually become P.I.T., Trin would think he was trying to play make believe and would usually bring an old Halloween mask when she visited him. As the years went by, she realized that he was serious and helped him start P.I.T. She has been with P.I.T. ever since. [b]Powers/Talents: [/b] As far as Trin knows, she has no real powers. What she doesn't know is that she happens to be somewhat of a magnet to the paranormal. When she is around, the supernatural just seeks her out. No one though, including Trin, ever think anything of this. And if they do, they just brush it off as a strange coincedence. Silje is multi-lingual, and enjoys playing the violin and the piano. Neither of these talents have been much help though, unless they ever run into a spirit who speaks another language or enjoys the violin. Her talents are record keeping, which she tries to do for P.I.T. by taking photographs with an old camera or writing things down in a daily journal. However, sometimes she has accidentally caught a picture of a spirit on her camera, although when that happens Blayze has to tell her that she did, and only Phil is able to see it. She has also written down thoughts that weren't hers before, in her journal. But so far, she has not been able to repeat that experience. [b]First Paranormal Experience: [/b] It was Trin's seventh birthday and after all of the guests had left, mostly friends of her parents, she ran to her room with the one present she was most excited about. It was an antique radio. However, Trin couldn't get it to work and even her father couldn't get it working. He offered to throw it out, but for some reason Trin wanted to hold onto it. One night, Trin woke up to a man talking in her room. Not recognizing the voice, Trin looked around to see who was in the room with her. However no one was there. Then, Trin saw that the radio was on even though it was supposed to be permanently broken. Trin ran and told her parents, but they dismissed it as a nightmare. Years later, Trin did some research related to that one night, and found out that she most likely had encountered a spirit. That was her first paranormal experience, and the one that made Trin join P.I.T. with Zach and Blayze. [b]Ideas/Extras:[/b] I agree with Canz. Pets would be nice. I want a ferret if we can have pets.[/color]
  5. [quote name='chibi-master' date='06 July 2010 - 08:35 AM' timestamp='1278398126' post='696653'] Who wants to join the new cult James and I are starting about Ace? [/quote] What's the dress code?
  6. Lilt

    Toy Story 3

    [quote name='chibi-master' date='02 July 2010 - 09:02 AM' timestamp='1278054170' post='696321'] I didn't watch it in 3D seeing as I wear glasses and without them my vision is crap on a crusty biscuit. Whenever I have to watch 3D, I have to wear the goofy cardboard glasses over my regular ones and I give myself a headache. I made this mistake watching [b]Up[/b], you see. I accidentally bought tickets to the 3D version and was in agonizing pain through the whole movie. [/quote] [b]Don't worry, I went to go see it in 3D for you! (This emote is replacing my lost cat face grin if you haven't noticed yet. XD) I'm glad I listened to everyone and went to go see it. Now I just need to rent number one and two. Isn't this supposed to be the last one though? Or are they making a fourth?[/b]
  7. [b]I understood the whole 'love' thing, Chibi. I agree with you. We need different words for love. I guess that is what all of those other languages are for though. It's time to learn a second language I guess...[/b]
  8. [b]I don't know the situation Chibi, and I probably don't need to know since it's her business, but I'll keep her in my prayers for you. I hope she feels better soon. Keep us updated if you can okay? Let us know if she starts to feel better. [/b]
  9. [b]Thanks Kei. I'll check them both out then. Victory Road is really only good for training water or grass types. And I might need help with trading sooner rather than later. I want to transfer Piplup then Chimchar to HeartGold before I officialy start my Platinum save file. Also, I'll post my new additions to my Beating Red Team soon.[/b]
  10. [b]July 16th - National No Holiday Day How about that one? XD[/b] [quote="Funny Holidays"]14 National Nude Day[/quote] [b]That one is nude to me.[/b]
  11. [b]Thanks Guy. And thanks for all your help. I have a pretty good idea for my character and will have her sign up finished by tomorrow if I am not busy. (I shouldn't be.) I have a pretty good idea on the criminal organization too. I'll work it into my finished sign up, but if you want to know the full details, just let me know and I will PM you.[/b]
  12. [quote name='Stephanie' date='03 July 2010 - 09:31 PM' timestamp='1278185510' post='696453'] So, it is official. I'm depressed. I sleep every time I get the chance, my body hurts, I cry at the drop of a hat, and I've lost 20 pounds in the past month [NOT the good way]. But I did get a job. I should feel motivated and accomplished - right? [/quote] [b]You probably can't go into this here, but why does your body hurt? Is it emotional or an actual physical thing? *Hugs* I'm here to help you get out of this if you need to talk. @Birthday People: HAPPY BIRTHDAY![/b]
  13. [b]Thanks Chibi! Wow, so they do stay shiney? I don't know if I can handle it then. Since there will be three cute blue noses. And is there any reason to go to Mt. Silver besides fighting Red? Is it an okay place to grind?[/b]
  14. [b]I just caught my very first shiney! (The Red Gyrados doesn't count. Also, I ran into a shiney Graveler but it exploded.) It's a Diglett with a really cute blue nose! He's going to replace the Dugtrio that was going to be on my team. Do they still stay Shiney if you evolve them though?[/b]
  15. [b]Okay, Guy. Well, I chose my team. Just let me know if I will even survive with a team this low at all and I will finish up my sign up. How will we handle Pokémon evolutions by the way? Maybe evolution items like moon stones and leaf stones, etc will be valuable now?[/b]
  16. [b]Thanks Guy. I'll pick my team then on my character's preference, age, and what is available to her. This RP covers all regions, right? (Kanto, Johto, etc.) As far as the Team Rocket thing goes, thanks. That just gives me freedom to come up with my own criminal organization. I'll have my sign up finished soon. As for an idea of how to meet up, maybe we can have someone have an Abra with teleport? In fact, I might even give one to my character.[/b]
  17. [quote name='Botar' date='03 July 2010 - 03:34 AM' timestamp='1278120887' post='696387'] [b]Both are great [/b]and will do just fine. Yah, thank you so much, I love the banner, and will happily await the avatar. [/quote] [b] Thanks Botar. I am curious to see if Canz has better ideas on how to get it colored though. I'll make the avatar with the same picture of Haruko and a different good picture of her and let you decide which you like best. Sorry about the wait, Botar. [/b]
  18. [color="#800080"][b]Name:[/b] Dusana "Dusa" Drogo [b]Age: [/b]19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Current location/situation:[/b] Goldenrod City With the flash of light fading, Dusa's Evee finished evolving into Umbreon. It was risky evolving it at night, but this was her only chance to strengthen her team just in case she was spotted. Taking a quick look around to make sure nothing noticed her, Dusa put Perilla back in her Pokéball. She walked off quickly, finding a place to spend the night. After walking a few blocks, Dusa found a small abandoned house that seemed safe enough. She checked inside cautiously, making sure there weren't any Ekans or bug Pokémon. Even the smallest of the small could give her trouble as she slept. Finally, after finding out the house was truly uninhabited, Dusa got her first good night sleep since what seemed like a long long time. The next day, Dusa woke up to a growling sound. An Arcanine was outside the window. Dusa hid under the bed and held her breath. She normally was pretty brave, but in a situation like this she wanted to avoid any unnecessary fights. The growling got further and further away and Dusa sighed in relief. She had to find a better spot to camp out. Some place with supplies. She summoned her Abra out of it's Dusk Ball to avoid going outside of the house, just in case there was another Arcanine nearby. He would have to be her lookout. "Jimbu, let's get out of here." She whispered. Her Abra just nodded and followed after her, looking around quickly for Arcanines. Dusa looked around quickly and saw just what she needed. A shopping mall. Something that big should have some supplies left over and maybe other trainers or even a military base of some kind. Dusa put away her Abra for easier travel and walked towards the mall. This was not how she had planned on spending the day though. She was thankful that she was surviving, of course, unlike the unlucky people who were already killed or wounded and dying. But Dusa was on a mission for her sister. Her sister was the leader of an organization that was started when Dusa herself was a little girl. Because of their relationship however though, Dusa quickly rose up through the ranks to the second in command position that she held now. Everyone had a job to do and Dusa was no exception. This was put on hold thanks to the attack. She couldn't even radio her sister or the other members to let them know she was still alive. She hoped that her sister was okay, as she came closer to the mall. Leaving the [url="http://i48.tinypic.com/nve6np.jpg"]organization's mark[/url] on one of the walls, Dusa opened the door of the mall slowly. The coast was clear, and even better, she heard human voices. She ran to the source, soon running into another girl who was talking to other trainers about her plans for survival. Ignoring her mission, Dusa stepped forward. She kept her organization life separate from her everyday life, and would sometimes decide that her missions could wait. "I know I might have just got here, but I'll do whatever I can to help." [b]Pokemon team:[/b] Abra - [b]"Jimbu"[/b] Drowzee - [b]"Fennel"[/b] Ditto - [b]"Chironji"[/b] Gastly - [b]"Chicory"[/b] Houndor -[b]"Paprika"[/b] Umbreon - [b]"Perilla"[/b] [/color] [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/23ixjwy.jpg[/img]
  19. [b]It's up to you if we do or not. I made these two, so let me know what you think. If they're no good, I'll need Canz to help. (Using the green that you use to type turned out too dark. Then I tried to lighten it, but it looks to bright now. To me at least.) EDIT: Looking back on both of them, there are parts I missed editing. So I guess just tell me what you think of the colors. Also I am having compy problems. So I might need to work on your avatar after the Fourth of July.[/b]
  20. [quote name='CaNz' date='03 July 2010 - 01:49 AM' timestamp='1278114572' post='696375'] are you telling me you've never colored with an overlay before? Its so much less complicated than anything else i have ever used. (though hue and saturation does work really well too... its just seems to change too much of the picture for my liking.) an overlay is really just a method of adding color to a picture... it uses layers so i am more accustomed to it in photoshop. it really is just a method of altering the opacity of an image so that the color blends with the pictures below it.. but the programs do all the specific opacity based on colors of the picture and light and dark spots below it. it basically ads color and preserves hard edges like a outline will remain black and the light spots might still be white, but the in between would be green. all of this is done by making a layer above it of the green you want, then turning it from normal solid to an overlay. And dont worry Botar.. Lilts got this... [/quote] [b] If it uses layers, I think I know what you mean. It's how I usually add color to something. (Add a layer, then color that layer and turn it down to 50% opacity or so.) However, you lost me about preserving the hard edges and stuff like that. Maybe your Photoshop does things that my program doesn't? Yeah, don't worry Botar. I'm going to give this a try. However, feel free to volunteer for a joint project Canz. I might need help making him green.[/b]
  21. [quote name='chibi-master' date='02 July 2010 - 11:56 PM' timestamp='1278107767' post='696366'] I'd be happy to try and help, if you'd like. [/quote] [b]Hey Chibi, I need to wait until I start up my Platinum game. But I might also need some help trading eventually if you don't mind. Also, I wanted to ask. Who are you going to give Rock Climb to for your team to beat Red? Or are you going to have to replace someone and add an HM Servant? @Kei: Thanks again for all your help. You really helped me with my team. I'm going to put in Chorijin my Medicham and maybe Dynamo, my Rotom. Do I need an HM Servant slot though to get to Red?[/b]
  22. [b]Hey Guy, I was actually thinking of joining this. I just had a few questions. If Pokémon are attacking, then how do we have control of the ones on our team? (If that is going to be explained later in the story, ignore this question please.) What kind of Pokémon can we have on our team? I know we can't have Legendaries, unless it's an exception. But how about besides that? What can we not have? Or should I just choose my team and you can tell me if I need to change it? And the last question is, does Team Rocket exist in this world? If they do, can my character be a part of Team Rocket? If they don't, would it be okay to play a Team Rocket-like character? (I don't mean someone silly like in the cartoons, but a bit more serious than that.)[/b]
  23. [b]Okay, so the green is turning out to be a little too dark. (I tried to use the exact color that you write in, Botar.) @Canz: It does have the Lasso, but I have no idea what an overlay is. [/b]
  24. [quote name='chibi-master' date='02 July 2010 - 08:58 AM' timestamp='1278053926' post='696320'] My strategy is simple. Cheat a little. I'm starting many of my games over now that I've transferred Pokemon from the areas so that I can have a good amount of Master Balls for those damned legendaries. [/quote] [b] That's a good strategy. XD Actually, I have four Master Ball? since I bought a used copy of LeafGreen. So maybe I should stop saving them and use on on a legendary? Or is there a better time to use a Master Ball?[/b] [quote name='Humaru' date='02 July 2010 - 10:15 AM' timestamp='1278058501' post='696332'] Yeah I cant get to Rayquaza unless I have a Groudon from Soulsilver. What I really need is someone with another DS...that way I can trade one over. [/quote] [b] I might need someone to help me trade too actually. If I get my Platinum started up again and decide to train my team on there. So maybe we can help each other out or something. How did you get a Groudon though? Do you have SoulSilver? How does everyone decide what to use their TM's on by the way? Like the ones that you can't buy or win anymore. For example, I gave Rotom Shadow Ball and regretted it since I thought Dark Pulse might have been better. Now my Rotom has both. The only good thing is, I hatched an egg from a Rotom and Ditto, and now the baby has Shadow Ball already. So how do you guys decide on using a TM without wasting it?[/b]
  25. Lilt

    Toy Story 3

    [quote name='Vivian' date='01 July 2010 - 05:43 AM' timestamp='1277955795' post='696250'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Lilit, you absolutely must see this movie. I was ever so slightly skeptical if they would pull it off as beautifully as they did, but oh my GOSH it blew all my expectations clear out of the water. It's so worth it. It really is. Although I highly, [i]highly[/i] suggest seeing the first two movies first. While they're not completely necessary for enjoying movie [i]tres[/i], most of the reactions here come from people who grew up with the first two movies. Pixar does a brilliant job of tailoring it to both newcomers and oldies alike, but it's really more enjoyable if you've seen the first two.[/font][/color] [/quote] [b] Thanks Vivian. Actually, I think I'm going to see it tomorrow in 3D. So no time to watch the first two. D: I'll watch them when I get back, since I'm sure I'll be curious to see how it all started. Did everyone here watch it in 2D or 3D?[/b]
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