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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [quote name='Humaru' date='02 July 2010 - 06:52 AM' timestamp='1278046335' post='696310'] Right now Im working on catching the legendary Pokemon. So far I have Raikou, Suicune, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, and Kyogre. Entei and Latias keep escaping my grasp but I will get them. [/quote] [b]Good luck with that. I'm on Latias right now. Is it true you can't get to Rayquaza?[/b] [quote name='chibi-master' date='02 July 2010 - 04:58 AM' timestamp='1278039530' post='696300'] After a certain point in the game, Latias will roam around the Kanto region like Entei and Raikou did in Johto. [/quote] [b]Thanks Chibi. Did you have a strategy to catch Latias? Or is it just luck?[/b] [quote name='Kei' date='02 July 2010 - 04:26 AM' timestamp='1278037564' post='696299'] [font="Tahoma"][color="#000080"]If you're just concerned about getting to Lv. 100 faster, then yes, traded Pokemon is the best way to go. As far as a good Fighting-type, Medicham is decent, since it nullifies the incredible Psychic-type weakness that Fighting-types usually have. Unfortunately, to get that, you have to sacrifice some Attack and Defense power. So it all depends on whether you want to play to type or have more power. [/color][/font] [/quote] [b]Thank you Kei. I'll keep that in mind. Right now though, I have no one I can trade with. So I guess trainer rematches are the only option until I find someone. I didn't even think of that. I'll consider using Medicham, after I take a look at some of the moves. Especially since I finally have my Meditite now. Oh I almost forgot! Don't you need Rock Climb and some other HM's to get to Red? Does that mean I might have to use an HM servant in my team?[/b]
  2. [b]But what if you don't EV train like me? If it's better for me to do it, then I'll need to find someone to help me trade. Although thanks to trainer rematches, I got one of my team to level 80 finally! Now I just need to go for the rest. I keep wondering though if I should replace my Primeape with Meditite (the evolved from, I can't remember the name right now,) or with a Heracross. Primeape seems to have some pretty good fighting moves though. Oh and so far I've caught Raikou, Entei, Suicine, Zapdos, Articuno. Is Latias as difficult to catch as any of these though? I had to reset several times just to catch Zapdos and Articuno. [/b]
  3. [b]Okay, I'll do my best. I need to experiment to see how to get him green without messing up the rest of it. Anything special for the avatar?[/b]
  4. [quote name='Stephanie' date='01 July 2010 - 02:51 PM' timestamp='1277988705' post='696269'] So I might have a part time job at a kennel! Whoo! This is much better than my jobless status. [/quote] [b]Yay! I hope you get it. I might get a part time job at Pet Smart. Anything would be better than nothing at this point. @Botar: What is 'Shoddy Battle'?[/b]
  5. [b]Wow, thanks Vivian! This is the first time I've ever seen leaked art of any anime. That is so cool. I wonder who that new Pokémon with the mustache is by Umbreon. All I know is, I'm going to name it Mr Spumoni when I catch it. [/b]
  6. [b]I don't think I can sleep tonight after that mental image. Thinking good thoughts, I did get an unexpected check in the mail today. [/b]
  7. Lilt

    Toy Story 3

    [b]Chibi! You know me pretty well. Should I take a chance and go see it? And did you see it in 3D? Oh, and even though I haven't seen any Toy Story movies, I did like the Incredibles, Up, Aliens Versus Monsters, etc.[/b]
  8. Lilt

    Toy Story 3

    [quote name='gallowsCalibrator' date='01 July 2010 - 02:40 AM' timestamp='1277944808' post='696234'] [font="Comic Sans MS"] EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I'm going to force my parents to watch [i]My Neighbor Totoro[/i] now just so they can understand the cameo.[/font] [/quote] [b]There was a cameo? Now I might need to go see the movie. I'm not sure still though if I want to go see this one. I only watched parts of the first and second Toy Story movies. I get the general story idea, but if this is the first Toy Story movie I'll sit through, would I even enjoy it? Normally I would just run out and see it, since everyone seems to like it, but I can only choose one movie to watch this month. Oh and has anyone seen it in 3D?[/b]
  9. [b]Do you mean just Lord Canti green? Or the whole background green instead of black and white? And okay, I'll try to finish it up tomorrow. [/b]
  10. [b]Thanks for the link, I'll definitely try that. My usual strategy for move sets is having multiple moves that are super effective against a certain type. XD Also, I just found out how to rematch trainers. It works a lot better than Victory Road! And I'm not sure yet, but I might try to put Rotom in my team. If only because he was traded over from another trainer, so he gets boosted exp. Is that why it's better to train Pokémon on another game if you can? Since they will get boosted exp?[/b]
  11. [b]Something like this? Tell me if you need me to change it at all please.[/b] [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/2cpvyft.gif[/img]
  12. [b]I have one other idea for a banner if you don't like this one. If you do like this one though, I will put the finishing touches on it. So anything you want me to change?[/b] [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/2dv1w0.jpg[/img]
  13. [b]So is it easier to get one from Platinum then? If so, I might just get a Gible from there. 100 days is way too long to wait. I just wonder if it would be easier to trade over my team to Platinum and train them there, with someone's help. Or if I should just beat the Elite Four over and over again. (Don't their levels raise each time you beat them though?) Also, I traded over my Rotom finally! However, 5 PP moves without 100% accuracy aren't as great as I thought it would be. I wish I could teach him Surf or something like that. [/b]
  14. [b]Thanks for the help guys. Seriously, it's a lot of help. This whole time I was evolving Pokémon because I didn't realize you could breed the ones that aren't considered babies. This will save me a lot of time. Speaking of Jirachi though, I see a lot of people on GTS trading for Pokémon that are hard to find. Like Jirachi, Deoxsys, Darkrai, etc. How do they see these Pokémon and get it so they can trade for them? Because there are still a lot that I haven't seen but I want to search for. Do they use the Safari Zone or something? (For the ones that aren't Legendary, of course.) I heard that it takes about one hundred days though to get Pokeémon from that place to show up. I hope that's not true. @Humaru: Did you need a Leafeon?[/b]
  15. [b]My dog is afraid of anything that moves. (Rocking chairs, computer chairs, swings, etc.) so he would never get on something like that. But anyways, I'm dying from the cute and cuddlyness! Tucker is soooooo cute! Especially that first picture. I just want to pet him all day. XD[/b]
  16. [b]Can't you never change Jiraichi's name? Since the only way to find one is by trading, right? (And I'm not sure, but I don't think eggs can appear from a legendary, right?) Can you even get an egg from an unevolved Pokémon or one that doesn't evolve? I didn't even think of getting an extra one on my Platinum. II'll have to do that soon. Also, I have a problem. I wanted to get rid of my DSi, since I have a DS Lite now. However, is it really necessary to trade a team over to another game to level them to fight Red? Because if trading my team is the only way to get to fight Red, I will keep my DSi. Also, what's a good level to start fighting Red? I don't want to die too much, but I also don't want to be too overpowered.[/b]
  17. [b]I actually had both a Haruko avatar and signature for quite a while. So I'll see what I can do. I have some really good FLCL artwork anyways, and it was a really good show. So besides the theme, what do you want for the banner and avatar? Any text or border or anything?[/b]
  18. [quote name='chibi-master' date='28 June 2010 - 07:52 AM' timestamp='1277704372' post='696092'] So it turns out that hugging people in Wal*Mart might get you escorted out by the manager. If you hug the manager before you run off into the darkness of the parking lot singing "She's a Lady" by Tom Jones, however, it all becomes sooo worth it. Or so I've heard. [/quote] [b]Wow, that sounds so great. XD Especially since that song works if the manager is a man or a woman. Also I watched Phineas and Ferb. You were right, it's better than I thought it would be. You started me off on watching a bunch of old Nickelodeon cartoons I forgot about though, Chibi. So far I am watching: Aaah! Real Monsters, Angry Beavers, Doug, Hey Arnold!, Rocko's Modern Life, and Rugrats. So many good shows that I completely forgot about. [/b]
  19. [color="#800080"][b]Name:[/b] Rakin Zendu [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] Miraluka [b]Class:[/b] Sith Knight [b]Weapon:[/b] Two lightsabers, one with the usual red crystal of the Sith and the other with a violet crystal. They have matching [url="http://i50.tinypic.com/2vvl4ex.jpg"]hilts.[/url] [b] Character Description(Bio optional):[/b] Rakin was born a Sith. On the adopted homeworld of the Miralukas, she was born to a Sith lord and a Sith knight. Her mother and father sent her to go through the same training that they had, at a young age. It was there that she met another padawan, Sarli. Being under the same master brought them close together. Then, when their master, Sith Knight Prakash had disappeared. The two of them were sent to find him. With her lack of eyesight, Rakin soon led them to their master on Tattooine. Sarli was about to go greet him, when Rakin stopped her. Their master was talking to a jedi knight. Sarli and Rakin ran to the attack as the jedi knight ran off. Although he was betraying the Sith, Prakash was still a Sith Knight. He made quick work of Rakin, cutting off both of her arms before she could react. Before he could land the killing blow however, Sarli tried to attack from behind but got knocked aside. Prakash turned his attention to Sarli, and that would be his last mistake. Using her force powers, Rakin drove her lightsaber through Prakash's neck. Their master dead, Sarli took her injured friend and the remains and traveled back to the academy. Getting back, Rakin and Sarli didn't know what awaited them. Rakin was stuck in a bacta tank the whole time however, so it wasn't until quite some time later that she heard the news from Sarli. For disposing of a traitor to the Sith, Rakin was awarded the rank of a Sith Knight. She was knighted as they attached her new arms. She also was awarded with her old master's violet lightsaber. Now Rakin uses two lightsabers in battle. Trying to redeem the weapon that he had tainted. It was soon after the surgery, that Sarli requested that she be Rakin's new padawn. Rakin agreed, and now they are on Telos IV on Sith business. [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Rakin, like all Miraluka, has eye sockets but no eyes. Because of this, she wears a blindfold into battle or nothing if it is an emergency. When she needs to go into public though, or for special occassions, she wears a [url="http://i48.tinypic.com/2qdsms6.jpg"]mask[/url]. Rakin has short, dark red hair and a tan tattooed body. Thanks to what happened in the past, she now has cybernetic arms. [url="http://i46.tinypic.com/2e66dci.jpg"]Two hands on her right arm and one hand on her left. Both arms are resistant to lightsabers.[/url] [url="http://i48.tinypic.com/2whqvcx.jpg"]Outside of important events, she usually wears a revealing bodysuit and hood.[/url] In important matters, or just when something without proper protection could get her killed, Rakin wears a black body suit with black gloves, boots, and long flowing hood and cape. [b]Personality:[/b] Rakin's weakpoint is Sarli. She is the kind of person that secretly questions if she could kill her friend and padawan if it came to that. She is unaware that Sarli asks herself the same question about her. This can also be her strong point however, since if anyone attacks Sarli Rakin gives herself up to her rage and attacks. Besides her possible weakpoints, Rakin is like most Sith, enjoying her feelings of hate and anger. She likes to taunt and torment other padawans, to see what it does to their force energy with her force sight. She is also a bit bold thanks to this skill, always rushing ahead and relying on her sight to get her a step ahead of her foes. [b]NPC Company:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Sarli Tuspin, 19, Sith Padawan [b]Description:[/b] [url="http://i49.tinypic.com/oqhmqh.jpg"]Sarli is a Devaronian.[/url] Like other Devaronian females before her who joined the Sith, she shaved off all of her black fur. Her only noticeable feature now is two tattoos on her forehead, symbolizing horns. She wears the standard Sith padawan robes and uses the standard training lightsaber. She is a bit overprotective of her friend Rakin though as a Sith. Asking her to fight Rakin could possibly be a weak point. [b]Ship/Transportation:[/b] Modified [url="http://i50.tinypic.com/mifpg1.jpg"]VT-49 Decimator[/url] "Shadow Fist" [b]Starting Planet:[/b] Telos IV[/color]
  20. Lilt

    Portal 2

    [b]2011 just gives me enough time to buy a PC that can run it, or a PS3 since both the PC and the PS3 are supposed to be the better versions. Although I wonder if by then, the XBOX 360 will also have some sort of Steam system set up to make it similar to the PS3. I'm really looking forward to this one too. I thought I had seen everything with the first Portal, but it looks like they did a good job so far with the puzzles or ideas for puzzles that they've shown. Also, it has co-op! Now no more taking turns playing Portal. That's always good, if they do the co-op right. That's what I am looking forward to the most so far.[/b]
  21. [quote name='Kei' date='27 June 2010 - 08:18 AM' timestamp='1277619521' post='696030'] [font="Tahoma"][color="#000080"]You also don't have to just go to a GameStop to get it. If you have Wi-Fi at home, you can get it off the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection. I just did for mine. As far as the new character, whom I'm dubbing Mint-kun, all I can say is "hay, sexy". :V [/color][/font] [/quote] [b] Oh wow, thanks Kei! (You too, Citric.) It's too hard for me to get to a Gamestop anyways. I'm glad you can just get it off of normal Wi-Fi now. And you mean the guy, right? :V[/b]
  22. [quote name='Citric' date='27 June 2010 - 02:55 AM' timestamp='1277600158' post='696025'] Also, get your Jirachi via Wi-Fi for the Night Sky Edge Pokewalker path, if you haven't already from GameStop. [/quote] [b]How long do we have to do that? D: I don't think I can go until Monday-Tuesday. And thanks for telling us Citric, I had no idea. Also, what does everyone want to see added to Black & White, even if it might not happen? For me, I would have to say the return of secret hideouts. I don't remember which Gen had them, and I don't know if it's good that they're gone, but I heard about them and they sounded pretty cool.[/b]
  23. [b]Thanks again for the help. So what is a good level then for my team to be at to beat Red? Sure, 90+ would work for overkill, but I don't care about one hitting him. I did that with the Elite Four and Lance the first time around, and it seemed like lower levels would have actually been a little fun. Since it would have been more of a challenge. And 'borrowing' the format from Chibi, here is my team. â?¦Fiskmund - Named after a good friend and lover of octopuses, Fiskmund is an Octillery of many talents and because of this, she has a special place in my team. She's the first of my team's stars. â?¦Labyrinth - The cute little group known as Labyrinth, are a Dugtrio that really know how to shake things up. The second star of my team. â?¦Eclair Roll - A shocking but sweet Manectric that came to me straight from Japan. The third star of my team. (She is the daughter of an Electrike that I got from Japan.) Hardcore - Hardcore is an angry Primeape. We don't get a long too much, since he usually wants to fight. D: Peppers - My fluffy Arcanine. He bites too much though. D: Weekend - A Jynx that almost has as much talent as Octillery. However, dancing can be fun but she dances even when it's not appropriate. D: I still like yours the best, Chibi. Especially the Russians. XD[/b]
  24. [quote name='James' date='26 June 2010 - 05:23 PM' timestamp='1277565798' post='696010'] [font="Palatino Linotype"]Hm, I will need to check that out. I assume they sell it in Region 4. I regularly go through these weird nostalgia trips. For instance, who here is old enough to remember this? [media][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaEWLuVJee0"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=zaEWLuVJee0[/url][/media] I bought the DVD and, although as an adult I can see every bit of cheese dripping off this, it's also kind of weird how I can remember every frame of it. It's going to sit there collecting dust, but just owing it is kind of nice. Kids today aren't nearly as spoiled as kids in the 80's, when it comes to cartoons. ([i]Now[/i] I sound old!) [/font] [/quote] [b]Wow, I was just trying to buy that off of Amazon. But it's like 80$ D: My cousin used to watch it all the time, so I wanted to pick up two copies. One for me and one for him, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. What some people will go to just for nostalgia I guess? xD So I hope you're glad you got a copy, James. Did it come at a reasonable price though?[/b]
  25. [b]Thanks, I might try that. Right now though, this is the team I was thinking of using. Any suggestions or thoughts on this team? Dugtrio - My ground type for my team. Arcanine - My fire type Manectric - Electric Primeape - Fighting Jynx - So I can have both Ice and Psychic Octillery - Water type, but she also has some Ice and Psychic moves So what do you guys think? Can I beat Red or do I need a better team?[/b]
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