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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [quote name='Stephanie' date='24 June 2010 - 06:13 AM' timestamp='1277352795' post='695911'] I like the smaller purple one; maybe the text at the bottom? Other wse, looks near perfect. [/quote] [b] Okay, sounds perfect then. I might need to get your avatar made on Monday though, if that is okay. I will try to have your sig finished today. Well, here is the sig. I hope it's better. Tell me though if you need any changes, and I will fix it on Monday. [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/2gt908o.gif[/img] Any ideas on how you want your avatar?[/b]
  2. [quote name='chibi-master' date='25 June 2010 - 08:37 PM' timestamp='1277491065' post='695981'] Holy shazbot. I've discovered a deep infatuation for a blessing of a show called Phineas and Ferb. Just...WOW... [/quote] [b]Really? I heard a friend talk about it, and I've seen the game floating around for the DS. But I never had much interest in it. I always had a place in my heart though for most of those Nickelodeon kind of shows though. Like 'My Life As a Teenage Robot', and others. So if you recommend it, I might check it out. I need a new show to watch anyways. In other news, I'm glad I left my job but I hate going through the job hunt process again. D:[/b]
  3. [b]Wow, that was inspiring. XD I now know how to pick my team to beat Red. Thanks Chibi., Also I had no idea Jigglypuff had elemental punches. That is good to know. Although if I could, I would like to beat Red with a team of Eeve's evolutions. XD That would be cool. So how did you guys train your team for Red? Or if you're training now, how are you doing it? I can get to level 70 in Victory Road, with grass and water types. But besides that, or past level 70, I can't seem to level.[/b]
  4. [b]Wow, that's almost a whole Starter team, isn't it? How did you decide on that team, Chibi? And where did you get a Swampert? I'm still clueless on choosing my team so far. D:[/b]
  5. [b]Wow, Vaporeon? What a compliment! Forget what I asked then. XD I'll stick with how you saw me. As this: [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/2corn86.jpg[/img] And shower curtain cleaning skills? Sounds like a challenge to me. xD Maybe you could make some sort of sport or competition out of it to finally prove who's the best![/b]
  6. [b]If I was a Pokémon, I would be this one. [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/xckhds.jpg[/img] People like them right? Just kidding. XD:[/b]
  7. [quote name='gallowsCalibrator' date='23 June 2010 - 04:32 AM' timestamp='1277260338' post='695846'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]If you have two DSes and two DS Pokémon games, it shouldn't be a problem to trade directly between them. Just use the union room in the 2nd floor of the Pokémon Center.[/font] [/quote] Thanks so much! Now I can get a lot of the Pokémon from Platinum that I wanted onto my HeartGold. And how did everyone end up choosing a team to beat Red?
  8. [b]Okay, that one is great Canz. XD Good job.[/b]
  9. [b]I would Humaru, but I am in the same boat as you. I have HeartGold. I do have a DS Lite and DSi though. But I don't think it would be worth getting SoulSilver just to get a Groudon. I do have Platinum though, so can I trade to my HeartGold or do I need to use the GTS? Also I finally beat all 16 gyms! I'm just trying to figure out what to do now lol. I know I can build up a team for Red, but aren't there a lot of places to rock climb as well?[/b]
  10. [quote name='CaNz' date='23 June 2010 - 01:01 AM' timestamp='1277247719' post='695831'] man... your al over the place Lilt! :] [/quote] [b]Not really. xD I just missed making banners on OB. So this is good practice for me. I liked how you expanded the clouds by the way on yours. [/b]
  11. [b]Okay Steph, so I am not sure what size or color you want. So you choose okay? Then I will finish this up. (I still need to add a border, stuff like that.) Also do you want the same picture for the avatar or a different one? And where do you want the text positioned? Hopefully one of these is small enough, but if it is too small or not small enough let me know please.[/b] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/2zropz7.gif[/img] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/2i1ea95.gif[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/29gct43.gif[/img] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/2lifmgg.gif[/img]
  12. [b]What kind of border do you want, Chibi? And I found the Pokémon font if you want that on your banner for your name.[/b]
  13. [b]I'm going to try it in blue as well, and with some other good Lain pictures I have. But what about something like this? (I need to touch it up first obviously, this is just to give you an idea.)[/b] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/34si2hu.gif[/img]
  14. [b]An Otakuboards Family Reunion would be a family reunion worth going to I think. At least you would never get bored! XD[/b]
  15. [b]Okay, I'll try again. XD Don't worry though, I have some good ideas still. Is the border okay though or too busy? So when you say monochrome, did you have one specific color in mind? I thought maybe you meant 'black and white'. Also, a Lain theme is a great choice. [/b]
  16. [quote name='Stephanie' date='21 June 2010 - 06:09 AM' timestamp='1277093369' post='695708'] So I still have no idea about whether or not I'm giving up guys. Hmm. [/quote] [b]Hopefully this will help you make up your mind.[/b] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/9i8euf.jpg[/img]
  17. [b]Hey Steph. This is a work in progress so far (I still need to add a border to the avatar, and change the font to maybe a different color.) But what do you think? I have some others that I am working on too, so you can have some choices. Just right now I want to know what you think of the direction I am heading in. Also did you want the sig to be completely monochrome? Or do you want some color in the border like I've done? I'll have my set for you finished up soon. [/b]
  18. [quote name='chibi-master' date='21 June 2010 - 04:04 AM' timestamp='1277085887' post='695703'] It's NEVER too late for hugs, deary! So apparently I sliced up my knee yesterday without realizing. Then I jumped into a chlorine treated pool. Open wounds and chlorine create a stupendous burning sensation that lets you know that you've been injured. Everything hurts from the belt testing yesterday... I can barely walk, the burning in my leg muscles is so bad... [/quote] [b] Then *HUGS* That sounds really painful too. I hope your leg feels better soon. Also I couldn't celebrate Father's Day since my dad was out of town. D:[/b]
  19. [b]I thought this was for real at first. D: As for getting away from a role, I think most actors and actresses have the same trouble, if they land a role that they are well known for. I can't think of any examples except for the ones already mentioned though.[/b]
  20. [quote name='chibi-master' date='19 June 2010 - 05:08 AM' timestamp='1276916919' post='695580'] Also, bad news from my friend. He's sick. He never gets sick. I'm worried. Can I have a hug? [/quote] Is it too late for a hug from Lilt? And why is it easier to explain to my boss why I had to quit than texting an explanation to a coworker? D:
  21. [quote name='Stephanie' date='18 June 2010 - 09:15 PM' timestamp='1276888552' post='695555'] Uh huh. Not that girls are much better, but at least I can analyze their brains a bit easier. [/quote] [b]That's why me and my friends prefer the term 'Inside Job' instead of lesbians. Good luck with the boy troubles though Steph. =[ And on an unrelated note, my avatar is back Canz.[/b]
  22. [color="#4169E1"][font="Book Antiqua"][b]Name:[/b] Branka Tolbert [b]Age: [/b]27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance : [/b] Check below for a photo of Branka. Branka, her hair kept short by those who manage the facility, is usually pretty unkempt unless they decide to clean her up for more tests. She's very picky when it comes to clothes, although she wishes she was, and will usually wear anything. Not that there is much of a choice anyways. Thanks to an accident as a child and the more dangerous lab tests, her only real distinguishing feature is various scars on her body, differing in size and length. [b]Weapon:[/b] Leather straps. Not much of a weapon, but in Branka's strong hands, she can easily choke someone or break bones with this. [b]Classification:[/b] Hulk [b]Disorder:[/b] Thanks to the experiments, Branka has Eisoptrophobia, a fear of mirrors or seeing herself in a mirror. Because of this, she is usually unkempt. However, she has Maieusiophobia, a fear of childbirth, from when she was young. Besides both of these, she has a dependent personality disorder. She relies on others, even though others rely on her because of her strength, and she is afraid of losing the people that she meets. Thanks to the experiments though, this relying on people has turned into a severe case of Monophobia. Journal entry: I can't sleep, so I might as well fill out these stupid pieces of paper. They want us to write down our thoughts, feelings, or something like that. It's been...Well I don't know how long it's been since I came here, but it's been years is all I can say. I don't know why I was chosen, or if it was just at random. All I know is, I just wish I could go back to being a normal girl. Sure I had my quirks, but this place has screwed me over big time. I might have some new strength, but I never asked for it. And thanks to them I can't even look in a mirror without seeing this monster! Why did they do this to me? I could have been normal, normal, normal. Without all of these stupid muscles, living like normal girls with makeup and dresses and all of that good stuff. Now I'm a freak. The only good thing out of all of this is, I can protect myself this time. It won't ever happen again. Not never ever. I won't ever let that happen ever. That time when I was a child...I don't even want to think about it again. I have the scars, and that is bad enough. They try to get me to talk to the others, which is actually the only thing I look forward to. I hate being alone, and I hate even more the thought of losing the other experiments that I've met so far. Because of my fears though, I have to have someone with me pretty much wherever I go, even in places where other people would prefer privacy. But enough about my messed up self, it's almost lights out. Tomorrow is a new day, which means new muscles and more strength. I'm such a monster...[/font][/color]
  23. [quote name='CaNz' date='08 June 2010 - 10:20 AM' timestamp='1275985259' post='694867'] worked at an albertsons for almost two years... happens a lot Piano Parade {lilt i miss that cute avatar} [/quote] [b]I guess it wasn't that strange then. And don't worry, it might reappear if I can find it again. XD As far as hair goes Chibi, congrats on growing yours out. ^^ I was thinking of doing the same but, is it worth growing my hair out? D: (I have like a Pixie cut thing going on right now. It used to be long though.)[/b]
  24. [b]Wow, I had a really lucky break today. I found a non-bootleg copy of LeafGreen. It was a used copy too! So thanks to getting to the Pal Park just recently and having bought myself a DS Lite, I was able to transfer all of the Pokémon off of it before starting a game. Which leads into my next question. If you use a Ditto with a Pokémon that doesn't evolve, can you still get an egg out of it? I found out you can't rename them even if you get them from the Pal Park, and I want to change their names. D:[/b]
  25. [b]If you can teach me how to PM food on OB, Chibi, I'll share with you. D: And I just got back from the store today, stuck in line behind an older man (probably in his sixties.) Normally I'm a patient person when it comes to stuff like this, but when he finally got to the checkout, he told the lady at the register, "Oh I'm not buying anything." And walked off. O.o[/b]
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