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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [b]Thanks for the help guys. I now caught Raikou, thanks to the fast ball strategy. Although Entei is still eluding me. Also I decided on LeafGreen if I can find it, and I finally beat Misty. (She was harder than I thought she was.) Is it worth spending any time in the Safari Zone by the way? I heard you have to wait like months though for the Pokémon you want to show up. I hope that's not true.[/b]
  2. [quote name='Stephanie' date='07 June 2010 - 06:07 AM' timestamp='1275883643' post='694784'] I feel special. I went to a friends house today and met his dog Zena. Apparently, she only listens to him - this confirmed by ALL of the people who have met her before - and she doesn't really like other people. This was said of the dog that insistently licked my hand for five minutes when she realized I was no longer scratching her ears, then went to sleep on my feet. <3 [/quote] [b] That's so cute. ^^ What kind of dog is she? As for me, I really want a pet of some kind. T_T[/b]
  3. I can't seem to PM you. D: I'll Join your RP though. Also, yay first comment I guess? xD

  4. [quote name='RedJ' date='05 June 2010 - 07:03 AM' timestamp='1275714230' post='694633'] [color="#FF0000"]...I feel REALLY sorry for anyone unfortunate enough to be named Goon, antagonist or not.[/color] [/quote] [b]I bet he was a middle child. I can just imagine the naming process his parents went through. "What should we name him, dear?" "His only future is a life of crime. Let's name him Goon." XD @Kei: Thanks for the help. I'll do that then. And two questions for anyone. I finally have a DS Lite, so if I had to choose between LeafGreen or FireRed, what made you guys choose one over the other, if you played them? Also, besides using a Dusk ball, does anyone have a good strategy for catching Entei and Raikou? D:[/b]
  5. [quote name='Stephanie' date='05 June 2010 - 02:12 AM' timestamp='1275696735' post='694601'] [size=1]I'm now without the love of my life. Single. This pains me greatly. </3[/size] [/quote] [b]I know this might not help much, but remember Taryn is here for you okay? <3 Let's talk soon and have a girl's night or something on a messenger. I'm sorry to hear that though, Steph. T_T *HUGS* No amount of internet hugging or Femoticons will do the job on letting you know how much I care about you though. </3[/b]
  6. [quote name='RedJ' date='03 June 2010 - 02:16 AM' timestamp='1275524211' post='694326'] [color="#FF0000"]LG = LeafGreen, and you can transfer your Pokemon from GBA games via the PalPark in Fuschia (unless you have a DSi, in which case you wont be able to do it) Also, I need to get back to playing this game, but the fact that I'm still destroying Trainers/Wild Pokemon in Kanto, yet the strongest Pokemon I have is at level 62, the motivation just isn't there :x Grinding tends to do that.[/color] [/quote] [b]Is there anywhere to grind in Kanto? D: I can't seem to find any places at all. All of the Pokémon are low levels. Also, I actually played on a DSi. But now I have a DS Lite. I guess for Pokémon though, it's better to have the Lite anyways? I never really use the camera that much anyways, but that's a topic for another thread. XD[/b]
  7. [quote name='Miss Anonymous' date='04 June 2010 - 09:57 PM' timestamp='1275681423' post='694588'] I love you guys, I don't know what I'd do without ya. <3 [/quote] [b]You and me both, Miss <3 ^^ If I can, this is the first place I go to after a bad day. Especially since people at work fussed at me for being sick. D: I can't help it and this is only the second time I've had to call in sick in a year.[/b]
  8. [quote name='Miss Anonymous' date='07 April 2010 - 05:01 AM' timestamp='1270609266' post='692611'] But yeah, I'm kinda like the typical anime/manga nerd who's all, "I want to study Japanese and be a translator/interpreter, hurrdurr!" [/quote] [b]Well, I was actually raised partly on Japanese fairy tales and stuff like that, but I think I'll probably be grouped into that category too. I still want to learn Japanese though. As for me, I want to learn a lot of languages. Even if it takes me years to become fluent in all of them. Here's my list so far. German - Since it seems so easy to learn Finnish, Danish, Swedish - One of these or all three. I just like the sound of each of them. Tagalog - I run into a lot of Filipino friends Vietnamese - Same thing, I run into a lot of Vietnamese friends Korean - Same as the last two. Besides this, the list keeps growing and growing. I can't wait until I can actually start studying. [/b]
  9. [b]As for my nicknames, I would have to go with: Tsutaja: Geico Pokabu: Ryoga Mujimaru: Droopy Also, I think it is funny that you can create the female starter already. It makes me wonder if they used the same character creator. (I doubt it, but that would be funny.) The mouth, eyes, and colors are off, but the general idea is there.[/b] [img]http://i49.tinypic.com/11gls2x.jpg[/img]
  10. [b]I'm feeling a bit under the weather. However, when I find out what part I can possibly play in Cinderella, I'll try to get a post in, Inu. So any spots in the story that need to be filled?[/b]
  11. [b]What is an LG? Also, I thought you only get Charizard after you beat Red? O.o Right now I am trying to grind to take on the rest of the Kanto gyms. (I already beat Surge.) Why are all of the Pokémon so low in level though? I thought I could grind on the way to Saffron, but no such luck. Are there any grinding spots in Kanto or is Victory Road my only option? I hope it isn't, since I need to level up some electric types to take on Misty soon.[/b]
  12. [quote name='Rebellion' date='03 June 2010 - 12:16 AM' timestamp='1275517009' post='694309'] Now imagine taking a final exam and having to do final projects every 11-12 weeks. That is what I go through. Never, EEEEVER go to ITT-Tech. [/quote] [b]But I've seen the commercials! Almost everyone that goes there ends up with a motorcycle! A motorcycle![/b]
  13. [quote name='eleanor' date='02 June 2010 - 03:39 PM' timestamp='1275485971' post='694268'] Is it just my mac or like half of the users' fonts on OB now so tiny you can't read them without zooming in three time or squinting?? [/quote] [size="1"][font="Times New Roman"]I think it's just you, Eleanor. I don't see any problems here.[/font][/size]
  14. [b]My avatar and signature were removed. However, it was really just my avatar I guess, since I had removed my signature already. So time for a fresh start! I do miss the old emotes though. And what is this display name thing that I am hearing so much about? How do you use it? Also, is anyone else just glad OB is back up? I know I am. It was offline longer than I thought it would be.[/b]
  15. [quote name='Stephanie'][SIZE=1]Where are you headed to THIS time?[/SIZE][/quote] Yeah, what Sangome said. (Thanks by the way Sangome.) Also, what's up Steph? :animesmil Oh and I saw the [COLOR=Red]SCARIEST[/COLOR][COLOR=Black] car today. The only way it could have been scarier was if it was a white van. It had a Pedobear sticker on the window. :animecry:[/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='chibi-master']Glorious day! OB is back! I was driven mad because I wasn't able to do my nightly prowl of this thread...[/quote] What was stopping you? :confused: Also, I'll miss OB. Hopefully the move isn't very long. :animecry:
  17. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Courier New]When Hala finally woke up, she saw Lievine standing there with a breakfast tray. "Hey Hala, feel like eating?" Hala didn't answer for a little bit, which made Lievine worry that she might have been mad. Especially when she took a look at her arm. She couldn't even see the stitches, and it never felt like it was ever reattached. She looked back to Lievine and said "Thanks" as she smiled. Lievine smiled back, as she took the breakfast tray and started eating. As she ate, Lievine explained the process of reattaching her arm and went ahead and told her his idea for modifying her DBB. She accepted his plan quicker than he thought she would, and started to get to work. By the time Hala was done taking another shower and came downstairs, Lievine was already finished with the modifications. "How long did you have this planned. Lievine? That was fast." She asked. "Just today, after I saw your battle." Hala was a little surprised, but not much, as she put on her DBB. It was her normal purple one. She shouldn't be too surprised, since this is Lievine after all. "You work fast." She smiled. "Thanks, but we need to get going. We're almost late for the transport." Hala nodded and got into the car. The space elevator that lead to the ship was pretty close to Lievine's lab, so they were still able to make it in time. In fact, they were early since they were still boarding passengers. Hala got out of the car and waved goodbye to Lievine. She wished he could come with her, but she knew he would find a way to check up on her. So this was it then, she was going to become a licensed bounty hunter. She boarded the ship, eager to start her new adventure. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. I hope Inu is okay. I will post as soon as we hear from him.
  19. I now have a new life goal. :animesmil Someday, somewhere, and somehow, I am going to start a meme. I just need to not try, since I don't think a meme can be created by trying to make one. (Forced memes seem to die out pretty soon.) And what is that face from anyways? The internet?
  20. I wonder who drew that. It reminds me of the old Looney Tunes sketches of real people that they showed sometimes. And I was actually one of the people clued in on this meme.
  21. Okay, forget what I said about the Elite Four...Because I finally beat them! :catgirl: I know I shouldn't be surprised though, since this was my team. I only had trouble with Charizard since he kept using that flying move of his first and it made my Lapras flinch a lot. Typhlosion 52 Raichou 52 Alakazam 50 Jynx 50 Lapras 50 Hitmonlee 50 The hall of fame was...wow. :animestun This was the first time I've beaten a game in a while too. So is it just me, or is the Winner's Path easier than the Yellow Forest to get rare anything? And is the GTS crazy or is it just me? Everyone wants legendaries for even common Pokémon! :animeangr
  22. [quote name='chibi-master'] I helped the hungry, played with grape-scented bubbles, went on an adventure in a small forest, danced in the middle of a downpour, fed chocolate to a trashcan deity, looked at artwork and squeed at a caterpillar. I did this all of with my very best friend at my side. Life is good.[/quote] If this was a place to sig quote people, this would so be in my sig right now. o.o I don't know why, it's just really quotable. Maybe because thanks to you Chibi, I dreamt that I met a trashcan deity. AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS! XD Also, is Animal Crossing really that great? :o I was thinking of getting it. I still keep thinking of that dream with the trashcan deity. :animestun
  23. You're not the only one, Chibi. It scares me too. :animedepr Also, I finally made it to the Indigo Plateau! :animesmil However, I need to build a team to beat the Elite Four. Any tips or anything for me? And the Winner's Path is out? I had no idea! :animestun Has anyone tried out the Pokémon Trainer Creator yet? I have the link if anyone is interested. It was made by someone from Deviant Art and it's actually pretty cool. :o (I still can't decide on a look for my trainer. I keep starting over. :animeswea )
  24. [FONT=Courier New][B]Name:[/B] Hala Zeru [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Bio: [/B]Hala didn't have much going for her. She lost her mom at a young age, and ran away from home when she thought she was old enough to, so she could get away from her father. She was then hit by a car and brought back to her father by the police. After she healed, she ran away again and this time got far enough away from him. She boarded a ship and traveled to another planet. Her bad luck followed her though. Upon arriving to the planet, a random kid stabbed her in the eye and took what she had and left her for dead. When she woke up, a young man was sitting by her hospital bed. He had found her and brought her to the hospital. His name was Lievine, and he was an inventor but his hobby was science. Or a scientist and inventions were his hobby. Hala could never tell which. She stayed with him as she grew up, and helped him gather materials. Then when she became 18, it was when Lievine discovered it. [B]SISKO.[/B] It was a new drug Lievine had accidentally discovered while trying to work on something else. He tested it out on himself, but it had no effects whatsoever. He thought it was useless, until he asked Hala if she would consider letting him try it on her. She agreed, and after he injected it into her bloodstream, she knocked him down and ran out of the lab. He found her, an hour later, on another side of town, naked and breathing heavily. She told him that she just felt like she had to run, like she never had to in her life. He took her back to the lab, and with further testing, he found out that SISKO improved her speed and reflexes. However, for some reason, it only worked on the female body. Sneaking out after taking some SISKO one night, Hala caught her first bounty. It was a small one, but she did what she thought was impossible, unarmed and only 18. Lievine was angry with Hala, but later he made her Armas and then they agreed that she would be a bounty hunter to repay him for all he did with her. His only condition was, that he try out his new inventions for him on the field. Which she happily agreed to, as long as he was pretty sure they wouldn't backfire. Right now she is waiting for Lievine to finish her new false eye. At the moment, Hala wears a flower in her eye socket. This does two things. First, it makes her think she looks cool. Two, it usually unnerves the more timid bounties. [B]Snippet:[/B] Hala, her usual look even in times of battle. [URL="http://i46.tinypic.com/34f0jsp.jpg"][IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/r7vyvr.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Hala, with her false eye finally finished. (Lievine couldn't make it match the color of her other eye.) [URL="http://i49.tinypic.com/2qcmk4z.jpg"][IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/e5r0pt.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Hala wears another invention of Lievine's. It is a [B]DBB[/B]. Disposable Battle Bodysuit. They come in different shades of camouflage, but for times when she wants to wear one just in case, it will usually be pink or purple. She wears black boots and gloves that are made of the same material, but slightly more durable and a bit thicker. Besides all of this, she wears a belt that administers the SISKO and allows her to keep spare ammo or other tools for the job. Lievine also has a secret ability planned for Hala. With some modifications to the DBB, it can sever both of her arms. He saw her the day of the battle with the clones, and she was like a wild animal. He thinks he can recreate that moment if he triggers her 'wounded animal' state again, thanks to the Sisko. However, he is unsure of how to mention this to her and wonders if he should just scrap the whole project. [B]Mission Start...[/B] "Hala! Hey, Hala!" Hala tried to drown out the noise, but it was no use. Lievine always did have a booming voice when he wanted to, although he didn't look like the type. She sat up in bed, still a bit groggy. "What? Can't I sleep?" She yelled back. She heard Lievine laugh downstairs. "Sorry sleepyhead, but there's a bounty for you. This one is something special though. I've got the SISKO ready for you." Hala mumbled something to herself, and hopped into the shower. After her shower, she looked at herself in the mirror. The same short purple hair as always. The only thing that hadn't changed was her missing eye. She stuck a flower in from a nearby vase and hoped Lievine would be done with her new false eye soon. There was no need for privacy around Lievine, so when she was dry, Hala was soon downstairs. She grabbed her Armas and Gluke and the DBB and waved goodbye to Lievine. She didn't bother to ask him why this bounty was special. Still, what he said got under her skin. So she threw aside the DBB and Lievine looked up at her. She only put on her belt and pushed the button for the SISKO as she left the house. This was the first time she left for a mission nude from the start, but what Lievine said worried her. She could feel the SISKO kick in, and she started to run. On her way to the target, Lievine sent her all the information she needed. It seemed like just a normal bounty, but that was what scared her. It was usually the ones you don't suspect that end up being the difficult ones. The target was just a little girl, maybe ten or twelve years old, short dark hair and a sun dress. She looked harmless, but Hala couldn't let her defenses down. What Hala didn't realize though, was this was a decoy bounty. It was supposed to lead her to an Obelisk class transport ship to go off to get her bounty license, but instead Hala had found the actual target. The girl saw Hala running, and ran off. Hala didn't feel right about this bounty. She was just a little girl after all... Finally trapping the girl in an abandoned building, Hala slowed down and tried to approach the girl calmly so she wouldn't scare her. It was then that she heard footsteps. Lots and lots of footsteps. Hala looked around to her left and her right. Clones. Lots and lots of clones. They all looked like the girl she was after, the only difference was, they were all carrying knives. They ran at Hala, and she aimed Armas. It was just a split second, but it seemed longer. She couldn't fire on them. They were just little girls. Her reflexes wouldn't be much help in this battle, except for avoiding their attacks. But one slip, and she would be done for. Unfortunately for her, the slip happened early. She almost blacked out, but tried to fight it. A sharp pain made her snap out of it. An older girl, who could have been their sister, no not a sister. The one who was cloned. Jumped out with a machete and chopped off Hala's arm that was holding Armas. Hala pushed her emergency button with her remaining arm, then picked up the arm that held Armas and ran, trying to cut the bleeding. She hid, and waited for Lievine to come get her. For the first time in a long time, she was scared. This time, she welcomed the blackout... When Hala woke up, all of the girls were laying down around her feet. She gasped in shock, but a voice reassured her. "Don't worry, they're not dead. Just knocked out. I already checked. Also, I saw you take them out just as I got here. No shots were fired." It was Lievine. He was just finishing stitching up her arm, and he motioned for her to stay still. Not that she wanted to move anyways. He apologized again and again, and explained that she was just supposed to have gone on a transport ship. He then said he had an idea for an upgrade to her DBB that should help her in the future, and he got the idea from watching her fight. When Lievine was done, Hala hugged him and he carried her to the car to bring her home. He would have to tell her one more time when she woke up about the transport, before it finally settled in. Right now, she was too shaken. He let her rest on the ride home. She deserved it. [B]Skills:[/B] [/FONT][FONT=Courier New]Thanks to a discovery by Hala's friend (the same friend who invented the Armas for her,) she now has greater than normal reflexes and speed. It's all thanks to a drug that her friend thought was a failure. He tested it on himself first, but found it did nothing. However, testing it out on a female (Hala) he found that her reaction time, reflexes, and physical speed all increased dramatically. He now supplies Hala with this drug for her missions. The downside to this great new drug though, is it causes her to get overheated quickly. So if she is wearing anything at the time, she would die. However, if she also tried to use the drug too many times in a row, for an extended period of time, she might die regardless of what she is not wearing. Besides the life threatening risks, after using the drug, Hala usually has a loss of bodily functions, vomiting, or both. Besides this, Hala has an abnormal birth defect that allows one eye to do as well as two. That means, that even though she has lost her eye, it has not handicapped her. And she still has normal depth perception and somehow, even peripheral vision on her right side. Even without her drugs or birth defects though, Hala is a very good shot with a gun. Also, thanks again to her friend, her false eye can 'hypnotize' her target into thinking that she has suddenly disappeared or teleported when she is actually in their line of sight. It can't be used for long, however, and it is useless against more than one target. It's much better against another artificial eye though, since it can send false data and make it appear she has disappeared for a longer period of time. [B]Weapon of choice:[/B] [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=Black]Hala has three main weapons she brings along with her, depending on the bounty she is after. The first she always carries with her, no matter what. It is the... [B]Armas[/B] [URL="http://i46.tinypic.com/ngvl34.jpg"][IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/343oo5k.jpg[/IMG][/URL] It is a weapon she designed herself, and was manafactured by a close friend. All of the bullets are custom made and they have a variety of uses for almost any situation. It also has a double trigger firing sequence, so it won't be shot if stolen from her. The next gun, she carries when she needs to travel light. It is the... [B]Gluke[/B] [URL="http://i49.tinypic.com/10dxs34.jpg"][IMG]http://i47.tinypic.com/2q8v7v4.jpg[/IMG][/URL] There is not much to say about the Gluke, except that it is the weapon Hala uses if she needs something fast with not as much accuracy as the [B]Armas.[/B] Finally, for bounties that require patience, there's the... [B]Kelebek[/B] [URL="http://i50.tinypic.com/2047qt.jpg"][IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2d1l5zp.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL="http://i48.tinypic.com/3499jx4.jpg"][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/34i0944.jpg[/IMG][/URL] This will usually substitute the Gluke, when Hala needs to be able to close long ranges quickly. Usually she will use this with the tripod when she is waiting for the target to arrive. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] [B]Ship: [/B][B]The Noboru[/B] [URL="http://i45.tinypic.com/ddovuh.jpg"][IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/ick7ia.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New][FONT=Courier New]It will be hers one day...She is saving up money on the side to eventually purchase it. Lievine doesn't know this. [/FONT][/FONT]
  25. I'm in the same boat as Wolfie. I need a role for Leto that won't steal a big role for someone else. (The fairy godmother, for example.) Also, Leto's profile is finished so I will be posting as soon as Leto knows what costume to wear.
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