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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [quote name='chibi-master'] Also, happy evening spent running through a forest pretending to be a Bulbasaur. I used Razor Leaf on a slug.:animesmil I had a Calvin and Hobbes morning with my dog. We ran through the forest in my backard looking for giant blue cat people. All we found was an insane amount of really entertaining mud.:animesmil [/quote] [B]Wow, you really know how to have fun Chibi! :animesmil The Calvin And Hobbes morning sounds like it was especially fun. I didn't even know you read Calvin and Hobbes. XD What is the name of your dog by the way? I think you told me before but I can't remember. :confused: What kind of dog too?[/B] [quote name='Korey'][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Going to see Frankenstein Castle today. Pictures to follow...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote] [B] Please do. I haven't heard of it until now. [/B][quote name='Stephanie'][SIZE=1]I have had THE shittiest day, in the longest time. And I have to spend it ALONE. Why me?[/SIZE][/quote] [B]What's wrong Steph? :animedepr As for me, I've been waking up earlier for no reason whatsoever. I guess that's a good thing though? :animesmil [/B]
  2. I vote for that too now that I think about it. Who doesn't want to do a play that involves Rasputin? XD
  3. I hope I can youtube it then. I didn't know they had a special. D: Also, don't underestimate the importance of mugs, Chibi! Especially if your mom likes coffee or anything like that. :catgirl:
  4. [quote name='Stephanie'][SIZE=1] I made dinner for my mother: pork chops mashed potatoes fresh ears of corn gravy and for dessert we had these yummy honey almond cresent roll log. :) I am a fabulous cook.[/SIZE][/quote] Wow, you are a fabulous cook. That sounds yummy. :o I gave my mom some plants (herbs and flowers,) since she loves to garden. Besides that, since she didn't want to go out we stayed at home and I cooked dinner for her. No list though, since the good list has already been posted. XD Also: [quote]10 Clean up Your Room Day[/quote]Can I do it tomorrow?
  5. As far as plays go, Excel? Or in general? If you mean in general, I want to be the tall 'guard dog' android for the group. As far as our acts go though, I would like to see anything from fairy tales. There are still alot that Disney never touched.
  6. [FONT=Fixedsys][B]Military File:[/B] LE-85Y91-23F Leto Elidyr [B]Android Age:[/B] 13 (Physical age appears to be about 18 however.) [B]Classification:[/B] BIO-ANDROID [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Height:[/B] 7'1" [B]Weight:[/B] 171 lbs [B]Specialty components: [/B] Nanotek Synthesizer Levitation genodes Specialty synthetic L5 class radiator system Specialty class 4 synthetic plastique muscle tissues[/FONT] [FONT=Fixedsys] High speed reactor E model Lightweight frame Hologram projector Distortion generators/absorbers Magnetic distorter [B]External Weaponry:[/B] A large external light shield on a separate power source. Can be used as a weapon in close quarters, if needed. [B] Original usage:[/B] Defensive Tactics [B]Android status:[/B] SELF DESTRUCTED [B] Known history:[/B] [/FONT] [FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=Red]ERROR! FILE NOT LOCATED > ATTEMPTING TO FIND BACKUP > SEARCHING...[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=Red]BACKUP FOUND...LOADING [COLOR=Black]Leto was built as a 'decoy'. Her main purpose was to protect but also to draw attention to herself or just away from others. That is why she was installed with so many projectors and distorters. However, 'decoy' is the keyword there. She was not built to just stand there and take punishment. That is why she was built for speed instead. Leto, in between missions, met up with a girl that she soon became friends with. They never said much to each other, the girl mostly just smiled at Leto who would smile back. Leto didn't even get her name for quite a while. All she knew was that the girl was always dressed like a hospital patient. One day however, the research center where Leto was built came under attack. Leto tried to find the girl, fearing the worst. She finally found her near the labs, only to see her die in front of her. Angry at herself, Leto grabbed the bracelet from the dying girl's wrist, squeezed it tight, and set off her self-destruct sequence. Now, Leto has been put back together by a person unknown. She ran off before she could find out who was the one who reassembled her and hid out so that she wouldn't have to let anyone down again. It was then that she found the circus. She promises herself that she will never let anyone die again, as long as she is around. [/COLOR][/COLOR] [B] Appearance[/B] [URL="http://i40.tinypic.com/23k9g09.jpg"]Leto in her last known disguise[/URL] [B]Personality Side notes:[/B] [/FONT] [FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=Red]ERROR! FILE NOT LOCATED > ATTEMPTING TO FIND BACKUP > SEARCHING...BACKUP FOUND...LOADING [COLOR=Black]Leto, most likely because of her programming, is very protective of any friends or persons she gets to know. However, she dwells too much if she fails to protect someone and they come to harm. When not in battle though, Leto is quick to smile and laugh. Unless the mood doesn't call for it, but even then she will sometimes try to lighten the situation. [/COLOR] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [quote name='chibi-master']Using the Pokewalker for grinding is awesome![/quote] I miss doing that. :animecry: However, they have some on Amazon for 20$! :animesmil I know it's more expensive than the Nintendo store, but this way I can actually buy one. (Since I can just get an Amazon card.) So yay for having a Pokewalker again soon! Also, I beat Clair finally. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. :o However, don't you have to beat her a second time? Do her levels change on the second fight? Because if they do, I need to grind again. [quote name='Sangome'][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][SIZE=1]It shouldn't. GameStop events require you to connect your game to the wifi they have set up there, and you receive the event Pokemon directly onto your game.[Though if you have too many Wonder Cards still on the game, it won't transfer. They can simply be deleted, though, if you already got the Pokemon that the card was needed for.] The Yellow Road was a direct download from the Nintendo WFC, so you didn't need to go to GameStop for that.[/SIZE][/FONT][/quote] Okay, thank you very much Sangome. I need to head out to Gamestop anyways, so hopefully that event starts soon. I can't wait. :animesmil
  8. Ace, I'm guessing the Celebi rumor is going to involve the Pokewalker like the Yellow Forest event did? Because mine is still dead. :animecry: Where's a Pokemon center when you need one?
  9. The bad news is, I tried to use the GTS, but it was low on choices. Is it only listing the ones I've seen? The good news, they have a page in the Pokewalker manual for people like me. XD I'm going to try airing it out and replacing the battery.
  10. Thanks to both of you. :animesmil Howver, my Pokewalker died. :animedepr They definitely don't survive the wash a second time. I could order one from Nintendo, but I don't have an easy way to order online. So what do you guys think? Should I just buy SoulSilver and use the Pokewalker from that one? I'm going to try to remove the back and hope that maybe it will dry off and start working. I doubt it though.
  11. Wow! Thanks so much Ace! I had no idea that would work! I wanted to try out the GTS anyways. As for the second tip, are dragon type attacks strong against Ice?
  12. I'm stuck grinding so I can try to get the last gym badge. I have no good ice or dragon types at all. :animedepr Does anyone know of some good ones to have on my team? Also, I wanted to evolve my Haunter into a Gengar, and my Machoke into a Machamp and others. I have no one to trade with though. Is there anyone trustworthy here to trade with? I don't have much to offer in return. Besides Pikachu's from the Yellow Forest.
  13. For me, I would have to say the same. Even though we might have our slow days, I love the feelings of family I get here. Also, the imagination of the roleplayers here put forums that are dedicated to roleplaying to shame.
  14. Pokemon. Blah. :animeangr My friend ditched me on that one since she was further than me and lost interest. Now I have no one I can link trade with to make Gengar, Scizor, etc. But so this doesn't turn into the Pokemon Room Party, I feel like I'm getting over my sniffles. Apparently you have to fight a cold with cold. I ate some ice cream and I feel better now, believe it or not. :o
  15. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][B]OOC: CaNz, Queenangel is a new user and it looks like she was just posting her version of a Naruto RP. So I would ignore that post for now if I were you.[/B] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Sesilia, her guitar case slung over her shoulder, walked along whistling a tune she had stuck in her head for a few days. She was late to the meeting at the studio, but didn't realize it. Nick had probably texted her again but she hadn't checked her cell phone. Sesilia saw Emily across the street, opening the door to the studio. "Yikes, if Emily beat me here then..." Sesilia thought to herself as she reached into her pocket for her cellphone. By the time she got to the studio door, she finally remembered what pocket she had put it in. Reaching in the pocket, she pulled out her...cat food? Somehow, even though Sesilia doesn't own a cat, she had accidentally grabbed a can of cat food instead of her cellphone. She held onto it as she walked into the studio. "Hey guys, do you want to hear something weird? I thought I grabbed my cellphone but..." Her voice trailed off as she saw the new cat and started laughing. "When did you get a cat, Nick? This is a strange coincidence." Sesilia kneeled down and made purring sounds, motioning for the cat to come see her. [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. Pangolins? Even though I don't like the changes google is going through, I'm going to have to google that one lol. Also I think someone emailed me a computer virus, because now I have the sniffles. :animedepr
  17. [quote name='chibi-master'] After 5 days of no interenet (damn you, NYC), chibi is back! But whatever.[/quote] Welcome back! :animesmil Hopefully your 'special someone' is baking cakes with someone else.
  18. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Black][B]Name:[/B] Silje "Sesilia" Holan [B] Age:[/B] 22[B] Gender:[/B] Female [B] Appearance:[/B][/COLOR][center][/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/e0rcrq.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Black][B]Talents:[/B] Sesilia has the innate and passive ability to draw strange phenomena to her person. She is a 'psychic and otherwordly magnet' in a sense. Things just seem to happen around her, although most of the time she doesn't notice and if she does, she doesn't realize she is the cause. She also has a doppelgänger that sometimes acts as a third man phenomenon when she is in danger. [B] Character Background: [/B]Silje was born to a Norwegian father and a Malaysian mother. Because of her birth in Bergen, she was given a name to help her fit into her birthplace. As Silje grew up however, one night soon after her eighth birthday, she saw a terrifying creature that she would later discover was called a Penanggalan[/COLOR]. She told her father about it the next day but he said it was probably just a nightmare. That day however, Silje's mother disappeared and her father wouldn't tell her what happened and didn't want to speak about it. For eight long years, Silje quietly lived in her father's house. At sixteen however, she started a band with some friends and decided to come up with a new name for herself. She thought of Cecilia at first, but didn't like the spelling. She decided on Sesilia instead and made it her new stage name. It turned out though, that Silje's father had tried to protect her from the other people of the city. For rumors had gone around that the house that Silje and her father shared was cursed. People's opinions soon changed though, when Silje spent the night at a friend's house and it experienced a ghostly visit. Everyone then decided that Silje was cursed. This led to fights with her father, interviews, constant harassment, and Silje leaving the country under the name of Sesilia. Now, years later Sesilia is twenty-two and traveling. She has discovered that even more otherworldly incidents have occurred around her, but she still does not know why. She still enjoys playing the piano, the guitar, and other instruments. But now she mostly records the sounds of spirits and other terrors of the night. She then saves them and usually plays them back for any psychics, ghost chasers, or anyone else that is interested. [/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Black][B] Personality:[/B] Sesilia is an outgoing person, but with a nasty temper. If she or a friend is ridiculed or attacked, she won't hesitate to get her revenge. This has led her into a lot of trouble, especially with people who claim that she is bad luck or a curse. Besides that, she used to be easily annoyed with the people who always invited her to talk about spirits or join her on their hunts, but after buying her equipment, she doesn't mind it so much. [B] Equipment:[/B] Sesilia has a home base where she keeps her studio equipment and her instruments. Her tours however have funded the money for other recording equipment. She now carries around a voice recorder on her person at all times. If she is actually invited to look for a spirit though, she will bring more advanced equipment than that. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. I like Yellow Forest and I think maybe it likes me. After putting away my Dratini from her walk, a flying Pikachu decided to take a walk with me.
  20. [quote name='Miss Anonymous']I'm the same way. Always have been. It's some kind of neurotic need to keep them all even leveled. And yeah, it does make things a ton easier too. [/quote] Wait, wait, wait. I'm not the only one that tries to level them evenly? Now I am curious though, how does everyone go about picking teams? And do you grind them or just go through the story? I'm about to fight Olivine and mine aren't even in the 30's yet. :animeswea
  21. Cheese Nips are on my top ten list of foods I never want to throw up. I hope you feel better, Chibichu. =(
  22. [SIZE=3][B][FONT=Book Antiqua]So I think this is the first [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua]Pokémon Game I'll have actually tried playing, if I get it. However, if I found Platinum too confusing with the contests and everything, will I like this one? I've really wanted to get into one of the games of this series, and with the Pok[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=3][B][FONT=Book Antiqua]éwalker in this one, it seems like a good place to start. [/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=3][B][FONT=Book Antiqua]Thanks then Inu. I'll re-think my character's class and backstory. I'll keep her as an elf though, since we seem to need some.[/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
  24. [B]Thanks so much for the link, Inu. I'll look through that. Right now, I'm going to make my character. However, is it possible for there to be a feral Elven druid? If not, I'll need to re-start my character. [/B]
  25. Peanut butter helps. Why watch it though? You don't need it. ^^
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