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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic][B]The orchestra idea would work out great with Damia. I would like to see how they pit their powers of sound against hers. Also, just letting you know I am still here, Inu. Just trying to get a hold of someone and then I'll get my post in. [/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='chibi-master']Balloons and cake, yes?:catgirl: Second GSA meeting tomorrow! *is excited*[/QUOTE] GSA? *Also still curious about your good day* As for what I'm buying, FF13 is a definite. I'm still toying with the idea of getting Sakura Wars though... @Magus: I enjoyed Persona 4 more than 3.
  3. [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Let us know how it goes, Chibi. :animesmil Also, someone must have heard that I was planning on buying a Wii. Now they're all sold out. :animestun [/FONT][/B]
  4. [COLOR=Black][FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Thanks for the Cakesters explanation, Cheebs. :catgirl: I'll make sure to look before I eat as well lol. Also, should I be worried about this? Or is it a joke? (I think the sarcasm detectors in my brain have gone to bed. :animestun) [/B][/FONT][/COLOR][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][COLOR=#9933ff][FONT=monotype corsiva][SIZE=4] Also people won't stop dying at work. I mean just yesturday one lady died right after dinner- which makes me wonder what they're putting in the food.:animeswea[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/quote]
  5. [quote name='chibi-master']Do you realize that now every time I hear or read 'Cakesters', my teeth feel gritty?:animedepr I'll take the cupcake, though!:animesmil[/quote] [B][FONT=Book Antiqua]Cakesters? O.o Also, I'm thinking of getting a Wii even though I only want one game for that system. Maybe I should just buy my friend a new game? XD (He owns a Wii.) [/FONT][/B]
  6. [FONT=Book Antiqua][B]Hi Inu. It's good to hear from you again. I just wanted to emphasize KG's post. We're all here for you if you ever need us. *Hugs* [/B][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Book Antiqua][B]I know this doesn't mean as much coming from me as it does KG, but please let him know that I am here for him as well, Excel. I had seen him around the boards plenty of times, and have always wanted to get to know him better. So I might not know Inu as well as some people, but regardless I am here for him too. I can't say I can imagine what it must be like to go through this, but I'll still be here if he needs for more "hugs and sisterly love". [/B][/FONT]
  8. Lilt

    The Witches

    [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic]Using Sin's special skill to get back meant Malinda was now standing muddy in the large room. She blushed, hoping no one would notice and get mad. Luckily her feet weren't muddy as well. She quickly ran off to the bathroom and took a shower, not bothering to close the door. It's not like it's anything they hadn't seen before, if anyone walked in. She quickly dried off after getting the mud off, and walked out the bathroom door. Her state of being skyclad at least meant taking a shower didn't take as long as most people. Malinda walked over to the cabinet, and her eyes grew wide with delight. She had never seen so much liquor in one place. Sure, she had been to a liquor store once before, but it's selection was meager compared to this cabinet. She had trouble 'picking her poison' though and wanted to choose them all. Well, not really of course. She didn't want to ride the express to Vomitville. She would try most of them tonight though, she realized, and decided on some Bacardi for now. She downed a couple of shots and grabbed a bigger glass and went to find Shan. She seemed troubled earlier, so she felt like talking to her best friend and encourage her. Finally finding her on the couch, she put a hand on Shan's shoulder. Shan seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, but she looked over and smiled so Malinda slid down in front of her. Shan got up after their talk, thanks to Nayomi, but Malinda was having a hard time noticing. Someone kept filling up her glass that she had grabbed earlier. Either that or it kept filling up on its own. She had seen stranger things, after all. Then Malinda realized that it was Nayomi who was sharing some of the Southern Comfort with her. She giggled and Nayomi giggled too. After Malinda pulled Nayomi back up off of the floor, Nayomi looked over at her and her eyes went wide. "Holy shit!" Nayomi almost yelled. "What?" Malinda asked, nearly jumping in her seat. "You're naked!" Nayomi said, as she pointed a finger at Malinda. Now it was Malinda's turn to fall on the floor, thanks to her fit of laughter. She knew that Nayomi must have noticed this before, but she was too drunk now and was acting like she just noticed for the first time. Malinda rolled on the floor laughing, before walking off to see if anyone else was having fun tonight (and if they would give her a taste of whatever their choice in drink was.) [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. That's fine. I need to decide what Malinda likes to drink anyways. Also I have something else planned I can do first. (I think you'll like it.) The ugly clothes comment was great by the way. XD
  10. [SIZE=3][B][FONT=Book Antiqua]Sounds like a good plan, KG. :animesmil I'll wait until you get your post in and then I'll post. I'm already planning out some humor, along with what we already came up with. [/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
  11. [B][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=3]I asked KG if she wanted me to make one, but I still haven't heard back from her yet. So I just made one anyways. So everyone can go here to discuss everything about the Witches, so we don't get this thread locked before Drizzt can post his sign up. [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=848889#post848889"]The Witches' Coven[/URL] [/SIZE] [/FONT][/B]
  12. [CENTER][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B]Welcome to the Witches' Coven. This will be the backstage thread for Knuckle Girl's RP, the Witches.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B]Here, you can ask any questions about the story so far, the RP in general, or just discuss the story and any ideas you might have about it. For example, where should the story go for now? We were attacked, so what now? I'm sure everyone has questions and ideas like I do, so I can't wait to hear them. (Also, if you're wondering, I decided to make this since Knuckle's Girl has been a bit busy. However, if she wants to make her own, we'll post in that one. For now, this is the unofficial official backstage thread.) [/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
  13. I like the way the story is going so far. Very complex. Also, if you're reading this KG, you wrote Damia perfectly. You too, Chibi. :animesmil
  14. [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]Damia was now ready to be a part of the 'IN crowd'. This was only physically though. Mentally, she would probably never be ready. But she would do her best. She had, in her mortal life, friends who were considered popular. So she knew how to act. Thanks to Syria's suggestions, she was now wearing a perfect 'IN crowd' outfit. Damia had originally thrown a pair of glasses on, to be cute, but Syria got rid of them since she said they would seem too 'geeky'. She was happy that Syria had calmed down enough to talk to her again. Her heart almost jumped at the idea of them getting back together, but she remembered the wise advice that Taryn had given her. "If not, then just remember you have friends here, and no matter how strong your feelings are for somebody, keeping a close friend is sometimes better then losing them forever..." she nodded to herself, and walked out to see what everyone else was up to. Damia spotted Anue and surprised her with a hug around her waist. Anue jumped and looked down. "You seemed bothered." Anue tried to smile. "Oh...hey Damia...it's nothing really." Damia wasn't convinced, but she gave Anue one more quick squeeze and walked off. She knew if she probed deeper, it would only bother Anue. "Besides," Damia thought, "I can't think straight until I get used to this." Damia adjusted her clothes several different times. Everything was very tight fitting. Sure she dressed up sometimes, even though she had been a bit of a tomboy before she died, but not like this. "I'll go see if anyone else is almost ready. I hope Anue feels better soon." Damia said to herself. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Character [B]Name: [/B]Kenta Shiro [B] Gender: [/B]Female [B] Rank:[/B] 4 [B]Appearance:[/B] The fourth seat, [URL="http://i45.tinypic.com/25f65oi.jpg"]Kenta,[/URL] is a sharp contrast to the third seat. Standing at 6'3", she is very tall for her age and gender. It was almost as if her parents knew this would happen when they chose to give her a man's name. Thankfully for her, she still has her long, feminine hair, and she has been blessed greatly in another special area. Still, despite all of this, she has received the nicknames of 'big brother' or 'big sis'. It bothered her at first, especially the big brother one, but now she just takes it with a smile and has even earned the nicknames by being overly protective. However, if any stranger uses the same nickname, she still takes it as an insult. Aside from her feminine features, Kenta has a muscular build, which comes in handy when using her Baknkai. Besides the standard uniform itself, Kenta is usually seen wearing hand and foot wraps, and a [URL="http://i48.tinypic.com/11ty8ts.jpg"]jacket[/URL] she received a long time ago from a friend. The only two indications of her Hollow side is displayed by her very sharp teeth and pointed teeth. Also her right arm which has now changed from a normal human arm, to one with claws instead of a hand. [B]Personality[/B]: Kenta is very defensive of those placed under her command. She'll do anything in her power to protect them, especially from herself. This is because, Kenta still is struggling to keep her Hollow under control. Given the nature of her Hollow, she sometimes goes into a frenzy for human flesh. When this happens, she does her best to hide herself away. [I][U]Zanpakuto[/U][/I] [B]Name: [/B]Waldeburg [B] Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i45.tinypic.com/jrzjv4.jpg"]Kenta's Zanpakuto.[/URL] When not in combat, she usually has some type of flowers wrapped around the sheath. And hanging off of the hilt is the hair of some unknown animal. [B]Shikai Call Out:[/B] Offen! [B]Shikai Appearance: [/B]In the Shikai form, Kenta's Zanpakuto takes on the appearance of a [URL="http://i49.tinypic.com/jpxvyr.jpg"]Naginata.[/URL] However, it still retains the fur on the other end of the shaft. [B] Shikai Power:[/B] With a Noh dance, Kenta slices the ground with her naginata. This causes the dead to rise, still in their mortal bodies, and they protect her from damage both physical and spiritual. This is done in one of two ways. Either they form a wall around her, or they grab onto her and cover her body and lash out with their arms stretching out at anyone that tries to attack her. However, both of these powers are shortlived, as the dance can't be interrupted and the bodies only take so much punishment. Because of this, Kenta relies on her weapon mostly. The only way she can use her power offensively is to have the dead rise from the ground and grab onto her opponent. However, they don't have a very strong grip and it's impossible for them to catch someone who can move very fast. [B]Bankai:[/B] Although Kenta has not reached her Bankai yet, she is coming close to it soon. When she does, her Zanpakuto [URL="http://i49.tinypic.com/bg3beh.jpg"]changes even more and grows even larger.[/URL] Because of this, she has larger reach but at the cost of reduced speed. However, her Hollow mask helps her swing her Zanpakuto a bit faster, to where it seems like she is using a normal katana. [URL="http://i48.tinypic.com/2i2241.jpg"]Her appearance also changes.[/URL] The sleeves of her jacket take on an unraveled appearance and the top below her jacket disappears. Also, her whole outfit gains a mottled appearance, as if someone flicked paint onto a canvas. [B]Bankai Power: [/B]Kenta's Bankai power is a bit difficult to pull off as well, but when she does pull it off, it's worth it. She first summons the dead, since at this point her sword is too big to stab herself with. However, it is one of the strongest of the dead, a hulking monster of muscle. Under her control, it runs her and her opponent through and disappears. Then both her and her opponent disappear as well. They reappear, at different points, in a world of the dead. There is nothing but dead trees, giant gravestones, and chains everywhere. It is here that Kenta can control the dead a bit more efficiently. However, there is a way out, if her opponent is smart enough to find it. Besides killing Kenta, which isn't as easy, since she is in control in this place. [U][B]Hollow[/B][/U] [B]Mask Appearance:[/B] Kenta's mask follows the similar pattern of most female Noh masks, however, it is different from the rest by the three horns on the forehead. The only other distinguishing mark is a painting of a thorny vine on the left side. [B]Level of Control:[/B] Kenta has only been able to sustain her mask for ten hours. [B]Specialty: [/B]When Kenta activates her mask, she gains monstrous strength. Becoming even stronger than normal. Extra Information [B]Short Biography:[/B] Kenta met Aya in the spirit world, quite some time ago. Except she always had the feeling that she knew Aya from somewhere else. Wanting to protect her new friend, Kenta passed the exam that allowed her to join the Gotei 14. However, while she was now able to protect Aya, she didn't spend much time with her anymore. So Aya joined as well. After fighting together, side by side, Aya was wounded in battle. Kenta blamed herself and searched for a way to get even stronger so she could protect Aya properly. This was when she heard of a group that some feared and others treated like outcasts. The Vizards. Kenta volunteered to join, hoping to find the power she needed to keep Aya safe. What she found though, was a nightmare. Kenta, like most others before her, went beserk after her Hollowfication. However, hers gave her a few abnormal traits after it was done. She now had a monstrous claw, instead of her normal left arm, and sharp, pointed teeth to match. Kenta hid herself away from Aya for days. She didn't want her to see the monster she had become. However, Kenta found out that Aya didn't think of her that way when she found out that Aya had undertaken the Hollowfication process herself two days later. [B]Character Snippet:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Century Gothic]"Hey, not so handsy with my girlfriend there!" Damia looked back to Syria, who just turned away. She knew Syria well enough to know what this reaction meant. Syria wouldn't face Damia, so she looked over at Tahlia. Damia smiled and walked over to Syria's new lover. "Congratulations!" Damia meant to say it much louder, but it only came out as a whisper, that only Syria and Tahlia heard. She hugged Tahlia and started to cry, as she still smiled. "I'll see you guys later. I need to lay down for a bit. I'm a bit tired from my journey." Damia said, still fighting back the tears and trying to act like everything was normal. "Bye!" She yelled, waving and running out of the room. So this was it. It was bad enough that Syria had disappeared from her, but now this. Deep down inside, Damia thought this might happen. However she didn't want to believe it, and kept pretending that Syria would be waiting for her. Damia stopped running and wiped some tears from her eyes. She had to be happy for Syria and Tahlia now. She didn't realize it though, but she had ran into Syria's room by mistake. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes, trying to shut out the world as she did. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Century Gothic]It was late, and Damia seemed like she had been away for years. Although that was pretty close to the truth. She had been out on her own, gathering intel for her group. Now, she was back. She flew in and landed on the roof. Using her code, she gained entry to the building. She slowly changed into her human form and walked quietly, since it was pretty late when she got in. "Rayne? Are you here? We need to talk. It's important." She whispered, trying not to wake the others. They could hear about this tomorrow, or tonight if Rayne decided it was necessary. For now, it was important that he found out what she learned. [B]OOC: There we go. Sorry for the short post, I just wanted to get my foot in the door before it's too late. Also I wanted you to decide on the important intel, Inu. Unless you need me to come up with it.[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. Lilt

    The Witches

    [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]Malinda kept in formation, with Shan, as Bre ran off. However, there was still nothing she could do with her blade thanks to the formation. If she danced now, she would cut her allies and the knife was very sharp. However, there was something else she could do. Grabbing the hilt, Malinda lopped off one of her fingers and cried out in pain. This was dangerous, considering the hunger of the werewolves, but she quickly snatched the finger back up. Malinda crouched down, and started to begin a chant. However, Bre returned and then Jensen disappeared, before she could finish. Healing her finger for now, Malinda followed behind Shan. This was going to be extremely difficult, but she had to place an anti-hex on her leader. Malinda gritted her teeth. It would have to be a random anti-hex, since she couldn't concentrate. The only good news is, it wouldn't be a normal hex, so Shan wouldn't end up cursed accidentally. As she ran, Malinda plunged the dagger into her side and yelled out a chant in a strange tongue. It was a success. Shan glowed with a strange light as she ran, before it slowly faded. [B]OOC: I'll leave you to decide what the anti-hex is, KG.[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. Our own take on Silent Hill could be fun. Especially if it would maybe change some of our personalities? (Or rub off on us, causing us to fight each other, etc.) Also, I'm going to get as much done today as I can for my sign up Inu. It will be finished tonight or tomorrow.
  20. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][B][FONT=Century Gothic]Inu, I'm going to have to finish the rest of this tomorrow if that is okay. I want to add more details to her appearances, and finish up her personality and history. Then after that, I'll be able to post in the RP tomorrow too. [/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Damia Ermingild [B] Age: [/B]302 [B] Race: [/B]Angel[B] Human Appearance: [/B][URL="http://i49.tinypic.com/20ge8ap.jpg"]Damia, before she was murdered.[/URL] Her appearance hasn't changed very much, except she has a tan to cover up her pales skin, so her skin is a bit darker now. Also, she has heterochromia, although it is hard to notice unless you see both of her eyes. Which is hard, since she usually tries to keep a bandage on her eye in case she changes to her angel form. Besides that, she has the Alchemic symbol of phosphorous on her forehead, to symbolize light. When asked about this by normal humans, she just tries to explain it's just a tattoo. She is normally 5'8", at 160 pounds. Damia normally wears a Newsboy hat, black in color, a dark blue turtleneck sweater, with a white strapless tanktop underneath. (Although most of the time she will just wear the tanktop, it stops above her stomach and resembles a sports bra somewhat.) Besides that, she usually wears long shorts of different colors, depending on her mood, and black leather boots with a heel. [B] Second Form Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i48.tinypic.com/214t506.jpg"]Damia[/URL], [URL="http://i49.tinypic.com/15fqcz5.jpg"]her angel form[/URL]. Also, [URL="http://i49.tinypic.com/14o7t05.jpg"]her angel form inside of her Mind's Eye.[/URL] Damia's angel form has changed slightly, from how it used to be. Now, her hair changes into a brilliant white instead of black, also her skin turns a bit more pale. Her left eye begins to glow with a blue flame. She also grows taller, to about 6'6", while still keeping her same slightly muscular figure. Also, black wings grow out of her back. Besides that, she is relatively the same, although a bit stronger and taller. Usually sporting a different outfit too, if she gets the chance to change. [B] Personality: [/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Navy]Damia used to be a self sacrificing kind of person. She still is, just not so much anymore after her incident. Now, she's a bit more serious but friends are still her priority. So is a good laugh now and then when things get too serious. However, when times call for concentration, she doesn't get easily distracted with the matter at hand. Being a fallen angel, she has a cruel streak that she likes to show to her enemies.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Navy][B] Weapons: [/B]Damia carries a [URL="http://i47.tinypic.com/egpg6v.jpg"]modified M40a3[/URL], for long range combat. However, for short range combat, she uses [URL="http://i49.tinypic.com/jggtaq.jpg"]two sickles[/URL] that she keeps chained to her waist. [B] Powers: [/B]Damia's powers change depending on which form she is in at the moment. However, in both forms she has the power of sound. Her uncontrolled power, is taking someone who is out to kill her into her Mind's Eye, the world inside of her mind, where she can battle them with an advantage since it is familiar territory for her. However, she is vulnerable in the real world since she goes in a trance, so she keeps her left eye bandaged or covered to keep it from going off when she doesn't want it to. Also, she is only able to bring one person there at a time. As for the powers in her control, when Damia whistles, hums, or even sings a few 'la la's, she can create a piercing whistle, a hypnotic effect, or a full song, although she hasn't tried the last one yet and is not sure what it does. For a last resort, she will let out a loud yell which will cause a large sonic boom. She only uses this to escape, however, since it affects everyone around her in the area. In her angel form, if she uses this power, it starts up Music Box, a small music box inside of her body that grows and replaces her limbs and other parts of her body. Since it replaces her wings too, with those of old metal and gears, she cannot fly when using this power. This is only when she sings her 'la la's however. The other sounds seem to work like they do in her human form. This also extends further, however and gives her the power of 'clairaudience', the ability to hear sounds in the past or near future. Because of this, she is perfect for gathering intel for the hunters. [B] History: [/B]For Damia, her little brother was her world. She lived a few years without any brothers or sisters, so when he was born she always paid attention to him. When they were both older however, her brother ran off and was talking to a man in the park. She found him and took him back home, forgetting about the incident a few days later. However, it resurfaced on its own. The man showed up and threatened to take away her brother, especially if she called the police or told her parents. He only gave her one option to save him. Leave her house late at night, with no clothes. He would pick her up and leave her brother alone. Not trusting his word, Damia didn't want to go through with it but she was left with little choice. She accepted. That night, when her parents and brother were asleep, she stripped naked and went to her brothers room. Holding back her tears, she kissed her brother goodbye. She went walking outside and soon a car pulled up and someone got out and pushed her in. Everything went black after that. What happened for the next few days are too horrible to mention. However, he soon grew tired of Damia and started replacing parts of her body with metal, until all that was left of her was one of her eyes. The one that he liked. (Damia had heterochromia, so he only liked one of her eye colors.) Damia returned as an angel, and killed her murderer. Feeling content, she watched over her brother. However, he turned into an evil young man, so filled with rage at the waste of her sacrifice, she killed her own brother. Because of this, she was banished and became a fallen angel. Now she works for the Dark Hunters, and helps them gather intel. She has been flying solo for a long while recently, and is soon heading back to meet up with the other Dark Hunters with some new information. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. Lilt

    The Witches

    [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]Someone relayed Nayomi's orders to Malinda. She wasn't sure who, because they left soon after, but she quickly followed them out. Breaking the jar of earth, it was taken away from the wind. She could only hope it wasn't too late. Finding a good hiding spot, Malinda got out another jar of earth, this one wasn't from any sort of werewolf lair, so it shouldn't set off the beserkers that they faced. However, it was still powerful enough to help her fight against them. She put the jar to her body and urinated inside of it to make the mud. Then she spread the mud all over her body and threw the jar to the ground. Cutting herself slightly with the knife, she said a quick chant that caused the chain on her choker to grow. Attaching the knife to the chain, she ran off to help fight. Soon, she came up on Shan, Boush, and Bre. Bre was taking notes, which was normal for him, even in a time like this. What really surprised Malinda was that Shan was fighting a werewolf and Boush was doing nothing to help her. Malinda ran forward to jump into the fight. "No, stay back!" Boush yelled. Malinda stopped suddenly, looking to Boush for an explanation. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. Lilt

    The Witches

    [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic]Malinda laughed at the sight of all of the food. It was a very ingenious and useful machine. She would put good use of it soon, but right now she remembered something very important. Even though Malinda was as hungry as the others, it had to wait. She ran off into another room, frantically searching for her bag. Finding it, she ran back after grabbing a jar from the bag and found Nayomi. "Nayomi, I have a question." Malinda whispered. Nayomi turned and looked at Malinda, who held up the jar. "In this jar is supposedly earth from the lair of the first werewolf. Now, if that's true then it could be possible for the Blood Hounds to track it. However, if it is true then it's also possible that this could help power my spells against the werewolves. Well, you said to ask you anything. My question is this, what should I do with it? Can we find out if it is the real thing and protect it from being tracked if it is? Or do we need to dispose of it?" Malinda looked intently at Nayomi, waiting for her answer. [B]OOC: Another short one. However, I'm going to be busy this weekend, so I didn't want you guys to think I disappeared on you.[/B] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. Lilt

    The Witches

    [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]This was a bit much for Malinda to take in, but she did her best. She also tried to find a way to help everyone relax, since they were probably as on edge as she was from all of the random teleporting and the mystery 'rescuers' who could just turn out to be kidnappers, just a test, or who knows what else. Malinda just hoped that she could believe what Nay had told them. Looking for a way to change the tense mood in the room, Malinda snuck up behind Shan and slowly helped her out of her clothes. As they dropped to the floor, before Shan could ask what was going on, Malinda rubbed her naked body up against Shan's and gently kissed her neck. "Let's eat, Shan. I don't want your clothes to get messy though." She patted a chair as Shan sat down, both of them now naked. Malinda sat on Shan's lap and feigned helplessness. "Feed me please, Shan. I'm tired." Soon, she wanted to explore the town. She had never been to France before. Right now, she was starving. Hopefully her little flirting with Shan had helped ease the tension in the room, or at least replace it with a tension of another kind, when it came to Shan at least. Malinda held back a giggle. "Isn't anyone else hungry?" She asked, looking around before Shan popped a piece of food into her mouth. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS][B][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Name: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Malinda Koli [B]Age: [/B]19 [B]Ability:[/B] Voice Hexes/Minor Summons [B]How I came Here:[/B] I first found out I was 'different' when I was a little girl, on the thirteenth of the month. It was a full moon that night, although I didn't realize the importance of that at the time. I was still a bit energetic from all of the cake and ice cream, so I flipped off my bed. The strange thing is, my feet stuck to the wall. I walked up and onto the ceiling and walked around there for a bit until my mom came in and nearly fainted. She tried to pretend it never happened, but I would never forget that night. Doing some research on my own into our family history, it seemed that almost all of the women in the family had been a little strange as well. It never said it bluntly, but thanks to that night I knew what to look for. It was like finding that one jigsaw puzzle piece that makes the other pieces around it turn into recognizable pictures. I also found out about being 'Skyclad'. I decided to try this, and if I was going to try it, I would do my best at it. Which meant practicing it in my daily life. So I burned all of my clothes, which my mother wasn't happy about at first. But she let me go to school, took me shopping, and even still took me to all of the boring baby showers and other get togethers she was invited to. I guess she did it because she didn't want me talking about that night. She got what she wanted, but for my own reasons. I didn't want anyone interfering with my research. Some nights after that first incident, I woke up with a strange pain in a certain area and my mother dismissed it as women's troubles. However, I knew it was something more. (Especially since I later on found out it was much too early for me to have such problems.) What I didn't tell her, was that there was a white bladed dagger left by my bed. It was extremely sharp and seemed to be able to take shape of some other weapons as well. I would find plenty of uses for this one later on. (I would also find out that an incubus visited me that night and had his way with me.) Now, with much experimenting, I can now create hexes and I've also discovered a healing ability in mud that I can use on myself. Which is useful, since all of my spells require blood for their upkeep. I can also do some minor summoning, thanks to the seed that the incubus left behind. However, I can't control what comes out, and even though it happens instantly, it still hurts and because of that it can't be anything very big like a dragon or anything like that. I'm also now a master with the weapon that was left behind, and with the help of some spells, I can elongate the chain attached to my choker and attach the blade to it. Then, when I dance the blade will swing and cut anyone trying to get to me. I had done a lot in just a few months, especially for a girl so young. However, my mother must have broken our little secret and told someone. Because some strange scientists are bringing me somewhere they won't tell me. All they will say is that I will be with my own kind, which is good. I just hope that we all get along. [I]Signed, [B]Malinda Koli[/B][/I] [FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=Black]Profile: This letter is more than a decade old, considering the subject is now 19. With her voice, she can create hexes to create desire, confusion, and many other symptoms on others. She can even create hexes on her hexes to make a sort of 'anti-hex' to turn the symptoms into positive ones. This could be of much use to her allies. Her other abilities are to summon minor entities by 'giving birth' to them, although she tends to avoid using this one unless forced to. She can also heal herself using mud. This would be very useful, but she can only seem to do it for herself and not others. Further testing might indicate that her constate state of being 'skyclad' as she calls it, might actually be of benefit to her, unlike others. Also, the subject claims that if she wears body paint, she can use greater spells. However, the right combination of paint and design has not been found. Especially since the subject cannot paint herself and is having trouble explaining how to make it work. Further research into these areas and into her weapon, is highly suggested. Enclosed is a picture of the subject on file. It is out of date, as the subject has cut her hair to just below the ears and dyed it one shade black and the other a shade of deep red. Update with new picture when possible. [URL="http://i50.tinypic.com/11j17uo.jpg"]((ATTACHED PICTURE OF MALINDA KOLI))[/URL] [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
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