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Well, last year I had to spend it away from friends and family. So I got one of those Thanksgiving meals from some restaurant and that was it. :animedepr But this year, I'm happy to say I'll be with family. So yay for homecooked Thanksgiving dinners! :animesmil
[B]A kimono will definitely be an interesting choice for Halloween. As for me, I'll be baking cookies and watching the Nightmare Before Christmas for the very first time. (And probably wondering why I never watched it sooner. D: ) [/B]
[B]OOC: I think everyone is just busy with school, holidays, and other things, ScreamSin. [/B][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ishild had no time for questions, even though she had plenty of them to ask. Who was this strange man? Where did he find an old weapon like this? And how did he know so much about these wolves? However, they were questions for another time. Right now, it was time for action. She wasn't too sure how to work the old weapon exactly, but after seeing the man use it, and the desperate situation at hand, necessity took over and she got the hang of it. "THE CHEST GEAR! THE CHEST GEAR!" Ishild did as she was told and opened fire with the rifle at the wolf's chest gear. Not because the man told her to, although she was thankful for his help. Without him, both Lucy and herself would be done for. However, she was doing this all to protect someone special to her. And that person was Lucy. Besides, if the two of them didn't make it through this, who would look after Maya? Ishild fired as fast as she could at the chest gear when she realized something. If there was a wolf here, there was probably one attacking the others. "Maya!" Ishild cried out, still firing the rifle. [COLOR=Purple]Zlota started running as fast as she could, when she heard Kilo's yelling. With the battle at hand, she completely forgot about those who were exploring the tunnels. She just hoped Ishild, Lucy, and the others were all safe. The tunnels didn't give them much room to fight in. She ran into the tunnels, calling out their names, expecting the worst.[/COLOR] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Teal][center][B][IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/2lvd6if.jpg[/IMG][/B] [/center] [B] Name:[/B] Alexandra 'Zandra' Herrick [B]Mutant Name:[/B] Pandora [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Mutant Ability:[/B] Zandra, or 'Pandora' has the ability to absorb objects, living or inanimate, into her body. When in her body, they basically cease to exist. (So a person inside of her doesn't age, a bomb with a timer won't explode, etc.) When in her body, she can also expel the objects at the force they traveled into her. So a bullet fired from a gun into her body, will travel out at the same speed. However, she can only hold five objects at a time. So trying to to take a bullet from something with a faster rate of fire than a pistol, is not a good idea. Also, anything that is too large won't go into her body. So a small car or a motorcycle is possible, but an eighteen-wheeler or any very large object will crush her. Pandora can store energy in her body, but only for a very short amount of time. If she doesn't expel it immediately, she will explode. Also, she cannot store a continuous stream of energy. A side effect of her mutation, is her extra pair of arms. [B]Bio:[/B]At the age of seven, Alexandra was a normal girl. She was average in school, and had a few close friends. One of those friends, her closest friend in fact, was Wendy. One day, when playing with Wendy, Alexandra gave her friend a hug and they were both startled when Wendy started to fall into Alexandra's body. Wendy was gone, only a frightened Alexandra remained. She ran off and never told anyone what had happened. Alexandra made up a story that Wendy went for a walk, so a search party was formed. However, a few nights later, Wendy was expelled from Alexandra's body, in front of Wendy's parents and another of Alexandra's friends. However, Wendy's arms stayed on Alexandra's body, below her own arm. The panicked parents rushed their bleeding child to a hospital, with the friend and everyone else that Alexandra knew labeling her a mutant. She ran off, her friend's arms that were now a part of her, an eternal reminder of this terrible day. Ten years later, after the great battle, she goes by Zandra now, although she also likes the name Pandora. She is currently using her mutant power for petty theft, not realizing it will soon have far more noble purposes. [B]Short Physical Description:[/B] (See Picture Enclosed Above) Zandra doesn't stick out much, except for her two extra arms that are on her body below her upper arms. However, she used to wear a dark blue poncho-like coat to hide this when she was a child. Now with almost all humans gone though, she gladly can go around without concealing her arms. Also, she carries four .50 caliber pistols inside of her body, but since two bullets or other objects can kill her when she leaves them in there, she usually carries them in four holsters under her jacket when she can get away with it. (When not in public, for example.) [B]Personality:[/B] Zandra is a person that prefers to rely on herself. She also likes to get revenge for being cast out as a mutant, by using her powers to steal whatever she can get a hold of. She feels the world owes her, and it has to pay her back anyway she sees fit until she gets that debt returned. [B]Character Snippet: [/B]Today was going to be another normal day for Zandra, trying to stay alive but taking those unnecessary risks that she liked to take so much. Which meant stealing. It would have been a different matter, if she was stealing to survive, but she had already had plenty to eat, and now she was just doing it because she could. However, today was going to be much more different than she could have imagined. For this master thief (as she liked to think of herself) was going to get caught in the act for the first time. When Zandra thought no one was looking, she slipped a small item of average worth into her body. "Hey! What are you doing?" Zandra, very much surprised, turned around to see who it was who said that. For some reason, however, she didn't just run. The voice was just so familiar, even though it had changed. Then, Zandra saw her. There was a girl with no arms staring at her. It was Wendy, her old friend. And even though it wasn't really Wendy's fault that Zandra is now the way she was, she still blamed Wendy for everything. Zandra expelled her four pistols out of her body, and grabbed each of them. Wendy, a look of surprise and horror appearing on her face, turned and ran. Zandra followed after her, pistols ready. "Come back, Wendy!" Zandra called out, impatient for revenge, but giving Wendy a chase to enjoy the moment. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Book Antiqua]Zlota stood for a moment, feeling that she was getting back control of her body. Using this as an opportunity, she took Heat's advice. However, not in a way that he would probably have expected. To keep everyone safe, she had to keep him going. There was no way she could protect everyone without him. Grabbing a pick axe from nearby, Zlota ran towards the Alpha, getting ready to swing with all of her might. The first hit didn't do much else but just bounce off of the Alpha. However, Zlota noticed his right side was still badly damaged. She readied another swing, and dug the pick axe down hard. It seemed the Alpha felt it this time, however he still didn't let go of Heat. Zlota hit him again, trying to focus on the right side of the Alpha. She had to save Heat... [COLOR=DarkRed]Ishild forgot about the boy who turned out to be a scrap for a moment, and turned and looked over to Lucy. However, before Ishild could say anything, one of the wolf's claws reached forward and batted at Lucy. Ishild fell back from the force of her friend flying into her. She quickly checked Lucy for blood, however it seemed that the wolf hadn't used its claws. Lucy was out cold though. Ishild tried to drag her to safety and wake her up at the same time. The wolf got closer, but it was having a hard time moving in the cramped tunnel. Ishild shook Lucy again. If she couldn't get her back on her feet, they were both done for. And there was not a chance that Ishild was leaving her behind. "Lucy! Lucy!" Was this the end? [/COLOR] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Book Antiqua]Zlota felt pain deep inside of her body. What had effected her earlier had returned, and much more violently this time around. Zlota noticed the Alpha charging at them, despite all of the voices in her head. She wanted to pick up Julian and Maya, but whatever she willed her body to do, a stronger force was willing it not to obey her. Finally, but slowly, as the alpha charged down on them. Zlota picked up Maya and turned around slowly, trying to run. She didn't have time or the strength right now to pick up another person, so Julian was just shoved out of the way. Zlota could barely move her legs. She held Maya tight, and waited for the Alpha's impact. [COLOR=DarkRed]In the tunnel, Ishild continued to cry out. However, now it was starting to turn a bit more hysterical. Memories of her childhood were about to cause her to pass out. She struggled from Lucy's grip and vomited on the floor. Then she started to scream, thinking she was a child once again. Lucy grabbed Ishild and started shaking. "Ishi! Ishi!" Lucy cried out, but it seemed to be no use. Finally, Lucy slapped Ishild hard against the cheek. Ishild's eyes filled with surprise, and focused finally on Lucy. After cleaning herself up, she hugged Lucy again. "I'm sorry Lucy. It was just..." Ishild paused, she didn't want to think of it again. "...Bad memories. Thanks for your help. Let's get going." Ishild said, as Lucy helped her up. Ishild whispered an 'I'm sorry' to Lucy, and they kept searching. They had to be getting close to that child that Ishild saw. She just knew it. [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Book Antiqua]Zlota looked around with a start. She would have jumped if she was a human. As soon as Van and Heat fell into the hole, the voice stopped suddenly as it had started. So it wasn't her thoughts then...She tried to focus at the task at hand and clear her head of those evil thoughts. At least she knew they weren't her own. But if they weren't, then where did they come from and who gave them to her? Zlota listened as Ishild gave everyone a surprising revelation. "Wait! Archie, there's a child here!" Zlota was curious who could be down there. However she was ordered to stay with Heat and the others. As soon as Archie and the rest were too deep in the tunnels to be heard though, Zlota could see some sort of shapes in the distance. She thought she was just seeing things until Heat and the others started reacting to what they apparently were also seeing. Thinking suddenly, Zlota picked up Maya and prepared for the worst... [COLOR=DarkRed]Ishild started to move ahead but stopped when she noticed Lucy wasn't moving. "Lucy? Is something wrong?" Ishild asked. There was no answer. Ishild reached out and shook Lucy a little. "Lucy!" Ishild whispered loudly. Lucy came out of her daze. "Ish-Ishild? What?" Lucy asked. Ishild smiled. "You had me worried there for a second. Let's keep going." As they wandered on, Ishild was about to comment on the violin music. Normally she liked the violin, but down here it was just creepy and she was about to tell Lucy she wished it would stop, when she smelled a strange but somehow familiar smell. Ishild couldn't place it, but it somehow triggered bad memories for her. She wasn't even sure what bad memories, because she was trying to not think about them. However they wanted to be remembered, thanks to the smell. Ishild dropped to the ground and tried to tuck herself into a ball and started to cry. She felt Lucy shaking her and calling her name, but she couldn't answer. She just kept crying out for help.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Book Antiqua] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]"Uhmm..Ishild? Is everything okay, really?" Ishild barely heard Lucy's quiet question. But for some reason, when she heard it she just wanted to cry. However she barely managed to hold back the tears, and turned around and hugged Lucy. Lucy's expression didn't change too much, but she seemed surprised since she didn't return the hug right away. "Lucy! No it's not! I almost lost you. Promise we won't lose each other, okay? I...I really care about you, Lucy. I can't imagine not seeing you ever again." Ishild said as she hugged Lucy tighter. [COLOR=Purple]Zlota looked at Ishild and Lucy and smiled. Then, wanting to give them some privacy she looked towards the factory. It was then that it hit her. [I]"Z...Zl...ZLOTA..." [/I]Zlota turned and looked at Maya. Then she looked back to Ishild and Lucy. She thought it was Ishild's voice calling her. Was it just her imagination? [I]"ZLOTA!" [/I]There it was again. What was it? Zlota put her hands to her head suddenly. Her mind started filling with violent images, things she had never seen or thought about ever. And the one that filled her with the most fear was of herself, leaving Ishild to die instead rescuing the young girl at the time. [I]"Ishild...she never really cared for me anyways."[/I] Was that...did she really just think that? [/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ishild followed after Archie and the others and looked over at Lucy. She had noticed that Lucy had looked a bit down earlier, and now seemed just a good a time as any to go talk to her. Ishild walked a little faster, and was soon walking side by side to Lucy. Moving a little closer, so everyone overheard them, Ishild made her move. "Hi Lucy." Ishild whispered. There was no response however. "How are you feeling?" Ishild asked. This time, Lucy faced away from Ishild. Ishild thought of just calling the whole thing off and ignoring Lucy, but she wouldn't let her frustration get the better of her. "Look, Lucy. I know you must be worried. I am too. Also, if you're feeling bad because of what might have happened earlier. Don't be please. I don't blame you or anything. And most of all, I don't hate you. In fact I l-" Ishild stopped herself just in time. Lucy turned to look at Ishild curiously. "Nevermind, just be more careful okay? Maya and I would both hate to lose you." Ishild walked away from Lucy, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing. Why didn't she just say something? Why did she stop herself? Who knows when the next time would come for her to say it. Or even if there would be a next time... Ishild shook her head, trying to get rid of those dark thoughts. She just had to build up her courage and hope for the best... [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ishild watched as Zlota stood up and silently followed Archimedes. Then Ishild turned back to Maya. "Hey Maya, to tell the truth, I'm a little worried too. But like you said it is all a part of the journey. I know though that with you out here with us, everyone will make it okay." Ishild smiled. Maya smiled back and gave Ishild a hug. It was a bit too tight of a hug though, and Ishild winced thanks to her injury. "[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]Isshhhhild[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua] feel pain?" Heat asked, his camera eye peering at her. "Don't worry Heat, I'll be okay ." "Oh Ishy, I'm sorry!" Maya apologized. Ishild just smiled and ruffled Maya's hair. "So, Maya. While we wait on Archimedes to get back, why don't you and I talk?" Ishild asked, patting a spot next to herself. "Sure Ishy, but what about? And why?" Ishild stared off into the distance and gave her answer after Maya sat down next to her. "Well, I guess because I'm just glad you and I are still here. Something bad could have happened, Maya. I could have gone away." "Ishy, you know me well enough. I know you're talking about death and.." Ishild interrupted Maya with a giggle. "Okay, you're right. Anyways, like I was saying I could have died out there. We both could have. So I just want to make these times we have together last while they can. Who knows what might happen out there. Because you're family to me. So let's stick together. With your brains and my good looks we can get anything done." Ishild said, sticking out her tongue and hugging Maya, who remembered to hug back a bit more gently this time. [B]OOC: I hope I portrayed Maya okay, Chibi.[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Ilta slowly opened her eyes. She would have awoke with a start if she had had the strength, but this was as much as she could manage at the moment. The only energy she had right now was her voice. So she decided to put it to use, even if her mind was coming out of a state of shock and panic. "Christophe! Christophe! Christophe!" Ilta continued to yell, starting out quietly and growing louder. Feeling like she hadn't used her voice in centuries. Someone moved somewhere, Ilta could sense her more than see her right now. It was definitely a woman though. Ilta heard her call out as well. "Christophe, she's awake!" At the sound of other footsteps entering the room, Ilta tried to get up and focus on becoming a bit more intelligible. It was hard however, with the pain she was in. She opened her mouth wide and then shut it. Blinked a few times, and asked a question as if sleepy. "Christophe?" [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=darkred]"How's that for a plan?" Ishild asked jokingly, looking at Lucy.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=darkred]However, suddenly the wolf that Zlota had knocked down started to get up. Apparently Zlota hadn't stuck the pipe in deep enough. Zlota's back was to the wolf as it got ready to pounce.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=darkred]"Zlota, no!" Ishild yelled.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=darkred]Zlota tried to turn around but it was too late. The wolf pounced and tackled Zlota to the ground. With tears in her eyes, Ishild turned away. Feeling helpless as to what to do. Suddenly, she noticed the clawed toe of the wolf that Maya had killed. Ishild frantically ran for it and pulled at the claw. It finally came off with great difficulty and Ishild ran at the wolf screaming. First she slashed the claw at the wolf which did nothing but distract it. That is what she was hoping would happen though. She had to get it off of Zlota.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=darkred]As Ishild readied herself for the final blow to the wolf's gears, her enemy proved to be too fast for her. It turned around quickly and attacked. Ishild was knocked to the ground and in shock. She had no idea how badly her injuries were or if the wolf had just bumped her with its metal body.[/COLOR][/FONT] [B][COLOR=#8b0000]OOC: Okay guys, sorry I've been so busy. I'll leave it up to Chibi, ScreamSin, or Oro how badly Ishild has been injured. Also, someone save Zlota please![/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Ilta slowly walked the streets, blood staining her white dress. This would be nothing unusual normally, except this time the blood was her own. She had to find the Lair and soon. Sure she was immortal, but that didn't mean that she didn't still feel pain. A few minutes later, although they seemed like hours to Ilta, she finally came to the entrance to the Lair. She pushed open the door and found it pretty empty, which would have been understandable to Ilta if she had known what had happened that night or how late it was at the moment. However, all she understood at the moment was that she was in pain. "Christophe!" Ilta yelled out, before she collapsed. [B]OOC: Sorry for the short post, Inuyasha. Just trying to get into the RP.[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Ilta Ambros [B]Race:[/B] Vampire [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 201 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i26.tinypic.com/264qtra.jpg"]A painting of Ilta[/URL] made when she was acting like a normal girl. And [URL="http://i25.tinypic.com/16772ps.jpg"]Ilta in her vampire form[/URL]. Ilta is usually seen wearing a white thin dress, however she sometimes changes into something a bit more appropriate for the time period. Regardless though of time period or culture, she always wears her pilot's helmet. [B]Personality:[/B] When feeding, Ilta is a completely different person. Even for a vampire. She isn't satisfied with just the blood, like most vampires. However, when she has had her fill, she could pass for a normal young girl. She smiles easily, and a quick thinker. So she basically can either be a wild animal, or a young girl who likes to go on adventures or just daydream. [B]History:[/B] Ilta is very young for a vampire, and her looks reflect this. Not even in her teens yet, she hasn't lived to see many different time periods. However, there was one that affected her greatly, and that was the Great War. That is why she always wears the helmet that was given to her by a great dogfighting ace. Ilta however was never really sure about her life before becoming a vampire, but she is almost positive it started in Germany. However, the day she became a vampire is still very clear in her mind. Walking along a city street, a man walked behind her. Ilta wouldn't have thought much of it, but there was something strange about that man. She started running, but she couldn't get away. It was too late for Ilta. However, the man died by the hands of another mysterious stranger. And that stranger gave Ilta the second chance for a life. She is still looking for that stranger, so that she can thank him. Also, he is currently her master, even though she doesn't know who he is. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ishild smiled as she heard the song that Maya and Duo sang together. She joined in, which got her some stares from Zlota and Lucy. After the singing stopped, Zlota started singing. Which surprised Ishild, since Zlota is one that prefers sign language and body language to speech. However, she also prefered song when it fit the mood. And this one definitely fit the mood. "So much to live for, so much to die for. If only my heart had a home..." Zlota sang. It went on, but that was what stood out to Ishild. She would have joined in, but the song was too old and too sad. Probably because it fit in too well with how they all felt. Ishild felt a chill go down her spine, however it wasn't only thanks to the cold. She covered up a bit more still though, and walked over to Maya. "Hey, Maya. How about an encore of Bink's Sake? Or what about another song?" Ishild suggested. They seriously needed something to brighten the mood right now. Maya let out a giggle. "Ishi, should we?" Maya asked. Ishild however, was a bit confused for a second. Soon though, she caught the mischievious look in Maya's eyes and they both started singing. "Just take it from me, I'm as free as any daughter. I do what I like, just how I like, and how I love it!" Maya sang. "I'm right here to stay, when I'm old and gray! Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight, having a wonderful time!" Ishild continued. And both Maya and Ishild were having a wonderful time. Probably too much of a wonderful one, since they got a lot of stares. However, neither of them cared. Ishild realized the seriousness of everything of course. But just like the snowball fight before, they had to have something to keep everyone's spirits up. Because who knew how soon it would all come crashing down and hopelessness would settle in... [/FONT][/COLOR]
Yeah, it helped a lot. Thanks ScreamSin. Also, I am going to save the thread and read through it later offline. So I should be caught up by tonight. I'll post then or tomorrow, depending on my PC access.
Okay. ^_^ Where did you post them? Also, I think we need a destination or some action to get this thing moving, Chibi.
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]Hilde decided that she should go next. "Well, first off, thanks for saving me Fox." Hilde said as she stepped forward. Fox said nothing though, just smiled. So Hilde continued. "My name is Hilde Eckhard. As for my powers, I can't really tell you. Not that they're a secret, but I really don't know. You see, each time I die I gain a new power. However, I never know it will be until it happens." Hilde looked lost in thought a moment, but then continued. "I guess that is the only power I know about though. I have the power to die and return to life with a new power. Also, if any of my limbs get cut off I can control them and reattach them. I would show both of my powers now, but they still hurt when I use them." Hilde looked over to Fox once again, then back to the new people. "About that suit I was in though. I was grabbed by a Topotech agent and knocked unconscious. I don't know who grabbed me though. As soon as I woke up, I was in that suit. We've got to do something to stop them though!" [B]OOC: Sorry for the short post, Chibi. :animeswea I think we need a direction so we can get this moving. I'll post in the backstage thread soon.[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]This wasn't good. The catwalk would break at any minute if that support beam wasn't fixed. The engineer looked a bit nervous, and finally he turned to Ishild and Grettel and the rest of the workers that were trying to hold it together. "Alright, I know this is risky everyone, but it has to be done. We need someone to go down and weld a brace on that support beam." The engineer said, trying to make himself clear, despite his nervousness. Grettel tried to get the engineer's attention, but Ishild stepped to up to the task quickly. "I'll go down." Before anyone else could respond, Ishild started gearing up for the job. She quickly put on her welding mask and grabbed a welding torch and a bag with the metal inside as the other workers got the cables on her. A few seconds later, and Ishild was dangling on a wire down by the support beam. She put the first sheet of metal onto the brace and tried to get her torch started. However, something flew past her head. "Hey, watch it!" She yelled out, although it came out a bit muffled under her mask. "Sorry!" Someone shouted from above. She continued where she left off, thankful that she didn't drop the sheet when that falling object had surprised her. A few very tense and nervous minutes later, Ishild was done with the welding job. She was pulled back up and the engineer called her over. "Good job, Ishild. That should do it for now. I'll have some of the other workers go down and take a look. Right now, you go to the mess and get something to eat." Ishild nodded, taking off her welding mask and headed to the mess. When she got there, she was surprised to see Lucy back already, sitting at a table and slowly eating some soup. "Back so soon? How did the scavenging go, Lucy? Did Zlota do okay?" Ishild asked, looking at the soup hungrily. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]Hilde almost passed out at the feeling of her arm being ripped off at the shoulder. However, she managed to stay conscious and tried to tell Fox she would be okay. However, soon the suit exploded with the rest of her stuck inside. Fox just barely managed to jump out of the way as he was knocked to the ground. However, what he saw next left him in shock. Hilde, the girl he had tried to save, was now blown to pieces. He didn't know what to do next, when it suddenly happened. A tattoo that Fox didn't notice before, on what was left of the girl's body, suddenly lifted off of her skin and came to life. It was a wolf, covered in blood. However, it soon disappeared and Hilde stood up in front of Fox, in one piece and as naked as she was before the accident. "W-what just happened?" Fox asked in surprise. [/COLOR][/FONT]
Welcome back! ^_^ But where did you go? And tell us all about it okay? Links would be great. Also, if anyone (the Topotech agents) wants to prevent Hilde from getting released, feel free to try. It will add a good fight to the RP. :animesmil
Okay, I have a question, ScreamSin. The job on the Pipes is an all day job, right? So is Ishild going to still be working on it with Heat? Or did Kilo come and fix it all up? I'm just asking so I know what to make my next post about. Also, thanks in advance for your help. Oh wait, one last question. It sounds like Duo is going to bring some lunch, but what does everyone normally eat for lunch on the Skycleaner? More of the oatmeal? Or bread and salted pork? (Substitute pork though, for whatever animal they can raise in this kind of an environment.)
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ishild got up after Maya had left and got dressed herself. She left behind a few layers though, since this wasn't her turn to scavenge. It was Zlota's today. After she was dressed, Ishild started up the protective Scrap and explained today's mission. "Okay, Zlota. This time you're going out to help scavenge. You'll be counted on, so behave yourself out there and make sure you get as much as you can grab." Ishild's radio interrupted her little explanation, however. "Hey, Ishild! Heat's in positition, grab your welding mask and torch and meet him down at the Pipes. You'll be helping out both Heat and Kilo today." The radio cut out and went to static. Ishild gave sent out a signal of beeps to let them know she was on her way, as she grabbed her gear. She donned her thick welding gloves, in case of any accidents, her welder's mask and an extra thick coat. She looked over at Zlota, her welding mask raised so she could talk. "Well, it looks like you'll be on your own today, Zlota. Just work hard and you'll do alright." Ishild left the room, followed by Zlota, lowered her welding mask and closed the door. Moving quickly through the labyrinth of the Skycleaner, she soon came to the Pipes. A large but old Scrap was there and waiting for her. "Hi, Heat. Sorry about the wait." She smiled, though you couldn't tell by looking at her mask. "Where's Kilo? Ishild asked as she turned to the engineer. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]Hilde had stopped struggling within the MCS until that boy showed up. It was a very basic MCS, only keeping a hold of her arms and her legs, the rest of her body was exposed and unrestrained. Unlike the more advanced models, which keep their captives completely covered. This would hopefully be Hilde's advantage though, since it shouldn't take too much to get the arms and legs off. [I]"Wait, arms and legs off..."[/I] Hilde thought to herself. The red-headed boy was out of Hilde's line of sight, but hopefully he was still around here somewhere. "Hey, red-head!" Hilde called out. "Who are you calling red-head, sweetheart?" The boy asked, popping back into Hilde's line of sight and pointing at her own red hair. Hilde ignored his comment though, and offered him a plan. "Listen, if you can't find a way to stop this thing, then please just get rid of my arms and legs so I can escape." The boy looked a bit surprised, and then shook his head. "No way, I won't kill you. I know how badly Topotech treats their prisoners, but I won't let you take the easy way out. I'll find some way to get you out of there." The boy bounced off again, before Hilde could explain her plan and her special power. She sighed in annoyance. [B]OOC: Sorry for the short post, Chibi. :animeswea I just wanted to offer up an idea on how to get my character out of there if all else fails. Also, I don't want to move things along too fast yet.[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[U][B]Human Sign Up[/B][/U] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Ishild [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Profession:[/B] Mechanic/Scavenger [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i29.tinypic.com/hrakvk.jpg"]Ishild[/URL] wearing the inner layer of her scavenging survival suit. Ishild has all of the features of her mother, although she doesn't realize it. Her dirty blond hair she keeps in a long pixie cut, so that she has easy access in and out of her scavenging outfit. She has olive colored eyes that have an unexplainable charm when you look into them. Her body is quite toned but lanky, from all of the mechanic work she does and her personal workouts, although usually a bit grimy if she has been hard at work on one of her projects. She has the usual tattoos identifiying her name and job on her body, in case she dies and needs to be indentified. Besides that though, Zlota has given her many tattoos that not many people have seen, thanks to Ishild's modest attire. The only ones that Ishild has ever mentioned are a large moon hooked by a Gemini symbol on her back, two symbols of Venus somewhere else on her body and strangely the symbol of Mercury also in another spot somewhere else. Ishild is almost always seen wearing a dark blue jumpsuit and safety goggles for her mechanic jobs. However, if you catch her in between jobs, she will usually wear a sleeveless carmine turtleneck, her safety goggles though she doesn't need them, a long black skirt and brown leather, fur-lined boots. [B]Personality:[/B] Unlike most mechanics that she has met at the Skycleaner, Ishild can be a social person when she is not talking to Maya or working on Zlota. It is part of the reason she continued to be a tattoo artist. Since she gets to know a lot of interesting people. Besides, it makes things a lot more interesting than just scavenging for parts. Ishild doesn't let her easy going nature ever get the best of her though, and she can be both serious and responsible when the situation calls for it. She is also a very tough woman, thanks to her upbringing outside of the Skycleaner. [B]Background:[/B] Ishild was born somewhere outside of the Skycleaner. She was too young to remember her parents or what happened to them, and just barely remembers her home before Zlota found her traveling alone in the snow. Next thing Ishild knew, she woke up in a strange metal house, with a medic standing nearby. It was the Skycleaner. Ishild spent the rest of her childhood there learning how to fix Zlota and other Scraps and pieces of machinery. She also dabbled in inventing a little bit, although none of her creations made it past the prototype phase. She watched as childhood friends died thanks to sickness and snow, and then her teenage years ended. Finding a good amount of ink on a scavenge mission with Zlota, Ishild learned how to tattoo thanks to the help of a friend. She died shortly after this however, so Ishild carried on her tattooing hobby and even taught it to Zlota at one time. She is the one to thank for most of the tattoos on the Skycleaner. Then, after she had turned twenty-one, Ishild heard the cries of a child while she was out scavenging. She quickly wrapped the child and brought her into the Skycleaner. Ishild named her Maya Kane, and even though she was considered young herself, she raised Maya as her own. Now, five years later, Maya is seven and they both live and survive together as mother and sister. [B]Why Are You Searching:[/B] Ishild would be fine without searching for the key, if it was just her and Zlota that she had to worry about. (Of course she would like to be free of the cold, but she would rather just work and survive instead of spending her life looking for a key that might not exist.) However, she now has Maya to care for. So for her sake, Ishild will keep searching for the key until she dies.[/COLOR] [B][U]Scrap Sign Up[/U][/B] [COLOR=Purple][B]Name:[/B] Zlota [B]Age:[/B] Only seventy years old, by Ishild's guess [B]Purpose:[/B] Search and rescue [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i32.tinypic.com/vo95qx.jpg"]Zlota[/URL] is almost seven feet tall, so she might seem a little intimidating if you meet her alone in the hallway. She has short black hair, although the length and color will change every few years depending on the materials that Ishild finds to replace it with. Hair might seem strange on something so machine, but Zlota asked for it from Ishild herself. She is also the one that asks for it to be changed. Besides all of this, Zlota is not very different from any other Scrap. [B]Personality:[/B] Zlota is usually a bit quiet. But not because she is shy, like some humans were before the war. No, she just sometimes forgets that she has to speak to get her thoughts across. She prefers body language to spoken language, most likely because she couldn't talk for quite a long time until Ishild had fixed her up. She is overly cautious when it comes to the safety of others, although thanks to the limitations of her worn down gears and primitive power source, she is sometimes not as helpful as she would like to be. However, when it comes to her own life, she is always self sacrificing. [B]Background:[/B] Judging by her speed, Zlota might have been a scout in the war against the humans. All she knows is she sees herself as a search and rescue scrap. She ended up in the Skycleaner after finding a young girl and rescuing her. The humans inside though didn't realize that she was a scrap with a heart however, and shot at her until she stopped moving. Then they found the child in Zlota's arms, who was luckily unarmed, and brought them both inside. Now Ishild takes care of all of Zlota's upgrades and maintenance.[/COLOR]