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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [color=RoyalBlue][font=Comic Sans MS]OOC: Okay guys, I have been very busy and my internet has been acting up. However I'm going to revive this RP now. I have some ideas for it since I had that long absence. I'm sorry for being gone for so long. ^^; Anyways this is the weekend right now. When everyone gets back to school, there will be a little surprise... After Toshi finished, she decided to go find Shun. It was the weekend and everyone was off doing their own thing. She thought that maybe she should train too, but for some strange reason she had the feeling that she wouldn't have to. Then Toshi changed her mind. Shun was probably busy and she wanted to talk to Fayza anyways. Not the girl who had died who pretended to be Fayza. Toshi and everyone else would miss her greatly. The 'real' Fayza. Toshi had heard that Fayza was at the mall, so she went to go look for her. Getting dressed could wait. [/font][/color]
  2. [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=RoyalBlue][b]Name: Valerie Winchcombe Age: 15 Sex: Female Organization: Student at Everlasting High Appearance: [url="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b62/threesummers/valerie3.jpg"]Valerie in her pool (Censored nudity)[/url] Bio: Valerie grew up a bit differently from the other teenagers at Everlasting High. Some people think her lifestyle is cool, but others tease her about it. She heard about E/A from some friends and decided to look into it since she needed a job anyways.[/b] [/color][/size][/font]
  3. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [font=Book Antiqua][color=Blue][b]OOC: I'm sorry for my absence, guys. For now just continue with any personal solo posts that your character is involved in. ^^ [/b][/color][/font][font=Book Antiqua][color=Blue] After Toshi made sure Destovi and Fayza were okay at the hospital, she left for her house. Since she had come from the school she had to get dressed still. Back at her house and after she showered and dressed, Toshi tried to call Shun. There was no answer. "Where could he be? Wherever he is, it must be important..." Toshi thought. She went back outside and looked at the sky. There was something that was going to happen soon. She could feel it. The question was, what was it and how could she stop it? Or was it already too late? [/color][/font]
  4. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [font=Book Antiqua][color=RoyalBlue][b]OOC: Sky, it's okay, really. ^^ We all get busy. That's why I haven't been able to post either. :animestun Also just to warn you guys, I put spoilers over the gruesome scene in my post.[/b] Wynn wandered the underground looking for a weapon. As she looked for one, she started to wonder if her truce was holding up or not. She soon forgot about it though, when she had finally found a katana. Wynn picked it up and went to look for a student. She didn't have to look very hard, however. A girl that Toshi recognized but didn't know her name, came charging at her with a pair of nunchucks. Toshi dodged the girls attack and managed to grab hold of the nunchucks. She sent them flying across the room and the girl ran. However she soon tripped and fell on her stomach. The girl looked back at Toshi and raised her arm to protect herself. Toshi sliced off the girl's arm and sliced at her until she stopped moving. Picking the sword back up, Toshi moved on. Soon with luck, Toshi had found one of the few girls that she actually hated. Her name was Yoshimi and she had gone after Shun many times. Toshi was going to give her the worst death possible. She snuck up behind Yoshimi, and knocked her out with the butt of her katana.[/color] [spoiler]When Yoshimi woke up, it was because of the extreme pain that she felt. Toshi had tied her to a flat surface in the underground that served as a large table. She had tied Yoshimi down to this surface by her arms and legs. Then Toshi grabbed the katana and made very deep cuts at Yoshimi's joints. Yoshimi screamed and tried to ask Toshi what she was doing. After Toshi had made the cuts, she grabbed the rope that was tied to one of Yoshimi's legs. She pulled until the girl's leg came off. Toshi continued until she had pulled off all of Yoshimi's limbs. She left her there to suffer and went to go find any other students before the time was up. [/spoiler] [color=RoyalBlue] When the time was up, Toshi left the Underground. She would have felt horrible for what she had done, but she was desensitized to killing. Also, she tried not to think about what happened in the Underground after a match was over. The other students usually did the same. Toshi went to the locker room and showered off. She was going to go back to class, but Shun was in the locker room as well. Class could wait. [b]OOC: Okay guys, since this is a tough time for some people, you can leavethe school if you want or you can stay in class. Also, there might be some people who try to get revenge right after the Underground match, so watch out for people looking for a fight. ^^[/b][/color] [/font]
  5. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Toshi started telling everyone about her idea for the truce. "As you all know, we're some of the best fighters at our school. That's why we're all still alive and sitting here. I'm sure that you all want to survive like I do. Sure we could easily do this by killing each other, but I propose a truce. We can all survive this if we avoid fighting each other. I hope you all agree with me." Wynn waited for their response, hoping that it would be positive. The next day, Wynn undressed and got on the school bus. At school, all of the students were called to an early Underground match before school started. The vice principal got their attention and explained the rules when everyone stopped talking. "Okay everyone, since we have new students I will explain the rules for the Underground. First, you must kill at least one fellow student to get out of the Underground. If you do not kill anyone or refuse to fight, then you'll have to deal with the Beasts." A student raised a hand but the vice principal ignored him. "If you want to find out what the Beasts are, just don't fight. Moving on, there are no rules to fighting as long as you actually kill. You will all be stripped of your clothing so that you cannot hide any weapons. If you have any preferred weaopons, keep them with you. Good luck and have fun everyone." Toshi waited as all of the other students stripped naked. Since she was not dressed, she didn't have to join them. Shun walked over to her. They kissed. This might be her last embrace. He slowly put his member inside of her. After they finished, Toshi got ready to fight. She moved into the Underground and searched for a good weapon. [b] OOC: Okay guys, post your response to Toshi's truce. I'm sorry for starting the Underground match right now, but I might not be able to post later and I want to lay down the rules for these matches. So post about your fight after you post about the restaurant. Sorry guys. ^^; Oh and Destovi, I'll take a look at it.[/b] [/font][/color]
  6. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Toshi did her best to cover up the bruise. "I'll tell you about it later, Shun." She said, trying to get him to stop worrying. He dropped it for now but Toshi knew she would have to tell him eventually. They had finished the popcorn, so Toshi suggested that they go into the the kitchen and get them selves something to drink. After everyone had left the living room, she quickly unzipped Shun's pants. His member stood up from the opening. She kissed it and then kissed his lips. "Tomorrow we might not see each other again..." She reminded him. Shun smiled at her and kissed her back. Toshi turned around so she wasn't facing him, and sat down on his member so it was inside of her. Then, she bounced up and down slowly. The others walked into the living room before they realized what was going on. They all looked at Shun and Toshi. "Just...ignore us. W-we'll be...finished soon. Sit down." Toshi managed to tell the group. The others sat down and Toshi and Shun continued. After they both climaxed, Toshi got off and got dressed. "Okay, are you guys ready? We'll discuss ourp lans at the restaurant." Soon, everyone left Toshi's house and traveled to the restaurant they had decided on earlier. This meeting would decide what fate lay ahead of them. She hoped that they would listen. [b] OOC: Okay, Toshi is about to explain the truce. So think carefully about how your character will react. After that, we'll move on to the next day. ^^[/b] [/font][/color]
  7. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Wynn walked home from school. She would have taken the bus, but since everyone was let out early there would be no buses. Since she had so much time on her hands, Wynn decided to go straight to the mall from the school. It wasn't a very far walk and she wanted to kill some time until Shun was finished with his match. She walked around and look at some stores and soon settled at the food court. She didn't have any money on her, but a girl that was working at one of the shops at the food court gave Toshi a free drink. It was probably because of the way she was dressed, but she didn't care. It was free. Toshi left the mall and walked by the school. She saw Shun outside. Waving to him, she caught his attention. She didn't bother to ask him about the match, but instead walked hand in hand with him back to her house. [b]@OOC: Okay guys, this is a thursday afternoon. So that means that everyone will be fighting tomorrow. However I will start off the match so wait for me to post the start of it okay? ^^ Besides that, everyone will meet at Toshi's house. From there they will go out to eat so she can tell them about the truce. Gemini, if going out to eat is something that Kyouta wouldn't do either, have Toshi talk to him earlier about the truce in one of your posts. Thank you. ^^[/b] [/font][/color]
  8. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Toshi walked up to Umiko and Kenji when it seemed like they had finished talking about their 'date'. "Sorry to interrupt, but can I talk to you later Kenji? It's nothing really that important. I just want to talk." Toshi left quickly, hoping she hadn't ruined the moment. Now she was back off to the viewing room. It turned out that thanks to the new student, there was an unscheduled fight today. Toshi hoped that there wouldn't be anymore. Underground matches once a week was more than enough fighting. [b]OOC: Okay guys, there wasn't supposed to be an Underground fight until Friday (in the game.) But since Ashen killed some students, there will be an unscheduled match that will take place now. Shun, Ashen, and Suzu will be the only player characters in the match. But if you also want to take part in it, just PM me okay? ^^ For those who aren't taking part in the fight, they can leave. School has been cancelled for the rest of the day. [/b] [/font][/color]
  9. [color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Now the time had come that Wynn was waiting for. The time to finally test her Gouf ignited in battle. She let the Zeons take care of the ships. Wynn decided to try to take down some of the GM's. They were snipers so she knew how they played. Dodging their shots, Wynn got close enough to use her whip. She lashed out at one of the snipers' rifles and pulled it away from the GM. Then when the GM was unarmed, she sliced through it with her sword. A shot came from her right and just missed her. She fired at the other sniper with her rifle and killed the pilot. She was going to have to get used to not piloting a long range suit anymore... Wynn saw her commander's mobile suit being helped by the Zeon leader. She decided to fly over to them and offer any assistance that she could. [/font][/color]
  10. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [size=2][color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]"Well, you know what I want right now..." Toshi grinned. She kissed Shun on the lips. After they washed each other off, they got out of the shower. Toshi got up against one of the lockers and Shun kissed her as he gently pushed his member inside of her. Toshi looked behind Shun and saw Fayza and Destovi looking at them. "Uh...we'll be right there." Toshi laughed. Destovi and Fayza got dressed and left. Soon, Toshi was moaning from Shun's thrusts. They kissed once more and showered again. Shun got dressed and Toshi dried herself off. They both walked to the cafeteria. Sitting down at the lunch table, Destovi and Fayza were whispering about something. She had an idea of what they were talking about but she asked anyways. They explained everything to her. Then, Toshi looked behind her. "May I join you guys?" [b] OOC: Lionheart, there's your cue. Sit down and get to know Toshi. I hope you don't mind that she's naked. ^^; Have her mention the truce too okay?[/b] [/font][/color][/size]
  11. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Fayza couldn't believe her eyes. Destovi was killed by Fayza. Fayza of all people![/color][/size][/font] [i][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Maybe my truce wasn't such a good idea after all...Or maybe I just chose the wrong people..."[/color][/size][/font][/i] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]It was almost lunch time as Toshi left the viewing room. She saw Fayza smiling. She was about to tell her congratulations but Fayza whispered to her to keep quiet.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Come see." Fayza said as she grabbed Toshi's hand.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Soon they came to the girls' locker rooms. Fayza undressed.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Do you need to shower or something, Fayza?"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Fayza didn't answer. She just put her clothes aside and motioned for Toshi to follow her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Sitting on a bench was Destovi. Naked and alive.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Destovi? But I thought..."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi ran up and hugged him. However she soon regretted it.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"What's that smell. What do you have on you?" Toshi asked.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Destovi laughed.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Oh, Fayza urinated on me."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi got the completely wrong idea however.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Well if you're into that...I need to go anyways."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi urinated on Destovi. After she finished, he told her that that wasn't what he meant. Fayza told Toshi all about the plan that they had come up with to escape the underground.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"That's amazing! Well after seeing how clever you two were, the vice-principal should forget about punishing you two. You'll be safe to walk around the school again."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Fayza and Destovi both nodded. The three of them got into the showers. However Toshi noticed that Destovi and Fayza didn't bother to use seperate stalls...[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]OOC: Okay guys, we'll meet up in the cafeteria. Lionheart, try to meet us there. Soon we'll have a new student joining us.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [size=2][/size]
  12. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=RoyalBlue]As Toshi and the others were about to leave the gym, there was a disturbance in the crowd by the door. A girl screamed as a boy's throat was cut. "I told all of you to get out of my way." The crowd seperated quickly. It was vice principal Ichiro with the school officers. They had Kyouta with him and threw him to the ground. "I just got word that this dog wasn't even involved! Now I'm not even going to ask who was responsible because thanks to a teacher's pet I know the truth..." The girl's loud crying over her dead friend interrupted the vice principal. He turned around and threw his knife at her. It landed in the center of her forehead and she fell next to her dead friend. The vice principal then pointed to Destovi and Fayza. "Grab those two! If the boy resists at all, kill the girl!" The officers did as they were told and brought Destovi and Fayza out of the gym. Toshi ran to where the vice principal was as quickly as she could. He was explaining the Underground to Destovi through and intercom. "You're going to be an example today, Mr. Mishima. You will either die by the hands of the girl you were trying to protect or you will get the chance to prove you live up to your family name by killing her. Now that you know all of the rules of the underground, the fight will begin. If neither of you fight, then I'll send the beasts after you. Have fun." Toshi ran off to the viewing room to watch the fight with the other students. She had no idea how this fight was going to end and it scared her. [b]OOC: Okay guys, this will be interesting. Fayza and Destovi, you will need to fight against each other using whatever weapons you can find. The Underground is a large maze like area with dirt floors and weapons hidden everywhere. If neither of you fight, then the vice principal will let the beasts out. (Depending on the door they come from, they will be different animals each time. All of them are vicious.) I hope you guys can survive and make it out of there. Good luck.[/b] [/color][/size][/font]
  13. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]OOC: It was fine.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi's panting and moaning grew more rapid. The students, besides her friends of course, watched as she orgasmed. Her juices fell to the floor. Mr. Kurosawa told her that she could join the rest of the class now.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"But...can't I even clean up?" Toshi asked, trying to catch her breath.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Mr. Kurosawa shook his head.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"No, unless you want your boyfriend to 'clean' you up." The gym teacher leered.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi looked at Shun and back at the gym teacher. She shook her head.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Then join the rest of the class. After exercises, we'll be playing volleyball today."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi stood up from the chair. As she did so, she made more of a mess on the floor. She could hear it dripping as she walked. She ignored it, along with ignoring the other students who were pointing it out. She walked up to SHun.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"I'm s-"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]She kissed him on the lips.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Don't even say it. It wasn't your fault."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]She hugged him and started running laps. This was interesting to say the least, since she was without a bra. However she soon started running with her arms folded across her chest to try to solve the problem. Toshi stopped however, when she saw Suzu fight with Mr. Kurosawa. She almost dropped to her knees in fright. She knew that he could probably take care of himself, but there was a reason the teachers were able to keep the students in check for the most part. They were the authority so they had the government behind them. Even if the students managed to take over an entire school, the army would step in and kill them all. It had happened before and could happen again. Toshi ran over to Suzu.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Suzu, are you alright?" She asked as she helped him up.[/color][/size][/font] [size=2][/size]
  14. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Wynn stood by the classroom door with Shun. Her vagina was wet and dripping. Standing there like that, most of the students looked at her as they walked by. One guy felt her breast and then others ran their finger along her wet vagina. She had to stand there as they did it. She looked over at Shun's face. She wasn't going to forget what they did, but it looks like she didn't have to worry about it. Shun was already going to take care of that for her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi walked out of the class with Shun. She knew that wouldn't be the end of any of the teachers trying to embarrass her. Still, she wasn't going to give any of them the satisfaction of making her angry or upset. She looked at Shun has he handed her his jacket.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"I know it's not the best, but at least they won't be staring at you quite as much."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]She smiled and took the jacket from him.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Thanks, Shun."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi put the jacket on. It of course did nothing to cover her bottom or crotch, and it didn't cover her breasts all the way either, but it was better than nothing. Still, she knew that soon a teacher would tell her to take it off and punish her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Then it was time for gym class. Shun walked with her and Toshi told him how she hoped that Fayza would be okay. As they joined the rest of the students in gym, Mr. Kurosawa stood up from his chair. Looking over at Toshi, he yelled at her and told her what her punishment was going to be.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Ms. Kado, what do you think you're doing? You're not supposed to be wearing clothes to school. Anyways, it's not even cold enough for a jacket. Take it off now!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi did as she was told and smiled at Shun. She kissed him on his cheek.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Thank you for helping, Shun. I'm not being sarcastic by the way. Thank you." She kissed him once more.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Ms. Kado, get over here and grab my chair. I want you to put it in front of the gym class."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi did as she was told.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Now, sit down and masturbate as I decide on the teams for today's gym period."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi should have expected this. Still, it wasn't Shun's fault it was hers. She closed her eyes and put a finger on her clit. Her vagina was already wet with cum as the other students saw. She grabbed hold of her breast and touched her nipple with a finger too. Soon, she started masturbating in front of the class. As she panted she thought of how she was right. This was going to be a long day.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][b]OOC: I'm not sure what we'll do for gym class. an indoor sport probably, like volleyball. (Unless someone has any other ideas.)[/b][/color][/size][/font]
  15. [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Wynn watched as the commander was informed of the current situation.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"I know it is a bit unusual, but I'm going out anyway." She told the ensign who had reported to her on their current situation.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn looked up as Commander Naquelle looked over to her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Wynn, you will be one of the ones that will be coming with me. I know you wanted to test that Gouf of yours. I'm only sorry that it's not the test that you were expecting."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn saluted.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Thank you ma'am."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Back at the docking bay, Wynn looked up at where McKinley and his men were working.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Is it ready yet, McKinley?" She yelled up at him.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"It's almost done, Quinlan. Besides the commander's suit won't be finished until a few more minutes." He answered.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn waited as McKinley and his men prepped her suit for launch. Soon, it was ready and in place.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Okay Quinlan, you can get in now."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn put on her helmet and took the lift that led to her suit's cockpit. After sitting down inside and strapping herself in for launch, she waited.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]She knew she had to wait for the commander, but soon her instinct got the best of her. Even though she didn't feel any hate or suspicion against the Zeons, she thought what if this time they were trying to trick them? Sure they could have easily destroyed this entire ship, but what if they were only after the commander? Just to make sure, Wynn gave the command to launch. Her Gouf launched out of the docking bay and into space. She stopped in front of the Zeon mobile suits. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Here she was, just a soldier, and there leader was waiting to talk to her leader. She hoped that they wouldn't take this as an act of violence on the rebels part.[/color][/size][/font] [size=2][/size]
  16. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]OOC: It's okay, Fayza. It makes the story more interesting.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]As soon as Fayza had fallen, Toshi ran up to the front of the class. She didn't know that her drawing was going to turn into a prediction.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Fayza!" She yelled.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi stooped by Fayza's side. She glared up at the teacher. Then she looked over to Destovi.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Help me carry her out of here okay?"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Destovi nodded and they started to bring Fayza out of the room. Mr. Akira called after them.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"I want you back in here soon, Miss Kado. You will be taking her place."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi didn't even look back.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi looked to Fayza. She and Destovi had managed to set her down on a couch and had covered her in a towel. Toshi wiped Fayza's forehead with a cold rag once more.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Can you keep an eye on her Destovi? Tell her that I'm sorry this happened okay?"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Destovi nodded and Toshi went back to art class.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Ah Miss Kado, I see you have finally decided to return. Why don't you and Mr. Tomokaza get in front of the class please? You'll finish where Mr. Destovi and Ms. Katavo started."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi didn't like the sound of that. She also didn't like the look of the large white object in front of Mr. Akira's desk. Shun undressed and joined Toshi in front of the class.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Now we will move on to 'the lover's embrace'." Mr. Akira said to the class.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi knew that Mr. Akira would try to make this harder for her. Still, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction he had gotten from when Fayza fainted.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi and Shun moved into position. Shun had one hand across Tosh's bottom and the other hand was holding her hand. They were kissing and Shun had to move so close next to her that his member was inside of her. After they held that pose for a few minutes, Mr. Akira told them to move on to the next pose.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]With the next pose, Toshi found out what the white object was for. It was a large cushioned piece of furniture that was covered with a sheet. It was almost bed-like in a way. Toshi lay down on her back and Shun got on top of her. For the next step of 'the lover's embrace', Shun and Toshi were suppposed to have sex in front of the class. Shun looked down at her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Are you sure about this?"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi nodded.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"If we back down, then he'll come up with some worse punishment. Besides, I don't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking that he made me back down from something."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi kissed Shun and then he put his member inside of her. He started thrusting and Toshi panted as the class was drawing the two of them.[/color][/size][/font] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]OOC: Okay guys, after this we'll move on to gym and then lunch time. Destovi, make sure Fayza is alright. If she is, then you too will meet everyone at lunch.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
  17. [font=Book Antiqua][color=royalblue][/color][/font][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn stood up from the chair and saluted.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Yes ma'am. Thank you ma'am."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn was about to walk to the door but instead she hit the ceiling. Falling back to the floor, she got up and rubbed her head. Commander Naquelle had grabbed onto her desk just in time so she remained where she was.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Well Wynn, it looks like you got your wish." She said looking down at her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn grabbed onto the chair as the ship shook again. Behind the sound of alarms, Wynn could hear several explosions. The commander was right. They were definitely under attack.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]OOC: Sorry it's so short, Sazabi. I just wanted to start you guys off.[/color][/size][/font]
  18. [color=RoyalBlue][font=Comic Sans MS]I have a question about the additional weapons actually. How do you decide what you can add on? Does it depend on the mobile suit? I left them off of the Gouf Ignited just to be safe. [/font][/color]
  19. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Toshi glared at Destovi when she heard his comment. She smiled at him after that though as Fayza explained Toshi's situation to him. Toshi didn't mind her punishment. It was a little interesting going to school naked but it wasn't embarrassing her like the teachers had hoped. "Hey Toshi." Toshi stopped talking to Shun and looked over at Tosoji. "Hey Tosoji. What are you drawing?" She asked. Toshi moved over to look at Tosoji's painting. "Oh that's the character from your book right? I got your email. You're a good artist and writer, Tosoji." Toshi smiled. Toshi got back into her place as the teacher walked into the room. "Okay class, today we'll be drawing the nude figure." Mr. Akira announced. Toshi sighed. She should have seen this coming. Mr. Akira was probably going to have her stand up in front of the class to try to embarrass her. Toshi started to stand up. "What are you doing, Ms. Kado? Sit back down. Now as I was saying, we will be drawing the nude figure today. So I will need a boy and a girl to volunteer." Not surprisingly, no one raised their hand. "Fine then. I'll choose for you. Miss Fayza Katavo and Mr. Destovi. Will you come up here please?" Toshi looked over at both Fayza and Destovi. She was sorry that they were chosen and let them know that. "Sorry you two." She whispered. [/font][/color]
  20. [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][b]OOC: I'm not sure if the Rebel Faction is preparing for a mission or not, so I'll just post about Wynn's mobile suit.[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn had spent the last couple of months in simulations to get ready to pilot her Gouf Ignited. It should be ready today. She couldn't wait to see it. It was going to be a big jump from the Zaku Gunner to the Gouf. The Zaku that she had piloted for a year had a very long range but was slow to fire. The Gouf had a beam gun but it wasn't built for long distances. At least she wouldn't be surprised by anymore close combat fights this time. Sure her Zaku had an energy ax, but it was hard to get it out and fight with it when she was carrying that big rifle. This Gouf would be different. It came with the Slayer Whip that most Goufs were known for. Besides that, it also had a beam sword. Wynn would choose a beam sword over an energy ace any day. Now she finally had one. With the Gouf, she would be ready for close combat. Not only close combat, but space combat as well. This was thanks to the flight pack that was unique to the Igniteds.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn walked into the large docking bay and looked up in amazement. There was her new mobile suit. Patched up, painted a nice shade of blue, looking almost brand new, and ready to go.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][b]"She's a beauty isn't she? I hope you appreciate her, Wynn. Me and the boys put a lot of hard work into fixing her up ya know."[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Recognizing the raspy voice, Wynn turned around.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][b]"And you all did a great job, McKinley."[/b] She smiled.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][b]"Thank you for taking the time to get it ready."[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn hugged McKinley who put his hands in the air.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][b]"Hey, no need to thank me. I'm just doin' what I'm supposed to do."[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn stepped back and smiled again. She turned around and looked up at the Gouf once more.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][b]"So when can I try it out?"[/b] She asked.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]McKinley just shrugged his shoulders.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][b]"I only fix them up, I don't send them out. Ask Commander Naquelle. Maybe she'll know."[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Wynn decided to do as McKinley suggested and went to find her commanding officer.[/color][/size][/font]
  21. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi sat up in bed and stretched. She was still a little tired from last night. She went to the bathroom to take a shower, grabbing a towel and her school uniform on the way. Toshi turned on the water and relaxed. Today was going to be a long day. She had to get most of her new friends to agree with this idea for a truce. It was the only way they could all survive. Toshi turned off the water. As she was drying off, the phone rang.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi's mom called from downstairs.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"Toshi, that was the school!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi opened the bathroom door and yelled in the direction of the stairs.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"What did they want?" She asked.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"They said that you can't wear your school uniform!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi was a bit puzzled by this.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"What do they want me to wear?"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"They said nothing!" Toshi's mom answered.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi walked back into the bathroom and looked at her uniform.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"I always hated it anyways." Toshi said as she threw the uniform in the trash.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Coming downstairs with only her shoes and socks on, Toshi ate a quick breakfast.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"Have fun at school." Her mom smiled.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi smiled back at her and waved goodbye.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi knew what the school was up to. Normally the school's administration doesn't bother with trouble makers or rebels since they usually die off in the Underground. But since Toshi was still alive, they wanted to punish her by humiliation. They chose the wrong way to go about it though. Toshi wasn't the kind of person that was exactly shy. Also what the school was doing was perfectly legal of course. Ever since the crisis in Japan, not much was illegal anymore and public exposure definitely wasn't one of those few illegal things. Toshi got on the bus to go to school. She knew this was going to be a long day. Now if she could only get everyone together at lunch.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]OOC: Okay guys, we'll eventually meet up at lunch unless you want to avoid Toshi. There she'll discuss her plans for the truce. But besides that, just post about the usual day of school before lunch time.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Oh and Digi unless those are the recordings of Underground, Tosoji won't be able to watch that right now. I'm sorry if I didn't mention this before, but the fights in Underground only take place on Friday. Sorry. ^^;[/color][/size][/font][/b]
  22. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][b]OOC: Yeah we should, Destovi. XD This party went on longer than Toshi had planned. So she'll probably apologize to the both of you tomorrow. I'll let Fayza post whatever she wants to about you and her and then you two will go home. Shun will go home too.[/b][/color][/size][/font] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Oh and also, some of the kids don't care about getting to class on time. The teachers don't really do much about it.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font][/b] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi looked up at Shun and kissed him on the lips as she lay on her back.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Actually, let's go inside now. It's getting a bit chilly." Toshi suggested.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Shun nodded and picked up Toshi. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he pushed himself inside of her. THey walked inside this way and passed through the living room.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Don't mind us." Toshi said to Fayza and Destovi as Shun brought her upstairs.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Soon they came to Toshi's room and Shun gently set her down on the bed. He licked at her nipple and played with the other one with his hand. Toshi moaned and closed her eyes. Shun moved down lower and sucked at her clit, still playing with her nipple with one of his hands. Toshi's moans grew louder. When Shun stopped, Toshi got up and turned around. Getting on her hands and knees, she made room for Shun behind her. He got on the bed and pushed his member inside of her vagina. He started a thrusting motion that caused Toshi's breasts to sway back and forth. She grabbed onto the blanket and didn't hold back her moans.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Soon they both lay down on the bed next to each other. Toshi looked over at Shun and smiled. It was getting late and it was time to go. Unless either of them were killed Friday, she would see him again. If Shun was killed, she would remember this night for the rest of her life.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]OOC: Okay guys, besides Sky you can all post about the next day of school. Toshi will be a little late but she'll meet you guys at lunch.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Sky, continue Destovi's post and then after that you can continue onto the next day of school okay? ^^[/color][/size][/font][/b]
  23. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Toshi moved closer to Fayza and hugged her underneath the blanket. "Don't worry, you haven't missed all the fun." Toshi grinned and got out of the blanket. She walked over to where Shun and Destovi were standing and drying off. Toshi grabbed Shun's arm and looked over at Destovi. "Destovi, what are you doing?" She whispered. "Can't you see Fayza is cold? Go help her dry her off okay?" Toshi grabbed some towels and handed them to Destovi. After winking at him, she walked off and pulled Shun along with her. After they left the room, Shun stopped. "What's gotten into you?" He asked. "I thought we should give them some time alone. That way you and I can be alone too." Toshi answered as she smiled and kissed Shun. "It's a nice night, so why don't we spend a little time outside?" Toshi suggested, leading Shun to the back porch. [b] OOC: Okay, Gemini. PM me if you have any ideas on how he can meet up with them okay?[/b] [/font][/color]
  24. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Behind Toshi, Shun cleared his throat. "I know I know. Let me just finish okay? Your turn will come next." Toshi answered harshly, knowing that Shun knew she was just joking. Toshi positioned herself above Destovi's member until it was inside of her. She sat on his lap and bounced herself up and down. Her perky breasts bounced in rythm with her bouncing. Destovi soon slid her off of him and sat her on the couch. Toshi scooted to the end and leaned back. He put himself inside of her again and continued thrusting. Toshi moaned until she came. He pulled out and she swallowed for him. Toshi sat their panting on the couch, her juices dripping on the floor, as the others came inside from swimming. Most of them weren't really that surprised. Toshi looked up at them. "I guess I should tell you why I threw a party besides to have fun..." Toshi started explaining everything. Her thoughts about Underground, how she believed that she should make a group of strong friends, how she chose all of them, everything. "I do hope we can be friends though. All of you are very nice. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Remember, we'll be meeting at lunch." Toshi waved to all of them as they started to leave. Umiko and Tosoji dressed after finding their clothes and left also. The only ones that stayed were Shun, Destovi, and Fayza because Toshi wanted to get to know her. "I don't know about you guys but I need a bath." She laughed, looking down at the mess she was making on the floor. She got up and they all followed her to the bathroom. [size=3][b]OOC: Okay guys, I'm letting the party run for a little longer. So if you want to come back, come back. If not, go back home and get ready for tomorrow. Think about Toshi's 'truce' and stuff like that.[/b][/size] [/font][/color]
  25. Lilt

    Underground [M-LVS]

    [color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Toshi moved closer to Shun as she kissed him. His member pressing against her wet crotch. Thir lips parted as they moved to one of the couches on the back porch. They continued the kiss and Shun played with Toshi's left nipple. A few minutes later, Toshi pointed to the pool. "We'll have fun outside some other time. Let's go back in." Toshi smiled and nodded. When they got back inside, Toshi and Shun saw Destovi sitting on the couch in the living room and masturbating. Knowing what he still wanted, Toshi looked back at Shun and kissed him. He smiled and watched as Toshi walked up to Destovi. She stopped his hand and he looked a bit surprised. She put her lips over his member and started licking it as she rubbed the rest of it with her hand. She listened to his moans and continued. Soon he came in her mouth and she swallowed it. Licking her lips, Toshi smiled. "Ready for some more fun?" [/font][/color]
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