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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [b]Thanks Angel, I must have missed that one. xD I'm learning a lot so far from just working on this RP. Also, I should have an updated logo posted soon. Thanks for your help. ^^ EDIT: Actually, if anyone still has ideas on the logo let me know. I want everyone to be happy with it. Is there anything I should add to it? I added some cracks around the bottom of the circle which looks good without the arrow. But I wanted the arrow on there if I could, so I'm trying to get it to work with that. Besides that, I need to throw in [color="#0000FF"]Erde[/color] on there somewhere. If anyone has a better idea for a logo, let me know okay? Erde is German for 'Earth' if that helps at all.[/b]
  2. [b]That sounds like a great idea. I'll google the black rock then. Thanks Angel. After I get a good idea on what they stand for, I should be able to find a font and quote and finish the logo. EDIT: Did you mean the[/b] [spoiler]Black Moon, Angel?[/spoiler]
  3. [b]Okay, I would like to add an organization if that is okay. I'm still working on the logo though, but here's the basic idea for it so far. (I just need a good font for the logo and possibly a quote and something to add to the bottom of the logo.) Here's the basic concept for the logo. If anyone has any ideas for it, let me know. [center][img]http://i55.tinypic.com/t7mjab.jpg[/img][/center] The name of the organization is[color="#0000FF"] Erde[/color]. Read the spoiler below for a possible reason for the organization's existence. I'm still working on this though.[/b] [spoiler]Erde is a possible terrorist organization. It doesn't have the manpower that Nerv has since it is not funded by any government. So it probably will have different cells around the world. It's overall goal will possibly be to use the Angels to make a new planet out of Mars. A new Garden of Eden possibly. They will for whatever reason need to destroy the earth to do this. Maybe by causing another impact? I'm not too sure, since my knowledge of Evangelion is limited. However, they will possibly begin to destroy the planet to convince people to join their side. I'm not too sure about most of this, but making a new Garden of Eden might be a good idea to add to the RP.[/spoiler] [b]Everyone, let me know what you think okay? Also, James, would Nerv have possibly funded a special school looking for applicants? Because my character could possibly be a part of it. Maybe like a military academy or even a normal high school that was secretly funded by Nerv?[/b]
  4. Lilt

    Okay, good to know. =P

    Well, enjoy the OB boards. ^^ I hope you make a lot of friends. I have to run but I'll see you around. Have fun.

  5. Lilt

    You're welcome. ^^

    And I almost forgot. xD I'm Lilt. ^^ OB is a fun place.

    Also, did you get your username from the color or from the anime?

  6. Lilt

    Hey, welcome to OB! ^^

  7. [b]I only have a few comfort anime, which usually fall into slice of life also. I seperate mine out into three categories though.[/b] [u][b]Relaxing Comfort:[/b][/u] This is just any anime that I find relaxing in general. [b]Niea_7 (Niea Under 7)[/b] is a big one for me. It falls under the laughter comfort too, but there's something relaxing about it even though it involves aliens. [b]Haibane Renmei[/b], even though it has a lot of drama is another relaxing one. Lastly, [b]Kino's Journey[/b] is an ultimate comfort for me. Despite the plot and drama, at times there's just a really relaxing atmosphere from the art and the scenery in the travels. I could probably put the last two into a fourth, Catharsis Comfort category, but that whole category would be filled with too many examples. XD [u][b]Laughter Comfort:[/b][/u] [b]Azumanga Daioh[/b] definitely gets the top spot for this one. This is the only comedy anime so far that I can watch again and again and still laugh. Same with [b]Sayonara Zetsubou Sense[/b]i, depending on the episodes. [b]Niea_7[/b] fits into this category too for certain episodes. [u][b]'Get up and go' Comfort:[/b][/u] The only one I've seen so far that fits this category is [b]Welcome to the N.H.K.[/b] I won't spoil anything, but at times I would watch it and think 'wait, I should be able to easily go out and do something if I just try. I don't even have that many problems weighing me down.' [b]Well, that's everything that isn't Lucky Star. ^^[/b]
  8. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1305341227' post='707333'] Thunderstorms rattling the windows, but I don't mind. Also, I got new glasses and I feel like Gordon Freeman now. [/quote] [b]Now you just need some sunglasses that match the ones in your signature! =D[/b]
  9. [quote name='Desbreko' timestamp='1305331315' post='707332'] [color=#4B0082]Those mecha bare an uncanny resemblance to Kanako and Matsurika from [b]Maria Holic[/b]. [/color] [/quote] [b]You are correct! ^^ It's from my favorite opening in the second season. It makes the whole show look like a retro mecha anime. xD[/b]
  10. Thanks, I'll see what I can do then. ^^ It can't be worse than most of the DS games I've tried recently. They were all way too hard or not very fun.

    I enjoyed Hotel Dusk and other games like that anyways, so I think I'll like this one.

  11. [b]Yay! :D Okay, here's one that hopefully won't be too hard.[/b] [center][img]http://i51.tinypic.com/2qvvy4h.jpg[/img][/center] [b]EDIT: The first screenshot is a little blurry so I hope it's okay if I add a couple of screenshots that better show the mecha that are fighting. I might have to throw out some clues for this one anyways, even with these two screenshots.[/b] [center][img]http://i52.tinypic.com/qyzvhd.jpg[/img][img]http://i56.tinypic.com/1ijupj.jpg[/img][/center]
  12. XD Okay, they might have referenced something else.

    Still, I'm glad to see you using the name. XD

    Also, is Ghost Trick worth picking up if I can find it? I never played any of those kind of games before though.

  13. [quote name='Botar' timestamp='1305236157' post='707306'] Tip: click inside this box to load the editor [/quote] [b]O.O BOTAR IS BACK! Welcome back, Bo-bo-botar! ^^ *Joins in on the tackleglomping*[/b]
  14. [b]Good luck from me too, chibi. We're all here for you okay? Although I hope this doesn't involve your internet getting taken away or anything again. If that doesn't happen though, try to get in touch. I'm glad the disaster has been averted too, but is there anyway you can carefully approach the subject of sexuality with your dad to see how he feels? Because it sounds like you might want to tell him in the future about all of this so you don't have to worry about your mom telling your father or holding it over your head that she'll tell him. Last of all, I hope everything works out and you stay safe! *Big Hugs*[/b]
  15. You're welcome. Was it inspired by anything? Because if it was, I can guess what inspired the change. XD And if it wasn't inspired by something, that's a pretty neat coincidence.

  16. Hey, I love the name change. ^^

  17. [quote name='Grouchy Cat' timestamp='1305129040' post='707276'] I once got 3 Digimon toys as a kid because I couldn't choose and the waitress was getting pissed off. XD [/quote] [b]Wow, three toys? I'm sure that was the Happiest Happy Meal you've ever had. XD[/b] [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1305059182' post='707249'] They still have the specific toys! I got some sort of strange pink animal that curled into a ball. ATTENTION ENGLISH TEACHER: If you're trying to teach something that isn't your subject and you don't know what the hell you're talking about, don't be surprised if someone who [i]does[/i] corrects you. [/quote] [b]Yay for specific toys then! Having a choice is always fun. XD And what was he trying to teach? O.o[/b] [quote name='Stephanie' timestamp='1305126758' post='707273'] I distinctly remember McDonalds, and the last time I got a Happy Meal. [Keep in mind this was less than a year ago.] Me: Ooh! Kilo, can I get a Happy Meal?! I want a toy! Kilo: Sure, why the hell not. *pull up to the drive through* Worker: Hello, welcome to McDonalds, how can I help you? Kilo: Hi, can I get [her order] and a McNugget Happy Meal? Worker: Will that be for a boy or a girl? Kilo: *looks at me* Boy. [b]Me: So, wait, I'm a boy now? Great.[/b] All I got was a skateboard with Anakin on it. Which sucked. Also: I need a tutu and a set of goggles. [/quote] [b]I lol'd at the part in bold. Also, why a tutu and a set of goggles? Are you going on an adventure or something?[/b] [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1305127564' post='707274'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]I wish I was into MLP when they had the Friendship is Magic ponies as toys. >/ I don't even remember the last time I got a Happy Meal. I do remember almost always preferring the boys toys, though.[/font][/color] [/quote] [b]Wait, they had Friendship is Magic ponies for toys? That would have been awesome. XD If I had known, I would have bought a Happy Meal. Yeah, sometimes the boys toys were better than the girls' toys. I remember one time, the boys got a lot of toys that did different things when you pressed a button and the girls just had a doll with a comb or something.[/b]
  18. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1305002805' post='707241'] I had some driving practice today. Driving for about half an hour was stressful, but rewarding, since I stopped at a McDonald's. I really wish that cashier would have kept his snickering to himself, though. I'm buying a Happy Meal to help pay for his crappy racer orange garbage can of a car and he sits there giggling. I happen to appreciate the nostalgic factor of a freaking cardboard box with a toy in it GEEZ. [/quote] [b]Oh my goodness, I want a Happy Meal now. x.X I miss it when they had toys specifically for girls or boys. Do they still do that? Or is it toys for everyone now?[/b]
  19. [quote name='Stephanie' timestamp='1304958677' post='707230'] Brats and their spoiling/bitchy parents. Jesus. We actually had spring this year. That was weird for us. [/quote] [b]Wow, I know how that is. D: Recently, at a coffee shop, there was one mother who just wouldn't do anything about her kid no matter how he acted. He was screaming the whole time and she just sat there. I decided to get my coffee to go of course. And really? I'll ask you to send me some next year then, if it happens again lol. Also, it's good to see you again Steph. I've been a little busy so I haven't seen you that often. Cute avatar and banner too, by the way. ^^[/b]
  20. [quote name='Stephanie' timestamp='1304905130' post='707221'] Days like today make me wish it was legal to kill people for being intentionally rude and stupid. [/quote] Why, what happened? And I feel cheated that Spring never came for me. It's almost summer x.x
  21. [b]That was a good episode to end on, I think. I liked how [spoiler]Rarity smashed her glass slipper so her 'prince' wouldn't find her. XD[/spoiler] And it really scared me when [spoiler]Fluttershy screamed 'come out!'[/spoiler] O.O I was not expecting that. As for the news about Lauren Faust, I was a little worried too at first, but this is what I realized. She said that she wasn't able to have as much involvement as before in the show, so even if she didn't step down it would have been the same as if she did. Also, she's not completely off of the project so she can still help out with the storyboard and things like that. Also, everyone who worked with her is still on the team so it should be just as good of a show. It might have some changes, but hopefully nothing major though. This quote was awesome though.[/b] [quote="Lauren Faust"]Together I think we helped prove that â??for girlsâ? does not have to automatically equal â??lame.â?[/quote]
  22. [b]"We need to see what else we can find out, see why our worlds collided."[/b] Calypso nodded and followed Marcus. Her weapons now freed from the shadows, but somehow they still had a hold of her world. With Marcus around, she could handle anything though. She didn't say it out loud, but he was like a beacon one time. If she said it out loud though, he would think she was teasing him. But he really was, like a shining beacon pointing the way to hope or safety. Calypso shook off her distractions and looked around for any sort of clue to why this had all happened. Then, she felt it. Calypso stopped and fell on her knees. A shocked expression coming over her face. [b]"What's wrong, Calypso?"[/b] Marcus asked, looking back at her. [b]"My...Sister. She's here. She's actually in Traumerei."[/b] Calypso said in disbelief. She got back up quickly and looked around, trying to find out where this feeling of presence was coming from. Soon, she spotted it. Near the portal to Marcus' shadow world. [b]"Marcus, look!"[/b] She said, pointing near the portal. There was nothing there at all, just the usual scenery and the entrance to Marcus' shadow world. Calypso hoped he could see it too. [b]"I had to blink at first to see it, but you can see it completely, right?"[/b] Calypso asked, hopefully. [b]"Yes, I see it. It's a tower covered in shadow, but it's like the one that I fought in to rescue you. Only shorter."[/b] Marcus said, nodding. With his description of the tower, the illusion was broken and Calypso was able to see it as well as Marcus could. She turned to Marcus' father. [b]"I'm sorry, Cotillion. But I need all of the help I can get."[/b] Cotillion just smiled. [b]"I understand, girl. My son will aid you, as long as you don't mind me coming along as well."[/b] Calypso nodded and headed off for the tower, Marcus and Cotillion behind her. She was glad to have such great allies and friends. She was curious about Marcus and his father, but she would have to save those questions for later. Right now, her sister needed her. Calypso pulled her blade out of a Nightwalker as Marcus pushed the other back with his magic. They had taken care of all of the guards at the door and up the stairs. Now they had finally reached the top of the tower. Floating in the middle of the tower, was Calypso's sister. She was in some sort of magical orb with more Nightwalkers all around her. "Sister!" Calypso yelled. However, this did nothing to get her sister's attention. She seemed to be under a heavy sleep. The Nightwalker's empty eyes turned to Calypso and Marcus as Calypso shivered. She fought the fear though and looked over at Marcus to see if he was ready. She had no need to check though, for Marcus was already readying a spell. Calyspo released her blade, bringing back a shorter one so she could hold two at the same time. It was risky, but she wanted to fight quickly and get in close. Letting out a yell, not holding back her tears either, she charged towards the Nightwalkers who were guarding her sister. Calypso slashed at the first Nightwalker who came towards her, surprise and speed on her side as she slashed it down. However, another tried to attack her from behind but Marcus saved her with one of his prepared spells, his runes glowing brightly. She would have to thank him later, when all of the Nightwalkers were dead. Calypso charged at the next one, ready for a long battle. Thanks to Marcus, they had both survived the fight with the Nightwalkers. If it wasn't for him, she would have been dead by now. They had used her sister to lure her here alone. She wasn't sure why. All she did know, from what Marcus and Cotillion told her, her sister was being used to keep the portal between the two worlds open. Calypso reached through the orb and hugged her sister, but she was still asleep. Probably because of the spell of the orb that still held her. Marcus prepared to dispel the orb, but Calypso stopped him. [b]"Marcus, wait!"[/b] She yelled. He looked confused, so she quickly explained. [b]"This is only part of my sister."[/b] She said, holding up her sister's transparent hand.[b] "Also, if we remove her right now, then the portal will disappear. I have a bad feeling though, that that's your only chance to get into your shadow world. If it is, I don't want to rob you of it. Please, just leave a delayed rune here or something that will get rid of the orb and go into the portal. I'll stay here with my sister. She's safe now, but I want to see her when she wakes up. Maybe I can find out where the rest of her is."[/b] Marcus seemed hesitant, but Calypso was insistent. Tears streaming her cheeks as she hugged her sister tight. [b]"Marcus, please."[/b]
  23. Thankfully, Pocket's wounds had been minor. Thanks to Marcus during their travel, she had only been slashed at as far as she knew. She refused any major medical treatment since she was more worried about Ali and Sasa. She had to see both of them. Pocket decided to check on Ali first. She watched as Marcus and Demetri held her down, unable to do anything but watch since the two men already took up a lot of space around Ali. As Demetri was called out of the room, Pocket knew that Ali was in good hands with Patch and Marcus. She was worried about what Patch had said though. [i]"I don't know. She'll have to stay here for the night so I can keep an eye on her. Something isn't right with this wound."[/i] She would have to check on Ali later if Patch would let her, to see how the wound was doing. For now, Pocket had to see Sasa. Jeff was in there already, sitting by her bedside. He didn't say much, like usual, but this time the situation called for quiet. The look on his face though told Pocket what she needed to know. Sasa was hurt and probably exhausted but she was going to be okay. Pocket joined Jeff by Sasa's bedside and held her hand as she slept on the hospital style bed. Pocket was prepared to stay there for as long as she could, besides a debriefing on their last mission, nothing could move her from her spot. However, she was wrong. Pocket felt a desire to get up and to visit Traumerei. She fought it at first, wanting to stay with Sasa, but then the desire came back stronger. Finally, she excused herself. [b]"Look after her Jeff. I need to go. I'll be back soon."[/b] Jeff just nodded as Pocket left the room. She walked down the halls, wondering why she suddenly felt like going to Traumerei. Soon, the desire turned into a feeling of hope. She suddenly had the feeling that she could find her sister if she would just open up the gate to Traumerei. It almost seemed like her sister herself was speaking to her, telling her to come find her. [color="#4B0082"][i][b]"Come to Traumerei. I'm here waiting for you."[/b][/i][/color] Pocket opened the door to her quarters, not bothering to shut it. She was eager to go look for her sister. She quickly opened the gateway to the dimension and was horrified to see the same black shadows waiting for her that were in Traumerei when she and Marcus had traveled through it. Pocket tried to quickly close the gateway, but it was no use. The shadows were keeping it open. She summoned a weapon from Traumerei, one of the weapons from her dreams but the shadows were on the blade when she summoned it so she threw it at them. Pocket did the only thing she could do at the moment. She had to run and find Marcus. Pocket ran as the shadows reached out at her, closing the door to her quarters behind her and quickly using an emergency code for a lockdown. She knew that wouldn't hold them for long but it was better than nothing. She ran to go find Marcus. He was the only one who could help her now. She didn't know how the shadows had stayed there. If she had brought them along with her on their return trip or if some greater force was at the base. Either way, she needed to let someone know what was going on. She finally made it to Ali's bed. [b]"Marcus, I need your help."[/b] Pocket said, out of breath from fear. [b]OOC: Okay, I hope this doesn't interrupt anything. Also, this could be a big problem or just one or two shadows. It's up to everyone else. Marcus should be able to go find Ali and free her and deal with the shadows all at once though, if we connect the two problems together.[/b]
  24. Lilt

    You're welcome. I hope you like it here. ^^

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