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Pocket was still in Traumerei when she was contacted by someone. Her cell didn't work in this strange place and she wasn't surprised. But thanks to some help from Marcus, three years ago, she was able to set up a system that let her know if anyone was trying to contact her while she was away. She quickly opened up a way back into her quarters and answered her phone. It was Circuit. She wasn't clear on the details, but it seemed like she needed Pocket right away. [b] "Alright, I'll tell him."[/b] Pocket nodded before hanging up the phone. She dialed a number and reached Jeff. She was one of the only people besides a higher ranking member of HDF that he would answer his phone for. He gave her the usual one worded replies as she gave him the message that Circuit had asked Pocket to relay. She said her goodbyes again and hung up, leaving her quarters. Outside of her quarters, she surprisingly saw Neos walking around without Demetri or Ali. What surprised her even more though, was who's hand Neos was holding. [b]"Marcus?"[/b] Pocket asked in disbelief. He turned around and now she was sure it was him. Not that there were any doubts with his back to her, since his tattoos made him pretty unique, back or front. But now she could believe her eyes. She knew he was there for sure when she ran up and hugged him. [b] "It's really you! What are you doing back at the base? And why are you with Neos?"[/b] Pocket stopped and listened as Marcus gave her what she believed was the whole story. He might have left a couple of things out, but it didn't sound like it since some of the words didn't come out too easily. Pocket listened quietly until he was done. [b]"It sounds like you've been through a lot already. I had no idea you were even back though. I missed you so much. We all did."[/b] She said as she hugged him once more. [b]"I need to hurry though. Circuit just contacted me and asked me to get Jeff. Demetri wants the Alpha Team assembled."[/b] Pocket frowned. Pocket kneeled down. [b]"Come on, I'll hold your hand too, Neos."[/b] She said, smiling. Neos grabbed her hand and Pocket walked side by side with Neos and Marcus to go see what was going on. [b]OOC: I hope you don't mind if Pocket asks Marcus to tag along, Dassem. If he has other places to be first though or wants to be with Neos alone a bit more, let Pocket know and she'll go find Jeff and meet up with Demitri.[/b]
[b]My Xbox 360 broke down, so I'm actually thinking of buying a PS3. But here's my experience with it so far. I'll list the first-person shooters first, since you said you were into those, Shinmaru. Then everything else below that.[/b] [b][u]First-Person Shooters:[/u][/b] [b]Mirror's Edge:[/b] My favorite first-person game of all time. It's a bit short and a little difficult to control at times. Also the story can be a little weak and I wish they had actually removed the guns so you can just kick and punch. It's a great game for the experience though. It does a good job making you feel like you're the character and you're freerunning. Also, it's one of the only games out there that I know of that has a first-person hug! XD [b]F.E.A.R.2:[/b] One of my favorite first-person shooters on the Xbox 360. You can get it for a pretty cheap price too. Also it's a good time to get it since the third one is coming out. [b]F.E.A.R.1:[/b] I liked how it played out, but it got repetitive at times. Actually, you might be able to say that about both 1 and 2. But get this one if you don't want to start off with the second one. It's cheap, but harder to find. If you can't find it though, look up the story and just get the second. [b][u]Third-Person[/u][/b] [b]Saints Row 2:[/b] It's a third-person GTAish game that's actually a lot of fun. You can have a lot of fun just doing non-story related things. It does get frustrating on some of the missions, but the character customization is a lot of fun. Also it has a two pack that's out now with the first game. Although I didn't like the first one as much as the second one. Oh and your character is definitely not a 'silent protagonist' in this game, so that was fun too. [b]Red Dead Revolver:[/b] This is the first game in the series, although I don't know how much Redemption is related to this one besides the name and the same company. Honestly, I liked this one a lot. But it's really only good if you have three friends to play split-screen with. Also, it's an XBOX game not 360 so it might look dated. [b]Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly - The Director's Cut:[/b] I don't know how you feel about Survival Horror games, but I was never a big fan of Resident Evil or anything (now I am though,) and when I tried this one I was really happy with it. It's for the XBOX not the 360 but it plays fine and it's the most complete copy of Fatal Frame 2. It even has new modes that the PS2 version doesn't have and a first-person view. Also, it's a really scary game with a good story. (In my own opinion, at least.) [u] [b]DLC Games:[/b][/u] [b]A Kingdom For Keflings:[/b] Not the greatest action game or greatest story around but it is pretty relaxing and a lot of fun. There's also a sequel out there too. It's fun to see your player character as a giant helping the little Keflings build their kingdom too. It's really cute. ^^ [b]Well, those are my recommendations. I tried to give you ones you might not have thought of but are still pretty good. Have fun with your new Xbox 360! EDIT: Also, I've always wanted to give an Armored Core game a try and I heard there are a few good ones on the Xbox 360. I could never find a good one for co-op, but if you play it as a single player game it should be good. But only if you like stuff with giant robots.[/b]
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1304388930' post='707048'] A-pssssssshhhhh! Puh-leeze! Shirley Temple for the win. [/quote] [b] Great choice! XD When I was little, I used to eat the cherry out of my Shirley Temple and then would say that I needed another Shirley Temple. To me back then, it was only about the cherries.[/b]
[b]OOC: I hope you don't mind, but I'm throwing Pocket in for the hand to hand combat training with the new recruits. She's taking the training, not leading it though since she needs the practice. She's had the basic self defense training but she wants to learn the more advanced techniques and work on special moves of her own. Also I know code names are usually used instead of personal names if you don't know the person, but for Pocket it's the other way around. The new recruits call her Calypso but Alpha Team and her friends usually call her Pocket unless they call her by her real name too, like Marcus. Also, when I heard you mention the woman's uniform with the skirt, look at the attachment for what I imagined, KG. Tell me if that's something like what you had in mind. IC:[/b] Pocket took a look at her uniform. She wouldn't be wearing it today, a skirt wouldn't exactly help her in her training. Instead, she put on a tank top along with some pants she felt comfortable moving in, doing a few practice kicks before leaving the room. She usually liked to wear her street clothes though, when she could get away with it. Just like three years ago. Three years ago. It seemed like thirty to her. Marcus had left so she couldn't do much with her powers except for what she managed to figure out on her own. Right now, she was able to travel into the dimension she used to dream about but without having to fall asleep to do it. She could control where she ended up too. Time moved differently for her in that world, which is why it might have felt like thirty years to her. She was glad though that time wasn't the same. It gave her lots of time to think, to train and to explore. Recently, thanks to Marcus, she had an incredible idea. Her sister might actually still be alive. And if she was alive, she would be in Traumerei, which is what Pocket had decided to name the dream dimension. She had found out at one time what the real name of the dimension was, but it couldn't be spoken. So she instead decided to name it Traumerei, for a piece that both her and her sister had loved. Their mother had often hummed it to them when they were little and played it for them on the piano when they had grown older. Pocket fought the tears and headed for the hand to hand combat training. Before getting very far, Pocket noticed some new recruits walking the halls and checked her watch. She swore quietly to herself. She had missed the training. It wasn't a big deal, since she knew the basics and wasn't required to attend. But it was something that she wanted to do so she could help out the team a bit more. [i]"Oh well, I'll just have to try harder to get down there next time."[/i] She thought to herself, going back to her quarters. Feeling tired, she decided to get some sleep. When she woke up, hours later, she undressed and chose the uniform she had passed up before and put it on. Something with the way that the recruits were whispering to each other told her that something was going on at the base, so it would be better to not be out of uniform. She left her quarters again and walked the halls, trying to see if she could find Ali and her children. During the three years, when Pocket wasn't in Traumerei, she had become much closer with Ali and Demetri's new family. She had already been somewhat of an older sister to Lily at times, but now she knew Tank a little better too. And more than that, she had served as a midwife to Ali during her time with the pregnancy and Neos quick development, although she had no real experience to speak of. And although Ali had Demetri, having another woman to talk to seemed to comfort her, so that made Pocket happy. She was glad that she could help out. Pocket just wished Marcus was still around, although that was a bit selfish of her, considering the conflict she felt between the three of them when they got back from fighting Sybille. [i]"If he was here though...If he was here, he could help me find my sister..."[/i] Pocket thought to herself, this time letting a tear escape. She tried to shake it off, but she knew it would come sooner or later. In the end, Pocket just had dinner at the mess and retired at her own quarters. Anything she had to do today could be done tomorrow. Finally, her defenses broke down and she let it all out and cried herself to sleep. [b]OOC: Also, I hope you don't mind, but Pocket played the role of Midwife/Doula to Ali if that's okay with you, KG.[/b] [attachment=15138:2dm8qw1.jpg]
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1304317900' post='707014'] A day honoring Sally Ride, the first woman to be launched into space. [/quote] [b]Oh my goodness! Thanks chibi! I can't believe I never learned about that. I'm going to go do some research. It sounds interesting. So what's everyone's beverage of choice for Beverage Day on the 6th?[/b]
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1304280670' post='707003'] For 'Buy an Instrument Day', I'm getting a ukelele! [/quote] [b]Awesome! xD I'm not sure what I'll buy. Maybe an electric guitar and an amp? That way I have a reason to buy some earplugs for my friends and family for Save Your Hearing Day. XD What is Sally Ride Day though? O.o[/b]
[quote name='Lilt' timestamp='1304178767' post='706972'] [b] [s]I almost cried.[/s] D:[/b][/quote] [img]http://i54.tinypic.com/2rohwyc.jpg[/img] [b]Okay, after watching the last episode again, forget what I said. I cried. T_T @Midgy Ninjy: Wow, the lip matchup on that is pretty good. xD[/b]
[b]How can that last episode be so funny but so sad but so scary at the same time? It was good to see a Pinkie Pie episode though. But why did it have to be so sad? I almost cried. D:[/b] [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1304174446' post='706968'] The cutie mark one was fabulous! I was waiting a while for it! And yes. AMISH. FLIPPIN'. PINKAMENA. PIE. And this week's episode. Oh my goodness. This is why Pinkie Pie is my favorite! You can relate to almost everything she does! Best episode ever! [/quote] [b]The cutie mark one was one of my favorites, since you got to see all of the ponies when they were younger. Some of my favorite moments in the series are thanks to Pinkie Pie. Like how she acted at the party for Princess Celestia or when she went to go share a laugh with the dragon.[/b]
[quote name='Stephanie' timestamp='1304103462' post='706937'] So, I would like to tell you all that I am so bloody thankful for you guys, as a whole. You're part of my other family. I'm a little shaken up by the tornadoes - one nearly touched down on us and I have no shame in saying I was about to cry. We could see the lightening so bright it was like daytime, but we couldn't hear it over the wind. All I can think of is how lucky and blessed I am, especially that [as far as I can tell] all of my family and friends are still alive. [/quote] [b]I'm so glad you're safe, Steph! I was in some bad weather once and we had a tornado warning, but thankfully it never happened. It sure seemed like one was going to hit though. I was so scared. It sounds like you were in an even worse situation though. I'm so glad you and your family are okay. *Hugs* I wish all of these tornadoes would just quit. There are so many tornadoes now. ><[/b]
[b]Woohoo! Yay for sequels! ^^[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Calypso "Pocket" Velius [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://i53.tinypic.com/2h7gdug.jpg"]Calypso[/url] Pocket's appearance has changed quite a bit since she first joined the team. Her usual red hair now has a half black shade on her left side. It's divided so neatly, most people think she just dyed it. She has gained a few scars, but not as many as her other team members are sporting. In the past three years though, she has worked on moving from a defensive role to a more active offensive/defensive one. So her scar collection should grow in time. No tattoos, but she does admire Ali's and it has given her ideas of her own if she ever got one. She wears a red ring on her left index finger and has changed out her glasses as they sometimes get lost or destroyed on missions. She has several pairs in several different colors though, so this is no big deal. She has had all of the lenses replaced as well, since she has had surgery within the last three years to fix her eyesight. So now she just keeps her glasses as a fashion statement. She's usually seen in a baggy t-shirt or a hoodie and cargo pants and different styles of sneakers. [b]Personality:[/b] Three years older and no longer the youngest recruit, Pocket has become a bit more serious. However, this doesn't mean she has lost her love of fun and laughter and will still tease her Team Alpha team members. She prefers to introduce herself to new recruits as Calypso but usually they end up laughing with her and calling her Pocket too. Behind closed doors though, she is mostly serious and tries to find out more about her powers. [b]Power:[/b] Mental (Magical?) Storage Pocket, thanks to Marcus' help, has gained a clearer idea of her power. However, with new answers come more questions. So she is still trying to learn the limits of her new power and usually asks Marcus for help with that. Thanks to him though, she found out that her power to store and retrieve items might be partially or completely magic based. Because of this, she is able to bring out weapons she has never stored in the first place. She spends time training with each bladed weapon though, as sometimes she's not sure what she will get when she makes it appear. She can still use her power for storing useful items for her team members or useless items to try to get them to laugh. [b]Weapon:[/b] Her old Barett rifle, although with her practice with her bladed weapons, she has been using it less and less and trying to fight close combat more and more.
[b]OOC: I'm borrowing your format, Mage and KG. It's just too good not to use. Also, it will help explain some things about Pocket too. IC:[/b] Pocket stored her Barret rifle back in her mind. There was no point in using a weapon that was so precise against a target that could move like Cloak. Pocket wanted to chase after Ali, she really did, but right now she had to deal with the teammate who had betrayed them all. She was never that close to Cloak, as she was with the others. But she did try to talk to him outside of his duties of transporting the team around. He had seemed like a nice guy. Pocket's rage burned though, when she realized that even then he was planning on betraying all of them for promises from Sybille. She now knew what weapon would be perfect for this job. Holding out her hand, a dark weapon appeared and she grabbed it. It would have been called a billhook, if it didn't have other blades coming out in strange places, like misshapen teeth. Before Pocket could get a chance to use it though, Cloak appeared in front of her, his hand grabbing her throat. His grip tightened as her mind went to other times... [i][b]18 years ago, in an apartment complex like any other. The happiest day in Calypso's life[/b][/i] [b]"Caly, we're home!" Calypso's father called out happily.[/b] Three year old Calypso found her way to the front door, her aunt following behind. [b]"Here you go, Caly. It's your new baby sister."[/b] Calypso's mom said, leaning down so her first born could see. Calypso stared in amazement and joy. She had a sister. She had a sister! [i][b]10 Years later, a different apartment complex in both location and quality[/b][/i] Things hadn't gone very well for the Velius family. The father had lost job after job. And with now two daughters to feed, things were a lot harder than when they only had Calypso. This drove him to drink and bad mouth his youngest daughter. The same father who used to give her so many praises, since she was the youngest. Calypso couldn't stand to see this and since her mom wouldn't do or say anything, she had to stand up and protect her little sister. Her plan didn't accomplish much, but give her a portion of what her youngest sister had to put up with. [b]"Come on, you can play with any of my dolls okay?"[/b] Calypso said to her sister, bringing her into her room to try to comfort her. It was then that she saw it. She pushed her sister's sleeve up. [b]"What's this?"[/b] She asked, already knowing the answer but not wanting to believe it. [b]"Did he...Did he hurt you?"[/b] Calypso asked, looking at the bruises. Her younger sister only nodded as Calypso cried. [b]"I don't know when, but we're getting out of here."[/b] Calypso cried as she hugged her sister. [i][b]A few months later...[/b][/i] Calypso's plan to run away backfired. She was caught trying to wake up her sister to take her away. Her father guessed at what they were doing and hurt Calypso until she couldn't move. Her plan had come at a bad time. Certain neighbors and coworkers kept making mention that Calypso's mother was a witch. Her father tried to get it out of his wife what everyone was talking about, but she never would explain. He would just hit her too as she kept her silence. A few days later, when Calypso was bruised but not sore anymore, her sister came running into her room with tears in her eyes. Her father followed after her angrily. Calypso recognized that look. Her younger sister was going to get the worst beating she had ever had. Calypso tried to reach out and hug her sister to herself to try to protect her, but what happened instead shocked and terrified Calypso. Her sister just vanished suddenly before her eyes. It seemed like a bad dream, but her father screaming 'witch' and beating her again and again reminded her that it was too real. Calypso slipped into unconsciousness. When she awoke, her mother was nowhere to be found. Her father was the only one at the house, but Calypso wasn't sure. She didn't want to check though, since she could smell death. She threw up and ran out of that apartment complex, never to go back again. Her life would change now. [i][b]Several years later...[/b][/i] Calypso had lived on the streets, doing what she did best. Stealing. She found out that if she imagined it, she could take an item and make it disappear in an instant. What had surprised her the most though, was that she could later bring back that same item. This was very helpful for her survival. She had one friend, named Bion who was her partner in crime. She never told him about how she was able to steal so well. She also never really got a chance to tell him her real name. He just called her Pickpocket but soon, Pocket for short. She always laughed at that name. She always wanted to tell him how appropriate it was. One day though, Pocket was caught. She thought it was by the police, but it was someone else. A man who said he knew about her powers. She thought it was a bluff, but he gave her a convincing demonstration to prove he wasn't bluffing. She stopped playing dumb and gave an example of her power in return. He seemed interested and told her that he had a place she could stay. It wasn't the police and it was better than being homeless, so she accepted. She never got a chance to say goodbye to Bion though. [b][i]A few months later, location: [spoiler]CLASSIFIED[/spoiler][/i][/b] Pocket, in her new home, seemed like a completely different person from who she was in the past. She smiled a lot more and actually laughed after all of those years. She opened up quickly to everyone who helped her train or trained with her. Superior officer and subordinate, she was friendly to all of them. (Well, not to the subordinates, but only because she was still a new member to the team and didn't have anyone under her.) She was now a part of Team Alpha. [b][i]Some years later, Egypt...[/i][/b] Pocket thought this was going to be an easy mission. Just go and find a city that wasn't there. Not be able to find it, since it didn't exist and then head back home. However, like all of their missions had been after meeting Sybille, it was much more than she expected it to be. Both bad and good. As for the good though, she met one of the newer members of their team. Someone that would later be very helpful to her and a part of her Alpha family. The Marked Man, Marcus. [b][i]Several months later, location: another dimension or a dream?[/i][/b] Pocket's words had brought both Calypso and Marcus inside of the tower, where Pocket hugged the Body and cried. Calypso stopped her fight against Marcus and fell on her knees and echoed Pocket's tears. Soon, Marcus had watched as all three of Pocket's entities had come together. The next time his eyes saw Pocket, it was in the real world. She had woken up as well, her hair color permanently changed from the experience. She didn't know until he had pointed it out to her. She checked a mirror and said: [b]"Cool."[/b] She turned around when she heard Marcus calling her by her nickname. She shook her head and smiled. "I know that nickname has stuck and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but feel free to call me Calypso from time to time okay?" [i][b]Present time...[/b][/i] Pocket fought against Cloak's grip on her, trying to concentrate. However, it felt like years that he had had his hands around her throat. The other members of the group, that weren't tied up with fighting Sybille or going to help Ali, ran towards Pocket or Cloak. They seemed to run in slow motion though and Pocket knew that she would die before they got to her and Cloak would just vanish again. She had to do something. "Goodbye, Pocket." Cloak said, smiling and eager to break her neck. His words though, brought anger and concentration back to her. Just enough for her to summon a bladelet close to where his hands had been. Cloak jumped back in time to not sustain any injuries as Pocket put on her bladelet. "My name is Calypso!" Pocket yelled, angrily. She was ready for battle, but Cloak vanished. Probably to help Sybille. With Cloak now gone, Calyspo had no reason not to follow Ali. She jumped down the same hole, hoping she could make it in time. [b]OOC: Just to let you know, KG. This all happened before Cloak teleported down to Sybille and Ali and everyone. Also, sorry for borrowing the same format. But at least it got me motivated to make a long post finally. ^^[/b]
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1303783655' post='706850'] It was warm and green, unlike New York. I did. And you are using the vernacular incorrectly, silly. :P [/quote] [b]I know. :P Besides Y'all I don't really know much about southern accents. The only 'Deep South' I ever explored was in Florida. xD At least you got a break from the dark and cold! D:[/b] [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1304023454' post='706919'] Oh my gosh wow! So. My biology teacher's wife was pregnant. She was due for next Friday, but the baby came early! The teacher had to leave class 4th period and we're all so excited for him! I can't wait to see pictures! He already knows it's a girl and SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE I AM GIDDY! Also, I finally got to use my first-aid kit today. A girl in the changing room hit her head on a locker and was bleeding everywhere! The gym teachers were freaking out because they only had band-aids, so I jumped up and gave them my first-aid kit! Now I need to re-stock it with gloves, gauze and gauze pads. [/quote] [b]Awwwwwwww <3333 Is all I can say. xD That's so sweet. Speaking of pictures though, did you get any from your trip? And oh my goodness. O.O Good thing you were there and prepared! D: And I might go camping this summer, but I'm not sure. ><[/b]
[b]Yay, it's over! We did it everyone! ^^[/b]
[b]Okay, just a heads up but I might be busy tomorrow. So no posts from me unless I can get online. Also, when the mood gets a bit lighter, Pocket will probably be congratulating Ali on her little bundle of joy. XD[/b]
[b]OOC: This will be a post that happened back in Pocket's Dream World. Pocket is just reflecting on this, so she is still available for whatever. IC:[/b] It had been a long time since the 'vacation' that the Alpha Team had taken. It was supposed to be a secret retreat to get Pocket's friend and teammate Ali together with Demitri. The whole thing worked out to be the complete opposite of what they were trying to achieve if anything. A lot of different things happened to everyone too, during that so called vacation. Even she had gone through some changes. And she was the one member on their team who never changed. Now, she only let Team Alpha and her higher ups call her Pocket. She was Calypso to everyone else, even though she used to hate that name in the past. Pocket picked at her hair in the mirror, noticing the stark contrast in the shades of black and red. If anyone asked her, she just told them she dyed it. The truth was though, it changed without her consent or her control. She thought back to that terrible day when she fell into that short coma... [color="#FFA500"]Pocket looked around, confused. She remembered asking Marcus for help with her strange dreams...No, they weren't dreams. They were real. She was sure of it. After that though, she wasn't sure what had happened. She looked up at the sky and thought she was going crazy. Two suns. There were two suns. Two suns. Looking around, she noticed that the air was still as well. Like wind never existed. On top of that, there were ruins everywhere. Looking down, Pocket noticed one last surprise. Her hands were translucent. She looked through them and at the scenery and noticed her whole body was that way. She felt like a ghost but she knew the truth of what was happening. [i]She was in her dream world.[/i] The area wasn't familiar to her, so she decided to explore. Usually she visited a completely different part of this world when she slept. She walked past endless ruined pillars and what looked like they might have been statues at some point. Hours turned into days and days turned into months and years as Pocket explored but never got tired. She walked the ocean bottom and saw lots of strange creatures, she explored a ruined stone building and found people or things fighting each other, but she felt a pull towards this one long tower that was always on the horizon no matter where she moved to. Finally, she decided to try something. She reached out a foot and took a long step in the direction of the tower. The perspective changed and the small tower wasn't small anymore. It was larger than she was now and she was in front of it. She had forgotten that rules and reality didn't seem to work the same in this place. She found her way up the tower and at the top, what she saw surprised her more than anything else in this place. What she saw was herself, wearing nothing but chains and hanging by her arms above the ground. Some extremely tall figures wearing dark robes and masked marched back and forth in front of her, adding more and more chains to her hanging body. She remembered seeing the figures outside when she had explored. They were taller than anything outside and marched around not noticing her. At one time, when it was dark, they marched and carried what looked like the moon through the sky. Pocket decided to get out of the tower and fast. She ran through some plains with jagged rocks that looked like they had fallen from the sky. Thinking she heard a voice, Pocket looked behind her and bumped into something and fell down. Even though she was translucent she still had substance. She looked up with tears in her eyes, finally seeing a familiar face. [b]"Marcus!"[/b] She shouted and the earth quaked. He put a finger to his mouth but smiled as well. With a whisper that seemed to slow down the time in that strange world, Pocket explained what she saw in the tower. Marcus just nodded. [b]"Follow me."[/b] He whispered back. Pocket followed the tattooed man but was stopped short by her own voice. [b]"I can't let you in that tower, Marcus."[/b] Marcus looked back at Pocket, but she shook her head. It wasn't her that had said those words. Day changed to night and a figure stepped out from behind the moon and walked closer and closer to them or grew larger and larger. Pocket couldn't tell whixch in this world. [b]"I won't let you in that tower, Marcus."[/b] The figure said, standing in front of them while holding some strange bladed weapons. Pocket could just stand there with her mouth open. The figure challenging Marcus was another her. Except this one had dark black hair. [b]"You can call me Calypso. I am everything you are afraid to be and everything you want to be."[/b] She said, turning to Pocket. Pocket, though unarmed, rushed at Calypso. She punched at the girl but her hands went right through the girl's head. [b]"You can't harm yourself. It's useless. This is between me and Marcus."[/b] Calypso smiled once again. She charged at Marcus and he readied himself for her attack as his runes glowed. He spoke in a language that Pocket only heard in her dreams, but she knew it was not because of the dream world that he was speaking in such a way. it was a chant. Calypso flew back and they fought for what seemed like years. Pocket wished she could do something to help. She felt so powerless. [b][i]"The tower...The tower!"[/i][/b] She thought to herself, looking at the tower. Pocket ran off, apologizing to Marcus in her mind and hoping for his safety. Soon, she reached the tower once more. The dark figures stopped their march and looked at her. They carried her to inside the room and brought her to the Body. Soon, the chains came untied and they lowered the Body gently down to Pocket. The Body still slept but Pocket was able to touch it. She hugged it to herself and cried. [i][b]"I accept you Calypso. I accept this place. I accept my powers. I accept...everything."[/b][/i] With this thought, a shining light filled the whole world. It filled the inside and outside of the tower. It filled Marcus' and Calypso's fight, it filled every inch of the dream world as Pocket woke up.[/color] Thanks to Marcus' help that day, Pocket woke up out of her coma. With a new hairstyle and new powers. She closed her eyes in front of the mirror and with a thought brought out a dagger with many blades. Then, it disappeared. She had a lot to learn about her new power, but with Marcus on the team to help her, she wasn't afraid to use it. She wasn't afraid of Calypso or that name anymore either. Or her weaknesses or desires. She was a new person now. Pocket left her room, someone called her by Calypso but she ignored them. She just smiled at the name and walked off down the hall.
[b]I just wish more games supported downloadable content or that if they did support it, that they would keep up to date with it. I'm playing God Eater Burst right now and it looks like there will never be official DLC released outside of Japan and Singapore. I did get DLC though for Disgaea 2, which is good but now I have some overpowered characters on my team. I'm not complaining though, since they do get me through some tough times in the Item Worlds. There's an Add On Section for Echochrome, one of my favorite games of all time, but it's always empty. I check everytime to see if there's something there and there never is. T_T[/b]
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1303695825' post='706818'] HECK YES. Ah, I loved being in Arkansas. Despite there being no internet, I think that may have been a good thing. It's nice to take a break from things. I actually wish I was back there instead of home... Glad to be back on here, though~! <3 [/quote] [b] Welcome back~! <3 So how was Arkansas? Did y'all pick up an accent while you was down thar'?[/b]
[b]Actually, with the talk about choosing the skills, why don't we throw in some character classes that weren't allowed in the game? I can't think of any at the moment, but I know that when I played Dragon Age there was at least one class they didn't have in there that I wish they had put in. They wouldn't be overpowered classes either or ones that don't fit. But I think we should talk about what classes we want to have available in the RP as well. Who knows, maybe we could come up with some new combination classes or just new character classes in general. If this will mostly be about Origins though, this will be good. That's the one that I'm the most familiar with and the one that I liked the most.[/b]
Pocket spent most of her time with Lily during this vacation, when she wasn't helping the others make sure Demitri and Ali had time to themselves. Pocket worried a little about that actually, but orders were orders. Thanks to the storm, she found a lot of sea shells with Lily. She showed them to her big brother Tank, who Pocket liked, despite his silence. He reminded her of Jeff in a way. Then, he wanted Lily to wash up since she was a bit sandy. Lily rushed off to the cabin with Pocket close behind. Lily was a fast runner though and beat Pocket there. By the time Pocket made it to the cabin from the back door, Lily was by herself in the bathroom the bathtub filled up with cold water. She was wet from splashing in the tub, with some bubble bath soap by her side. Besides the water, she was still just as sandy as before. Pocket giggled and helped Lily out. [b]"Don't make it too hot okay?"[/b] Lily asked Pocket. Pocket smiled and nodded and Lily cheered as Pocket added the bubble bath soap. After it all foamed up, she joined Lily for a bubble bath until the girl was wrinkled. Once Lily settled down, Pocket got her into bed for a much needed nap. Pocket was thinking of taking one too, but she remembered she had to talk to Marcus. Then, she got a bad feeling. [i]"Where is everyone?"[/i] She thought to herself. Finally, after checking the cabins and finding everyone but Tempest, Ali, Marcus and Demitri, she went to check the last cabin. She had to talk to Marcus and Ali, but someone else left the cabin that she had to talk to. Demetri. [b]"Demitri. We need to talk."[/b] He seemed troubled and Pocket knew this wasn't a good time. What she had to say though, had to be said. [b]"You need to stay away from Ali, Demetri. I was...I am scared of you, from last time when Ali was missing. You almost hurt Lily and me. I heard what you said to Ali earlier to. So it sounds like you've already hurt her emotionally. Stay away from her before you hurt her physically too, please."[/b] Pocket said. She knew she couldn't stand up to Demitri, with his size, but she wasn't going to pretend Ali was safe if she's in trouble. [b]OOC: Okay, Mage, just to let you know, Pocket is just still affected by Demetri's outburst when Ali was missing. So just explain that part to her somehow about Demitri not being in control when he said those things to Ali. Pocket will settle down after that, since Ali will back Demitri up. She's just worried right now.[/b]