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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [color=purple][size=1][i]After the introductions, the girl who called herself "Tanji", curtsied. A gesture that Valerie herself would have returned if her skirt had been a little longer.[/i] "Follow me, and I will bring you to a place where you can change." [i]Miriku said sweetly. They all followed Miriku and Tanji, while Kayin kept up the rear. Miriku talked to them while they walked. "It's strange," Valerie thought. "No matter what Miriku is saying, she always manages to sound...so...so...nice, I guess. You just can't help but to like it." In fact, there was a lot that Valerie realized that she liked about this strange woman.[/i][/size] [b]OOC: Hey, Skye. I'm sorry that this is so short, but I don't know what your plan is and I don't want to ruin it. ~S.A.~ A.K.A "Taryn"[/b][/color] :angel:
  2. Lilt

    Blood-red Moon

    [color=purple][size=1][i]Emryss hid behind a column on the second floor of the church, that overlooked the rows and rows of pews down below. She had heard voices. "****," she thought. "This place was supposed to be abandonded. Oh well. Nothing's ever as easy as you think it's going to be." She pulled out the sword from the sheath on her back, exposing an alabaster blade with a Latin inscription running down the sword. When translated, it read: "The Hand That Smiteth Evil". She looked out from her hiding place, and saw the shadows of three figures. She could sense that they were all vampires. Except for one...one was different. But not in the way that the fresh one was different. Its vampiric aura seemed...surpressed somehow. Emryss looked from the moving shadows to the large, circular stained glass window at the end of the church.[/i] "I've got to get to that window without them knowing, somehow." [i]Emryss resheathed her sword and crawled over the railing. Maybe she could climb down. Maybe not. The ancient railing gave way under her weight and she hit the ground with a loud thud.[/i] "Damn." [i]She swore as she stood up and rubbed her back.[/i] "That's twice that I swore in a church. But right now, I've got bigger problems to worry about. There's no way they didn't hear me. But I can't kill them...They might know..." [i]Emryss winced as she walked towards the large stained glass window, hoping she hadn't been noticed.[/i][/size][/color]
  3. [color=purple][size=1][i]Valerie was a bit reluctant to drop her berries. Daniel looked back at her.[/i] "Come on, just leave them here. I know they might not be poisonous, but we don't want to take that chance. Besides, I'm sure that there must be something else in this forest besides berries to eat." [i]Valerie dropped them and followed along.[/i] ********** [i]After what seemed like days of searching, the group still hadn't found any other food they can eat.[/i] "I wasn't that hungry at first," [i]Charisma said.[/i] "But now I'm starving. This forest doesn't seem to have any fruit at all!" "Well if it doesn't, then we'll have to find some sort of animal to kill." [i]Daniel suggested. Valerie made a face at his suggestion.[/i] "Eew. I don't think I could do that at all. One of you guys would have to kill it, but not while I'm watching." [i]Charisma, who seemed to be in a negative mood at the moment, came up with another problem.[/i] "But what if there aren't any animals in the forest, either? We'll have to kill Koro and eat him." [i]Kaitlen drew him away from Charisma protectively.[/i] "Oh no you won't. We're not eating, Koro!" [i]Charisma looked over at Kaitlen.[/i] "I'm sorry. I didn't really mean it. I'm just so hungry, I don't know what I'm saying." [i]Suddenly, Daniel ran ahead of everyone else.[/i] "Hey, guys! Follow me! Food!"[i]He called back.[/i][/size][/color]
  4. [color=purple][size=1][i]Valerie stroked the kitten's fur as Kaitlen held it in her arms.[/i] "Where did you find it?" [i]She asked.[/i] "I was just walking around here, and I saw it playing. Do you like it?" [i]Kaitlen replied.[/i] "Yeah. Are you going to keep it?" [i]Kaitlen smiled and nodded.[/i] "Of course!" [i]Then, she set the kitten down so Valerie could play with it.[/i] "I wonder where Joey is?" [i]Kaitlen asked, looking up at the blue sky. Valerie looked up at her friend.[/i] "Who's Joey?" "She's this girl I hang out with sometimes. She's a little...odd." "Oh? How so?" [i]Kaitlen shrugged her shoulders.[/i] "It's hard to explain. You'd know what I mean if you met her." [i]Valerie handed Kaitlen the kitten and looked around the forest.[/i] "What is it?" "Do you hear that?" [i]Valerie asked. Kaitlen stopped and listened. Someone was moving around close by.[/i] "Maybe that's your friend, Joey. Let's go see." "Ok." [i]Kaitlen said as she put the kitten on her shoulder and grabbed Valerie's hand. As they both went to find out who else was in the forest with them, Valerie was thinking about how she was glad that no one was around at the time. "If David saw me right now, I would never hear the end of it. I know he would tell everyone at school even though he knows that Kaitlen and I are just friends. Uh-oh. What if it is David? That wouldn't be good..." When they both caught sight of the person walking around in the forest, Valerie breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was a girl with a sketchpad that she didn't recognize.[/i] "Is that her, Kaitlen? Is that, Joey?" [i]Kaitlen shook her head.[/i] "No, that's not her. Who is that?" "I don't know. Let's ask them. Hey! Who are you!" [i]Valerie called out, but the person didn't listen. They seemed to be lost deep in their thoughts.[/i][/size][/color]
  5. Lilt

    Blood-red Moon

    [color=purple][size=1][i]Emryss stood up and cleaned the fresh wound on her arm. After she was finished, she bandaged it up and put her medical supplies back in her backpack.[/i] "Well, I've got to be going now. I wanted to learn more about all of you and I'm sure you wanted to know more about me, but I have other business to take care of. Especially if that thing was looking for the crystal as well. I can't let it get it before I do." [i]Emryss slung the backpack over her shoulder.[/i] "I'll be seeing all of you later. Especially you..." [i]She said as she pointed at Doll.[/i] [i]Emryss walked off in the direction of the church and looked back once to wave goodbye. Then, she disappeared into the darkness.[/i] ***************** [i]A few seconds later, the group heard the sound of returning footsteps. It was Emryss.[/i] "On second thought, I can wait for a little while. It's really going to bug me if I walk off without knowing who all of you are. I'm just nosey that way. Besides, some of us might be able to help each other if we have similar goals. I'm guessing that you have all heard about the Blood-Red Crystal, haven't you?"[/size][/color]
  6. [color=purple][size=1][i]Valerie lay down underneath a tree for a shade and took a deep breath of the fresh, green grass. This was an excellent day for a picnic, that was for sure. She watched as the soft white clouds floated against the blue sky above her. She was just about to fall asleep when something hit her stomach hard, knocking the wind out of her. It was her little brother, Jason.[/i] "Come play Hide-and-Seek with us, Val. Pleeeease?" [i]He begged her with puppy dog eyes. She pushed him off of her stomach and got up.[/i] "All right. I'll play with you. You and Jack go count while I look for a place to hide." [i]Jason clapped his hands in excitement and ran to go find his twin brother. After he had left, Valerie ran into a nearby forest.[/i] "This looks like a good spot." [i]She said. She soon heard the voices of her little brothers so she started to run. Then, she stopped suddenly and listened.[/i] "Was that, Kaitlen's voice? It sure sounded like it." [i]Valerie walked ahead in what she thought was the direction the voice had come from. Kaitlen was one of her friends from school and also one of the reasons the other students made fun of her so much, since Kaitlen was "bi". Everyone seemed to have so much fun teasing the girls about going out, and buying each other birthday gifts, and other things like that. But no one believed Valerie when she told them it wasn't true.[/i] "Kaitlen? Are you there?" [i]Valerie called, moving still farther into the forest.[/i][/size][/color]
  7. Lilt

    Blood-red Moon

    [color=purple][size=1][i]Even though that thing that seemed to be in pain was a vampire, Emryss could not help but to feel pity for it. She pushed back the long collar of her jacket, put a hand down her turtleneck sweater and rubbed the several puncture wounds on her neck while she was trying to decide what to do. Finally, she walked over to the crying Reaper. Reaper looked up at her with what seemed to be fear in her eyes.[/i] "I told you to get away!" [i]She whispered angrily. Emryss held a finger to her lips and then rolled up her sleeve.[/i] "I'm immune. Go ahead if you need to feed. I know what you are."[/size][/color]
  8. [color=purple][size=1]Well my indulgences aren't all that secret, but they are all weird. :p ::counts off of her fingers:: For one thing, besides all of the embarrasing pop music I listen to, I really like that old Big Band music. You know, the really fast swing stuff. I know it's almost 100 years old, but I don't care. My dad owns so much of it I listened to it so much as a kid that now I'm hooked on the stuff. It's just so...energetic and old-timey. I'm also building up quite a weird hat collection. For example, in an Amish gift shop, I bought one of those black hats that the Amish men always wear because I didn't like the look of any of the bonnets on me. Oh, and I almost forgot about mah cows, that's another one of my somewhat secret obsessions. If something has anything to do with cows, then it always gets bonus points in my book. (I'd be a cowgirl in a second if they actually rode cows instead of horses.) Well, that's enough for now. I'm going to give out my secret obsessions in small doses only. It'll be healthier for all of you that way. ;)[/size] [b]No way! You have a sea otter, HetepKa? :eek: I do too! I named mine, "Chitty". (Obviously inspired by the movie, "Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang")[/b][/color]
  9. Lilt

    Blood-red Moon

    [color=purple][size=1][i]Emryss watched as the group ran in response to the scream. She looked at their empty bench, then at the church, and then back at the bench. She shrugged her shoulders.[/i] "Well, the monastery isn't going anywhere. I'd better find out what's going on." [i]Emryss ran in the direction of the scream.[/i] ********************* [i]When she got there, the first thing she noticed was the bleeding woman lying on the ground. Ignoring everyone else that was standing around, Emryss kneeled down and checked the mysterious woman's wounds. One of the two people that weren't with the other three that she had seen at the bench, raised her sword at her.[/i] "You! Who are you and what are you doing here?" [i]The woman hissed.[/i] "Well first I might want to let you know that I only exchange answers for other answers. I never give them away for free. I'm known as Emryss of the Alabaster Hand, and I'm checking these woman's wounds. She's hurt pretty badly." [i]The woman with the blade laughed at Emryss response.[/i] "You have no idea who you are ordering around, do you? I am known as Reaper. And you will soon know what my business is here." [i]Emryss ignored her and continued to check the wounded victim. Soon, she looked back up at Reaper.[/i] "This was no vampire that did this to her, that's for sure. She should be fine if we take care of her right away. What were you saying?" [i]Reaper growled at her.[/i] "You are making me very impatient! Get up and stand with the others." [i]Emryss did as she was ordered to.[/i] "Now, I have a few questions for all of you..."[/size][/color]
  10. [color=purple][size=1]Time to try something new...::cracks knuckles::[/size] [b]Name:[/b] Sara Valerie Moore [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] Being 5'3" with a skinny build, Valerie is a bit on the short side compared to some of the other girls in her class. Her hair used to be a chocolate brown until she dyed it to more of a dirty blond. It falls just a little bit below her shoulder but she usually wears it in a ponytail because of Gym. (In fact, she's thinking of just getting it cut short.) She usually goes for the "Girly-girly" look, but lately, with her dark moods, her style of dress is starting to change. When she entered the Dream World, she was wearing a jungle camo mini-skirt with a black asymmetrical top, and a necklace that her mother designed for her out of a crystal and a gold ring that she had found. The only markings she has on her are two piercings on each of her earlobe, three on the top of her right ear, and a piercing through her bottom lip. She also has a tattoo on the back of her neck that reads, "Turn on the Sky". [b]Bio:[/b] Sara Valerie Moore lived the ideal American life. The only child of a wealthy father, and a doting mother, she could have all she wanted. Then, a little bit after her seventh birthday, everything went wrong. Looking back on it now, she laughs at how she thought that it all happened because she had broken her mother's vanity mirror and how she also thought that that had caused the bad luck she had seemed to have until she was fourteen years old. Her father had finally cracked from the years of stress catching up to him. Plus, it didn't help that the secretary that he was having an affair with was suing him for sexual harassment, his wife was leaving him because of this affair, and his business was falling down around him because of both of these events. After her father came home from some heavy drinking, (which he had never done before,) he grabbed the gun from the top of his dresser and thought of killing himself. Then, when Valerie came in to tell him that she had broken mom's vanity mirror, he beat her with the butt of the gun and abused her. when her mom came in response to her daughter's screams, he shot her. He then passed out and the neighbors called the police and he was soon arrested. Valerie was then put in a foster home with her new family, the Moore's. She took their surname so she would feel more like a part of the family. She loves all of the members of her new family. Jessica, her new mom; Nathan, her new father; David, her new older brother who hates gays, (although he has been annoying her lately with his dirty mouth,); and the twins, Jason and Jack. But like all estranged children, she sometimes feels like an outsider. [b]Personality:[/b] Deep down inside, ever since puberty, Valerie has felt like she has been denying herself. But she does not want to admit it. Perhaps it is because of how her father abused her, or maybe it's because of all the jerks she's been dating lately, or all of the perverted comments that her foster brother and his friends make. Whatever it is, she's found that she's having a harder and harder time of putting up with boys lately. She's heard the girls' at her school call her a "lezzie" or a "lezbo" behind her back. To combat this new nickname, she tries to dress real girly and she tries to go out with guys as much as possible. But she has been catching herself checking out her friends recently...It's not that she doesn't want to come out of the closet, it's just that she doesn't think there's even a closet to come out of. She does not want to admit that she might be a "lezbo" or at least, bi. However, she's not trying to be shallow or anything. She prides herself on being open-minded. She just can't imagine herself kissing someone of the same sex. But sometimes she does wonder what it would be like to "experiment".[/color]
  11. Lilt

    Blood-red Moon

    [color=purple][size=1][b]OOC: I'm guessing we're in France. If we are, that would be good for my character. If we're not, that's fine too.[/b] [i]Emryss stepped off from the boat, onto the dock and sniffed the air.[/i] "Even the air feels foreign around here. It feels so strange being so far from home..." [i]She started to daze off but snapped out of it and readjusted her bookbag which was starting to slide off her shoulder. She passed a sailor tying up a small boat and she decided to ask him where the nearest monastery was.[/i] "(It's quite far away from here, madam. Do you need shelter?)" [i]He asked.[/i] [i]She shook her head.[/i] "(No, sir. I'm looking for an abandoned church, not an occupied one. Do you have any of those?)" [i]The man smiled and nodded.[/i] "(Yes, yes we do. It's just a few blocks from here, you'll have to pass by the park to get there. But may I ask you why you would wish to go there, madam?)" [i]Emryss ignored the sailor's question and walked on. She already had all the information she needed.[/i] ************************* [i][b]A few blocks later...[/b][/i] ************************* [i]Finally reaching the park, Emryss decided to sit down to rest her feet, and to check to make sure she was looking for the right church. Besides herself, there were three other people in the park, talking to each other. She sat down in a bench and dug through her booksack, pulling out a tattered journal. She turned to a page with a sketching of a large, Gothic church. Underneath the sketching was a name, but she would check that once she got there. She looked up from the book at the monastery in the distance. "Yep, that's the one." She thought. After she put up the journal, she looked up at the group. She lip-read "What are you doing here," before she heard the scream. She instinctively put a hand on her sword handle at her back. She looked at the group ahead of her, but judging by their faces, the scream had not come from them. She looked around to try to find its source.[/i][/size][/color]
  12. Lilt

    Blood-red Moon

    [color=purple][size=1]Finally, an RPG that looks a bit interesting. As requested, I changed my character from a Puppet Mage. She didn't really fit the description anyways.[/size] [b]Name:[/b] Emryss [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet but laughs easily. Seems to be searching for the crystal for herself, but no one's quite sure. [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. [b]Magic/weapons:[/b] Her sword and her sketchpad and pencil [b]Special Powers:[/b] With the help of her sketchpad and pencil, Emryss can draw something, (a small monster to help her fight, a change in scenery, etc.) to help her. However, her powers do have limits. (She can't draw anyone dying, she can't draw a ridiciously large monster, and if she changes her scenery to make herself teleport, it can't be too far of a distance from where she was.) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Her sketchpad and pencil [/color]
  13. [color=purple][size=1]Hey, I don't know why you're leaving, but this sounds like it's going to be a pretty cool rpg. Also, I'm not going to be back until Monday, so feel free to kick me out if things are moving to fast for me to catch up. I'll PM you some info on my character to see if it will be alright.[/size] [b]Name:[/b] Ashton [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Unknown (Generally thought to be male) [b]Description:[/b] Long, white hair, red eyes, wears a baggy midnight blue tunic and tights, black boots and gloves, and keeps his face and body covered in a midnight blue cloak. [b]Personality:[/b] Ashton is not very quiet, but he is not known for idle talk. Being a counter-spellcaster, he is more of a defensive fighter and he usually manages to keep a clear head in battle. Because of these traits, he is respected by his fellow warriors, despite his young age. [b]Weapons:[/b] Two long daggers [b]Magic Type:[/b] Counter-spellcaster [b]Magic abilities (max4):[/b] [i]Masochist[/i] For a short time, turns the enemy's physicl attacks against themselves. [i]Hunger[/i] Steals a little bit of life force energy from an enemy to heal an ally. [i]Blackhole[/i] Creates a vacuum that sucks in offensive spells. [i]Flux[/i] Creates the illusion that the spellcaster is sliding on their feet at random. [b]Bio:[/b] Although Ashton is rumored to be from Forlock, the rumors are only half true. He was actually born and raised in the Gnarwood but he was kidnapped and brought to the Town of Fiends at the age of 10. At 13, his captors tried to sell him into slavery but were unsuccesful. Seeing that no one wanted him, they scarred his face and threw him out in the streets with a secret he has just begun to believe a couple of years ago. His parents paid for his kidnapping. Since that day, he has joined the group Koma and trained under a counter-spell caster by the name of Vangeles. Even though Ashton has only trained for 3 years, his skill at spell casting is much greater than it should be. It is almost if something was increasing his powers...[/color]
  14. Lilt

    Birthday Girl

    [color=purple][size=1]Life would be boring without any problems along the way. I don't know if I'm just cranky from not getting enough rest, :sleep: but I'm here to ruin your birthday. :devil: It's nothing personal...(or is it?)[/size] [b]Name:[/b] Alice White [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Beth, with her pale skin, waist length dyed black hair, (which was originally white-blond), and black rings around her light blue eyes, looks like a stereotypical goth girl. But that's exactly what she's trying to look like. She usually wears a dark purple tanktop, black and purple striped armwarmers, a long black skirt with black tights, and black buckle-up platform boots. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet but not shy, rude to almost everyone but her few close friends, sarcastic, seems to have a grudge against Skye. [b]Bio:[/b] Alice is a girl with average looks and a pretty good family life, so most people wonder why she chose to hang out with the goths of the school. She soon became close friends with the goths and rarely ever talks to anyone, except for Skye, who she seems to torment at every chance she gets.[/color]
  15. [color=purple][size=1]I know my sign up is a bit cliche, but it's supposed to be. Let me know if it needs to be changed at all.[/size] [b]Real Name:[/b] Bethany "Beth" McKnight [b]Spy name:[/b] Obsidian Rose [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Position:[/b] E.T.G. [b]Weapon:[/b] Sabre [b]Talent:[/b] Fencing, and going unnoticed [b]Power:[/b] Shadow form (Look in Other Info for an explanation.) [b]Appearance:[/b] Beth, with her pale skin, waist length dyed black hair, (which was originally brown), and black rings around her blue eyes, looks like a stereotypical goth girl. But that's exactly what she's trying to look like. She usually wears a dark purple tanktop, black and purple striped armwarmers, a long black skirt with black tights, and black buckle-up platform boots. [b]Attitude/Personality:[/b] Beth could have had friends, in fact she could have probably been a bit popular in her school, but she decided to close herself off from everyone. Without giving anyone a chance to get to know her, she told herself that they didn't care about her anyways. Beth tries hard not to talk to anyone that much, because she wants to feel sorry for herself. She also looks up to Kiki a bit, but she would deny it if she ever found out. [b]Other info:[/b] One day, at school, when Beth was wishing that she could just disappear, she changed into some sort of shadow. She found out that while she was in this shadow form, no one could hear her move around, and she also found out that she could slip under doors as well. She does not like to use this form too often however, because she always feels so cold when she changes back to normal.[/color]
  16. [color=purple]Thanks, Bloodfight for the advice. If that's true what you say, then I think I'd rather just stay in my nice, safe [/color][color=pink][b]Pseudo-punk Bubble.[/b][/color] :nervous: [color=purple]Naw, I'm just kidding. I'll check out some of that hardcore stuff too. So if emo died, then what would you call all of these bands that they've mentioned? And what were the old emo bands like? Do you know about any of them? And what in the world is [b]J-rock[/b]? :confused: [b]~S.A.~[/b] :angel:[/color]
  17. [size=1][color=purple]Well the movies can be pretty good sometimes, (I recently asked my boyfriend to come with me to go see Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen just to see if he would. He did. I can be so mean sometimes. :D ) but I like to be able to sit and talk with a guy, so I'd say dinner is better, but it's still not the thing for me. I think I just set my standards too high sometimes. Anyways, I'd have to agree with everyone else about going to the mall. I always feel so bad because I'm usually the one looking around, while Kevin, (my boyfriend,) is just standing around with no clue of what to do. I like to do something where we can be together and we can both have fun.[/size] [b]~S.A.~[/b] :angel:[/color]
  18. [color=purple][size=1]Thanks, Haze. I was just about to ask which of this stuff is mainstream, and what isn't. But why should I stay away from Simple Plan and those other groups? Are they at all like Good Charlotte? I have plenty of punk and emo bands to keep me happy for a while, but I might check those bands out as well, even if they are mainstream. (I'm not too particular, but usually when I pick up a new mainstream band, people always call me a poser.) And yes, I am female. Boys Night Out sounds pretty messed up, but if you say they're good, I might check them out. I don't usually pay attention to lyrics anyway, unless they really stand out.[/size] [b]~S.A.~[/b] :angel:[/color]
  19. [color=purple][size=1][i]Signa slowly walked by the welcome sign to the entrance of the town of Gnarwood. She took in everything. The people, the smell of the ocean air and the crisp green grass, and especially the ocean itself. Signa loved the ocean. It was the one thing in the world that they did not have in her village. She would love to play in it for hours if she could, but she had other things to worry about right now. The elders had sent her to this village for a purpose, not to swim. She sighed, now if it had only been a real purpose this time. She knew that they had only sent her away because she was causing trouble with the children of the village again. She didn't start the trouble, she didn't even know the reason why it would start at all. All she knew was that they didn't like her for some reason. They said she was "different". Signa asked the elders to explain this to her many times before, but they just said it wasn't important. Suddenly, Signa's thoughts were interrupted by the beginning of a fight. Two guards stood ready to attack a cloaked man. While she was watching the fight, nearby, a scrawny man noticed the glint of gold on her white mask. He ran over and grabbed it off of her face. Signa covered her face in her hands and started to scream like a dying animal. That mask was everything to her! An outsider to her village could not understand its importance, or her need to keep her face concealed. Distracted, the two guards looked over at the wailing half-elf...[/i][/size][/color]
  20. [color=purple][size=1]Thanks again for all of the help. Some of my friends already have some of the cds mentioned, (like Modest Mouse,) so I think I'll just borrow some cds from them and buy the others that they don't have. I just have one more question for you guys. Are punk and emo related in anyway? Is emo really, "emotianl punk rock" like Goodwin says it is?[/size] [b]~S.A.~[/b] :angel:[/color]
  21. [color=purple][size=1]Thanks, everyone. These bands should keep me busy for a little while, (but I'm not saying you can't suggest anymore.) I know I only mentioned Good Charlotte, but that's because that's the only punk band I thought I had. (My friend told me they were punk, so I picked them up.) I like them and all, but I'm just trying to find more music that I might like, especially now that I know I don't actually own any punk msic. So were they ever a punk band to begin with? Or do they just try to dress punkish? Also, I'm really confused right now. Is emo an actual genre or not? :confused: I've heard that some people say it is a genre, and that some bands are emo bands. (a friend of mine mentioned the names, Jets to Brazil and Grandaddy. Anybody heard of them? Are they emo bands?) But other people told me that emo is just songs like the ones Good Charlotte sings. So which is it? :confused:[/size] [b]~S.A.~[/b][/color] :angel:
  22. [color=purple][size=1]Calling all punk and emo fans. I'm currently searching for bands from either of these genres. So far I've only picked up Good Charlotte. They're pretty good, but I'd like to hear more punk rock music. So do you guys have any suggestions? Thanks.[/size] [b]~S.A.~ :angel:[/b][/color]
  23. [color=purple][size=1]Well if you guys love them so much, can you tell me why you do? What's their music like? What instruments do they play? How many albums do they have out? Are they still playing today? And etc., etc. I've heard of them and I would like to get some of their music soon, so if you guys could give me some info on them that would be great. Thanks.[/size] [b]~S.A.~ :angel:[/b][/color]
  24. [color=purple][size=1]Hey. This does sound like a cool game. Let me know if I'm doing anything wrong, ok? I'm almost finished with my future era sign up. I just don't have a place to put the picture for the description.[/size] [b][i]Feudal Era[/i][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Signa Kendrick [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Half-elf [b]Bio:[/b] Signa, born to a human father and an elfen mother, was cast out of her family tribe of elves because of her parents' forbidden marriage. This tribe, who judges each marriage as either acceptable or unsuitable to the "community" family, did not only ban the Kendrick family because the father was human, but also because he was a well known thief. When Signa's mother and father left the tribe, they left their daughter as well. The elders, unable to kill such a charming child, gave her to another young couple and told them to train her in the tribe's ways. Years later, she has decided to wander because she cannot exactly fit in with her adopted family. [b]Description:[/b] (I'll get the link up once I get my own little image space. For now, check out the attachment. Besides the face, Signa wears a white mask with purple tribal markings, and a dark green tunic, tan pants, black gloves and boots, and a dark green cloak) [b]Personality:[/b] Signa is a bit quiet, and she keeps to herself most of the time. She rarely ever speaks unless it's necessary. But also she is sometimes very curious and child-like, and a little bold. [b]Weapons:[/b] Two silver short swords [b][i]Future Era[/i][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Iku Morris [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] (Coming soon. Besides all that the picture will soon show, she also has a black backpack, reflective visor sunglasses, and headphones) [b]Personality:[/b] Iku is not very trusting towards people, especially since she deceives whenever she wants to. She has changed a lot from before she joined the gang and now she has very few inhibitions, and she isn't as quiet as she used to be. [b]Bio:[/b] One day, when Iku was visiting her father's grocery store, a small group of bored punks walked in and started stealing the place right in front of Iku and her father. Too startled to say anything, Iku just stood and stared. When the leader of the punks noticed her, he walked up to her and tried to kiss her. She hit him and he started roughing her up and then he knocked her to the floor. When the criminals started to threaten her father, Iku stood up and said that she would be the leader's boyfriend if she would just leave her dad and his store alone. The leader agreed and Iku went with him in spite of her dad's protests. Iku later learned that her new "boyfriend" was one of the mob leaders' second-hand man. At first, she acted cold to him, but then she started to actually enjoy her new life. Now, she wouldn't give it, or him, away for anything in the world. [b]Weapons:[/b]Sawed-off shotgun [b]EDIT: I replaced the picture of Signa with Iku's picture.[/b][/color]
  25. Lilt

    Phantom Planet

    [color=purple][size=1]Ah, you got it with a signed booklet! I'm so jealous! :p Anyways, By the Bed is one of my favorite songs, right after After Hours. I love that song. :love: So their drummer left? What CDs does he play on? Either of the ones I have? If so, he is really good. And does anyone know what kind of sub-genre these guys would fall into? Because I wanted to pick up some similiar bands, and my friends say that Saves the Day, and Armor For Sleep is a lot like them. Is this true? :confused:[/size] [b]~S.A.~[/b] :angel:[/color]
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