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[b]Name:[/b] Ghica Golescu Lulia [b]Age:[/b] 17 but appears to be in her 20's [b]Appearance:[/b][url="http://i56.tinypic.com/2hz50mu.jpg"]Lulia showing off her scars[/url] Her burn scars and the whole experience with the spirit and the institution have aged Lulia considerably. She now appears to be an experienced twenty year old. She dresses simply, not having much money anymore and can usually be seen carrying a pendulum. Despite her 'bookish' appearance thanks to always carrying a diary and log as well, Lulia was actually a gymnast earlier in her life [b]Skills:[/b] Photographic memory, intuition and athleticism [b]Gear:[/b] Lulia prefers to do things the old fashioned way, so she never travels without her personal diary and log book and her pendulum. Besides that, she usually brings along a mirror or other items for divination. [b]Supernatural Ability:[/b] If Lulia concentrates, she can actually give her 'spirit' a presence and touch ghosts and other spirits. Others around her have called it 'Soul Touch'. [b]Biography:[/b] When Lulia was 13 years old, she encountered her first spirit. She told her family about the voice that she had heard and the whole experience, but none of them believed her. Her caretaker seemed interested, but Lulia thought she might have only been humoring her. She decided to try to make contact with the spirit and get proof of it's existence somehow. This was when she started to keep her diary. One night, her plan to make contact was a success. But not in the way that she had hoped. The spirit attacked her, leaving a burn all over her face and body and also destroying her right eye. When her parents found out, they claimed that her 'proof' was nothing more than a child harming herself for attention. After hospitalization, Lulia was placed in an institution and abandoned by her family. Years later, her caretaker released her and giving her a pendulum, she told Lulia that she believed her. Ever since then, Lulia has traveled with her new mother figure, searching for other spirits and showing off the evidence she gained from her first contact.
[b]I like any meme that I can laugh at when I first see it. My least favorite meme so far has been anything that is meant to just be shocking. You can't really reference those ones without showing an image. I wonder what OB's Memes are though? Do we have any?[/b]
[b]I'm just going to get this out of the way before I regret saying it out of love for this show. xD (I'm watching the first episode soon.) But each time I read the subtitle, I can just imagine a certain (fictional) cult leader exclaiming 'Friendship [i]is[/i] magic!' So who is everyone's favorite character so far?[/b]
[quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1301353902' post='706031'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]And I recently have been trying to tone down the level of my hype in places not specifically meant for it. I tend to become a bit over-enthusiastic for a while after newly becoming a fan of something, but typically it dies down after the first week or so. As far as I can tell, this is actually pretty common, but I'll go ahead and apologize for the early-stage fanboying of late.[/font] [/quote] [b]I can't tell you how much I do this actually. It's only the few shows/games/whatever that I really like that I continue to fangirl over and tell everyone about it. My rule is, if it hasn't died down the first week or so and it's still going, I put it into my favorites and start telling people about it.[/b]
[b]So what meme is that Pokémon picture related to? I don't recognize it. That second picture though...Yeah I won't be sleeping either. D: I would post one like it but: A) It's another nightmare face B) It's a major spoiler for most people on OB.[/b]
Bronies! Bronies as far as the eye can see!
[b]I can't quote right now, but a big QFT to you chibi. Actually, I think it's cool if a show can break away from it's target audience. It just shows how awesome it is.[/b]
[quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1301039481' post='705910'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]Oh the ponacity.[/font] [/quote] [b]Comments like this and screens from the show are making me want to watch it more and more. XD[/b]
[b]Thanks Nony (I love your new name by the way,) I can't actually get a Vullaby though so is there anything else you want besides that or Tepig? I don't know when I can trade with you though, but save one for me if you can. I can't trade over my Celebi anyways unless I get a second DS somehow. My team is finally starting to come together so I'll probably post them up soon. Also, does anyone have any tips for the last two gyms without spoiling much? I'm trying to work on training to get the 7th badge right now. And is it just me or is this generation of Pokémon beaten much faster than the others? I don't remember getting through HeartGold this fast.[/b]
[b]When I first heard of this series (I didn't know about the 'Friendship is Magic' part,) I thought that everyone was just interested in the old series again for some reason. Thanks to OB though, now I know better. I would find it a little weird if guys were suddenly interested in the first My Little Ponies cartoon, but I'm glad that all genders and ages can enjoy this one. It gives all of the girl Bronies out there more Bronies to discuss this show with. I still haven't even watched the first episode actually though, although I will be soon. Any cartoon that has chibi-sister has one of the main characters must be good. xD[/b]
[b]Hey everyone. I just wanted to say thanks for taking care of Pocket. I know I'm late on my post though, but I'm almost caught up with the story and I should have time this weekend to get my post in. Then it should be back to normal posting next week. Sorry about disappearing on you guys. The RP is amazing so far.[/b]
[b]An opera singer would be great. I just actually started Parasite Eve actually and without spoiling anything, I can see it fitting into our RP pretty well. The only idea that I have that is musically related is a Shikabane drummer maybe? Amateur bands put out an ad for a drummer and they all end up dead. Kind of a reverse Spinal Tap I guess.[/b]
[b]Thanks guys. Thanks to the tips, I finally got Fly! Also I think I found some good Pokémon to add to my team thanks to you. Is it just me though, or are the little things that Pokémon do in battle really cute/neat? Like Scraggy pulling up his shedded skin only for it to fall down again. XD And which Pokémon is Keldeo? I'm really liking the new Pokémon game a lot so far. I only miss my Pokéwalker, my Pokétch and that's about it. Everything else is great. Especially the little special effects when you get a new gym badge or something.[/b]
[quote name='Stephanie' timestamp='1299993312' post='705654'] Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me. I'm officially twentyyyy... Happy Birthday to me! [/quote] [b]YAY!!! This is late, but Happy Birthday Steph! <3 So what did you do to celebrate? ^^ I hope you had fun.[/b] [quote name='Inuyasha Fandom' timestamp='1300000811' post='705661'] my birthday is actually coming up soon. It's going to be on the 21st [/quote] [b]Happy early Birthday then! ^^ I hope you have a great one too, Inu. Any plans?[/b]
[quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1300129876' post='705690'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]All gens had awful Pokemon. Just sayin'. As for my team, I'll edit with that later, but I am uncreative and don't have cute personalities laid out for them or anything. ._.; Sorreh.[/font][/color] [/quote] [b]The only kind of Pokémon that bother me as far as design goes are the ones that look too much like real life animals. Like Pidove. I like it's later evolution, but it's hard to get excited about a Pokémon that you see in parks and on statues everyday. XD I don't have cute personalities laid out yet for anything but my starter really. I can't tell you how many times I've biked all the way to the name changer because I had to give a new Pokémon a temporary name until I came up with a better one. My problem is I keep switching them around.[/b] [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1300137632' post='705696'] I'm training to take on the Elite Four now~ [/quote] [b]Yay Congrats~! Let us know how it goes okay? ^^ How did you get there by the way? I keep getting stuck on each gym leader. (I'm stuck right before Gym Leader Clay.) My problem is, I find out a Pokémon is no good and train it way too high then have to train my lower level boxed Pokémon to fight the gyms. Also I can never find a good solid team. Any tips chibi? D: I never had this much trouble on HeartGold. If anyone else has anything to add on how you chose your team, feel free to give me advice too. I think I'm also choosing too many of the cuter Pokémon this time around too. XD White has been a lot of fun though so far. I like the Triple Battles. (I just had a taste of one thanks to that biker.) To anyone who has Black, how are the rotational battles?[/b]
No more radiation or anything please. A quake and a tsunami is more than enough. =( (Prayers to all of those in Japan right now.)
[quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1299874453' post='705616'] But as for the subject at hand. Hearing and seeing images from Japan is just so heartbreaking...I don't have any money to donate, but I'll certainly try once I can. And I'll continue to pray for everyone affected by this.[/font][/color] [/quote] [b]I agree completely. =( Especially the empty stores. I've donated as well. I just wish there was something more that we could do. If I had a lot of money somehow, I would fly a helicopter over there with blankets, gasoline, food and clean water and things and help out whoever I can. I'm just glad that private organizations are sending search and rescue teams. I don't remember the name of the team, but they're located in Virginia I believe.[/b]
[b]Thanks for putting this up KG. And Mage, like KG said, I've just been busy. I'll try to get one post in this week though. But it won't be until next week that I can start posting again. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I really want to say though, that Pocket was well taken care of. Everyone did a great job with her character. So thanks guys. ^^[/b]
[quote name='White' timestamp='1299716891' post='705570'] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Just thought I'd point out that it wasn't that specific Munna I got, it was just in the grass near there. Also mine is a male. :)[/font][/color] [/quote] [b]Okay thanks. I walked all the way back and found a Munna! Mine is female and I named her Fantasia. I can't wait to get the bike though. XD EDIT: I finally caught a Drillbur. That repel trick works in the Wellspring Cave if you run around a lot. Also, did anyone else like those special doors in the Castelia Gym? I walked through them several times just for fun. XD[/b]
[b]OOC: If Ken already left, ignore my part about the two angels.[/b] There was a stillness in the air that was getting uncomfortable. Tahlia and then Anue had left to go find Onidus. Now Ren was wishing she had left with one of them to help them search. She was fine around Rayne, but Ken made her a little uncomfortable with his talks about Shikabane. Now she was the only non-angel in the room and she needed an excuse to go too. It was harder than she thought, being alone with two angels. [b]"Well, I'm glad everyone enjoyed dinner."[/b] Ren said after clearing everything up. [b]"But now if you don't mind, I'm going to excuse myself to take a shower. You wouldn't believe how long it takes me to wash my hair."[/b] Ren said, trying to lighten the mood. It failed though and she quickly walked out feeling stupid for making a joke without Tahlia around. After her shower, which didn't take that long with Ren keeping her hair short, she looked through her old CD's after getting dressed. One of them caught her eye, one that she forgot that she owned. Opening up the stereo's CD player, Ren listened to her Kun Osaki CD. The sounds of the CD drifting into the other rooms in the apartment as Ren sat there listening, alone with her thoughts. [b]OOC: Sorry if it's a bit short too. I don't want to do much until Onidus, Anue and Tahlia come back. Also I didn't think too many people should leave the apartment or I would go with them.[/b]
[quote name='Inuyasha Fandom' timestamp='1299626733' post='705557'] Go ahead and google her, she's a character from Corpse Princess, though I'm just taking the name, her looks, and profession. She's a shikabane, you'll find a youtube vid of one of her songs I'll be using as well. But... That's where all the similarities end, unless you count her regrets and obsessions. i cant reveal anything else [/quote] [b]Okay, I thought her name seemed familiar. And I know the scenario after watching Corpse Princess myself. Thanks Inu. I know where to go with this now. I'll try to post soon.[/b]
[quote name='White' timestamp='1299693470' post='705563'] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"] My friends and I decided when we beat Black/White we're all going to specialize in one type and make a 6 Pokemon team of that type. I'll be doing a grass team, my brother is doing a flying team, and 2 of my other friends are doing a Dark team and possibly an Eevee team. You guys should do the same and we can have a big Otakumon tournament. :)[/font][/color] [/quote] [b]That would be really awesome. I'll definitely set up a type team later on. =) And OH NO!!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU CAN CATCH MUNNA! I hope I can go back and still catch her. T_T I'm at Castelia City right now. No Wi-Fi at the moment, but when I can get to a Wi-Fi spot I'll share my friend code too. EDIT: I just caught a Darukama and it gets my vote for the grossest Pokédex description. O.o[/b]
[quote name='Inuyasha Fandom'] OOC: Alright, time to chill for a few hours. The next mission will be about Kun Osaki, the famous pop singer ^^[/quote] Just curious about this and about to do a google search. Is Kun Osaki a real pop singer or just made up for this RP? And what is this singer like? (As far as the RP goes, without spoiling anything.) I just need some basic info before I make my post.
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1299553129' post='705543'] "IT WAS SO KAWAII DESU NE ANYWAY THAT'S ALL JA NE" Team Plasma are hypocrites. They preach all this stuff about liberating Pokemon from battles and yet they use Pokemon to battle as well. They act all high and mighty, but just like every other generic villain, they're no better. [/quote] [b]"USO! WATASHI WA KAWAII DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU" I'll stop now xD But yeah, that surprised me too. Yeah getting further into the game made me realize that too. At first when they give their speech, I was like 'Hey these guys aren't bad. They sound like they're just trying to help Pokémon.' Soon I realized that that was way way off. So far, here's my team.[/b] [b]Iggy:[/b] Originally supposed to be Pino, but for gender reasons I went with Iggy. Not Iggy Pop or Piggy without the P though. Named after a great partner which so far, Iggy has lived up to his name. [b]Sakaki:[/b] Ironic that we were just talking about Weaboos, but when I think of cats I think of Sakaki. She's a strong Purrloin so far and so cute too. [b](Unnamed)[/b] I do have a name for my Blitzle, but since I don't like it I want to bring her to the name rater and give her a knew one. She's quickly becoming my favorite already though. [b]Parsley:[/b] My Pansage. Makes me laugh by imitating a piece of brocolli mostly. [b]Carebat:[/b] My newest member to the team, a Woobat. We'll see how she does later on. [b]Astral:[/b] Also a newest member, a Roggenrolla who just sits around a lot. [b]I'm trying to catch a Drilbur and an Audino right now. Has anyone had any luck finding one of these yet? I found a Drilbur on accident during my first visit to the cave but I killed it accidentally too. >< EDIT: Audino isn't as hard to find as I thought. As soon as I posted this, I found two. Drilbur is still hiding from me though. I still haven't seen another dust cloud.[/b]
[b]I got White and I'm happy with it so far. I haven't seen any of the differences yet though since I just started. No spoilers, but does anyone feel bad about fighting the new enemy Team eventually? It seems like they're just guilty of crimes against fashion. Their agenda doesn't sound too bad. Also when does everyone evolve their starter? Right away or do you wait so you can get the moves early?[/b]