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[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1299500632' post='705523'] Pokemon White means never concentrating in school again. [/quote] [b]I'm curious what Pokémon Black means then.[/b]
[quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1299483578' post='705521'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]Any type preferences among anyone else?[/font] [/quote] [b]Well, if we're going by the anime series, I would be a ghost type gym leader. I don't think I could be a gym leader in the game series since I would want to use every type that covered all of my weaknesses. (And usually, you have to stick to one type, even if it means throwing out more water types against an electric type Pokémon XD) So yeah, the ghost type would be cool for me. I won't have the game until later today, so I'll post my team later on. This is all I know for now. Pino: My Starter, a Tepig. She's named after Pino from Ergo Proxy. It would be better if I saved this name for a rabbit like Pokémon but we'll see once I get the game. Oh and does anyone have Victini yet? Or do you have to get to a certain part in the game first?[/b]
[quote name='Effing Anomaly' timestamp='1299129716' post='705449'] [font="Garamond"]Not only did I get nominated to go on exchange next year to Korea through my university, BUT I also was given my top choice!! Korea University in Seoul. August cannot come fast enough, and I am on top of the world. C: Life's good.[/font] [/quote] [b]Wow, Seoul?! Congratulations! Let us know how it's like in Korea. I've always wanted to travel there.[/b]
[quote name='AvalonAngel' timestamp='1298959679' post='705387'] [font="Tahoma"]Deadpool breaks the fourth wall the entire time he's in the game, lol. When he gets KO'd he goes "YOU'RE PRESSING THE WRONG BUTTONS."[/font] [/quote] [b]If I had known that, I would have played with Deadpool in the demo. XD That sounds like my kind of character. Besides that, I'm glad X-23 made it into the game. I didn't think she would ever be in a video game ever, so it was a big surprise to me. I think I might wait for a price drop though, as she's one of the only characters I'll really play with. Also, I agree with Juri belonging in this game. With her color scheme and everything and the designs on her special moves, she would have been a perfect fit with the rest of the cast.[/b]
[b]There were a couple of episodes that seemed like they were unnecessary to me, but on the whole I enjoyed Ergo Proxy. Well, the end confused me to no end but I'm probably the only one. However, there were a few must see episodes in there so I would say it's worth watching. Also, the details on the characters is amazing and for the main characters at least, they really grow as people. (For the most part.) So I would definitely recommend that you finish Ergo Proxy if you haven't, JM. And if anyone else was thinking of giving it a try, I say go for it.[/b]
[b]I actually missed Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald so I forgot about Blaziken. But come on, how can anyone say no to this face? [center][img]http://i56.tinypic.com/2nth2s2.jpg[/img][/center] I think I'll name her Pino. (Pronounced 'Pee-Noh') Also, instead of Pokémon Black I think I'll get the new version that adds a new legendary. I don't know what the new legendary will be like, but I heard it will be the best one yet.[/b] [center][img]http://i56.tinypic.com/2nw292a.jpg[/img][/center]
Ren looked up at the monster. it was difficult for her to attack before, since they were just kids, but she would have no trouble fighting this ugly thing. Ren tried to force the rain into its eyes, but that only got its attention on her. "This is one 'dolly' you won't be pulling hair from." Ren shot a large strand of wet black hair to grab hold of it's arm. Now was her chance. She threw one of her kusarigami into its eye, blinding it. Ren looked back to Onidus. "Don't let it swallow Eliza!"
[B]Thanks, chibi. I'll get white then. I just need to change my pre-order if I can. I realized I would miss out on Poochyena and Zekrom if I did get Black. Just let me know if you get any extra Gothita on your Black version okay? I just want Tepig as a starter because she's the only starter that gets a second type when she evolves I think? Or do the other starters get a second type when they evolve?[/B]
[b]Yeah, that is a weird one. O.o The 26th definitely has to be National Otakuboards Day though. The 9th will be interesting. Especially if no one else realizes what day it is and I'm the only one to panic. XD My favorites though are: Everything You Think Is Wrong Day (I'm going to get in so much trouble by telling people they're wrong) I Want You to Be Happy Day (Awww, so sweet <3) I Am In Control (Who doesn't want to run around and say 'Don't worry, I am in control!' XD)[/b]
[b]Yay, the Max Revive worked! XD Anyways, both versions? O.o Wow, that must be fun. I can only choose one. I still don't know which one to choose though! >< I like the Pokémon in Black and the Black City, but I don't know. White Forest sounds nice for catching new Pokémon. What do you think Chibi? Oh and what will you name your starters on both versions? So what starters and versions is everyone else choosing?[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] Kawabata Maiko (Birth Name) Ren (Deceased name) [b]Age:[/b] 15 at time of Death. Six years a Shikabane. [b]Race:[/b] Shikabane [b]Human Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i52.tinypic.com/33w3b69.jpg[/img] As a human, Maiko loved her hair because [i]he[/i] said it was beautiful. She started braiding it because it pleased him. She still keeps this look, outside of battle. Hoping he will notice. Sometimes though, with her control over her hair, she changes the style or color on a whim. [b]Second Form Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i51.tinypic.com/30aezoz.jpg[/img] In her second form, Ren's hair becomes much shorter unless she concentrates on making it longer. Her left eye glows like the moon from where it was touched that night she died. She has no control over it though and can't make it stop glowing. Her visible eye becames a shade darker as well. In both forms Ren dresses lightly, but it's not unusual for her to not dress at all in her second form, using her hair to cover her shame. [b]Personality:[/b] As a human girl, Maiko was shy. And not needing anyone else thanks to Chandrakant, she became even more withdrawn. Now, with becoming a Shikabane and Chandrakant becoming more distant, Ren tries to speak out more and actively pursues her goals or opponents. She doesn't try to run or hide anymore, regretting the way of life that she died from. She is always hoping that Chandrakant will notice her once again. [b]Weapons:[/b] Two Kusarigami that Ren usually enhances with her 'Curse'. She usually extends the reach of the chains with the help of her hair or the roses. Or, if possible, she'll throw them out of a puddle to surprise an enemy. [b]Powers:[/b] Ren's curse involves what she lost before she died. Her hair. Not only can she grow it out or make it change color at will, but she can also use it to grab or to attack or even to defend herself. Also, if she cuts off some of her hair and leaves it somewhere, it can make a useful trap. Grabbing an enemy that walks by. [b]History:[/b] It was a full moon that she first met [i]him[/i]. She should have been scared, but she wasn't. He appeared at her window and she opened it up for him. He wore a mask and unusual clothes but Maiko was too enamored with him to ask why he dressed the way he did. He led her away from her house and danced with her in the moonlight. It seemed like they danced for years. When Maiko fell asleep, he brought her home and when she woke up he was gone. This happened until she was 15. Maiko told no one about it since no one would believe her. Soon, she started calling him 'Chandrakant', not knowing his real name. Then, without warning, he stopped showing up. One month after he was supposed to show up, Maiko waited for him patiently but fell asleep. She awoke to screaming. She thought it was a nightmare but it was real. Before she could check on her family, a pounding noise came closer and closer to her door. Frightened, Maiko ran to her window which burst open and she passed out. When Maiko woke up, she was being held by her hair, hanging over a great height. Through tears, Maiko couldn't make out the figure. She almost got a good look, but the figure pressed on her eye. She cried out. Then Maiko started slipping as the figure cut away at her hair. With the last strands cut, Maiko fell to her death. Her strands of hair floating after her and landing on her lifeless face. She regretted that she would never be able to see under Chandrakant's mask or hear his words of praise anymore. Somehow, Chandrakant found her lifeless body. Because of her regret, Maiko was revived as a Shikabane. Chandrakant explained to her everything except how exactly she died. She soon knew all there was to know about Shikabane and Shikabane Royals and what she now was. Chandrakant now called her Ren and left her. They haven't danced since her death. Ren believes she was killed by a Shikabane and wants to get even. But more than that, she wants to end the fighting so she can dance with Chandrakant one last time and look at him without his mask.
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1298844663' post='705331'] I drove my truck for the first time today and I did surprisingly well. I think I like my truck a lot. [attachment=15055:yeehaw.jpg] [/quote] [b]Wow, that second panel really got to me. XD 'It's beautiful'. LOL Good job, chibi. I'm guessing you survived the jump?[/b]
[quote name='Stephanie' timestamp='1298661814' post='705259'] Heyo, Taryn! <3 I DO NOT LIKE CORNDOGS. End of story. BANISTER CAT HAS SPOKEN. [/quote] [b]Heyo! <3 How have you been? *Hugs* Now that I think about it, anything can be in that deep fried bun besides a hot dog. I'm scared now. O.O[/b]
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1298612039' post='705242'] Went to Cleveland for a day and, well... It was more like Silent Hill than Ohio, really. The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame was a house of horrors on its own anyway! At one point, some creeper was hiding behind a curtain and decided to jump out at me, my sister and my mom. We couldn't exactly slap him or get very angry seeing as he kind of looked like he may have had a mental handicap, but I'd still like to know what the hell he was trying to do. I now have a stuffed aardvark named Dilbert. [/quote] [b]Wait, some complete stranger did that to you? O.o If that happened to me and I wasn't there with family, I think I would have ran. Creepy... And welcome to the family, Dilbert! ^^ @Steph: Welcome back~![/b]
Calypso, or 'Pocket' as everyone calls her, some have even forgotten her real name, was sitting in her private quarters fighting boredom and winning. She had found a fighting game last week that by a strange coincedence had her nickname in the title. She had to pick it up and give it a try. After some practice at it on slow days, when she couldn't get any real training in, she finally won. In the middle of the victory music, Pocket had to tell someone. She dialed Ali's cell and got an answer. [b]"Ali! I just beat the new game I got last week you should swing by and see it."[/b] She said happily. [b]"Pocket we don't have time for that! Get to the office on the double, we have a mission."[/b] Ali said, quite seriously as usual but a bit annoyed too. Pocket pouted, even though the conversation took place over the phone. [b]"You got it."[/b] She answered before hanging up. Ali was serious. Pocket took her time finishing up her game and got dressed for the mission. She brought anything that was personal but important in her mind. It was a way for her to keep in practice, too. After tying her boots, she headed to the briefing room happily humming to herself. She reached the briefing room to see that Demitri was already there. She wasn't as close to Demitri as she was to Ali, but the way Jeff was, he was the second person that she could talk to. [b]"I hear we have a mission, haven't had one in a while"[/b] She said, trying to break the silence. [b]"Speak for yourself"[/b] Demitri replied, laughing as he made some coffee. It was good to get a laugh out of him at least. Before Pocket could say anything else though, everyone else arrived and the briefing started. After getting into the van, Pocket hoped that she would get the backseat with Ali. No such luck though, she was stuck with Jeff. She had had bad experiences talking to him in the past, but maybe this was a chance to get some sort of conversation going. Or get him to laugh at least. Pocket smiled as she got an idea. [b]"So, since it's a long trip, is there anything that you want Jeff? Coloring book? Snacks? Mystery novels? Road Bingo?"[/b] Pocket continued, naming more items as they each appeared out of nowhere. Ali looked back at Pocket. [b]"Pocket stop that and get rid of all of that junk. I told you before to keep room for important things only."[/b] Pocket just pouted and put everything somewhere in the van. Everyone was serious so she would have to be too. Talking to Jeff would have to come later. [b]OOC: Okay, sorry for the wait. I hope I handled Ali okay, KG.[/b]
[b]Hey James, I like the idea of an avatar a lot. It's like the RP affects OB itself in a way. If you want to do something special but within the RP too though, you could have an important NPC give some item to someone's character? It doesn't have to be useful or powerful, I'm thinking of something like, ([spoiler]spoiler tagging this just in case,) Rei with Gendo's glasses I think it was?[/spoiler] I still like your idea for the avatar the best though. Also, chapters sound good if you can make them work. I always considered using chapters but I could never get them to work right. EDIT: I almost have my character decided on.[/b]
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1298001826' post='705063'] [color="#FF0000"][font="Impact"][size="7"]3,000th POST!!![/size][/font][/color] I love it here. [/quote] [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1298002181' post='705064'] [size="7"][color="#ff0000"][b]1,644[/b][sup]th[/sup][/color][size="3"][sup]post![/sup][/size][/size] I kinda like it here! [/quote] [b]Congratulations you two! ^^[/b]
[quote name='Dagger' timestamp='1296484281' post='704562'] As for TV series, lately I've been watching [b]Hourou Musuko[/b] (the most singularly perfect anime I've seen in ages) [/quote] [b]I've been watching that one too. I love the ending animation especially. It's one of my all time favorites so far. (Here it is, in case anyone is curious. There's just something about the song that really fits the show but also stands on its own.)[/b] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfTvOEortY0[/media]
[b]So who's going to watch the Puppy Bowl today?[/b]
[b]Okay James, I haven't watched much of Evangelion at all, but I know the basic story. If it's okay with you, I'm going to pre-build my character now to get ready. She'll probably be around the same age or older than the pilots from the original Evangelion story. However, I think having pilots from different backgrounds is a great idea. I don't know how much help I can be but I'll try to brain storm about the Evas themselves and how the pilots will be chosen. The only idea I have right now is, maybe having the 'core' of the Eva be a chromosome? For example, one Eva might have an XX and the other is XY. So you might not be able to tell, but the Evas will be male and female. That will affect what pilot can operate what Eva though. (Either opposites attract or it will have to match.) That's just a basic thought for right now though.[/b]