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Everything posted by Lilt

  1. [quote name='Mistress Duck' timestamp='1296233388' post='704487'] I'm not sure what genius designed the women's bathroom at my office (he was probably a man), but I've got something to tell him: it's never a good idea to a) build tiny, tiny stalls that only walking skeletons could get into, and b) decide to make the door open [I]inward[/I] so that it's impossible to get out once you've squeezed yourself in. Also, sports stadiums? Start making the women's bathroom about twice as big as you think it needs to be. Then lines aren't a problem. [/quote] [b]It sounds like he discovered the secret of women's restrooms and was so mad he decided to get revenge. There was a restroom like that at one of my old jobs. It was pretty cramped too. That sounds like a pretty good idea. I've never really been to many sports stadiums though, but now I'm glad I've missed out.[/b]
  2. [quote name='Shinmaru' timestamp='1296160462' post='704445'] Sir, I accept your challenge! I'll just toss out whatever I think might strike your fancy ... [b]Baccano![/b] would be a good one. Prohibition-era gangsters, immortals and goofballs, all clashing in a convoluted set of stories that somehow string together and climax in an effective way at the end. One warning, though: The first episode is notoriously confusing. I don't know anyone who has skipped it and watched the rest of the series, but don't let it turn you off if you do watch it. At least give the second episode a shot. [/quote] [b]Durarara!![/b] - If you like Baccano!, DW, you might like DRRR!! too. It's from the same writer and it has a lot of great twists in it. It takes place in modern Tokyo and it does follow around high school kids sometimes (one of them has an unnatural chest size,) but the characters are really good. There are some other downsides, like some hard to believe characters or situations, but on the whole I liked it a lot. Oh and any character with blond hair has actually dyed it that way, so they do have realistic hair colors. Some of the episodes are a little creepy or seem to be unnecessary, but when they pull everything together and it all makes sense it's a lot of fun. Oh and one warning about [b]Ergo Proxy[/b] too. There is one episode near the end that seemed unimportant and a bit strange, so I skipped it. However, an episode or two after that made reference to it so I watched it again. I'm still confused though, so if you feel like skipping [b]Episode 15[/b] I won't blame you.
  3. I have three recommendations for you, DW. I'm going to suggest mostly serious stuff, besides my third suggestion. The humorous anime I've watched are more like FLCL. So I'll leave those out for now. [b]Ergo Proxy[/b] - I don't want to explain too much about this one, since it will ruin the surprise, but it's a sci-fi anime that takes place in a future utopia. Humans have androids living in their society that are called autoreivs and they all live in and are protected from the outside world by a giant dome. It's pretty well done and I have few complaints about the series so far. The superpowers later on are a little cliché but most usually are. I haven't finished it yet, but what I've seen I like so far. No anime sweat drops or anything and the characters are more like real people. Also, it has the most action out of the three I'm recommending. [b]Dennou Coil[/b] - A neat little anime about the supernatural and virtual reality as seen through glasses. The kids (yes, it revolves around kids, so that might be one reason you won't want to pick it up,) have anime eyes but it usually ends there. Someone's aunt though is actually a high school student, but she seems like an adult. That's the only thing I can think of for a downside. Besides that, it has a good story, some humor, a lot of mystery and it makes you feel for the characters. I finished it and liked it. [b]Welcome to the NHK[/b] - I'm just throwing this one out here because I liked it so much. XD It deals with what you hate but it realizes how bad it all is. (The cutesy anime girls, etc.) it's about a hikkimori shut in who is pretty paranoid and believes that the NHK is making everyone into hikkimoris with anime. He ends up trying to go outside more and meets an old school friend who wants to design perverted dating sims. He also meets a girl who wants to help him escape being a hikkimori. Like I said, it deals with the subjects you don't like in anime, but besides in one episode or two, it never does anything but show them as anime figurines and stuff. The downsides are, the main character and his friend are perverts and it does drag on, but it has some good funny moments and good drama. It also makes the characters seem like real people with real problems. For example, it never tries to make the main character seem like a great guy. He's just who he is. Well, sorry for the long read, but I had a lot to say. d: I hope out of one of these (Ergo Proxy probably) you'll find something you like.
  4. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1295565376' post='704072'] Don't worry, you just loan it to us so that we can make more of you girls. What I wanna know is how many girls would prefer men to be nipplelss? [/quote] [b]Okay, in that case you can hold onto them. d: And I'm not sure about that one... I would say it would be too weird for me, but then again I've watched anime. I might be used to it. [/b]
  5. Lilt

    Wow, you like Azumanga Daioh. XD Friend request sent!

  6. [quote name='Mistress Duck' timestamp='1295550221' post='704062'] So you're saying you're just girly enough to have nipples? [/quote] [b]XD I never thought of it like that. Either that or girls made nipples cool so guys had to have some too? (Just kidding. d: ) And why do you guys have our chromosome anyways? Give it back! [/b]
  7. [b]Thanks, Boo. It worked perfectly. ^^[/b]
  8. [b]Is there a delay for your new photo to show up on your profile? Because I just uploaded a new photo for my profile and it's showing up everywhere except on my profile page so far. My old one is still there and I don't know how to remove it. If this isn't a bug but it just has a time delay, ignore this please.[/b]
  9. Yay for being back! I missed everyone! ^^

    1. James


      We missed you too. :-)

    2. CaNz



      I get needy....

    3. Starwind


      And we all missed you.

      And if you leave again I'll find you and burn down your house.

  10. Hey, welcome back. ^^

  11. [b]This sounds like a lot of fun, KG. I'll be looking forward to this one. ^^[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Calypso 'Pocket' Velius [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://i53.tinypic.com/2gx41g9.jpg"]Pocket in one of her usual moods.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Pocket, (or 'Calie' to Alex,) is almost a polar opposite to the girl she looks up to the most. Alex Talon. Pocket likes to relax and have fun and to get others to loosen up too. Her only exceptions to this are during training missions or actual field missions, since lives depend on her. Because of her usual attitude, most people who first meet her assume she's a trainee. They usually never guess that she just acts and looks younger than she is. Pocket is a friendly person on the outside, but keeps a lot to herself and tries to hide it from others. She always tries to smile though, even when she doesn't feel like it. [b]Weapons:[/b] Pocket carries three weapons. Two for close range combat and one for long range. For close range, she keeps two kataras by her side. She usually never keeps them in her mind unless she has too. For long range combat, she has an M82 Barret Rifle. Because of the size and weight of the rifle and ammo, this is only kept in her mind and summoned when and if she needs it. [b]Ability:[/b] Pocket's ability is the same power that gave her her nickname. She can take objects and store them in her mind until she wants to release them. Because of this, she is a good support for the team, since she can bring extra ammo, smuggle something important, or get rid of a security camera or two. Her power is not without limits though. She never wants to try to use it on anything living. Besides that, she can't contain something that is hard to grasp, like an explosion. Also if she grabs too many items at once or for too long, she starts to get severe headaches.
  12. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1294227857' post='703649'] Alright! I am very excited for my date today. We plan on going out for sushi in a town called Ashland (its the only good place to eat around here...and its like 45 minutes away... Yreka sucks) then heading back to spend the rest of the day around my house... I then plan on cooking Chicken Parmesan, spaghetti, and garlic bread... Perhaps a bottle of cab... should be nice. Also she will p'rolly end up kicking my rump at Marvel Vs Capcom sometime tonight, but I like the abuse. [/quote] [b]Boy, I've been gone too long. A date? What is she like, CaNz? And congratulations! We'll all be cheering for you from OB. ^^ I hope you have a great time. Will this be a first date by the way? Or have you gone on a date with her before? Cooking at home is a nice touch by the way. Also, I should be back officially next week.[/b]
  13. I MISS OB!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chibi-master


      OB misses you as well!

    3. The Tentacle

      The Tentacle

      Where you been?

    4. Lilt


      I've been away from the internet, but it's good to be back now.

  14. [b]This is my face right now since I can't see the new emotes. In fact, half of them aren't showing up for me anymore. What's going on here? Also, I hope you feel better soon chibi! There's nothing like being sick to ruin Christmas. D: *Hugs*[/b]
  15. Trying out the new Status Update and busy with Christmas planning D:

    1. Starwind


      I'm here to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    2. James


      Hope you have a good Christmas. :P

    3. chibi-master


      Christmas planning is fun, but I have so many presents to finish!

  16. [quote name='chibi-master' date='16 December 2010 - 03:29 AM' timestamp='1292466562' post='702791'] It's cold outside, I have blisters on my feet and I'm sore all over. But I sure am happy! *sips hot chocolate* [/quote] [b] This describes my day pretty well, so I'm borrowing it from you, chibi. Although I really miss you guys! T_T Merry Christmas to everyone! <3[/b]
  17. [b]EVERYDAY IS A HOLIDAY IN DECEMBER! I like how most of them have something to do with cooking. I'll have to try to make lemon cupcakes and some of the recipes for the other holidays. For today though, I'll go buy some apples. [/b]
  18. [quote name='chibi-master' date='24 November 2010 - 12:16 PM' timestamp='1290597378' post='702098'] *hugs* Don't worry! I'll send you some turkey! [/quote] [b] *Hugs* Thanks chibi, that really made my day. I might have an extra late Thanksgiving dinner though, so everything is good. [/b]
  19. [b]I'm snowed in. My internet is down at the house so I don't know when I can get online to post again. So if anyone is looking for me, I'm sorry but I can't tell when I'll be back. I'm hoping to be back sometime next week though, if we get some sunshine and some rain. I just hope this won't ruin our Thanksgiving. Why won't it stop getting colder? Soon, all of the roads will be closed.[/b]
  20. [quote name='Japan' date='10 November 2010 - 07:33 AM' timestamp='1289370795' post='701713'] I am trying to concentrate more on my college class rather than watch anime. Keyword here is 'trying.' I am doing a lot better than last quarter anyways. It took me about two months to catch up from where I was in Bleach to current. (started at 150) I also marathon-ed [b]Kaichou Wa Maid Sama[/b] and Getbackers. I hope to rewatch all of Sailor Moon before Christmas which will be an amazing feat in and of itself. I am considering whether to work on Hetalia, Black Butler, or Soul Eater. Thoughts? As for manga, I am considering catching up on Bleach and Vampire Knight. [/quote] [b]Thank you so much! I knew there was an anime I had heard of and left it off my list. I'll start watching Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama now. Also, if anyone has any good 13 episode or less anime to recommend, feel free. I like 13 episode series. 26 episodes is long to me. (I'll still watch the 26 episode series though, if they can hold my interest.) I'm almost done with my list of series, so it would be good to get started on something new. I mostly like comedy, drama, or a good romance. [/b]
  21. [quote name='Shinmaru' date='08 November 2010 - 06:49 PM' timestamp='1289238593' post='701626'] Also watched [b]Welcome to the NHK[/b]. I respect it, but I don't know that I enjoyed it ... I guess I view it in the same way I do a movie like [b]Requiem for a Dream[/b]. It's well made and doesn't glorify its main character at all, and you can appreciate how far into darkness it treads, but I don't know that I'd ever watch it again. [/quote] That's a really good description of Welcome to the NHK. When I first started it, I thought it was going to be a bit less true to life, with the talk of conspiracies being real. But it ended up being a surreal anime that didn't glorify the main character at all like you said, Shinmaru.. I related a lot to Misaki though, in that I would usually feel bad for Sato. Even when he got what he deserved or sunk to his lowest. It was well done, but I don't know if I could watch it again. In a good way though. Like, I had a great first experience watching it and I don't want to ruin that with another visit to the series. Thanks to CaNz's recommendation, I just finished [b]Gokusen[/b]. It introduced me to a whole new style and world of girl's anime/manga. I loved how it made the Yakuza seem like big hearted thugs and I really loved the show's main character, Yankumi. I laughed quite a few times with this anime. Speaking of laughs though, I've also picked up[b] Niea_7 (Niea Under Seven)[/b]. It's a great anime about a freeloading alien living with a cram school student. It's very funny so far and I always liked Yoshitori Abe's art style. So if you've watched Haibane Renmei but want something funnier, I would recommend Niea_7 to anyone that's interested.
  22. [quote name='Shy' date='03 November 2010 - 12:09 AM' timestamp='1288735781' post='701480'] Um. Okay. I'm in. Let me know what you need. - Shy [/quote] [b] My apologies, Shy. It won't happen again, I promise. @CaNz: Thanks by the way. I wasn't aware of the Boo nickname until now. @Shy, Boo: Sorry about the confusion you two. [/b]
  23. [quote name='chibi-master' date='31 October 2010 - 07:04 PM' timestamp='1288544689' post='701424'] [i][b][color="#FF8C00"][size="5"][font="Century Gothic"]HAPPY HALLOWEEN, EVERYBODY~![/font][/size][/color][/b][/i] I got a rock. [/quote] [b]Wow, you too? Anyways, I know I'm late but Happy Halloween everyone! I hope everyone had fun. I played a fighting game with one of my cousins. It was Frankenstein VS The Mummy. I didn't even know a game like that existed. [/b]
  24. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='02 November 2010 - 06:15 PM' timestamp='1288714500' post='701473'] Stuff like that. Is the idea so far completely lame or slightly cool? [/quote] [b] I'm going to have to go for [strike]slightly[/strike] [strike]mostly[/strike] really cool. Because no matter what dimension you lived in, you will be thrown into something new. For example, Natalie Example lived a boring life in Exampletown working a part-time job, but now for some reason she's being asked to kill dragons. Or something like that. There's a lot you can do with this idea, Shy. So I can't wait until it becomes an actual RP. If you need any help with this, let me know. [/b]
  25. [b]Yay, I'm glad to see this thread revived since this is a really great idea! I was never able to see Desbreko's Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei clip (it just won't load for me for some reason,) so I made one of my own. I won't spoil anything, but somehow this mash up works better than I thought it would. Especially with the baby crying at the end.[/b] [url="http://tubedubber.com/#OM8ODecbuhA:jA4-kW0K0XM:0:100:0:0:true"]Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei OP + Welcome to the NHK ED[/url]
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