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Everything posted by ss4master

  1. Can someone make me a aviater to match my banner. i will be internally greatfull. thank you.
  2. Sounds cool! Name: Beast Boy Super Hero Name: Beast Boy Age:14 Super Powers:Can turn into any sort of animal. Biography:What he lacks in stature, he more than makes up for in attitude. Beast Boy is the changeling of the group, able to assume the shape of any animal ? from a wolf to a pterodactyl. The green-skinned dynamo also has the corniest sense of humor and is the most eager to please and entertain the group. He's never in a bad mood and is enthusiastic about every new adventure. He'll try anything new and is not afraid to fail. In short, he's like the ultimate little brother ? except that he can change into an alligator. Description: [url]http://www.divideby0.com/cosplay/beastboy/images/Beastboylg.jpg[/url] Gender: Male I hope this is ok.
  3. I was wondering if anyone could make me a phsicic academy banner plz. It doesnt mater what pic is used. Thank you i will be enternally grateful.
  4. Sounds cool (hope it is not to late) Actual Name: Jerry Robinson Actual Age: 15 Username: Gaidin Tenshi User Age: 16 Level: 8 Class: Sniper Stats: Sniper Stats Strength- 4 Accuracy- 10 Intelligence- 6 Handywork- 2 Luck- 3 User Appearance: Looks kind of like legalis (lord of the rings) but shorter.He has moder cloths but is kind of hot headed Hope this takes car of everything i think i got the stats write.
  5. Name: Batosi Age: 19 entity: protector Bio: a half deamon half human abandoned as a child he tought his self the demon arts it ran in his blood so he knew how to fight and every thing
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