Thanks! I don't think saying that "Anime is revolutionizing American culture" is vague. Because revolution, itself, is so broad. I do, however, agree with what you were saying in the "intellect" field. BUT. I can still say it. Because the titles you referred to, aren't shown in America. They're still considered "Underground". 50% of the animes that are shown in America DO boost intellect though. From Bebop to Kenshin, we have gained different philosophies and historical knowledge. True, the other 50% is made up kid animes such as Medabots and Digimon. But, that's not to say they still don't help the process along with their target audience.
The subject of addressing, is simply anime and culture. Since the day of Osamu Tezuka, so many artists have went of what he started. It's like Shakespeare. He carved drama. Then, other playwrites began to carry on his legacy, in the process of making his own. The same can be said or Osamu Tezuka. He's an inspiration for artists that are making landmarks in the US right now, like Akira Toriyama.
And although anime is a big and broad subject, this paper is a 5 page report. It isn't an essay, which I think is the common mistake. It's a "term paper". We have to use the MLA, and blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, thanks! Lots of help. ^_^