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Everything posted by sublime2004

  1. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] All's I gotsta say is....I'd f**k her... Isn't that what sexy is about? Sex appeal? If you'd have sex with her, then you consider her sexy. I don't understand why people are calling her a whore...selling sex and selling sex appeal are two completely different things...I doubt you'll ever go to a street corner and find a prostitute that'll say she went into the business because Brittney Spears inspired her to. The term slut is completely relative and has different severities of vulgarity in different parts of the country and world, so I'd use a more appropriate term: vi·va·cious (v-vshs, v-) adj. Full of animation and spirit; lively: a charming and vivacious host. If nothing else, you could call her lively. There's a more euphamistic use of this word meaning almost the same thing as slut, but not quite...maybe I'm being too PC..BAH, I hate PC... Anyway, if I made any sort of sense in this post, please PM me and tell me what it was.[/b][/size][/color]
  2. [quote name='Ryan']...but there are just so many problems with them. One, as everyone has already pointed out, is Sirius. When I first saw him I asked myself, "Isn't Snape, Lupin, and Sirius all suppose to have been in the same year at Hogwart?" And they were, yet Sirius looks like he is in his fifties, while Lupin and Snape look much, much younger.[/quote][b][size=1][color=darkred] Forgive me if i'm wrong....but didn't Sirius spend about a decade and a half in a soul-sucking hellhole for a crime he didn't commit? How do you think you would look? I personally think they did a great job of getting down Sirius' look. I don't recall who they got to play Lupin...then again, I wasn't paying that much attention to the commercial. Back to another point...Do you think you could do a better job of making the movie version of a 'ba-jillion' time best-seller? I think not. People already have a fixed idea of what the books are supposed to be, therefore they have a set idea on what the movies are supposed to be...and everyone has a different opinion of what the correct "Potter-verse" is. There are so many factors that go into making the Harry Potter books so believable...Do you know what a major part of them makes the books so believable? Your own imagination. And if it is all put in front of you to observe and not take part in, of course you'll feel like there's something missing. Now there's one last thing I'm wondering about...Why are people who like the books not seeing the movie because they're afraid they'll be disappointed? So what? So you don't like the movie...what's the big deal? There's still the excellent book that you can enjoy... I remember being a little disappointed by the second movie, but I didn't think any less of the book after seeing it. ....maybe it's just one of those questions no one can answer... [/b][/size][/color]
  3. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen]First off: the show Animal Face-Off is a complete joke. In every single episode I have seen, the information and integrity of the experiment was comprimised. And, how in the world is a metal skull attached to a vice-grip supposed to prove anything? Anyway...I think it would be interesting to see the outcome of a fight between a wasp and a hornet. I would also like to see a fight between a kangaroo and a dingo. I really don't know either of which would win the fights....that's why I'd like to see them.[/b][/size][/color]
  4. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] To me, it doesn't matter whats in the commercial. I'm not gonna buy something I don't need or want just becuase I like the commercial. I have not to this day bought a Quizno's sub or Geiko insurance.(but I guess those weren't sexy commercials) I really only think that sex in commercials is only good for a little "between program pick-me-up", if ya know what I mean. ;) That's not to say it doesn't work on other people. I'm just saying sex doesn't sell to me.[/b][/size][/color]
  5. [quote name='Shinji']Soon, pets will be "domestic live-in aminmals"[/quote] [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] I am offended by that! They are NOT "domestic live-in animals" they are "domestic live-in non-human companions". Get it right, you racist! I think that it all about the intent behind the words, not the words themselves. If you called someone an asshole, they would be just as offended if you said "you resemble that of the posterior orifice used for fecal excrement." It certainly sounds a lot more flowery, but it's still calling you an asshole. I think that the people who get offended are giving these words power over them. Why do people let a vibration of vocal cords escaping the mouth of a person make them so angry? Or let a few strokes of ink insight such hatred for the writer? The longer you allow yourself to be offended by these words, the longer the words will be offensive. I agree that some words are vulgar and highly innappropriate, but if you ban those words from usage by anyone, people will just find new words to use that will become just as offensive. Just imagine if the word "n*****" was banned outright from being spoken aloud or written, not only is that a direct violation of my 1st amendment rights, but pretty soon the word "pocket" or something will begin to mean the same thing. Then you'll be offended every time someone wants to retrieve 50 cents for a soda. Simply put: It's a self-destructive system. You can have freedom of speech, but ony if it doesn't ruffle anyone's feathers. I say: Ruffle on![/b][/size][/color]
  6. [b][size=1][color=darkred] I must agree that the last five seconds of the last episode of Farscape SUCKED!!!! I literally yelled out, "WHAT THE F**K??" It's not enough that they have to cancel an extremely good show, but they have to ruin the ending? I really do agree that TV is going downhill. Reality TV is a joke, they kill off the most lovable characters on good shows(i.e. Angel), then they shovel "teen" programming down our throats. Real World my a**! I would kill myself if the world was really like that horrid show. Back to my utter hatred of "reality" tv. I use the quotes for a reason. Has anyone ever noticed how many writers there are in the credits after an episode of Survivor? I absolutely can NOT stand MTV. It's a crime against music itself. I can only stand Beavis and Butt-Head. It's asinine, I know. But I find it funny. VH1 I like, though. "I love the 70's" and "I love the 80's" and the other "Strikes Back" series are quite entertaining. Comedy Central is by far my favorite network. Kids in the Hall, Chappelle's Show, Reno 911!, Comedy Central Presents, South Park(of course), Who's Line Is It Anyway?, all great shows.[/b][/size][/color]
  7. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] If I am not very much mistaken, IT WAS A F**KING MOVIE. No more or less, in my opinion. I have a strong suspicion that the person who wrote that piece was a woman or a very effeminate man. Not that the author's gender makes me think that it was total bulls**t...the article itself took care of that. I think this is a classic case of blowing something waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion. It seems uneccessary to even waste time on giving such a detailed and well thought out piece on a friggin' movie. Try reading a book. What? A book. You know...paper...ink? Ringing any bells?[/color] BTW: Those last lines were to the author, not any OB members.[/b][/size]
  8. [b][size=1][color=darkred] "SODOMY IS FUN!!!!!" That's basically what you're saying, right? "LET'S BEAT DEFENSELESS UNDERCLASSMEN TO WITHIN AN INCH OF THEIR LIVES!!! THAT'LL BE A HOOT!!!" Apparently, from reading earlier posts, hazing is a uniquely American passtime. I'm almost ashamed. No wait...I'm ACTUALLY ASHAMED!! You people are sick sado-masochists.(I have no idea what sado-masochist means....but is seems to fit) "HOW CAN WE COMMIT AS MANY CRIMES AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT BEING CAUGHT?!?!?" The future leaders of our nation, folks! "IT'S NO BIG DEAL!!" If a 35 year old man said that in a court of law after doing what you do, he'd be given three decades in prison without question. But, since you "have your whole lives in front of you", you get let off with a slap on the wrist. BULLS**T!! Is hazing a big deal? You bet your a** it is. People who get hazed grow up to be serial killers. Not all of them...not even most of them...But wouldn't it be great to stare down the barrel of a gun being held by the kid you buttf**ked with a baseball bat in your senior year? Yeah, didn't think so...[/b][/size][/color]
  9. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] Music is great. If a band I absolutely hate comes out with a half-way decent song, I'll listen to it. What I cannot stand are music elitists -people who think they're better than you because they know more about a particular band or genre. It irks me to no certain extent. Back to my point: I have very eclectic tastes when it comes to music. I wonder how many other people have Stevie Wonder, The Marcels and Metallica all in the same playlist... Anyway, I have many favorite bands and many others that I only like a few songs by. But I won't condemn any group because of past crappiness. [/b][/size][/color]
  10. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] I don't think that rock is going out the window so much as I think that other types of "music" are getting more airtime on MTV and other such forums. There is by no means a shortage of rock fans -or rock- anywhere, in my opinion. In my area there are three great radio stations that play great music from the 50's to the early 90's. And, it's not the same 15 songs constantly being looped every 30 minutes, it's actually good music. Now all we need is a station that plays big-band...[/b][/size][/color]
  11. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] A blonde gash of luminosity resurrects the respite form as the zephyr sends wisps of weighted filament into a chaotic jumble. The saccharine drawing out of the initial bind. The tremendous inflation of unwinding consequence. An echoing cadence inside my head roots immediate and short-lived awareness. Slumber nestles me back to the prior contented condition and it is simply sublime.[/color] Feel free to review this.[/b][/size]
  12. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] I would have to say that the only animes I never get tired of are Lupin III and TriGun. With Lupin you have your comedy, slap-stick or otherwise. And that's something everyone needs a little bit of. But, with TriGun you have a very dynamic storyline and characters. The character developement alone is so great that I could never get tired of it. Plus the action sequences are spectacular. I also like the idea of a "Futuristic Old West" set-up. Does it mean I'm weird because I cried at certain moments during several episodes of TriGun?:bawl: I dunno... Maybe i'm just a sensitive guy. [/b][/size][/color]
  13. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] I've only ever heard one of their song(besides the Malcom in the Middle theme) and it was very.....weird. All they kept saying was "Robots on parade, Robots on parade." or something like that. I'm not saying that I don't like them, it's just that they're very...well...weird. I'll make a note of it to listen to more of them.[/b][/size][/color]
  14. [b][CENTER][[u]A Non-Believer's Account[/u]][/CENTER][/b][b][size=1][color=darkgreen] "Why is Command sending us on this mission?" I ask as I reenter. "They all know how we feel about Neo and his little [i]cult.[/i]" "I know, Zulu." agreed Card, "But it's not up to us." "Yeah, but that's not the point." I grumbled as I extracted my cell phone from my jacket, "Operator?" "Yeah, Captain." replied a woman's voice, "You need to head north about...twenty...twenty-three blocks. Call me back when you get there." "Out." I said shortly as I hang up. Our mission required only for us to retrieve a mission log from another ship -one that had been destroyed by Sentinels. It supposedly contained vital information regarding "The One". "Bulls**t." I sighed under my breath. I decided not to waste too much man-power on this misson, so my team was reduced to just me, Captain Zulu of the ship the Jackal, and my first mate, Card. We both climbed into a plain black Cadillac towncar and sped off. "CRUNCH!!" the car lurched forward. "Agents." Card told me. "Get the guns." I commanded as I veered off course. The two agents followed in hot pursuit. "S**t!!" Card opened fire but they only sped closer. Only after several hundred rounds were fired did the front tire on the Agents' car blow. "Holy f**k, that was close!" "Don't celebrate just yet, Card." I spied an identical car swerve perilously into oncoming traffic ahead. "God damn it!" he cursed, "How did they find us so quick?" "I don't know." I admitted, "They've gotta be after it too." I reached for my cell again. "Operator!" "Yeah, I read ya." she told, "Take the next left." I did so, nearly taking out a dozen or so pedestrians and successfully destroying a parking meter. "OK, now take the alley three blocks ahead and ditch the car." I did this just in time to see five police cars speed down the street, completely ingoring us. "Head up to the roof and start heading back south." We hurtled across rooftops and over streets until I saw them again. Three block behind us. They leapt and momentarily landed right where I would have been standing, had we not fled. We both dove off the top of the building down to the street and jumped down a manhole into the sewers. "Go left about three-hundred feet and go back up to the street." the Operator instructed. We did so and we were in a dead-end alley. "Take the window three stories up." The glass crashed on the squeaky floor. "Go up to level 5, apartment 17" We ran uo two flights of stairs whe we heard the same crash of broken glass. "Seventeen, seventeen, seventeen..." I kept saying in a whisper, searching for the correct address. "Seventeen." I kicked in the door. An Agent stood inside, holding the tape we were supposed to retreive. And then, as if by divine intervention, a person came flying through the window, kicking the cassette out of his hand. It was Neo. It was amazing how he made quick work of the Agent, plunging his fist deep into the program's chest causing major spasms and eventual disintegration. The other one must have run. He turned to me, "Do you have the tape?" "Yeah." Card replied as he picked it off the floor. Neo took it out of his hand and rushed back toward the window and jumped out. "HEY!" I yelled after him as we both followed, "You can't take that! That's out mission." "Sorry, guys. It's safer in my hands." "Oh, why's that?" I was furious, "Because you're 'The One'?" I asked with a distinct note of sarcasm. "No," he replied calmly, "because you almost lost it to an Agent." He flew off with the tape. "WHO THE F**K DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" I shouted after him, "JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF AN AGENT DOESN'T MAKE YOU'RE BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE!!" "OPERATOR!" I screamed into my phone. "What'd I do?" she asked. "Just tell me where to get out of here." "Did you get the tape?" "No, as a matter of fact, I didn't." I was in no mood for conversation. "Neo got it." "Really? How-" "Just tell me where to go!" I yelled again, "That asshole." I mumbled. [/b][/size][/color]
  15. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] JAY LENO OUTRANKED ANDY KAUFMAN AND BUDDY HACKETT??? God, Jay Leno is such a tool. That's an insult to the institution of comedy itself. He shouldn't have even been in the same list as those two... or any of the other comics, for that matter I think Dave Chappelle and Dave Attell should have been ranked higher... or lower... They should have been ranked better than they were. Do you think that all those comics sitting in the deli actually chose the winners or did they just discuss them? In any case: The judges did a horrible job. [/b][/size][/color]
  16. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] My biggest regret would probably be not forgiving my parents for making my life a living hell. I'm not gonna go into detail, but I'm sure some of you out there know what I mean.[/b][/size][/color]
  17. [quote name='Fate']My boyfriend verbally explained some aspects of sex to me, and all of my misconceptions went away. It was the weirdest conversation I've ever had in my life.[/quote][b][size=1][color=darkgreen] I completely forgot about the time I have to explain sex to my very, very naive girlfriend. My face got red every time I saw her for a week. It got me wondering if she was thinking about sex with me, but I was still fairly young at the time. So, I just avoided the subject altogether until we broke up a few months later. But, the questions she asked led me to belive that she'd been told that she would die and go to hell the instant she even though about sex. What are parents telling their kids these days? She actually thought that you got pregnant by "french" kissing. lol :tasty: :laugh: Now that I look back on it....it was friggin' hilarious.[/b][/size][/color]
  18. [b][size=1][color=darkgreen] I have thought about suicide and then I remember that I'm a Christian. And if I commit suicide, then I'll go to Hell. It's right there in the Bible. I also realize that it'll hurt the people I love and those who depend on me. Then there's the whole humiliation thing. I consider suicide the coward's way out. Call me an asshole if you want, but that's just how I feel.[/b][/size][/color]
  19. [color=darkgreen][b][size=1] I learned about the biological aspect of sex in the fifth grade due to a highly hilarious animated video. The boy's video had a little cartoon penis. It wasn't a mascot or anything. It was more of a cross section.*ouch* I don't know what the girl's video had. They were told not to tell. The boys were too, but we couldn't resist. It was just so friggin' funny. Then we were given a stick of deodorant and acne medication and all that crap. That was a little embarassing. Oddly enough, I learned about the pornographic side of sex before the biological. I was a 10 year old porn addict. haha. Not really, but I had seen enough to know what the whole deal was. But, we won't go into detail. I might bet banned. My first practical experience with sex was a giant disaster altogether. But I won't go into detail...too emabarassing. All-in-all, much more than meets the eye when it comes to sex. Did that sound dirty? [/b][/size][/color]
  20. [color=darkgreen][b][size=1] Codename: Fear Name: Louis(pronounced Louie) Koenig Age: 16 Gender: Male Powers/Skills: Fear. Able to inflict terror on anyone he wishes. Sometimes, If he chooses, he can cause hallucinations of frightening things. But, most of the time, he only activates the biochemical response of fear causing momentary incapacitation. Also uses psychic abilities to cloak his location(become invisible). But only for a few moments and is mostly used for easier escapes. Power/Skill Origins: Purely Psychic Alliance: The Teen Terrors Description: Average height, shaggy blonde hair(black when power is activated), blue eyes(turn white when power is activated). Always wears black jeans and gray, black or red T-shirts. Costume: Long black raincoat, chain-link necklace with a ruby set in the center, dark red shirt, black leather pants, black steel-toe boots, two spiked bracelets and various silver rings. Bio: Born to two very skilled psychics, Louis was kidnapped at the age of three months. He was raised by a man named Davis Schott by whom he was trained to use his gifts for evil purposes. And, so Louis did when he scared Davis to death, literally, after an intense argument when he was 14. After that, he traveled the country using his abilities to get what he needed to survive. It was Lex Luthor who sought Louis out when he was begining to form the Teen Terrors. Louis quickly accepted the offer and now works for the evil organization. [/color][/b][/size]
  21. [b][color=darkgreen][size=1] I have myriad foibles,(hehe...foibles) and there are probably a lot more than this, but I 'll just put these down for now: 1. If I am sitting in a chair, I must have the two front feet of the chair sitting on top of my shoes. I guess it's because I can't stand seats that don't recline. 2. I'm constantly scratching a non-existant itch. I will scratch my cheek or shoulder and realize that I'm doing it for no reason. 3. I only click my mechanical pencils by jamming it on my forehead. People look at my weird when it appears that I'm stabbing myself with a pencil eraser. 4. If I am in a swivel chair, I WILL NOT stop spinning in it. 5. Any empty cup or glass I encounter must be turned upside-down. 6. Every post on OtakuBoards MUST be this font and this size and bold. The color switches back and forth from dark green to dark red, depending on the thread I'm posting in or my mood. 7. On a "slide out" CD tray, I will only push the open/close button to close it. I will never push the tray itself back in. 8. I will only use kosher salt. Which is weird considering I'm not Jewish. I will also only use fresh-ground pepper. I always keep a tiny container of both in the car, just in case. That's all I can think of right now. [/b][/size][/color]
  22. [color=darkred][b][size=1] "You all ready?" a long line of about two or three dozen men nodded in confirmation, "Let's move." All of the men piled into eight non-descript black SUV's and drove off. There was little traffic, although it [i]was[/i] 3:00 a.m.. They finally reached the towering white stone building which was one of Vendetti's known strongholds. Vittorio could only hope that Vendetti himself was there. He then radioed instructions to the other vehicles behind him to block the entrance with the cars and shoot anything that moves. Vittorio, who was driving the lead car, performed a spectacular spinout which situated his vehicle directly in front of the doors. He rolled down the window and fired a single round, shattering the glass door of the building. The slow-moving round bounced, "Tink...tink...tink...BOOOOOM!!!". It had been a grenade round. He quickly emptied the clip of all grenades and popped a red-label magazine in. This time they were bullets. When the smoke cleared, there were body parts and blood smeared all over the once clean and monumental walls. Vittorio called out, "Ronnie! You take the lead." This didn't frighten him as Don Vittorio had expected. Instead he leapt at the opportunity. Ronnie was now in his element. Gunfire pierced the oak doors and shattered the glass that hadn't been by the explosions. Vendetti's men filed out of side doors toting heavy artillery of their own. Bullets whizzed by Vittorio's head so close that he recieved a slight burn on his left cheek. He then shot the man who fired those bullets in the neck. Blood spewed out of the gaping hole while he squeezed the trigger as he fell. The subsequent bullets killed two men standing next to him. This gave Vittorio's men an opportunity to get up the two staircases going up both side of the room. Vittorio himself kicked in the locked door that sat where both flights of stairs met. Inside were several men poised and ready to fire. This caught him by surprise and he didn't have a chance to react. A single blast from an entry shotgun cuaght him n the gut. But, since he was wearing his armor, didn't do anyhting more than disorient him. He managed to get out the words "Kill them all." before he rolled back down the stairs. When he reached the bottom, Vittorio could see several of his men fly off the balcony in front of the room. He also saw a few of them gain deeper entry to the room. Then, the gunfire ceased, Don Vittorio regained his footing and he walked slowly back up to the room. He spotted Ronnie lying on the marble floor, severely bleeding out of many chest wounds. "Sir..." Ronnie spat out along with a mouthful of blood, "It's not him... it's someone else." "It's okay Ronnie." Vittorio fired a single bullet into the man's head, ending his pain. Vittorio now pulled out the shotgun that was slung over his shoulder, poised to fire. He peeked over the corner into the room and was met with a bullet aimed at his head. "Your assassin couldn't kill me earlier, so you've come to get me yourself?" the only man in the room left alive asked. "What the hell are you talking about?" Vittorio asked as he pointed his gun around the corner in an attempt to kill the unknown man. "I don't even know who the f**k you are. And even if I did, I didn't send any hitman to kill anyone today." He had his back to the wall now, shouting his side of the conversation through the crumbling entryway. That's when he spotted someone walking through the door. There was still too much dust in the air to tell who it was. "Hey, Dan!" he yelled into the radio attached to his ear, "I told you to block the doors!" But, then he saw why he had let the person in. "Songbird!" he yelled at the young holding a 9mm., "I sent you home. What the hell are you doing here?"[/b][/size][/color]
  23. [CENTER][b][size=2][[u]Severing Ties[/u]][/b][/size][/CENTER] [b][color=darkgreen][size=1] "What do you think the difference is?" "Huh?" I asked. "What's the difference??" she asked again. "What are you talking about?" "I was trying to have a conversation with you, apparently..." she was upset, "Forget about it." "Ok, sorry." I tried to apologize and move on, "But, what are you talking about?" "I was asking you what you thought the difference was between this life and the next." "Uhhh..." I was dumbfounded, "I dunno. Guess I never really thought about it. I guess theres gotta be something beyond this plane of existence..." "Ok," she reiterated, "so what do you think the difference is between this and that plane?" "Well, I imagine it to be bright. Big open spaces, the whole nine yeards." I tried to get by with a vague answer. Theology always made me uncomfortable. "I think it'll be different, but the same as this place." she gave an even more vague response. I looked around the shabby apartment with the peeling wallpaper and dingy carpet the color of rotten avocadoes. "Not [i]this[/i] place, stupid." she giggled with a playful slap to the back of my head, "I mean that the afterlife will look like this world, except you will be more aware." "Ooooo-kaaaay?" I was just a little bit lost. "Nevermind." she said exasperatedly. "How did we even get into this conversation?" Oh, ummm...uhhh...I was just looking through the library yesterday and went into the section with all the books on death and religion and all that good stuff..." "I see." I went on, "I guess there's gotta be something after this life. At least, I [i]hope[/i] there is. It would really suck if this was all there was." "If you only knew..." she mumbled. "What was that?" "Nevermind." "Oh well, anyway...." I was searching for a new topic of discussion. "How was your trip to New York? You never called to tell me what was up." "It was very enlightening." her tone became a tad gloomy. "I have to go." "What? Where?" I was bewildered. "I don't think we should see each other anymore." a bomb dropped in my stomach. "Wha.. wha...wha..." I was in shock. "You just need to grow up." a single tear rolled down her face. "I dont ever want to see you again." she walked to the front door after grabbing her jacket. I followed. She walked out into the rain which had just begun flightly falling. She ran over to her car and put her hands into her pockets to find her keys. She looked back at me and I glanced back to the kitchen table where the silver and brass set lay. When I looked back...she was gone. Her car was still there. But there was no sign of her. "Clank, clank, clank." I heard a noise coming from the corner of the block. "Miranda? MIRANDA?" I ran over to see if it was her. All I found was a payphone reciever hanging by the cord. I grabbed it and put it to my ear. "I'm sorry, but the number you are trying to reach..." I hung it up. "What happened?" I asked myself as my vision became blurry with tears, "What'd I do?" My entire life was turned upside down in thirty seconds. I turned to walk back to my door when a glint of light caught my eye. I looked back and sitting on the soggy phonebook was the diamond engagement ring I had given to her.[/b][/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][b][color=darkgreen] Sublime Lou Lennox "Go to the principal's office, Mr. Lennox and take this with you." Mr. Owens whispered into Lou's ear as he handed him a note. His tone indicated he was in trouble. "What'd I do?" Lou asked in his normal defiant tone but the teacher had already retreated to his desk. So, he walked to the door with loud stamping strides while whistling, making sure everyone knew that he was leaving. He opened the overly-squeaky door and closed it with a resounding crash. "Do teachers really think that we don't read these notes?" Lou asked himself as he pryed apart the post-it note's glue side. [i]Made death threat toward another student.[/i] the note read. "You have GOT to be s***ting me!" echoed off of the cold metal lockers as Lou crumpled the note in an angry fist. He walked back into the class and threw the wad of paper onto Mr. Owens' desk. "What the hell is this??" All of the students were now looking away from the girl reading her essay aloud, over to Lou and Mr. Owens. "Just go to the office and I will be there in a minute." the teacher tried to keep the tone of the conversation low. "You're damn straight you will be." Lou stormed out of the class fuming. He was now walking to the office with intense hatred toward any type of authority. He flopped down on the uncomfortable chairs in front of the sunny secretary's desk. "Can I help you Mr. Lennox?" asked Ms. Winter the secretary. "Mr Owen's said he'll be here in a minute." he told her. '[i]Why does everybody always call me Mr. Lennox? MY NAME'S LOUIS, GODDAMNIT!!"[/i] he thought to himself. Mr. Owens came in several minutes later with a scowl toward Lou. "Wilbur," Mr. Bruno the principal called across the room, "what's going on with Mr. Lennox?" [i]'Oh, they can call each other by their first name. But they can't get mine right.'[/i] "I think we should talk in your office." they all shuffled through the door. A few moments passed when the words "OH FOR GOD'S SAKE!!" rattled the windows outside the office. "I watched 'Mission: Impssible' last night and I couldn't get the damn-" "Hey, watch your mouth." Mr. Bruno snapped. Lou looked at him for a second and continued. "And I couldn't get the [i]stupid[/i] song out of my head." he said with a note of sarcasm. "So you thought it necessary to try and kill your fellow classmate?" Mr. Owens accused. "I made my hand into an L-shape and moved my thumb up and down." Lou explained. "That hardly constitutes attempted murder." "But you aimed it at another student." Mr. Owens interrupted Mr. Bruno who was about to ask a question. "This is bull****." "HEY, I said 'watch your mouth.'." Mr Bruno caught an opportunity to speak. "It sounds like we have a serious problem here." "You've got to be kidding me." Lou said in a sigh of frustration. "The kid you're talking about..." "Yes?" Mr. Bruno inquired. "He's my best friend." Lou revealed. "HE thought it was funny, for Christ's sake." "Hmmm, I see." he thought for a moment. "One week's detention should set you straight." "But I didn't do anything." He protested. "Maybe nothing serious. But, you did just curse three times in my presence." Bruno told, "I think this should be enough." Mr. Owens didn't seem satisifed. But, Lou was just thankful that he hadn't gotten expelled. Mr. Owens huffed off in just as bad of a mood Lou had been in when he had first come to the office. [/color] BTW: Based on a true story that happened to me. [/b][/size]
  25. [size=1][b][color=darkgreen] Two words: Aldous Huxley. His wildly vivid interpretation of absolutely absurd ideas is riveting. [u]Time Must Have a Stop[/u], [u]Brave New World[/u], [u]Island[/u] and [u]Crome Yellow[/u] are all by far the best books ever written. Harry Potter is another great series of books. The character develpement and upkeep has stayed consistent. The story has stayed interesting and as Lady Asphyxia so eloquently worded it, "The plot's very well placed, the characters are solid, and J.K. Rowling really seems to know when it's time for a new villain." She knows when it's time for a new villain all while keeping the over-all evil well integrated without being overused. And even when it seems something is absolute, something is revealed to turn the situation on it's head. But everything still makes sense. James Clavell is another great author. I have read his book [u]King Rat[/u] based in WWII Japanese prison camp in Singapore. It shows the inner workings of a secret inter-barracks bureaucracy and how hypocrisy and friendship are tested. All-in-all: a great read. I also like to read a lot of Time-Life book series'. The Revolutionary War, the Old West, the Civil War, the Korean & Vietnam wars, WW's I & II. It seems I have a thing for wars. Is that bad?[/color][/b][/size]
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