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Everything posted by sublime2004
[b][size=1][color=darkgreen] I have never actually played a "brand name" RPG, I guess you could call it. I didn't even know it was an RPG when I played it. I don't know if this type is very common, considering I'm fairly new to the world off RPG's, but it was really fun while it lasted. What we would do is get out a sheet of paper, one of us would write a line or two on the paper. And between classes, we would hand the paper off to each other. Then I would write a line or two down based on what had been previously written. The story lines were absolutely rediculous and absolutely hilarious. Many of them involved Monica Lewinski and a feral demon. Use your imagination to fill in the blanks... Anyway, it made for some great memories and stories to read whenever we rediscovered them in the back of our lockers at the end of the year. And something tells me that it held a greater sentimental value than what a "manufactured" game could ever offer. If anyone ever wants to try one of these RPG's with me, I'm open to it anytime. Just PM me and we can plan it out. [/b][/size][/color]
[size=1][b][color=darkred] The night was still young when Arguyle stepped onto the sidewalk. The brick buildings danced as the trees threw a distorted shadow from the orange street lights. It was cool, as usual, and the smell emanating off of the filth was stinging his sensitive nose. He was too close to the ground. The scent was sickening. Arguyle crouched down and sprung twenty feet into the air to grab hold of a fire escape. Now he could concentrate on his hunt. The girl from last night. He knew she would be awakened by now and he needed to find her. "Where could you be?" he asked himself. "It would be somewhere familiar..." He leapt across an alleyway to the next building. "I had better find the trail at the morgue." Sure enough, when he had reached the building labeled, "N.Y.C. Coroner's Office" he caught her scent. And she had already killed. "A bit more enthusiastic than I had thought." he told himself. In a blur, he dashed off to follow the trail. In mere moments, he had already moved twenty blocks. He stopped, sniffed the air again and headed north. He followed the trail to an apartment building. There wasn't anything special about it. Just an apartment building. Arguyle landed silently on the roof and took the door in front of him. The steps led to an emergency staircase and he needed to go further down. Level five, level four, finally level three. He stepped into the hallway. He strolled down the hall until he reached a door marked C-5. Nina Cartwright's home. He knocked on the door, not expecting an answer. He didn't get one. He then grabbed the handle and found the door to be locked. No matter. He twisted it anyway, crushing the latch. As Arguyle walked in, the scent of dried blood filled the air. Curled into the corner was a scared little girl. Far from the beautiful stranger she was the night before. When she saw his face, she let out a blood-curdling scream. He rushed over to silence her. He nicked his palm on her newly developed fangs. "Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." he calmly stated. "I'm going to remove my hand nw. Do not scream." she nodded. "HELP!!HELP!!" she shouted. Arguyle sent his fist across her jaw, knocking her unconscious. "Didn't expect any less." he thought to himself as he lit up a cigarette. [/color][/b][/size]
[b][size=1]OOC: Haha, nice touch. [color=darkgreen]IC: Smokey was making his rounds all over tghe party, introducing himself, getting to know everybody. He grabbed a chicken leg and went over to the keg to see if he needed to bust out the full one. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" smokey shouted at a group of people getting their drinks. "Who the f(ork) are you?" ask the pack leader defiantly. "This is my house." "Oh, really? Sweet party, man." "Great, now get the f(lip) out." Smokey demanded. "Hey man, the dude who told me about this party told me you were cool." The leader tried to fill another plastic cup, but Smokey slapped it away. "Yeah, I'm cool with 18, 19, 20 year olds." he explained, "What are you, 15? 16?" "Yeah, so?" "So, get out! I'm not gettin' arrested just because some little sh(ot)s went home to mommy and daddy drunk." Smokey cleared the party of the underage riff-raff, along with many inaudible comments which sounded curiously like a(sk)hole."AND DON'T TOUCH THE UNICORNS! i'LL GET YOU, CHEESE LOG!" The room was a lot less crowded and it was a lot easier to move around. And the conversation went a little beyond 'Math homework sucks.' and 'Who do you think will take me to prom?' "Who the hell do these kids think they are?" Smokey asked no one in particular. "No kidding." said someone behind him...[/color][/b][/size]
[size=1]a few years ago there was a shooting in my school. in my class. the kid next to me was shot in the head and i got hit in the right arm. i don't talk about it much.[/size]
The Seperation of Church and State
sublime2004 replied to PrincessGoneral's topic in General Discussion
[b][size=1][color=darkred] I have not read a lot of these last posts. I think i have undiagnosed A.D.D. or something. So, please forgive me if i state or re-state the obvious. But, thankfully i'm only here to discuss one aspect of the conversation. The 49 Key Biblical Qualities. Have you ever gone over the specific qualities they are trying to instill? Most of them are next to impossible for anyone other than a saint. But, most of them have one thing in common: They are not exclusive to Christianity. Most of them are vital for a successful government. Which is going down the tubes, I might add. Which is probably why he is trying to reinforce them in the minds of everyone. I have no doubt that if Jeb had lef the word "biblical" out of the title and mixed the order up a bit of those virtues, that no one would have ever known the difference. But since he associated it with such a major constitutional faux pas, they made it a bigger deal than it has to be.[/b][/size][/color] -
[b][size=1]Question #1 by NeoNabishen: Hell no. Question #2 by Guess: Yes. I really should have waited until they were asleep before she snuk (sneaked, snook?) over. BTW: There was major tounge. TRUTH!!!: Have you ever been caught naked by someone other than a family member or a bf/gf ? (I know I have)[/b][/size]
What would you do if you were president?
sublime2004 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][b][color=darkred] If I were president....I do not know what I would do. Since I have no idea what the job entails(*sp), I would have no idea what options are open to me. There is no doubt in my mind that, currently, the seat of the President of the U.S.A. is one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Next to an air-traffic controller. The truth is, that with so many top-secret and classified projects that our (or at least, my) government has going, we really have no idea what is going on. We only see the side of the story that CNN shows us. (i.e. dead people in the streets, riots, desolate wastelands, et cetera) I am an American. And as much as it pains me to admit, the first quote in my signature is true. I'm sure there is a point hidden somewhere in all those words. But I, personally, don't want to search for it. But, you catch my drift. [/size][/b][/color] -
[b][size=1]OOC: DAMN! she's hot... for a cartoon... (God i'm so lonely) [color=darkgreen]IC: "THUMP-A-PUMP DA-DUMP A-PUMP!!!" the music coursed through the building. It was so loud, Smokey could feel his heart skipping in his chest. Then he could see it skipping across the floor....break dancing. Anyway, people started to show up in packs of two's and three's. Pretty soon, his apartment was full of people he didn't really even know. Most of them he didn't even recognize. He had a strong suspicion that someone let the word out that there was a party. Smokey was only expecting residents of the Maison to attend. "Guess it's a good thing I got three kegs." Smokey told himself aloud. He was a bit disappointed, though. The third one was for personal use only. "I guess you're right." said someone to his right... [/b][/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1][b] The year is 2133. A time of great, worldwide bliss is upon the entire planet. Then, as a great cosmic joke, the almost forgotten art of terrorism reared its ugly head once more. And, what's more, it is all for no apparent reason. Unforseen attacks on all major national capitols all over the world send each country into unthinkable economic depression. And, no one claims responsibility for these atrosities. Taxes and tariffs were strangling working class citizens while the rich get richer off of the "little man's" garnished wages. The time of the mafioso was upon the nation once more. It has been five years since the unknown attackers plunged the world into darkness, which has been more than enough time for the crime bosses to establish their dominion. Originally "saviors of the poor", the strategic heirarchy of the several mafia families had repeated history. Greed overtook each one of them. Turning from helping the helpless to drug trade, money laundering and murder... It did not help anyone that they were now fighting amongst themselves. The Canelli family destroyed 1/4 of the newly re-formed Ghost Shadows. Who, in turn, wiped out half of the Stelnitz Russians. But these groups are still too small to be of any real consequence. No, this tale follows the story of the Four. What are the Four, you ask? The Four are the most powerful, wealthy and bloodthirsty crime groups in all of the U.S.A.. And, the contempt held between these Four is escalating into an all-out gang war.[/color][/size][/b] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]The Rules[/b] [size=1][b] What I need are seven people to join up. I will create the first crime group. Then I will need someone to be in my group. And I need three other people to create three other groups. The remaining three spots are for the followers of those other three groups. Remember, this is two people controlling and entire crime family. Even though you will only need to (officially) create one character, an entire mafia is under your control. However, the first person to sign up for a group will have controlling interest over the entire group. There will have to be a lot of cooperation between all of you. Plus, I've discovered that it's a lot easier to kill off a character if they're nameless and faceless. And, believe me, there'll be a LOT of dead people. I want this RPG to be ethnically diverse. So, the four different groups will have to be, naturally, four different ethnicities. This is the future, be creative. But, if your ideas are a little too "over the top" I will let you know so you can edit. The terrorist aspect of the story will begin when I say so. The terrorists will actually be one of you, or possibly even me, unbeknownst to the rest of you. I will PM the person I decide to play the part of the terrorists. If I planned this right, there should be a lot of "behind the scenes" action going on. For when the terrorist culprits reveal themselves, alliances will be made. Granted, your families must agree that you will ally through PM's. If any of these instructions are too confusing, PM me and I will try to clarify. [/size][/b] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [size=1][b][color=darkgreen] Here's my sign-up: (all of these fields are mandatory) Name: Don Guisseppi Vittorio (underlings must have a nickname) Age: 38 (keep it above 25) Group: Vittorio Mafia Ethnicity: Italian Description: 5'8 and built like a brick **** house. Black hair and tan skin. Wears only black silk suits and is always smoking a stogey. Bio: Born in Chicago, Guiseppi had always been a leader. Whether it be sports or his childhood friends, he was the strongest and fastest. When the attacks started, he was the head of an up-and-coming textile corporation, but the depression forced him to close. With the money he had left, he grouped together his close friends and began providing for his community what they could not provide for themselves. But, soon, he was made offers that he couldn't refuse. The possibilities for moneymaking were limitless. He thought he could provide even better for those poor folk. But, he became greedy. Then murderous. He connived and killed his way to the top of the fledgling mafia and made it one of the strongest in the nation. Never afraid to put himself in harm's way, he is one of the most active members in his entire family. Weapons: (1 primary weapon, 1 secondary weapon, 2 knife weapons) Modified Thompson Sub-machine gun w/ armor piercing bullets. SP12 Full-automatic entry shotgun w/ optional grenade rounds. Two stilletos in boots. [/b][/size][/color] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b] Well, if you've read down this far, I certainly hope you didn't waste your time.[/b]
[size=1][b][color=darkgreen] "Well, since you ALL decided to invite yourselves..." Smokey glanced around the now very crowded hallway, "I guess whoever wants to come can." He gave another glance to the ladies to make sure they were coming. And said in his head, while trying to ignore the imaginary disco ball and leprechauns "SWEET!!" "You comin' too, Manic?" Smokey reitterated, "You look like you need a break." "Yeah, I guess." he said in a sort of defeated tone, but Smokey knew he was kind of looking forward to it. "Now everybody, the party is friday night at 8:00 p.m." he told the room, "Just come over when you hear the music. There'll be chips and pretzels and I'll pick up a keg." There was a tone of general understanding. I mean, how hard are these directions? Smokey spoke again, "AND REMEMBER," everyone kind of flinched at the sudden increase of volume in his voice, "I don't advocate underaged drinking, I only facilitate it." there were a few giggles. "AND WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP KICKING THE REINDEER!?!" stunned confusion filled the hall.[/b][/color][/size]
Sign Up Bloodlust {Rated: R Content may be disturbing for the immature}
sublime2004 replied to Dmitri_Dragoon's topic in Theater
[b][size=1]Sweet! Vampire RPG's rule. [color=darkred] Name: Arguyle Morton (the first vampire) Age: 634 Gender: Male Description: Tall, pale skin. Short blood-red/black hair. Dressed in black silk suit, ruby cuff links and black leather wing-tipped shoes. Weapons: Vampiric abilities. Biography: (I don't know if I like the idea of my character being a rapist, but I guess I'll go with it.) Born in 1340 and made in 1364, he appears to be that age of 24. He has a cold manner and has no problem whatsoever killing. His victims are usually young women, but he doesn't normally change them. He must see something special for them to meet his requirements. His likes include, as Raiha so eloquently put it, sex. Blood and rock n' roll. [/color] OOC: Could you please be a little more specific about the Vampire abilities, please? [/b][/size] -
[b][size=1]OOC: I just gotta say that this is my first comedic RPG and I hope I don't screw it up.[/b][/size] [b][color=darkgreen][size=1] IC: "Plus you need to stop talking to yourself. People'll start thinkin' you're like me." told Smokey Nag Champa McBurnout. "I'm havin' this big bash over at my place this friday. It's the first one I've had since I got un-crazied." "Un-crazied, you say?" laughed Manic, "Is that a technical term?" "Oh, yeah. It's real popular in my social circle." "What social circle?" asked Manic increduously, "You haven't left your apartment since that old lady down the street called the cops on you for screaming 'Ahhh! Kill the damn flying monkeys! Ahhh!'" "You have a valid point." accepted Smokey, "But, that's what this party'll remedy." "Did you say you're throwing a party, Smokey?" asked another resident from down the hall...[/b][/size][/color]
[b][size=1][color=darkgreen] Name: Smokey Nag Champa McBurnout Gender: Male Age: 20 Description: Tall, skinny, blonde hair. Almost always wears a short sleeved t-shirt over a plain grey long sleeved shirt. Also always wears black jeans. Life Story: Through almost semi-hourly use of powerful hallucinogenics for three years, Smokey has permanently altered his brain chemistry. This alteration caused severe auditory and visual hallucinations. His condition, not "officially" considered schizophrenia, is not covered by his insurance. So, now his simply stabilized condition has spiraled out of control. Though he has now stopped using drugs, his life has been irreparably damaged. Whenever he goes outside, people call the police on him, thinking that he is insane. Constantly talking about cheese logs riding flying unicorns inside his eyeballs. So, he usually stays inside his apartment building. Luckily, he has found a successful career as a comic book artist and writer. Don't get him wrong, he is a very intelligent person. And through extensive research in holistic medicine, has found a way to supress most of his hallucinations. Now, he can, at least, carry on a conversation without raving like a lunatic.[/color][/b][/size]
OOC: You guys have no freaking clue how happy I am that someone revived this thread. [color=darkgreen][b][size=1] IC: Alton was starting to get bored with changing Floppy different colors and remembered that the people next to him were attempting to talk to him. He replaced his newt in his shirt pocket and looked over at the girls. He saw that they were focusing on a sketch pad and they seemed to be laughing for no reason. Not usually introverted like he was now, he decided to actually talk back to the two. "Hi, sorry I kinda ignored you a couple minutes ago. I sort of have a one-track mind." "Oh." Abby sounded surprisingly chipper, considering he had snubbed her earlier. "Tha's no problem. Happens to me sometimes too." "I thought you were just weird earlier." chimed in Blaire. "What?" Alton said increduously "When you were ignoring us." "Oh, I see. Sorry 'bout that." That's when Alton noticed she hadn't opened her mouth. "You're a telepath, aren't you?" "Quite the observant one." Blaire responded in a friendly manner. "I thought I sensed something different about you." Alton told her in thought-speech. "I'm a bit of a telepath myself. My speciality being hypnosis." "Really?" Abby sounded excited, "I've read loads about hypnosis being used in the Dark Arts. It's terribly interesting." "Really?" Alton asked, "I haven't read that much about it. All I know is that if I concentrate hard enough, I could make anyone in this room act like a chicken." "Haha. Really?" laughed Blaire. "Yep." Alton tore a bit of parchment off of his roll and tossed it at the back of a boy's head a few rows in front of them. When he looked back to find the source of the projectile, Alton gazed deeply into his eyes. A moment later, the boy jumped on top of the desk and started crowing like a rooster. Everyone in the class was in an uproar of laughter. In all of the confusion, no one noticed Alton give the command of snapping his fingers to release the boy from his trance. The moment he did so, the boy stood up straight and said, "What's going on?" The three Slytherins couldn't contain themselves for the rest of the class. They continued chatting telepathically throughout the rest of the lesson...[/color][/b][/size]
[b][color=darkgreen][size=1] Alton ate his breakfast of jelly toast and coffee with Blaire sitting next to him. When the daily post came in he noticed that many other first-years were surprised. And some even startled. This, however, was absolutely no variation on what he expected. Even though he was a Muggle-born, he had already read through "Hogwarts: A History". A black-spotted brown owl dropped a copy of The Daily Prophet onto the plate of the boy sitting opposite him. From what he could see, it was a slow news day. A few governmental issues. A new broom flying law was passed. Also a humorous article about a summoning spell gone awry. Nothing major. His attention was brought back to his food and the girl sitting next to him. She didn't seem to notice that Alton hadn't been paying very close attention to her, but she talked on. He glanced at her mug and muttered his coffee charm. "Thanks." she responded. "No problem." He actually decided to participate in the conversation. After a few minutes of small-talk they walked to class together. Alton took a seat next to her, but soon zoned out. He was too busy changing Floppy into neon colors to notice much anything else going on. A few minutes after class started, a girl walked into the room and sat next to Blaire. When he heard that she had been bored out of her skull, Alton thought he probably should have offered her a little more conversation. But he was still quite tired. [/b][/size][/color]
OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to respond. I didn't know we had started so soon. [color=darkgreen][b][size=1]IC: "Come on, Floppy." Alton instructed the dark green newt out of his pocket, "I gotta get my trunk cleaned out." He continued to work around his four-poster while he unloaded a sketch pad and some literature. When he was done, he collapsed onto the bed. "Man, that train ride took forever." "I heard that." chimed in a burly first year. "The name's Don. But, people just call me the Wall." "Right," Alton replied as he reached for his wand and flicked it around a bit, [i]"compareo arabica."[/i]a mug of dark steaming liquid appeared on his night stand. "What's that?" asked the Wall. "Coffee." Alton replied shortly. He wasn't in the mood for conversation. "You actually drink that crap?" The Wall said increduously, "How old are you?" "Eleven." Alton really wasn't in the mood to be berated by someone simply on the influence of his culinary decisions. So, he gazed deep into the Wall's eyes. Unblinkingly, he calmly stated without opening his mouth, "Got to sleep." If his bed hadn't been right next to Alton's, he would have smacked his head against the cold stone floor. With a small chuckle, Alton climbed back into his bed, Floppapopatopalous in hand and continued to sip from his cup... [/color][/b][/size]
[size=1][b][color=darkgreen] Name: Alton Willis Age: 11 3/8 Gender: Yes please. Oh wait... nevermind. Male Year: First Bio: Alton was born in Bastogne, France and raised in Cheddar, England. His parents used to be extremely loving until they found out he was a wizard, now they just fear him. Personality: Despite the total ignorance of his parents, Alton is very up-beat and cheery.He is highly intelligent and he has a knack for noticing the obscure. He has also long had an interest in transcendentalism. Most think he is funny and weird, but if you know him, he's pretty cool. Appearance: Average height, semi-muscular build, spiked blonde hair, gray eyes. Usually seen in black jeans, gray T-shirt and neon-orange shoes. House: ??? Familiar (pet): A dark green newt named [u]Flopp[/u]a[u]pop[/u]a[u]top[/u]a[u]lous[/u]. Floppy for short. Wand type: 14 1/2 in. Yew. Barghest vocal chords. Special Traits: Photographic memory. Leftie. Strongest subject: Charms Special Ability: A hypnotic stare. Worst Subject: Arithmetic(it bores him so he doesn't do the work) Dislikes (food): Anchovies, bratwurst, any internal organ of any animal. (ick) Likes (food): Beef, pork, chicken, potatoes, waffles, pie, soup , etc. Dislikes: Mrs. Noble (Sciences) Likes: Mr. Potter Schedule: ??? Other items: A monicle that allows him to see through walls and doors and such. [/size][/b][/color]
Sign Up Academy of the Mystical (R- Language/Violence/Gore)
sublime2004 replied to sublime2004's topic in Theater
[size=1][b][color=darkgreen] Very good. Your sign-up has been accepted. Now all I need is the majority of the cast and we should be ready. Don't ask me if there is a point to this. Just...ummm...yeah. Bye.[/size][/b][/color] -
[b][size=1][color=darkgreen] The world of humans is not the only one. There are several. The one we are here to discuss is the world of magic. This world is full of wonder and terror. And the latter seems to be taking over. The people who live in the magical world are about to have the biggest battle in any of their lifetimes. Their only known enemy is growing in numbers and are ready to strike. I, of course, am referring to Vampires. The hate that vampiric society holds against magic folk is explained simply enough. It is pure jealousy. While, Mages all over the world harbor great power, a vampire holds none. Many have tried to thwart this fact of life. But, all have failed. Along with the body, when a Mage is turned into a vampire, their magic dies and is transferred into another mage. So, once the mage is turned, they no longer have their magical ability. And, in their rage, they grow. One vampire makes three. Those three make three more. And the cycle continues. Many magical folk have retreated into pocket dimensions. Not unlike the one that The Academy of the Mystical resides in. Most skilled magicians have one of these to train and hide away in. Most are no larger than a small house. But the Academy is, of course, a lot bigger than that. Although the magicians have a great advantage over their demonic counterparts, they are no match when it comes to physical ability. It doesn't work to their advantage that Vampires hunt in groups either. Seventeen years ago, in a similar situation of vampiric conflict, there was a great wizard. His name was Marco Waring. He was the only one known to have concoct a way to defeat the soulless beasts on a grand scale. But, before he was able to carry out his plan, his life was ended. Transferring his power into some other unknown child. In this world of constant bloodshed, the World of Magic decides to fight back. They find the most skilled and powerful witches and wizards in their graduating year at The Academy of the Mystical and contract them to work with a few elders and devise a way to beat this foe. And in this group is the person who's power once lied inside within Marco Waring. But, the Vampires have caught wind of this plan and are now on the brink of their final attack. [/color] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only a few rules apply: One power per person. (All powers must be magical, not physical. i.e.: fire conjurer, shapeshifter, telekinetic, etc.) Each magical person has one magical object on their person which gives them an extra ability. (Usually defensive magic.) Vampires look completely human except when they hunt. Their bodies become contorted into an almost werewolf-like form. They always walk on two legs and their ears are constantly erect. (stop laughing, dumbass) Skin under arms opens into flaps which assist in gliding. Vampire abilities include: Immortality, enhanced senses, gliding, hightened speed, strength and agility. They also can move in almost complete stealth. Vampire weaknesses are: Decapitation and being impaled through the heart. It doesn't matter if it is wood or not. It just has to hit the heart. Fire will not kill, but will incapacitate a vampire. Some older and more powerful vampires have the ability to actually remove their hearts from their bodies and store them elsewhere. As long as their heart is in a safe place, they are immune to being impaled. You can only be a Mage or a Vampire. No in-between. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=darkred] I will be playing the role of the one with Waring's power. Use my sign-up as a template for your own. Name: Wilbur "Will" Helms Age: 17 Species: Mage Power: Light Manipulation Description of Power: Forms light into any shape, brightness, color or heat intensity. Talisman Power: A small blue crystal in his bracelet carries the ability to defend against psychic attacks or probes.(i said, stop laughing) Personality: A sly and clever trickster. Uses his ability to pull outrageous pranks. Bio: Will lived in a middle-class home in central Missouri, USA. School bored him. His teachers said he was "Too smart". Will didn't see why he still had to do his homework when even his teachers recognized his advanced intellect. So, he dragged his feet throughout his entire school career. One day, when he was twelve, he was being chased down the hall by a group of 10th graders who he had shot his mouth off at. When he was cornered, there was a blinding flash of light that disoriented the group. That is when he was contacted by the headmaster of a school he had never heard of. Now, here is a sign-up for a Vampire: Name: Age: How old you look: Personality: (all vamps are evil.) Bio: What I need are seven graduates of the Academy and two teachers that'll lead the group. Those teachers will be Huxley and Preminger. I also need seven Vampires. There must be a leader of the Vampires and six generals.There is no need for weapons. Vamps have their bodies and mages have their own powers. [/color] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to clarify the set-up of the Academy. It is sorta the same as any other high school.There is history, math, grammer etc., along with classes that teach students to refine and utilize their abilities. There are classes on spell writing and on magic charms and talismans. Here is a list of the teachers: Grammer: Prof. Huxley (the cool teacher) Math: Prof. Wilde (the distant teacher) History: Prof. Fitzgerald (the timid teacher) Power Refinement: Headmaster Mencken (the wise and powerful teacher) Spell Writing: Profs. Huxley and Preminger (the stern teacher) Talismans: Prof. Bertrand (the asshole teacher) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=darkgreen] If you're interested, sign-up. If not...you have better things to do than sit here reading this.[/color][/b][/size]
[color=darkred][b][size=1] The room still stood fairly silent as they all looked back toward the stage. Loki was relieved that he wasn't the center of attention. Not now. From what people have told him, he is the spitting image of his father. But, he knew this brief moment of anonymity wouldn't last long so he decided to go ahead with it. "I'll join you!" he yelled toward Gravitron. "You!" a tall man to his left gasped. "Die, Wolverine." "I'm not him, dumbass." Loki replied as he deflected a large stone that was hurled at him with the claws retracting from his fingertips. After he did so, he leapt on top of the one who threw the stone. When he landed, he began to slash at him. Then Loki began to think to himself, "He didn't throw a rock, he is a rock." He swiftly performed a back-flip while kicking his adversary in the jaw and he landed gracefully in a crouched position. "Ha, ha. You're not going to hurt me with those things, little man." "I see. Looks like I'll have to bring out the heavy artillery." Loki snarled. "What the hell are you-" "Snickt!" "HOLY SH-" The only sound now was a loud thunk as the torso of the rock man crashed to the ground. "I think that's quite enough." Gravitron chimed in as he willed Loki onto the stage with the rest. [/color][/b][/size]
[color=crimson][b][size=1] Name: Loki Sex: Male Age: 56 looks 26 Group: Brotherhood Description: Short black hair. Black eyes. Always wears long black leather trenchcoat, white t-shirt and black leather pants. Powers: Indestructable ademantium skeleton and claws(just like Wolverine's). Unmatched regenerative capabilities. Shorter ademantium claws that retract out of fingers used for scaling walls and climbing. With enhanced speed and strength and sense of smell. Bio: The only illegitimate son of Wolverine, Loki hated his father. He hated him so much, in fact that he had his skeleton replaced to match Wolverine's exactly. All for the effect of irony when he killed his father with his own weapons. Although, when Loki searched, he found nothing. Not a trace of his father. This enraged him to the point of insanity. So he joined the fight with the Brotherhood of Mutants just so he can see blood. [/color][/b][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1][b] Two men walk into the middle of a clearing near a cemetary. Both men different, yet the same. They each carry with them gleaming blades that glisten in the light mist of rain that had jsut begun to fall. One of the men removes his hat to reveal a bald head and malevolent looking eyes. The second pulls off his raincoat making his long black ponytail wave. In a flash, the broad blade of the first man's sword flashes forward in a split second. The second man acted just as quickly. Both swords connect in a streak of white sparks. The man with the ponytail takes advantage of his adversary's momentum to trip him. The bald man recovers quickly. But, not quickly enough. Before he can turn around for a second attack, the slightly curved blade of his enemy plunged deeply into his back. He fell to his knees. "You're better that I thought, MacLeod." sputtered the bald man through a mouthful of blood, "I guess I made a mistake." "There was no reason for us to fight, Aaron!" bellowed MacLeod, "Why couldn't you see that?" Aaron slumped deeper as MacLeod pulled the blade from his body. "You should have known our friendship wouldn't have lasted. The tournament is about to end. There are so few of us left. And as you know..." MacLeod lifted the ivory handle of his weapon high above his head and spoke "There can be only one." With a lightning fast sweep and a sickening squelch, the match was over. A thick mist rosed from the now lifeless body and enveloped MacLeod. Flashes of electricity spark all around him and explode with deafening booms. A ring of flame circles around him, but soon dies.[/color][/size][/b] [b][size=1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This thread goes along the lines of "The Highlander" story. If you are unfamiliar with the story... Well, I'm not gonna waste my time explaining it to you. The basic premise is: The Immortal Tournament is coming close to an end. There are only a couple hundred left all across the world. This particular thread follows the story of Mason MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod and his small group of Immortals that believe, or at leat hope, that all Immortals can live in harmony with one another. Although Duncan MacLeod is still alive, he has not been seen or heard from in one hundred-fifty years. So, using the lessons Duncan has taught him, Mason clings to the belief of eternal balance, but also uses unmatched skill in defending those he cares for. The once noble Watchers are now completely corrupt. They are now all out to destroy every living Immortal using their age-old skills in tracking and deceit. Little do they know that their own leader, Arguyle Greenwillow, is an Immortal himself. Using their inherent jealousy for his own gain. Planning a simultaneous attack on all Immortals at a time not yet disclosed, Greenwillow hopes to permanently cripple the undying population all across the earth in one fell sweep. Making him "The One". Only after hearing this during an interrogation of a captured Watcher does Mason MacLeod decide to act. With his small band of Immortal soldiers, he will try and stop Arguyle Greenwillow from carrying out his devious design. [/size][/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [size=1][b][color=crimson] What I need are some Immortals, obviously. What I also need are some enemies for the good guys. (anyone who signs up to be a good guy will also be playing the role of their enemy. so, you would actually be playing two parts until you decide to kill them off) One enemy per good guy, for five good guys, excluding myself. Finally, I will need someone to play Greenwillow. Watchers are expendable, many of them will be killed. (in self-defense, of course) So, there is no need for anyone to sign up to be a Watcher. Except for one. There will be one permanent Watcher, who is Greenwillow's right-hand man. I will be playing the role of Mason MacLeod and you can use my sign-up as a template for your own: Name: Mason MacLeod Designation: Immortal/Good Guy Age: 257 Description: The spitting image of Duncan MacLeod. Tall. Long, black ponytail. almost always wears a long black raincoat. Sword Description: [URL=http://www.thewebcollection.com/highlander_sword.html][u][color=blue]Dragon-Head Katana[/u][/color] [/URL] Short Bio: Born in 1968 and having his latent Immortality awakened in the year 2004, he was disowned by his family, who feared him greatly due to his inability to die. Found and trained by Duncan MacLeod, Mason realized the reason for and the possibilities of what he had become. He now fights for only righteous causes and hopes for peace between all who quarrel over the unknown prize which awaits them at the end of The Game. [/size][/b][/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [size=1][b] If you sign up to be a good guy, remember to give the details of your enemy too.[/size][/b]