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Everything posted by master

  1. I live on the island of Moku puni o keawe and that is all I will say.
  2. whell the math s not how it is like on the mainland that s how we learn to think fast and never let the teacher hold you down.
  3. history ask him who was the real first preisdent of the united states say jhon Hansen he was elected under the papers of confedircy.
  4. your lucky are teachers arent like that here on the island we have to make the teachers look bad by thinking faster then them.
  5. Do you just hate math? you want to get out but you want a good grade I and a couple of friends have found ways to make most of are math teachers quit to go back to college:devil:. Dont wory it is all true. tell them i will bet you cant add all the #s beetween 1-100 faster then I can. answer is 5050. how I did it was I took 100 and split it in half then add 1 to a 100 then multiply 50*101=5050 or ask him what are the chance of geting to heads in a row. you say you cant tell it could land on tails all i want or it can go heads tails heads tails all your life. for more info just ask and I will tell this has been brought to you by the quiz masters of hilo
  6. yeah we should okay the otaku chat room
  7. cool I guess that the harder it is the better you play.
  8. I want to hold a duel competion the rules are same as the tcg but no exodia cards dont have to do tribute.:cool: I need your name cards fav card thats all only 8 people sow hurry
  9. thanks but Im broke and I have two days two come up with a strategy to deafet one blue eyes any ideas.
  10. I need help with my moves the kids keep beating me. heres my deck fissure gaia the ferice knight ansatu mamoth grave yard change of heart remove trap trap hole dian keto the cure master silver fang card destruction curse of dragon gaint solider of stone feral imp socerer of doom last will great white dragon zombie reinforcements trap master soul exchange magical ghost the stern mystic wingeddragon celtic guardian mystical elf dark hole reverse trap witty trap de spell dragon capture jar castle walls monster reborn summoned skull sword of dark destruction yami waboku book of seceret arts mystic clown beaver warior dark magician
  11. lucky we can only duel during or recces or eles. But you get to use star chips to.
  12. I always thought that pharoh was the oldest he was in the puzzle for probbaly the begining of duel monsters.
  13. 13 fav character Yugi fav card dark magician card i can realate to the dark magician fav episode after match
  14. you can try dueling more in the free duels to earn more cards, use a game shark or just search for cheats
  15. name george age 17 deck magic deck favorite card the dark magician bio just like yugi.
  16. I though it was kinda good. Well geting all the cards is hard
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