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About kat4000
- Birthday 04/04/1989
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smart/funny/pretty/ a little bitchie
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Madison Finally made it to her room in the hotel but this fealing of being watched and fallowed she could not shake. As Madison lyed on her bed she could feal the rooms temp drop hastly. She knew someone was it that very room with her and she could feal that they had a black heart. Madison slowly got up from her bed Key Blade in hand ready to strike at anything that moved. Her eyes darted around the room trying to see anything. only a little light that she had and the rest of the room was dark. then madison heard something move so she darted to the light switch on the wall. When she had turned it on she saw nothing. "My imagnation must be running wild". madison said wall making her Key blade disapear. As she turned to turn the light off she found herself pushed up aginst the wall face to face with a man in black. He spoke coldly to her "Listen and listen good if you value your heart you will live here and never try to fight the heartless.This is my turff and i will elimant you is you and your little Heartless fighting friends if you get in my way. do i make myself clear"!? Madison was for some reason scared of this figure. and she could not speak. just then there was a knock on the door. The shadow dude disapeared taking the couldness with him. Madison quickly recoverd and ran to the door and opened it to find...... (sorry so late i was a camp for 6 days)
after her bit of laugher at Sunner Madison spoke up. "Hello Sora My Name Is madison And that over there is Sunner."she pointed to Sunner "And next to him is well......Well hell i forget i've seen him somewhere and the gury next to him well.. i don't recall his name eather. And as well as our Keyblades....." Madison Looked at Sunner "And with no help at all from Sunner I really don't know i kinda just found mine." Just then the air got cold. And it seemed every one felt it. Madison Shifted her eyes uneasly. "I don't know about you guys but i'm going to that hotel Over there and if you need me I'll be in the red room." With that Madison Walked off still feeling uneasy.
"well wasn't that a shit load of fun" Madison said looking at the boys wall putting her three star key blade on her sholder. "Well i reamber Sunner but i forget who you are she said looking at Kite." Just then Sora Cleared his Voice. Everyone turned thereattion towrds him. He asked in a very small voice "who are you and why do you have Keyblades?"
Story: I watch from a tower and look down to where Sora is fighting. I see he has Distroyed the heartless from this world ,but little dose he know that there are hundreds of worlds left,and he'll need some help. As I look for my friends from my world. I hope that me helping Sora with my Sliver star Key Blade will not only push us one more step to destroying the Heartless forever. But will help me find my many friends who i miss dearly. Its all started so long ago it seems. I was with by Friend named.. oh i forget... thats Really Sad I can't even rember there names. Well me and him were sitting there watching the sunset It was really romantic. when i saw it samething was falling from the sky. Me and Him stood up to get a better view of what it was. We watched it Hit the Ground Like a Bomb. Then the screaming started that horrible sreaming. Followed By the sounds of more bombs. I look to the sky to see more things from the sky landing. Before i New it He was telling me to run wall pulling me along with him. We stoped suddnly and i ran into his back. I asked what was wrong but there was no answer. I looked in front of him to see a Black Shadow thing. Then i Heard more screams they sounded like my friends. Then the black thing lunged at us. I was so frightend that i passed out. only to awaken In this damn place called Travers Town. And so my qust begians and i Hope for the best. *I hope to see my friends again.* I jump down from the tower to talk to Sora Only to be stoped by the Hunders of heartless comeing at me. "Aw man this is going to take forever and i'll i wanted to do is talk to the stupied boy. And with I start hacking and slashing away heartless. I've gotton thought at lest half of them but i'm to tierd to fight and so slowly I kneel down. I see a Heartless jump at me.I close my eyes and bow my head for i know this is the end. Just before the heartless gets to me it is destroyed. Then i hear it. "You know i bet your to good to lie down and die" I look up to see Sunner Blitz. And I watch in aw as he finishs off the last of the heartless. He comes over to see if i'm ok. And he ask. But me beinging so shocked can't say anything. But finnaly i mangie to speak "Sunner?Sunner Blizts is that really you?". Sunner smiled, then helped her up. He hugged her happily. "Pretty sure it is. Glad to see your alright." "Same here." "You just take a breather Madison, I can handle this for now. We'll talk more once we get rid of these heartless." Sunner charged into a mass of heartless, leaping and dodging. With their attention diverted, they completely forgot about Madison, more focused on the sword wielding threat. Sunner led them farther from his friend. He dissapeared for a while into the smoke, the heartless still chasing him. After a few moments he came back out. He walked back to Madison, his blade reverting from boomerang to sword again. He sheathed it. "They'll be looking in there for several hours. Now, how did you get here Madison? I was afraid that you were still in Fiture. When I woke up, you were gone, and I was here." Jin sat wathing the three people battle from a dark allyway. He noticed that they all had myterious Darkness killing things just like him. He decided not to get involved this time. If the were here on thier own accord or not was not his problem. Suddenly more dark things sprung up from behing him. "Man not again." Easily dealing with most of them he jumped up on the roof of the building so that the comotion he had cuased would not attract the strangers. " what was that noise? Who's there. Hello?" Jin decided it was best to follow these strangers dor the time bieng. He crouched down and silently followed the three down the street.
wow ok that was fast. anyway. I look up to see Sunner Blitz. And I watch in aw as he finishs off the last of the heartless. He comes over to see if i'm ok. And he ask. But me beinging so shocked can't say anything. But finnaly i mangie to speak "Sunner?Sunner Blizts is that really you?" oK Silver Cyclone you cab take it from here.
ok cool now we have three boys and little old me.. man that Bites we need more girls! but if there are anymore boys who want to be in it i will be happy to make you a spot. But all i ask that there be one more girl. And i think i'll add on to the story! I jump down from the tower to talk to Sora Only to be stoped by the Hunders of heartless comeing at me. "Aw man this is going to take forever and i'll i wanted to do is talk to the stupied boy. And with I start hacking and slashing away heartless. I've gotton thought at lest half of them but i'm to tierd to fight and so slowly I kneel down. I see a Heartless jump at me.I close my eyes and bow my head for i know this is the end. Just before the heartless gets to me it is destroyed. Then i hear it. "You know i bet your to good to lie down and die" I look up to see......hahaha Pm me boys the first one that dose will be the first on e i meet!
wow don't make it so long next time plz that was a pain in the *** to read. *One of Charity* Name: Telly Rahins Age:19 Gender:female Weapons:look at picture Abilities:very fast in speed and in mind. Jumps really high and sings really good. Personality: Very girly (think of Riku from FFX2) can be anoying and loud (just for you) and has been know to take a liking of older men. ;) but when in battle will be like a new person. Calm quit and very determied. Bio: was born in Alaska as a normal girl. Then moved to Japan. at age of ten her parents where killed by Demons and she wants revenge. An Angle Came down from heven on the night her parents died and the Angle Gave her a sword. The minute she tuched it her lifee changed forever. And gave her strange powers which she does not know oll about. looks:[url]http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/2-5.htm[/url]
Name: Katernia Sky Age:21 Gender:Female Class: Fallen (but still good) Angel weapon: a sword that is straped to back. Desciption:Pale but very fit. Wears only Black and Blood red. Has her eye brow pirced along with her belly button. Has long Brown Hair (down to butt). She smokes sometimes for she can not Die of human illness. Personality:Normaly Calm and extramly quite. But when in battle can be loud and very agressive. Likes no one to get in her way and trusts no one. Background:She trusts no one for Lucifer almost draged her to hell with him using broken promises and lies. As punishment to herself for letting her emotions be toyed with she quite her job as an angel and move down to earth wall promising god to keep an eye on demons and the cursed humans. She now lives in a life of lonlyness out in the woods. And Spies on Saton and his new Appetence Cirus Onacy. Powers: Can talk to any animal. and can controll water.
Story: I watch from a tower and look down to where Sora is fighting. I see he has Distroyed the heartless from this world ,but little dose he know that there are hundreds of worlds left,and he'll need some help. As I look for my friends from my world. I hope that me helping Sora with my Sliver star Key Blade will not only push us one more step to destroying the Heartless forever. But will help me find my many friends who i miss dearly. Its all started so long ago it seems. I was with by Friend named.. oh i forget... thats Really Sad I can't even rember there names. Well me and him were sitting there watching the sunset It was really romantic. when i saw it samething was falling from the sky. Me and Him stood up to get a better view of what it was. We watched it Hit the Ground Like a Bomb. Then the screaming started that horrible sreaming. Followed By the sounds of more bombs. I look to the sky to see more things from the sky landing. Before i New it He was telling me to run wall pulling me along with him. We stoped suddnly and i ran into his back. I asked what was wrong but there was no answer. I looked in front of him to see a Black Shadow thing. Then i Heard more screams they sounded like my friends. Then the black thing lunged at us. I was so frightend that i passed out. only to awaken In this damn place called Travers Town. And so my qust begians and i Hope for the best. [FONT=Verdana]*I hope to see my friends again.*[/FONT] Name: Madison Sky Age:16 Gender:Female weapon: Sliver Star Key Blade Looks: I have changed my looks.they are now [url]http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/44-5.htm[/url] Bio: Lived in a world called Friture. It was distroyed by the heartless 2 years ago when i was 14. Lived alone with mother and had lots of friends. Looks for a way to rid the worlds of the heartless wall looking for her friends. Rules: No almighty Keyblades Can be boy or girl. Can use magic and there can be a more than one weapon. There will be limited parts and i will tell you when there full. Boy#1 needs to be the boy i sat with wall watching the sunset Boy#2 don't care about anything about him all i ask that he acts like my brother Boy#3 really dosn't madder. Girl#1 must be my sister figure Girl#2 bestfriend and i will add more if need be. ok line up Boy#1 Sunner Blitz *member Silver Cyclone* Boy#2 Kite Binzur *member Ergon* Boy#3 Jin Huma *member Sephy07* Girl#1 open Girl#2 open Girl#3 Me! Madison Sky *member Kat4000*
Name: Katernia Sky Age:270 (looks 17) Class: Cat Demon Weapon: Retractable Calws and alot of Agility Bio: At a young age she was sent to a ninja school around 13 the school burnt to the ground taking her master and family/friends with it. She swore revenge and has hunted day and night to this day for the human wizards that distroyed her life. She dose odd jobs for money,kicks, and info of any kind. Katernia aka Kat will meat up later on in the story. She wears black pants a blood red shirt black combat boots and a long black lather jacket. She is very quiet but can friendly after a bit of warming up. She has a little witch (13) that she found at the age of 4 and the girl gives her great respect. Kat takes care of the girl like a mother. Advantages of battle: Keeps a cool head in any sort of combat and makes many good choices. Can smell 3 miles away and hear a pin drop. Disadvantages of battle: When in a pissy mood can be more that a ***** and will attack any thing that moves. Secrets: Loves string and one day whishes for a love life (boyfriend) looks: long dark brown hair (down to butt) one green eye and one blue eye. pale skinned, 4.9 feet tall and 105 pounds.(Skinny with a slite build) Cat ears and tail both black.
The hooded figure ran so fast it almost looked like it was flying. it came to a hult when it aproched a water fall "me lady i have found him just as you have asked and i have toyed with him also as you asked.What more do you wish for me to do?" A figuer with such a womenly body there could be walked out from behind the water fall she spoke in almost a whisper "NO that will be all for now with him. but i do wish for you to find me the one called Shea. He has something i want i will get it back." The dark hoodied figured darted away into the distanse following every damaned the Lady had order. Meanwail She had stayed next to the waterfall She chanted some words As a flame ingulfed her. When it died down it left her with deep red hair and a body suit to mach it. "Now to see if Avus will help me. Im sure He will be happy to see his half older sister Rin".
Anime Ending that makes you want to strangle the director
kat4000 replied to Okita's topic in Otaku Central
i the ending i hate the most is to cowboy bebop. i mean its good in all but i think the left alot of things unanwsered and the don't tell what happens to the people after the end which really sucks! :flaming: