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Everything posted by Subaru-sama

  1. [SIZE=2]Why... do I draw manga? I draw manga because it is a fun thing to do, and really passes the time away. I also draw it because it happens to be one of my only talents. :p And I, sadly enough, really appreciate the praise. But sometimes, it can be quite annoying. :( It is also a great way of expressing myself. If I'm angry at my teacher, I can draw me stabbing him with a pencil in manga style. :o I usually get alot of ideas, and sometimes I get so many ideas and forget about them. Cosplayers inspire me, as well. :3[/SIZE]
  2. [quote=G/S/B Master]*SPOILER FOR ANYONE THAT DIDN'T READ THE MANGA* P.A. Discussion [spoiler] What do you think Faafa's connection with Ren? I think Ren has the "soul bond" with Faafa much like Ai with Mew. [/spoiler] THis is going to destroy everyone's vision of me: [spoiler] Who thinks that rabbit has more serious then the book intended. I mean that rabbit is sooo CUTE!!! But yet he served for Nobunaga (a warlord who kills a person even though he said he won't kill them o.O;;;;). Plus he knows tons about Aura...[/spoiler][/QUOTE] Uhh..I thought that [spoiler]Ren and Fafa were of the same spirit..or something.:sweat: [/spoiler] and in my opinion,Master Boo is annoying,I hate his nicknames and slangs! [spoiler]When he said he worked for Nobunaga,I think he was being sarcastic.[/spoiler]
  3. [COLOR=Green]Sorry,but I have a feeling this might be closed.. :rolleyes: What kind of names? Please specify. (What they act like,their gender,etcetera,etcetera.Iif you don't want this closed,edit your post and talk about your manga.)[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Twilight][COLOR=Navy][/COLOR] [color=navy] Does anyone know when the third manga will be released or if it already has? In any case, thanks for your time here in my renewed .hack thread![/color][/QUOTE] [color=green]I think that .hack//Legend of the Twilight #3 will be released in either August or September. The .hack//Legend of the Twilight DVDs were released last month,so you can always watch those too.[/color]
  5. [COLOR=Green]It says you can't open it,right? You're supposed to get the other games and find out why,I suppose. Iit's an event item,maybe you can't open until later. I'm not exactly sure,I only have the first game right now,I'm trying to beat Skeith..[/COLOR]
  6. I made one...I might make some ore later.[IMG]http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Zefie/tomoesword.jpg[/IMG]
  7. [quote name='Kashin][COLOR=DarkRed'] (I can't remebear how its spelt exept that it starts with a T) [/COLOR][/quote] Are you talking about Tsubasa? Yeah,CLAMP has made so many titles,Tsubasa is a spin-off where Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura is the main character,and Sakura is a princess and...isn't he trying to save her from something? I forgot what he's saving her from,but it looks good. [IMG]http://cosplay.out-break.net/fullsize/tsubasa.jpg[/IMG]
  8. [B]1.[/B] I agree with Dragon Warrior,I read Megatokyo when I've read all the other manga I bought,so I don't really need to buy the graphic novels.I read Shonen Jump,but I still read Robochicks,because it is funny and I just want to keep reading,Hyperboy (the comic Psycho created,)is funny too,thats the point.Megatokyo is alot like Love Hina,I only skimmed through the first Love Hina manga and I could tell.Megatokyo makes me want to keep reading because I think, "Geez,I really hope there isn't another Shirt Guy Dom day,and whats with the tacky name?!" but it also makes me think, "Ohh,what happens next?!" I never got to read Strange Candy,seeing it took 3 days for me to finish reading Megatokyo online. -_- [B]2.[/B] I feel fine reading online manga,its just like going to the book store and reading manga without buying it,exept there is a larger selection.
  9. [quote name='Inuyasha7271']I never finished KH either im still stuck on trying to finish all the other levels so I can head of to Hollow Bastillion I don't know how you are supposed to beat Monstro the second time its to confusing. I love KH and can't wait for 2 no matter how long it takes I will wait for KH2 and buy it when it first comes out I also must have the PS3 must have it will revolutionize the gaming world. KH2 seems to be better than KH Chain of Memories I don't think I will be buying that game rather save up to buy KH2 since Chain of Memories will probably cost from $30 to $33 dollars like Poke'mon Ruby and Sapphire did when the first came out.[/quote] Wow,you talk non-stop. :p Well,actually,you should beat KH1 first,then you should buy Chain of Memories because if you go here, [url]http://www.techtv.com/xplay/features/story/0%2C24330%2C3538934%2C00.html[/url] (the only way to get there is to type it) and read about Chain of Memories,it says: ".....takes place shortly after the events in the first game....." and goes on.
  10. [QUOTE=Anqueetus]*DEFENSE MODE* What? Hey, I'm sorry don't kill me! *Normal Mode* I just like it because the characters sound, well, pretty much like real characters. And I say characters in the sense I would be laughing a lot. I'm rather biased towards comedies. Oh well, just how I am... As for not being old enough to be published... nuts to that. Just get it out, and who knows, you could be the youngest Mangaka in modern history. Anything's possible not only with Care Bears and Gummybear juice, but with elbow greese and determination. Though I don't know where to find elbow greese, my joints are kind of dry lately...hhhmmm, wonder if Turtle Wax will be a good substitute...[/QUOTE] What does any of this have to do with Gummy Bears and elbow grease? :sweat: Anyway,I'm glad you think so,it [I]is[/I] a comedy!Ever since I was 8,I've thought,"Sigh...I want to become ad good as Rumiko Takahashi..." so of course there is plenty of laughs.Rumiko is probably the funniest manga-ka I've ever come by!Not many manga artists have as much of a sense of humor as she does. [COLOR=Red]EDIT:[/COLOR]Isn't it Maharomantic:Automatic Maiden you were talking about earlier?
  11. I didn't think you would think it was going to be THAT good!I've never read/watched Maharo-Maid,I'll look for that this weekend.Sorry,you will probably have to wait numerous years,I'm not old enough to get it published yet.I'LL NEVER TELL YOU MY AGE THOUGH,NEVER!10-20+ years you will have to wait.Unless I get my own website,then maybe I can subtract that 10 and maybe make it a 5 or an 8! (I might be an assistant before I become a manga artist..but then again,I've been been practicing my drawing skills ever since I was 8 yrs. old,AND I'm the best drawer in my class,AND I've been getting, "Dang Jessica! (my real name) She can draw!" from the boys every day since 4th grade!WAHAHA!Maybe I won't have to be an assistant after all!) I'll post more about this on April the 2nd, (tomorrow) and April the 5th. (Monday)
  12. Heh....Austins a pervert...he always follows Juki around...
  13. Gee,I didn't think that [I]this[/I] many parents would [I]hate[/I] anime! My mom and dad are Americans and love anime,but my dad wouldn't even know what it is if my mom hadn't shown him.In fact,they like anime,manga,and even video games! (The video games are mostly me and my dad,especially since I always beat my mom at Pocket Fighter...) and about of the people in my class are reading my graphic novels,so I made a manga reading club so I could give them all nicknames..aren't I the lucky one?
  14. I'm making my own comic book and I really want to brag about it,so I posted it here.:p Here are some of the characters: Juki Samuke(main character of story) Austin Mabataki (I have a friend named Austin that wanted to be in it but I changed his last name) Kitsune (yes,I am fully aware of what it means in Japanese) Xiao Nong (pronunciation:Shou Nong) Keiko Nasake /Akumako (shes the devil's daughter) My story is about a girl named Juki,and one day,an angel falls from the sky..right into her back yard!Then as she gets to know her (the angel,)she finds out that not only is she an angel..she's also the Devil!(The daughter of the Devil,I mean.)So when Keiko says a bad word(s), she turns into Akumako,and wants to send someone to Hell!(Probably rated 13+ for language.)Juki also has 3 sisters:Jeia Samuke,an outlaw who eats human souls(and others),Ishizu Samuke,normal kid,and Nakigoe Samuke,also normal.Juki and Jeia are the only ones in the family who have powers in their family,but Juki doesn't get any until later in the story.Comments please!If you want more,just ask.
  15. [quote name='Haze'] Also if you would be so kind as to credit me in your sig. if you use one of them. ^^[/quote] No prob,I was planning to do that anyway. ^_^ Now,if I can just figure out which ones to use....I'll get back to you on that..and Shippo,I don't mean to be picky,but where is the demon fox?If it is in the background it needs to be darkened a little.
  16. [QUOTE=Junsui_sama]I started reading manga after I watched anime, I started watching 'Sailor Moon' when I was in 3rd grade, and started reading the manga in 4th grade, I then started to discover other manga books. I have read American style manga, but I like japanese manga better... My current favorite is Kingdom Hearts manga... I read manga because I simply enjoy reading and I have always had a talent for drawing, I'm now slowly starting to teach myself how to draw males, the male body is so much harder for me to draw than a female's. [/QUOTE] Me too,exactly!!!!I can't draw males,but I can draw females,dragons,animals,guns,etc., and am learning how to draw backgrounds from from "How To Draw Manga" books.In fact,I've been doing that ever since I was eight.Also I,too,perfer reading right-to-left rather then left-to-right,and where the heck're you finding Kingdom Hearts [U]MANGA[/U]?!?
  17. Sorry it took so long,I was at my mom's house last week.I would like Naruto and the fox demon to be on my banner,and I would like it to say "Demon Fox". Also,I would like my avi to have just the fox demon on it..please?
  18. Could someone make a Naruto banner and avatar for me,please?If you do,I will be sooooooo happy! [size=1][color=teal]Thread title edited. -Syk3[/color][/size]
  19. I first started reading manga when I was 7,and the first manga I read was DBZ.The reason I started reading it is because I wanted to. The first anime I ever watched was Ranma1/2,and I first started watching that when I was 2.(Though I can't understand why my parents let me watch it at that age....oh well. :p )
  20. [quote name='taru']Is that the cat lady?[/quote] The cat lady is Mia in the game,and Maha in the tv series..and if you are talking about Orca (or Ouka) in .hack Legend of the Twilight,shes a [I]werwolf.[/I]
  21. Could someone please make me a banner with Zefie and Aura from .hack Legend of the Twilight,and an avatar with just Zefie...please? :angel: P.S.,I would also like my banner to say Vagrant Ai on it somewhere.
  22. [quote name='Sweet Pie]I wished Naruto would be a little matured & think straight...[spoiler']he fight so well that even the powerful guys can't beat him when he change to...I forgot the name *he looks scary, very fierce*[/quote] Well, I've heard of it as the "fox demon" when he turns into that..and I think that Naruto acts immature in volume #1 because no one likes him or loves him,so he plays tricks to get attention.
  23. I don't have any interesting nicknames,but my friend,Austin,is called this: insane maniac crazy stupid idiot dummy outcast sad,isn't it? :( I'mthe only friend he's had that hasn't called him that.
  24. I can't seem to find a good custom avatar. I can't seem to find any! :bawl: :(
  25. I like almost every song on Ranma1/2,and I also like Obsession and Fake Wings (or Broken Wings) from .hack//SIGN.
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