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Everything posted by Subaru-sama

  1. I had a dream that I was a video game character and I could'nt get out of the game.(just like Tsukasa!)Then this half woman half cheetah was trying to kill me with snakes and eat me for dinner and she lived in a house,and I was He-Man... :sweat: And I also had a dream that the people from Naruto,Ranma1/2,One Piece,Yu Yu Hakusho,Yu-Gi-Oh!,Juctice Legue,and Shaman King were all on one bus talking to each other. Then the Green Lantern (Justice Legue)asked me where I was,and then asked me if I wanted a piece of cake (it was made of that green stuff that comes out of his ring.)
  2. I like DBGT,but I do'nt like DBZ cuz I've seen them all.
  3. I like Aura,Tsukasa,Shugo,Subaru,Mimiru,Rena,Hotaru and Zefie. Some of them I only like because of the character design.
  4. It would be even better if they made one just like the one in .hack!!!You know,for the computer?I would play it every day:D
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