Strange childhood memories, eh? I have a few... I think... let's see... one I really remember is this one where I was like... uh... it was sometime after 94. My older brother was fixing the training wheels on my little bike, :sweat: well, he was half way done and I had told him he could stop... I wanted to ride the bike just as it was. One of the training wheels was up and the other one was down. Well, I started out good and then I fell and hit my head... I think I got a small crack in my skull in between my eyes or something... AND BECAUSE OF THIS INCIDENT, I BOYCOTT HELMETS... I was wearing one then. :babble: Another one I think I remember is, one time I was really bored, so I was going to try and do magic tricks... I didn't even know how to do any, lol... I had put this racket ball in my pocket and said some 'magic' words, with my eyes closed. When I opened my eyes the ball wasn't in my pocket... it was under my older brother's little rocking chair. I don't know how much of that is true and what not. Oh... and one time I nearly had my thumb cut off... let's see, it was the Thanksgiving after I turned one... uh... let's just make this one shorter... Hmm... My older brother with a pillow, and me holding a coffee can lid... you put the pieces together. :confuse2: