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Everything posted by Gemmei

  1. Strange childhood memories, eh? I have a few... I think... let's see... one I really remember is this one where I was like... uh... it was sometime after 94. My older brother was fixing the training wheels on my little bike, :sweat: well, he was half way done and I had told him he could stop... I wanted to ride the bike just as it was. One of the training wheels was up and the other one was down. Well, I started out good and then I fell and hit my head... I think I got a small crack in my skull in between my eyes or something... AND BECAUSE OF THIS INCIDENT, I BOYCOTT HELMETS... I was wearing one then. :babble: Another one I think I remember is, one time I was really bored, so I was going to try and do magic tricks... I didn't even know how to do any, lol... I had put this racket ball in my pocket and said some 'magic' words, with my eyes closed. When I opened my eyes the ball wasn't in my pocket... it was under my older brother's little rocking chair. I don't know how much of that is true and what not. Oh... and one time I nearly had my thumb cut off... let's see, it was the Thanksgiving after I turned one... uh... let's just make this one shorter... Hmm... My older brother with a pillow, and me holding a coffee can lid... you put the pieces together. :confuse2:
  2. I agree with both the suggestions made by DDG. (that's a really easy screenname to remember ^_^)
  3. I also think it would be a good idea if we could have a section where you could put your favorite art, from different artists, from the fanart sections. I mean that if you see a drawing you like, you could have it on your site so that others would know which artworks you like. Yeah... hmmm...
  4. :D Yeah, I think that we should have a chat room or something. I mean we do use those shoutbox things as something close enough, but why not have a chatroom where we all could talk to each other at the same time. Plus, not everone here has IMs either. I think it would really be a good idea. :D
  5. :cool: I personally like the unflipped version. I like how everyone in my classes says stuff like "You do know you're reading your book the wrong way, right?" and "Is that supposed to be like that?". That's always fun. Most of my mangas are in the unflipped version.
  6. Well I did think it was funny. But I don't think it would be something that I would be able to get into. You know.
  7. My favorite quote is "Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt" Its from the first episode of Trigun.
  8. I've only seen the first episode of that show. I didn't really like it all that much. It had its funny moments and stuff. It was something that my little brother would like. Yeah.
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