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Everything posted by cinnamon

  1. [COLOR=YellowGreen][SIZE=1]I can speak english... with a New Zealand accent since I live there. I can speak a bit of Japanese too- I took it in school for two and a quarter years although this year I have given it up so I can pursue other stuff. I learnt all I really felt I needed to know at present- I really enjoyed it, but after learning the two basic scripts Hiragana and Katakana and basic words and grammar I figure I can take it up again later ^.^ Japanese is such a beautiful language though. I think I like it, because writing the charaters is a type of art. I'm tempted to take Latin by correspondance, for a few reasons- you sound brainy when you say you know latin, and it gives a good insight into english spelling and definitions. I think my spelling has been getting worse and worse over the past year. I blame it on my english teacher ^_^ I can speak Pig Latin though- it sounds really stupid, but you take the first letter from the start of a word and put it on the end of the word, and add "a"(as in "a" from hay) or if the word starts with a vovel, add "ha" to the end of the word. It's so pointless when it's written down though. I used to speak it with my friends all the time when I was 11...^^ Ellwa, atthay's allha orfa owna olksfa! Sorry, couldn't help it ^_~[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Aah, but my dear Cinnamon, I didn't say I'd go up to a girl and tell her I liked her...that would involve me having chosen and placed this girl on the top.[/size][/quote] [COLOR=YellowGreen][size=1]Good point... I didn't really think that through, did I? Sorry if it seems like I'm bashing you about your relationships, I'm sure you wouldn't do something that stupid ^_~[/size][/COLOR] [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']I don't think that being interested in other people if you're in a relationship is a crime....as long as you don't do anything, and don't plan on doing anything. I think something like this could just be a difference between males and females...because most of the guys in this thread have agreed with me, but the girls seem to think that there is something wrong with it.[/size][/quote] [COLOR=YellowGreen][size=1]No, it's not [i] really[/i] a crime, it's just that in most girls perfect worlds, her guy will be totally committed to her, because he loves her absolutely for who she is. When other girls come onto the scene it makes her feel insecure and unattractive- like she isn't good enough. That's why being dumped for someone else is so hard on lots of girls- they feel like they just don't meet the standard. Thats also why we girls generally take a lot more pride in our appearance than guys... it feels like it really counts. Actually, in this world, with these social standards... it probably does. Ok, so I've just made a hell of a generalisation... so shoot me. I supose it [u]is[/u] just one of those things ^_~[/size][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=YellowGreen]Well, for starters Baron, it's not very romantic. Going up to someone and saying "I like you... and her and her and her..." Doesn't put past quite the right impression... ^_~ Still, not being able to decide who you like just means the right person hasn't come along yet. It's not that idiotic. But if you're going out with someone, and you like all these other people, it's kinda mean, like you don't respect the person you are going out with, and have made a commitment (of sorts) to. Its like cheating on them ^_^ Pathetic stuff...? Well, my friend had a crush on 12 different people at one time. But we were 11, so it doesn't really count ^_^ [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Luxuries are things that people have for comfort and enjoyment, but are not indispensable. Resources are assets available to all- a collection of things that can be drawn on when needed. They're not quite the same sort of thing. The opposite of luxuries is necessities, and the opposite of resources is... well, it doesn't really have one. I suppose I was thinking about communism in my last post, it is, yet another idea that people didn't live up to. [QUOTE]You don't have to eat rats. I'd be happy with a fertile plot of land and a forest to hunt and trap in. To me, everything is a means to an end. I'm here in college because I feel that I need lots of money to live comfortably and provide for those I love.[/QUOTE] Well, try having no other food. You might have to make a compromise. Rat's tails, perhaps? Anyway, the whole rats and chicken thing is basically saying that people have different requirements for contentment. Because everyone is content with different things means that it is practically impossible to let everyone be content! Especially those in politics ;) Everyone has different loves and hates. Some people are very irrational about what they hate. Some people are very indecisive about what they love. In relation to other people we can probably never agree with everyone unless there's one person with very strong mind control powers. Take the recent American elections for example. America as a whole couldn't agree with who should be in power. Therefore, there are elections. Some support the war on Iraq, and some oppose it. Some agree with Bush's ideals, and some agree with Kerry's. But don't let this turn into another USA political debate- theres been enough of those already. Surely you must have some idea that someone else doesn't agree with. Wait a second, how about the one you're arguing for now. Are you content with the responses you've been getting? Are you content with how others try and state their views against yours? (No,I'm not slagging people here, I'm just using this as an example. I love all you guys :D) It's just one of those things.While one person is totally content- like you in your nice little log cabin in the middle of the forest- what if someone wanted you to let them have the land you're living on, because it's the sacred forest of their ancestors? While your neighbours have a fancy new barbecue, you sit there toasting rabbits over a smoky fire that makes your eyes water. What if the neighbours had to live like that too? Would they survive, or starve, because they don't know how to trap rabbits? Because of the resources available to the particular, it will determine what they will have, and want. It's really the spread of resources that causes poverty. Remember, money itself is a resource. Because people generally want to have more over less, they will always want more. Consumerism is the result of this- peoples differing levels of comfort, with no regard for others. Youre just the wierd one, Adahn. A very good point, but a bad idea. It happens. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Hey... I like splash pages here ^^ Theyre good for something anyway- they provide an intro to your site, and catch peoples attention. It makes them curious ;) They don't take up [B]too[/B] much space either, so there's not much to lose. I suppose you have to decide whether you're going for efficiency or beauty, Baron. But why waste the effort? By the way, I was on OB before, you know. I just haven't been here for ages :D[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]I have a feeling that human nature is to be greedy, and to take more than one needs. If we were all living on basic needs, we wouldn't be here discussing this. Just pointing that out. However, if the worlds resources were shared out equally between all peoples, how would those with more handle it? Would they be content with less, and willing to give it all up? Would it be fair to take what they have earned from them? Not all people are money hoarding tyrants, you know. Would they be bitter, and try to take back what was originally theirs? Also, how would those with less handle it? To be given more, would they be grateful, or wasteful? Would they dominate the previously rich part of society by being able to work harder, and with their newfound better conditions be 100 times more productive? Would they turn on their former suppressers, and beat them at their own game? If this could be done by human means, the changes would have to be made extremely slowly- a peaceful revolution. Overall, it might be more satisfying for everyone's best intrests, but individuals will always be hungry for more- money, power, respect. It's a part of human nature, as I said before. But whether it can be overcome or not is a different story. Me being a christian, I belive we missed out on harmony a long time ago. To me, contentment is more than physical. But physically- I suppose we need nothing more than the bare necessities. Its just the self control that trips us up. However, in this case, contentment all boils down to whether we have already tasted the chicken, or whether we've spent our lives eating nothing but rats. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1]Wow Baron. It's awesome! I can see all your old myO layout themes in those buttons ^_^ *sigh* Oh, the memories... I agree with Hevn too- the splash page is shizzlicious ^-^[/SIZE]
  8. ...My 2 front teeth :toothy: No, thats just how the cute little song goes. I have all my teeth, thanks very much. And lovely they are too :D Well, I want CDs. Heh, I sound so rude!But either CDs, or an Ipod, Or both would be great.I'd also like some spare time, but no-one has figured out how to give it as a present yet, so I'll just have to wait till they do. Wierd present?I suppose the fact that I want Dad to buy himself a PS2, so I can use it, instead of me getting it for myself is wierd. Wierd and selfish. :cross: My fave present was my drawing tablet that I got last christmas. And my big, cuddly, collectable teddybear. He's one of 5000 made, and it was the last teddy Russ designed before he died. It was so unexpected, but he's a gorgeous bear. :love: Merry Chistmas for a few weeks away guys!
  9. Would Murphy's Law apply to that calculation? Because then, most likely, it's going to go wrong. :D
  10. The well known authors of Rp's do tend to sign up the other well know people. But you can't forget why these people are Rp Celebrities- because they are great at Rping! So why shouldn't they sign each other up. True, Rp's are quite exclusive todays, but people want the best- they can't afford not to, otherwise the Rp will be a flop from bad posts and uncommitted players, and all the effort they put in will be wasted. They choose the people who they know are committed, and that will compliment the Rp with great writing and diverse characters. Its a matter of trust and respect. Also, many of the greats in Rp's are friends from doing Rp's together, and friends trust each other. And it's more fun ^^ So give these guys a break, and instead of complaining, why not go blow everybodies minds with some outstanding roleplaying. Trust me, there are other talents waiting to be discovered out there along with you ^_~ ~Cinnamon
  11. Kewlness DW- I just wanted to commend you on the most awsomest plot out ^^ If I can find the time, I'll be following the RPG all the way! I would've loved to join, but I have almost no spare time on my hands and my RPG skills are pretty darned rusty- I haven't been in one for over a year! Pathetic, ne? Anyway, hope you guys have lots of fun- make sure you finish this one, ok!!! Cinnamon
  12. Tee hee hee- Silly people. It's times like these when you can tell that nothing bad has been happening- and that it's safe to read the newspaper for a day or two. As for me, I always get overdue library book statements, but since I'm still a child, I don't have to pay. Great, isn't it? Oh, and by the way... Libraries ROCK LOL Where else would I get manga from? Cinnamon
  13. That's it all in a nutshell, Megumi. However, on the physical side, I'll just quickly suggest that to have a sharp, neat-looking CG, you need a clean black line...Also known as inking or lining in. Your line looks a little fuzzy, which is presumably why the colours are a bit blotchy around the edges. Anyway, you can do this before scanning in a picture, with a good black pen and an eraser to get rid of any pencil, or using the program to outline it- I'll let you decide which, seeing as you're the artist. Personally, I use a black pen- I find it faster. But the outcome is that you have a sharper looking drawing (so long as the actual colouring goes ok ;) ) with a pretty black outline. Spiffy, doncha think? :D Cinnamon
  14. That's exactly what I do eternity! It works very well too. But some crits on the picture- well, the shading on his face looks a bit wierd. What I'd do would be to use the burn tool in adobe photoshop set on medium at about 15% to do the flesh shading. Sorry if it sounds complicated- but try it. The grey is making nashi look slightly corpsish...:D Maybe put some shading into the purple beads- that'd make them look rounder. Also, colour the hilites in his eyes white, not skin coloured- it makes them stand out more. Hope this helps :) Cinnamon
  15. Good, but try and give them a little more movement- they all seem a bit stiff- like theyre posing. That's the bad habit that I'm trying to break at the moment. ^^ Still, theyre pretty good. Practice makes perefect though :D Cinnamon
  16. What a good idea- posting in the art forum to get a link. Why didnt I think of that? Anyway, the banner was okay, but it seemed really pixelly to me. Or was that just my computer? Anyway, keep up the good work/schemes...:D Cinnamon
  17. To get a perfect circle in photoshop, use the circle select and hold down the shift key. Then fill it with the paint bucket ^^ BTW, I like it. It looks stylish.:D Don't compare yourself to others so much- It's good for a first attempt. I can't stress this enough, but Keep Practicing. You'll pick up tips along the way, and you'll get the hang of it sooner or later...Promise! Just remember, it's better than being stuck with MS paint to try and colour your drawings with... Cinnamon
  18. Well...to lessen the pencilness of a picture, you could try blacklining it with an ink pen. That way, if you scan it into any picture editing program, it's easier to color, and looks more professionalish. Even if you don't want to colour it, it helps sharpen the picture. You can do that, or play around with the brightness/contrast settings in adobe photoshop. That works too. I'm still getting the hang of adobe photoshop, but when you're using it for coloring it's pretty simple. All it takes is practice. Just play around with the tools, and you'll get the general idea- everyone has their own way of working wih any image program, so it's up to you to create your own style once you know the basics. If your feeling confused, I suggest that you search for a couple of adobe photoshop tutorials on google or something- they'll give you some good pointers. If you have photoshop, make use of it. It's the computer design industry standard, so it is pretty good. Just keep working at it, ok?
  19. I know a bit. It's my first year taking it in school, and I did another year through correspondance last year, because my elective subjects wouldn't allow for it. Konnichiwa minnasan! Watashiwa Cinnamon-san. Doozo yoroshiku. I'll laugh if some of that is wrong...I've had that drilled into my head from the word Go! Ahh well. If it is, blame the teachers :P Sayoonara! Cinnamon
  20. Yeah, it's kewl ^^. Is it just me, or are there spikes sticking into the girl's head from th armband? Heh- thought I might point that out. Anyway, they both seem to look a little unbalanced, like they are leaning to one side. Mmmm. But I still like them- it's good. Sorry for the short, uncruel post(opposite of what I normally write), but I've gotta go to sleep. I'm sleepy. Keep it up :D Cinnamon
  21. Very good, Very good. Of course, I have to be a critic, cause it's my shortcoming. So here goes! No offence intended. [B]First picture[/B] The overall picture isn't too bad, but there were a few things that got me. Firstly, the sword isn't straight- that is, the hilt and the various bejewellings look a tad wonky to me. It's not bad though. Also, the girl's feet and hands look...well, forced, if you know what I mean. Now I can't draw hands well myself, it just takes a lot of practicing, but if you can do that part right, it improves the drawing immensely. Her back leg is not quite right either- it's placed a bit too low down compared to the other, and makes it seem disjointed. Maybe a small study of the anime anatomy would be helpful? Sometimes it can just put things back into perspective. Some of the pencil shading is a little grainy in some parts- I would be careful. Sometimes smudging can be used to a great effect. Of course, it can also totally screw things up. Experiment a little (just pinching Coca Cola's slogans...) [B]Second picture[/B]Well, It's good. Only one thing here for me, I'm sure that a little bit of darker shading could have added a certain depth to the picture. I know it's supposed to be a silhouette but...well, it's not my choice, but it's what I'd have done. I do like Trigun, so I think it's great ^^ [B]Third picture[/B] Vash's glasses are off-centre twice it this picture. It's not too serious, but it does make his face look a bit crooked, particularly on the smaller Vash. I notice because I wear glasses, but yeah. Oh well. Hmmm, is it just me, or did you get bored with drawing buttons? Whenever you do things like that, try and keep them reasonably even in size and shape. It looks really funny. Also, the lines on the picture are inconsistant in places- it's been smudged around a bit near Vash's face and on the smaller vas's coat. The outlines have faded away, and it looks odd. But hey, overall, they're still pretty good. I'm just a miserable nitpicker, is all ^^ Sorry to have caused you any discomfort. You have talent! Just don't forget to keep up the good work, ok? :D Cinnamon
  22. Don't worry about it Tenshi. I don't believe they were particularly trying to flame you, maybe they just had a bad day...? Sorry, I'm not used to being positive. But anyway, comments like these feel like someone's trying to grate off your skin with a cheese grater. I know because it happened to me a couple of times a few years back. Don't let the criticism discourage you- turn it around, and use it to improve what you're doing. Sometimes it can come in handy. I always save all the little notes my critics give me, so I can check through them whenever I feel my work is getting sloppy. But whatever you do, don't give up. Practice makes perfect, or at least improvement. In cases of art, it can be hard to achieve perfect ;) Actually, it's darn near impossible. But now I'm rambling. Keep it up ^^ Everyone has to start somewhere. Cinnamon
  23. I like cardcaptors...It was originally what got me hooked on anime. But then I heard how much better the original show was. It took the gloss off it. Like the whole "there is no santa" thing takes the gloss off xmas. Anyway, I havent seen Card Captor Sakura yet, cause I'm not that anime obsessed (or wait, am I?) But I've always enjoyed drawing fanart from it. Oh well, thats my thought on the matter :) Cinnamon
  24. *poiks* Do I count as a newbie? Heh. I haven't actually joined any Rp's here yet, but I used to Rp a lot at my old forum, which is now, for the most part, dead. The Rp's were a little less strict there. Anyway, I only really ever joined fantasy Rp's, especially those with a very specific storyline. Not just "Well, these teenagers are zapped into the middle of a forest by millenia old powers" and whatnot. Although, those can be fun...^^ I really only join Rps if I feel I can make some contribution to it, or can put in an original character that I can relate to, and also use to twist the plot. It really annoys me when there are clones of superpowerful characters who may as well be walking into trees with all the plot they're adding. *notices that plot is a really cool word if you use it enough times ^^* Anyway, that's my thoughts on the matter. Now, off to do homework! Cinnamon
  25. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Thanks guys, I think Im starting to get the hang of it. I suppose I'll get better with a bit of practice. At least I know what i'm supposed to be doing now =^.^= Where would we be without critics? :P Thanks again! Cinnamon[/COLOR]
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