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Everything posted by cinnamon

  1. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hmmmm...If I did, I don't remember doing it!!! Probably not. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing at the time, just following tips from a couple of tutorials I've read along the way. Cinnamon[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Yes, and I scanned it in. Not a wonderful picture, but the lines were clean ;) I was never very good with lines...:) Cinnamon[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]You have a point. Thankyou very much Sciros. I was too scared to touch the filters for this pic, I honestly had no idea what does what. I still don't now, but I think I'll go experimenting soon to see if I can do a better job. It really is bright, isn't it? Oh well. Have a virtual chocolate bar anyway, for giving me advice! :) Thanks again...anyone else with suggestions/comments? Go for it! Cinnamon[/COLOR]
  4. I reckon you could get away with a city scene... maybe put a tree in the background somewhere, to add something natural to it. It's a good picture alone, although it would look better with a background. *holds out a virtual cookie* Here you go, you deserve it. And no, I didn't bake it, so I promise you it's safe. Cinnamon ;)
  5. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well, as you can see, I'm not that skilled with Photoshop, but I really wanted to try coloring at least something in it. And here it is. [IMG]http://www2.freepichosting.com/Images/421506557/0.jpg[/IMG] Hopefully that works, but if not, here's the link:[URL=http://www2.freepichosting.com/Images/421506557/0.jpg]Clicksies[/URL] Nothing amazing, no background...but oh well. I tried. It's my first fully colored picture using photoshop. Hopefully that explains alot. But the main reason I'm here is not to embarrass myself, but to get some suggestions from all you photoshop literate people out there as to what I'm doing right, and what I'm doing wrong. I don't care how specific you have to be, just say something!!! *laughs* Okay people, critisise away. I'm not so worried about the picture (which is mine, by the way) but about the coloring. Thanks!!! :D Cinnamon By the way, there's a muck-up on the shading/lightspots somewhere...If you can spot it(you'll know them when you find them, it's quite specific) I'll give you a bar of virtual chocolate! ;)[/COLOR] Edit: I'm not sure if the link was correct...the picture doesn't seem to be there. Oops...Wait and I'll try fix it. Edit 2: Problem solved. And all I had to do was open a new account!!! Doesn't matter- I needed to anyway!!!
  6. Well...My mum breeds dogs, so it's probably not such a good idea to say all of them...I won't even remember them all. Some are pretty wierd, coz their in German...Mini Schnauzers (the type of dog she breeds) are originally German, and mum has some kind of obsession with the german names...-.-' The Cat...Tabitha. She's mine, and she's 10 years old. I've got some wierd obsession with calling her kitten. Don't ask why. She has some obsession with brushing up against the gas heater, and burning her tail. Mums been breeding dogs for 14 years now, and at one point Tabitha thought she was a dog too. She used to follow us down to the park, and tease the dogs. Oddly enough she doesn'tr like it when you put a leash on her... Tabby also has a very funny tale...when she was little, My dad used to own a rental property maintainance buisness. He had a trailer for all the rubbish, and one day, tabby climbed in. Before she could get out, dad drove away to the dump, to get rid of some rubbish that was in trhe trailer. We had absolutely no idea where she was, and I was so upset. But when dad returned from the dump, he was holding a very distraught looking cat. Apparently, when he had gone to tip out the rubbish, this cat had jumped out, ran under his car and hid under the chassis(?) He had thought it was a dump cat, and was rather annoyed. But on removing the cat from his car, he realised it was our cat, and had shoved her into the back. Now, whenever she hears a car, she bolts. Good thing too, else she would've been run over by now. The dog (yes, note the singularness): Emi. Well, she's our true pet schnauzer. She is such a sweetie, and the only dog we have really gotten attached to ever. We love her to bits, but she isn't nearly as interesting as tabby ;) Cinnamon
  7. Whoa...thats scary! I must be suffering from some easily amused disorder, coz I'm almost sure I've done most of those at one point in time or the other!!! Here's some more: 1. You can spend hours making fairy houses out of leaves and grass (I did this when I was little) 2. You rescue all the poor drowning insects from your dog's waterbowl and place them in the fairy houses, hoping some fairy will come along and heal them (laughs-this too) 3.You bring up a joke one of your friends made weeks ago, and, expecting everyone to get it, laugh your silly little head off. Then, after explaining it to all the poor forgetful people, you still find it funny. 4. Long bus rides are never boring- you manage to make up some kind of game in your head that you find entertaining. Beware, never try to explain why you are laughing to anyone. They will never sit with you again. 5. Anything is a solvable maze- The pattern on your wallpaper, the sole of your shoe, the leather on your bag, the creases in your pants...Anything 6. Sitting and doing nothing...I mean nothing...is not boring, but is worth your time. 7. Counting is fun! Especially for very common objects. ...^^
  8. I love that chair...although, you'd hope Vash doesn't shoot when youre sitting on it...he looks so...well, like Vash!!! No, you can't miss a chair like that. Ever. Cinnamon :D
  9. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Yes...well, If I was truly feeling sick, I would probably end up going to school, cause both of my parents work full time. Or I would get sent to my nanas house...so yeah. But if one of my parents had the day off, and I was feeling a little sick, or even just tired, I would probably be able to get off school. Maybe. But theres normally some lesson on that I don't want to miss, so I normally wont bother. Cinnamon[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] ;)
  10. What cheers me up? Well, having time to myself, being independant but not depended on, having something to do, but not because it is necessary really helps me. Getting out of the house is a really good thing to stop me feeling depressed, or blobby, especially if it's sunny, warm, or windy. Walking after it's finished raining, and the sun has come back out, can also be good. Reading a good book, eating seedless grapes, being creative, stroking an animal, picking a flower, curling up in a freshly made bed...well simple things that bring just a spark of happiness. Nothing lazy, but nothing too complicated either- eating sweets and chocolate, and oversleeping, or watching too much TV/computer screen, can make me feel lethargic. Well, got to go, Dinner! Hope this helps...it's a little incomplete, but I'm ravenous! Cinnamon ;)
  11. Ooooh, I like! Slim, sleek, and oh so sexy ;). No really, I think they're a great idea. I'm in too much of a rush to check, but I take that they are all the same size as the one on your sig. I suppose you could add text to them, maybe in a corner, or have it fade in and out, so you could see the background. Hmmm...I think it would be a good trend to start.You wouldn't mind, would you Baron? Oh well, I'm already busy working on a project. Maybe later! Cyas! Cinnamon
  12. Mmmmm...Watercolours are hard things to paint anime with, ne? I always screwed it up. Then I decided to use my acryllic (sp) paints from art. I never turned back. Heh...I'm a libran. Not that I believe in star signs. But, it's very pretty. I like her hair...A while back, I was obsessed with drawing characters with b/w hair. Good job there. The sleeves of her dress are well done too. Arms (at shoulders) could be a little thicker. Grey scarf draped round shoulders is nice...personally, I'd give it a little more depth. The main bit of the dress...well, it's okay. The way it splits open is a little random...If you don't know what I mean, don't worry, its hard to explain. I wouldve added a few stress lines in the dress, but it's not my picture. I take it's supposed to be a heavy fabric. The boots? Well, I'm not sure what colour I wouldve chosen. But considering the circumstances, it looks ok. At least theyre not Fuschia. That'd look a little wierd. Or rainbow. Or yellow. :) The fact that it was balanced did strike me quite quickly. Good conveyance of message there. Is she holding anything in her hands? Hmmm. That reminds me...I did do a starsign pic a couple of years ago...It wasn't very good. It's still lying asround somewhere on my comp, under the title of "the somewhat decapitated gemini twins" I realised their faces were off centre, so I tried to fix it using microsoft paint. Bad idea. Anyway, next picture. I love the hair, the facial expression is good, placement is not bad. The neck is rather long and thin, although I have been accused of drawing pudgy necks before. I love the dress, I love the design,It looks great! She has a very long torso. I'dve accentuated the boobs a little, so that they'd have a little more effect on the shaping of the dress. She looks a little flat-chested, despite the "V". It's probably to do with the collar. The arm holding the staff is fine, it's shaped quite nicely, though, I'd make the top half a little more substantial. I'm only really worried about the fingers. Be careful! I'm going to quote this from art attack, on the disney channel. Yes, I know it's a childrens program, and No, I don't know what I was doing watching it. Heres the quote. "When you draw a hand, don't draw a hand, draw a plate of sausages." Don't laugh, cause the narrator guy actually knows what he is talking about. Draw a large circle for the palm: O, and separate the fingers each into three small ovals, like this (except longer, and more streched): ooo Shush, I know it doesn't look like a finger. Angle them however you want, and then flesh them in.Remember...Sausages. Anyway, thats all I have to say...which was quite a lot. Have fun drawing, and dont take any of my criticism too seriously...I'm mean :) Cinnamon ;)
  13. Ahhhh, well, here we go. Sorry in advance. Feel free to argue about this once I've finished. Honestly, it shocks me to see 5 year olds walking around swearing. I mean, they don't know what it means, and here they are, calling you a ******* b**** just because you told them to to bed, and they heard it on tv. I have heard that some people teach their kids to swear when they are babies, just because it's funny. Like with parrots, only they aren't birds. Theyre babies. And if anyone here thinks that it's funny that their little sisters first word was ****, shame on you! Censoring doesn't really make a difference does it? All it does is make you curious as to what was behind the bleep. I don't think that TV or Radio is doing a bad job...I mean, it's the material that they play that has the problems. Oh, it's only comedy. Oh, it sells stuff. Oh, it sounded good. Good excuse. So now, to sell easter eggs, what we need is ladies dressed up in bunny ears, g-strings and tiny bikinis saying buy a ******* easter egg, and we'll **** you! Kids will love that. Ok, so it's not that extreme. but would any of you agree with that ad if it came on tv??? And you had 5 year old kids who were watching a family movie at the exact time they screened it? Not really. At least I hope not. Then again, it's not only TV and Radio that is to blame. It's the world for accepting this kind of stuff. It's not necessary! I'm sure people can tjhink of more creative things than sex to sell easter eggs! This is how it goes: Kids hear the people that they look up to in life (I'm not going to say role model, cause I don't think thats quite correct nowadays) Like older kids, family, people on TV; the people who they are supposed to grow up to be, swearing, killing themselves, getting drunk, having sex; and subconciously think "Thats how I'm supposed to be!" Well, if the world ends up thinkin that, then the human race is screwed! Just think about it... So censoring is a good idea...not just in the media, but in our lives as well. We have to take a different view on this, or we will end up finished. I'm not saying this just because I think it's a good idea either, but also because I dont want this world to end up messed up for our future generations. Shocking wasn't it? Well, that's your 14-year old's view...flame away. And sorry about the numerous stars...I had to make a point...
  14. Hah...thankies guys! Now it makes much more sense!!! Yes...Now I get it. WOOT!!! I sit in the room at lunchtime, trying to read it...all my friends think I'm crazy...;) Oh well. At least it's my half form room. :D You've made my day!
  15. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well, in the oddest of all places, I find a couple of Ranma 1/2 manga sitting in the corner of my school's Japanese room, packed in with all the other books. Now, I'm not exactly adept at reading Japanese, seeing as it is only my second year taking it. So, I have to ask, what exactly is Ranma 1/2 about? Obviously, these manga are in 100% Japanese, so I have a lot of trouble reading them. So could someone maybe please give me a small rundown on the series? It'd be great. I'm just slightly confuzzeled at the moment, tis all! Thankie-sai Cinnamon ^^[/COLOR]
  16. I'm a christian. Not a very good one though, might I add. Good thing God is forgiving...:D I've been brought up in a christian family, so...well, there you go. God luv's ya!!! Of course, you don't believe that...but I do! Have fun...I know this can be a very interesting topic... Cinnamon
  17. Ox tongue, Ostrich burgers, Whitebait patties( which are soooooo cool. You have all these little eyes staring at you), Paper, Crab (why is this so wierd???), Seaweed, Rocks (more like pebbles, ha ha), Grass, Shopping cart handles (well, when I was young I used to lick them...Ewwww!!! I can't believe I'm still alive), Icecream from a drainpipe, L&P...Thru my sock! (btw, L&P stands for Lemon and Paeroa. It's a really nice lemony kind of soda. You can really only get it in New Zealand. World famous in New Zealand, anyway. Well, I enjoy wierd stuff. :D My friends youth group has to eat the most revolting stuff...Eurgh...like, fear factor stuff. Mmmm. The weirdest thing someoneI know has eaten would have to be...a lightbulb. Yup, my cousin ate a lightbulb when he was little. But it was from a torch, so....Yeah This is a great topic!!! Cinnamon ;)
  18. Oh no....*groans* Not totally spies!!! I hate that! And so does everyone else who is either over the age of 8 or a guy... I don't see why you are all complaining. In NZ, its the Australian version of cartoon network. And since NZ is 2 hours behind Australia, Whenever I stay up to watch adult swim (the only anime on other than DBZ) It's on at 1 o'clock in the freakin morning. I can't keep that up on a weeknight! And I only wanted to see Vash...*cries* In New Zealand, the whole anime lineup is: Anything before Midnight: Dragonball. Dragonball Z. Pokemon. Hamtaro. Zoids. Crush Gear Turbo. After midnight: Neon Genesis Orphen Trigun!!! Tenchi Muyo See, it sux, doesn't it? I don't think they show Bubblegum Crisis, Gasaraki, or Cowboy Bebop anymore. They might though. In anycase, they were all after midnight. :P Have fun complaining!!! Hope it isn't as bad as it sounds for you guys though. Cinnamon :/
  19. Hey...It's good! I like the horns ;) Personally, I would add a few more highlites, but that's up to you. The top of his head seems to need something...Is there anything you feel like randomly putting there??? That isn't a party hat??? (although, that would look funny...) Naaa, I'm just being silly. It looks great as it is, any alterations are 100% up to you. I'm not that good with photoshop anyway!!! Keep it up Cinnamon
  20. It's good. I'll suggest a couple of things though: I'd set her body with all her weight set on her left leg, to carry on with the curves in her upper body. Okay, that doesn't make much sense. But her upper body and lower body don't seem to be on the same angle, so just watch for that. Have the energy ball hovering above her hand...it is much easier to draw. Also, you might like to have the light source coming from the energy ball...that'd look cool. I'd also give her a bit more length in the torso...it seems like she's a bit squished, even though I'm taking the skirt into accound. It's hard to tell. Maybe not. Anyway, draw the whole leg in when you do the good copy. PLEASE!!! Inany case, it has great potential. I hope you know what I'm talking about, re-reading it seems like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.Sorry about that! Good luck!!! Cinnamon
  21. Rose petals, or cherry blossom petals. Both are pink, and pretty. ;) Well, I see you have great potential. Keep drawing as much as you can, the more practice, the better you get. Keep that picture in a drawer for a year, and get it out at the end. You'll be surprised. Watch the eyes, they look quite rectangular. I'd also put the black pupils in them, instead of leaving them all Iris, which looks a tad odd. Try drawing the hair in groups or locks, instead of separate strands. Also, please don't hide the hands behind her back. They may be hard to draw in any outher position, but with practice, you'll get it. That's all I think needs commenting on right now, and, like I said, practice, and you'll keep getting better and better. Keep it up Cinnamon
  22. [B]On the internet.[/B] well, I classify myself as the careful watcher. I never make good friends on the internet, not because I'm afraid or anything...I just never stand out enough for people to bother to become friends with me. I read far more posts than I reply to, althugh quite a few people do that. I only reply to things that realy interest me, in whatever wierd and wacky way I feel like...*woot- alliteration!!!* Yeah...like that. I always make comments on my comments. I also post my opinions on artwork, as I...well, like to. I just try to step lightly here, in case I'm doing something wrong. This is the largest forum I've been in, and it is extremely complicated to me. I would join in some of the roleplays, which is one of my passions, apart from the fact that I'm not quite sure how it works here. I also don't have much time on the internet anymore, and I'm not sure how fastmoving the Rp's are here. I just don't want to be intrusive clumsy, stupid or ignorant. And what I'm doing seems to work...have any of you even heard of me??? I'm not your regular anime fan either, as not many anime shows are available where I live, so I mostly keep away from subjects relating to animes I don't have a clue about. I prefer to draw my own, original characters, which I don't normally post, becaue everyone elses is always better than mine. stupid reason, I know, but let me finish. I wouldn't mind being more in the society, but I'm afraid I'll screw it up, like I already have with life. [B]Real life.[/B] Well, I've changed so much, I don't know what I am any more. Lost, definately. When I was 4, I was the nicest little girl ever. I was clever, a goodiegood, and was so polite. Then I realised that other kids hate that, so I changed, remaining the same, but absolutely insecure. Stupid change really. I just wanted to be accepted by everyone. Not that that helped. If I didn't know what someone was talking about, I would start bawling, because I felt so unacceptable. It also had something to do with my pride in being brainy. Then, somehow, I became feisty, but I still remained clever, a goodiegood, polite (to adults) and insecure. Blah. Don't ask me how it works. I then became a little more confident in myself, cried a lot less etc. But I still didn't trust myself. I lost some of my goodiegood qualities, and became a smartarse to my peers, and adults, esp. parents. Kids now disliked me cause I was a smartarse, teachers thought I was strongly opinionated (I was only 10!) and my parents were starting to argue with me. I was beginning to get lost. I kept changing. Oddly, I haven't mentioned my 5 friends who I have known since I began school. They have always been my friends. Never have I been separated from them. In total, I have known them for 9 years. Isn't that amazing? And my mother calls them "aquaintances in passing", and "not true friends". They are all brainier than me, but trust me, They are all top of the class...almost perfect. I always feel second best. We are all christians, but I don't want to be judged right now because of this. I have known about God all my life, but it never really felt special because of it. I'm still on my way. I'll get there in the end, though. Now where was I? Oh yess. Well from there, I matured, but remained the same, which makes me feel kind of immature. I spent the next 4 years in a dream. Now I keep arguing with my parents, which is starting to impact on me right now. Dammit. Stress from school is getting to me, and stress from being second best. I am one of those highly competitive people. I anger so easily.I'm passive when rebuked, but I am highly opinionated. I'm a goodiegood, but I'm a smartarse as well. I am annoying, cause I am always so tired, and say stupid things in high pitched voices to try fit in. I don't know why I bother. I'm still insecure, but I know what I'm supposed to do. I just don't know if I can do it. See what I am? I'm lost. Do you know how hard it is to get a bird's eye view of your life while living it at the same time??? Half of the things I've typed don't affect me like it sounds. I'm just not quite sure about anything at the moment. Thanks for bothering to skimread this, it was a sort of ventage. Cyas round ;)
  23. Why not have the all homicidal maniacs living with you? That'd be cool! They probably wouldn't even notice you, and go for each other. Then, you can just sit back and watch the events unfold while munching on a bag of popcorn!!! :blowup: :stupid: :beer: :grumble: :evil3: :bash: :sweat: :flaming: Well, [B]I[/B] think it's a good idea! :D [COLOR=Navy]The smilies are killing me, cinnamon. Next time, please make an effort to use them more sparingly. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  24. I think I remember that name from somewhere. [I]Astroboy...[/I] Yes, it does ring a bell somewhere in my small, rather confused brain. How far back was it- does anyone know? Oops, my three and a half week puppy keeps standing on the keyboard, crazy thing. Awwww. Anyway, back to Astroboy. It certainly looks...interesting. I don't think I'll bother with it though, unless it's on, and I'm watching TV. Well, see ya's- if you watch it, and it's absolutley fantastic, make a post somewhere and I will bother to watch it ;) Cinnamon
  25. Wow...It's great! It kinda looks like you sprinkled glitter all over your computer screen while you were making it...it seems to sparkle when you look at it ;) Never before have I seen the colour pink put to such good use!!! Now I cant wait for spring (although where I am it's summer, and it's raining...?)
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