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Everything posted by TOPAZ

  1. ok fine heres my punk trunks
  2. i havent put any of my art on for awhile so heres a digimon pic [IMG]http://geocities.com/topazrequest/DAVIS_AND_KARI_topaz.jpg[/IMG]
  3. *sigh* thanx for the history lesson there...-.- i think it is a big deal, and since this is a general discussion people should have the right to talk about this to get different points of view, just talking to friends and family isnt enough because it has an effect on the whole nation. and so on bla bla bla bla bla!!!! But since people with higher authority like to demand things, sure..whatever i really could care less.
  4. TOPAZ


    i sure as hell wouldnt mind it, i'll get to go back in the military if they declare war. besides, revenge is sweet. :devil:
  5. thats so sick and disturbing...i like it :devil:
  6. [COLOR=sea-green]you'll find someone better, you have your whole life ahead of ya[/COLOR]
  7. i would vote for blank, but i dont see him up there :(
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