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Sir Sabrock X

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Everything posted by Sir Sabrock X

  1. well as i know some of the first animes where created to compite ith the american cartoons, but te anime had developed so much and it change it meaning and the nudity in it is to give a realistic way of the things, the americans take it in a wrong way and they though of it as porn, Japanese ppl don't see that nudity part as porn, for porn they make Hentai.
  2. Well if i have to choose one character i'll choose Dejiko from Digi Charat, she is cute and cool but she is too noisy for me, i don't like her voice, and if she will be my roommate i can't be a day with her.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CrH [/i] [B]I think this should be in the General Tactics help thread but I'll give some advice anyway. But may I ask why you NEED them? I never did, they were just characters who held on for the ride. Anyway, here we go. 1 white mage skills + 1 black mage skills unlocks the blue mage. Alchemists are a teensy bit harder. If you have the time, get 3 white mage skills and 5 black mage skills, and the job option should unlock. [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks for the advice, sorry to post it in the wrong forum, i didn't saw the FF thread sorry. Thanks for the tip t get those job, but i need the alchemist and the blue mage for 2 mission (Life Work-lchemist and i forgot the another for the blue mage o_o).:babble:
  4. Hello ppl I need help with the game. I need an alchemist and a blue mage, but i don't know how to get them, my clan level is around 25 and my caln members are all over level 10. What do I need todo to get those jobs? [size=1][color=blue]Moved to the Square-Enix forum. I'll let you handle the rest, Des :p[/size][/color]
  5. the sealed card is a good OVA is different from series cause present the characters in a serious way. i like it cause of it
  6. Martian Succesor Nadesico is So funny, i can stop laughing when i'm watching it ^^
  7. I like Sailor Moon is one of my first anime series too, My favorites Sailor Scouts are Jupiter and Saturn, they r cute and sexy, well for me hehehe^^. But returning to the topic, Sailor Moon is and excelent anime
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