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Everything posted by Petra

  1. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Verdana]i saw it. it is a great movie but ashton kutcher can't play a serious roll. he didn't ruin the movie or anything but someone else might have made it better. ashton is great at acting a comical caracter but in a serious roll he made some scenes slightly comical when they shouldn't have been.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. anything by hilary duff, 'hey nikki', and 'lalala' by ATC
  3. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Verdana]so many sci-fi's and fantasys are awsome but these stand out: cs lewis; cronicals of narnia frank herbert; dune and series brian herbert and kevin anderson; dune prequils orson scott card; ender series and 'shadow' series madaline l'engle; time quartet terry pratchett; diskworld series and of course; Piers Anthony; Zanth series[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. Sandy and Dennys from 'Many Waters' Bean and Petra from 'Shadow Puppets' by Orson Scott Card Achilles from 'Shadow of the Hedgemon' also by Orson Scott Card and pretty much any other character in the ender series by orson scott card
  5. Death is esential for life without death there would be no life because ther would be no point in creating new life if you knew your's would last forever.
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