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About Invader_Zim523

  • Birthday 02/03/1988

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  • Biography
    im stupid,moronic,homophobic,no im kidding bout the last one.i have a gay friend
  • Occupation
    dumb student in h.s

Invader_Zim523's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. I just went and saw Dawn of the Dead and I have to say that I was rather dissappointed with it.I thought it was going to be scary but it really wasn't,all it really was was people shooting zombies. If you have seen itpost here your opinion on it. :p
  2. Hey.who watches south park? That show rocks! so does family guy,I love Stewie,hes one of the best cartoon characters. I love them,who else likes them?
  3. I haven't seen wrong turn but I watched cabin fever and jeepers creepers 2,and man did they have alot of hot guys in it.But really,I liked Cabin Fever,that was an awsome movie.It wasn't really scary it was more just gross,like final destination 2,not scary,just nasty.I thought jeepers creepers 2 was actually knid of funny,when they creeper was smiling at them and stuff.
  4. Hillary Duff needs to die! I hate her music,she can't sing,her stupid come clean video is always on mtv,her and Britney Spears drive me up a wall! Neither one of them can sing but yet people like them,WHY!? I don't know why cause if I did I would know how to stop them. I don't like the song toxic from Britney either,it SUCKS!!!
  5. Yeah,good Charlette isn't punk,niether is Simple Plan. heres some that I thought of sex pistols misfits rancid afi there are more but I'm drawing a mind blank,everyone else has really told you all of them anyways.
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