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Everything posted by Darius_Stomu

  1. I do beleive that is Yuffie. She just has that Yuffie look. I don't beleive it can be "Matrixy" as you put it. It's just going to be really high quality CG animation. If anyone saw Animatrix, then you should know what I'm talking about. High quality, kick *** computer graphics. Though I already have one problem with this movie...Tifa's outfit. I don't mind that it's black and stuff, but they should of at least detailed the gloves to look painful. After all, that is how she attacks.
  2. Diamond WEAPON from Final Fantasy 7. What can I say but I enjoy hard fights. I was level 99 I only came out of that fight with cloud at 168 HP. I had finished him off with the OminSlash. Either that of Ruby WEAPON. Little did I know he'd always retaliate with Ultima when I used my KOTR Summon. That was a *****...
  3. I would do one of two things. 1.) I would prepare to meet "God" and kick him where it counts for making my life hell. At which time I shall be sent to hell itself and take over. 2.) I'd say goodbye to everyone I know. Then preform a ritual Sepukka. I'd rather die with honor than with a disease.
  4. I, honestly, love that there are girl gamers out there. Hell, I wish I new half of them! We'd make great friends! Though I think I know why the jack***es at the video game company don't release girl games. Most girls, if you're in my school, are very VERY bubbly. This'll make it difficult to make games for the small fact that most games today are rated M for blood or violence. Then again, what's an action game without violence? With the damn steryo types going around, they'd make another barbie game....*Shudders*
  5. That's the right one. My December has to be their slowest and quietest song ever. I love it though...reminds me of my youth I suppose.
  6. Guess that most people don't like to talk alot. I mean, in the morning at my school, it's very quiet except for the damn preps...they tend to be the loudest of the entire school. Unfortunatly though, I have 3 of my 4 classes full of preps. And the only ones that arn't are me and my ex...ugh.... Some tips to friend making. (Though like I said, my tips arn't usually good.) 1. Find a person with some interests that you share. For me, it's M:TG, only the best TCG ever created! *Day dreams about flying on Treva, The Renewer's back...* 2. When you're talking amongst friends, try your hardest to get to them. Knowing most people like I do, they'll tend to ignore you unless you can actually project (Right?) yourself. 3. Before going out to find friends, shower. Trust me. You're new friends will most likly not want to go hang around town with "smelly".
  7. If you mean from when you saw the very first anime of your life, then I was 4 at the time. I saw an old DragonBall episode. Bulma had to dress up in a bunny cotume due to the lack of clean clothes in the house that where made for women. However, like I said, I have an anti-anime family. So as soon as my mother walked in the door, she turned the channel...*sigh*...I wanted to see the rest of that episode!
  8. *smirks at the kid being wacked...* Reminds me of my younger years... Anyways, should you need help at all, I'm one of the best bleeding hearts in my school. I'm usually not one for good advice but you can, at the least tell me your problems. If anything though, you can concider everyone that has posted in this topic a friend. My definition of a friend is one who helps another in need, even if it's constant. So, if anything, I'll lend you my ear for the day when you need it. Ugh....just listen to me...I'm being a friggin' hypocrit... Thanks for posting those defienitions though Ed. It's now got me set straight that I truly am anti-social. ^^;
  9. She's Satan's personal Succubus (Man, I love using that as a reference). She has taking and eaten the mind of my sister when she had a chance to be non-prep. I was so close to having someone in my family under stand what my life is like. Then the Slut of Satan came down from a black and dreary sky and stole her soul. Now all she listens to is Britney, J'Lo and all that crap. She even goes to school singing EXACTALLY like Britney. You know how annoying it is to have a 14 year old girl singing through her nose? I must admit, she'd make an EXCELLENT Playboy centerfold. I don't mind her making her money like that. But then when you take her from the magazine and make her sing? DAMN IT! It makes me wish I had the powers of darkness to corrupt her soul and twist her body into a horrible abomination! *stabs at the cardboard cut out of Britney his sister has with his broadsword......* P.S. "Hit Me Baby One More Time"? If you ask me, that's based froma personal experience where she was a slave. I vote her being a masochist in addition to being a slut. Enough said...
  10. I'm not sure if getting dating advice online is exactly my cup of tea but...might as well. I've just about tried everything else. There are +10 girls in my school that call me cute, handsome and sexy. I've dated a good 2 of them. Yet my approaches on the other 8 all failed. I know they know me well enough to be together. They are, indeed, beautiful. Maybe I'm just out ranked, maybe I'm just out classed. No clue. All I know is that they like me and would like me more if my damn glasses didn't cover 75% of my face. So, therefore, I'm drawing the theory that I'm looking more geeky than goth...
  11. Ghostbusters, hands down, is the best of those three shows. Though now older, I see most of the ghosts are either fake or innacurate. I simply like to watch the video (Yes, video) collection I have when I'm bored and in need of something to do. Beetlejuice (Or whatever) was stupid in my opinion. Then again, most cartoons are based on based jokes and flatulant noices (Which now swarm Nick Toons). Not only that, but I just really hated how they tried to throw 3D in with 2D with that annoying skeleton guy...All in all, I hated it. Next? Street Sharks...so close to being a rip off of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. At the least, TMNT had more comedy and action. And, at that, it still does. I never even understood how Street Sharks came to be! I mean, was in a gamma ray? Neutron blast? Something?!? I didn't even get the damn story line. And then "The Hook" (Whatever his name is) What the hell is up with him? A rotating head? Cybernetic body? A hook? I'm sorry but there's a fine line for me when it comes to idiotic looking bad guys...he tops the charts.
  12. .........................Well....what is there to say about...ummm....interesting people...? From what I see, that project was either: A.) Done by a school of morons. B.) Done by people who're still confused about their sexuality. C.) Are just trying to piss the teacher off. D.) All the above. None of their handwriting was very pretty either...
  13. This shall be the only post you shall here from me on this topic. I don't know and I don't care if I'm cool. All I know is that every girl I know and have met think I'm cute....I a damn goth. I go around with black clothes and spikes, and that's cute? Now if that word actually got me anywhere, say a girlfriend, then I wouldn't be bothered by it so much but....it's not.
  14. Fall, you know exactly what I'm talking about. LP isn't just a random band out there to me. It's there because they're putting their TRUE emotions into there music. They make rap sound GOOD. And that's a lot coming from me. They make yelling have a purpose. They give you this tingly feeling when you listen to their music...at least I do...cause I feel what their music says... Pardon the ranting...
  15. Even with all the bad things said about it, how everyone seems to just downside it, I still plan on getting it. Not just renting but BUYING just to spite you all. I, for one, am a FF collector. I have nearly all the games including the ones for NES. I plan to complete my collection with this series.
  16. Most of the time, I embody X...yes, X from the Megaman X series of video games. Why? Because I am fairly naive, I'm strong but use little of my power until I actually need it, I usually rush into battles before even thinking, and I tend to need back up from a good buddy of mine...though I majorly lack those. In any other cause, I'm much like Ken from Street Fighter. Silly at times of training (School) but diciplined in my actually studies themselves. I have many aquantences, I'm strong, I know the art of self defence, I am strong and, finally, I have a rival...
  17. Playing video games, listening to LP,Godsmack, Godhead, some other random rock, ALt. Rock, Nu-Metal,Techno bands, creating a game on RPG Maker 2000, watching movies, talking to friends (Well, what few I have), beating up a tree with my kendo stick, and, the most common from me, just yelling in my backyard. I don't know why that yelling helps...it's just like a daily ritual for me. I mean, yelling is something that everyone else in my family gets to do. I just like to knell down for a long while and just yell my lungs out. I once fell unconcious from yelling too much...you can guess what my family did...
  18. Personally, I think it's because of th 25 or so reality shows. I mean, Survivor, The Swan, The Bachulor (I think I spelled that one wrong.). IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! I mean, Survivor started all this Reality bull. If I wanted to watch a reality show, I'd hook cameras up around my neighbors house. If you want a reality show, try your own damn life! Sheesh...
  19. How I got my name...well, my last girlfriend told me I acted a hell of a lot like a character from A game called Evergrace for PS2. So, ever since, that's what she and all my friends called me. Stomu came from an anime called Almighty Birdie. The main character also acted a lot like me. I already had Darius as a nickname at the time, so they made it my last name. So, low and behold, I am Darius Stomu.
  20. Hmmm....villain villain villain...Well, a villain's first goal should be to detroy what stands in his or her way. Hince why the hero is usually attacked alot. Second (Usually ends up being first cause they can't kill the hero) is the actual plan. Steal this, conquer that, kill him, rape her, ect. And the way they do it usually has to be destructive unless it's like those old men type people. Then they just sit at a computer while controlling humanoid androids or demons or such to do their evil deed. It's not unusual for the villain to fall in love. The only type of villains I havn't seen fall in love are the female ones...except on this one show I saw where she was evil LOOKING but not really evil in heart. Anyways, there is also the fact that if they are extremly powerful, the power comes from some sort of source, ecpecially in animes. "Secret of the Necronomicon" is a fine example of this fact. [Spoiler]The villain in this anime drew his power from the souls of the people he sacrificed. Once they where put to rest, *makes thud sound*, They're gone.[/Spoiler] Come to think of it.....I fit the discription of a villain perfectally...
  21. Now this isn't too tough. M:TG, hands down. Yes, I started out as a Pokemon collector, got my Charizard, became happy, stopped playing, fiddled with my cards a bit and continued. But about 5 years ago, I learned of Yu-gi-oh. I played, I collected, got BEWD, became happy, stopped playing. I didn't start up again ever since and my cards are getting dusty... But M:TG? Now that's a fun game. I'm been playing for 4 years and I'm actually very good. I'd get better if I had some more cards but it's cause of a lack of denaro that I don't...anyways, when I first started playing, I created a formula that would change YGO into M:TG creatures and such. It isn't even that bad either! BEWD ends up being a 3/3, White dragon with flying that costs 4W. Not bad, eh?
  22. I have been seraching and searching and I can't find a banner that suites me...so I'm going to ask if someone can please make me a gothic-ish banner the has my quote blazeing on it...I don't know how I could repay anyone that does...maybe with my soul...Hmmmm....nah, gave that away already.
  23. It actually been about 2 weeks since I've listened to LP cause my brother hid my CDs....I'm going nuts here too. Like I said, LP is one of the few things that keep me here. Gah.... I too didn't like Reanimation all too much either. Too much rap...rap gives me headaches...At the least it isn't white trash rap, talking about there mothers and family and their 'hood'. I'm so glad of that. Meteora is one of the strongest CDs I've listened to to date. Numb, some how, always seems to make me cry. And this is coming from a sadistic goth that's living with preppies...
  24. But after those people that remember you die, who else will? Sure, if you did something famous like become president and screw up the country, you really can't be forgoten cause you're down in history. But what about every other no-body out there that doesn't even have a license or such? What about the kid that died of a heartattack a few weeks ago because he laughed to hard? What about those people that treaten that they are going to jump of a building for so long then finaly do it? Those people are forgoten easily unless they did some thing. Honestly though, I could care less if I go down into history as president or such. I wish I was forgotten. Trust me, there's not much poinbt to being remembered.
  25. There is so much to vent and so little time...well, here's my first venting post. About a good 99.9% Of my hate, anger, rage and loathing goes right to my damn family. Merely for the fact that every single one of those sheep are preps. They pass/ed through school with D's and F's by simple bribes and "Meeting teatchers after class". When my parent want me to do something, it's always put in a threat. Like they're going to take away my stuff, not that I have very much any more...-_-; Anyways, being the lot of them are preps, they do sports in some fashion. My father was a quarterback in his old school and is coach in mine...my brother is running back, my sister is lead-cheerleader whom can only get through school with her body. Naturally, my family is trying to get me involved in sports. Yeah, right, like I want to end up like some meat head quarterback that's getting tackled every 2 minutes. Unlike everyone else in my family, I have a brain sell count over 10 billion. I'm not wasting a one on an outdoor sport. I had a pre-mature case of death because of those jackasses. We were driving through a forest (Damn summer camps...) when lighting struck a tree, which burnt till it fell across the road. I'm always in the mid-back seat, unbuckled because there isn't one. My father couldn't see the road and slammed right into that tree at 55 miles per hour. I flew out the front window while everyone else merely got minor concusions and bruises. I was knocked out could for 2 hours and it wasn't until I was awake that my parents called a damn hospital. Two hours, laying on the cold, wet ground, fractured skull, shredded skin, broken legs and an arm. For two hours straight, my skin burned from the salty asfult. When the ambulance got there, they had to at least act concerned for me, but when they couldn't even touch my bloody hands, I yelled at them...I coughed up blood and fell unconcious again. When I got to the hospital, one of the nurses said that I coughed up a good 3 pints of blood before dieing...she said they did everything they could before my parents bribed them to stop trying...about fifteen minutes later, I woke up under a white sheet. I said "Where am I?" and sat up slowly...my arm was fine and so was my skull but I couldn't feel my legs...I ended up causing the nurse to feint when I sat up cause...well...I was legally dead. She woke up after a while, got me a wheel chair and took me to my room...my intire family even wanted the money they bribed to let me die back! Ever since then, I've never felt the same. I was paralyzed from the waist down but that's not what I meant...I know longer felt like this...child being bullied by his family. When they'd say something rude or would try to hurt me in some patetic way, I'd counter them in exact, cold presesion...like my sister would insult me daily for being disabled and I just said what's on my mind without fear...she then shut up for the rest of the day. When my father would try to smack me, I'd grab his arm and punch him in the gut. He'd never see me again the rest of the day. I was scared of myself at first...but after 2 years...I feel like a god among insects...not only that, but I had felt smarter. Tests and quizzes were a breeze since that day. I was stronger disabled than in perfect condition... Sorry about that...ranting again. So, yeah, my anger goes right to my family...
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