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Everything posted by Darius_Stomu
Anyways, My favorite is Taki from Soul Calibur. Taki, because she has the usual "If I tell you, I'll have to kill you" look that all ninjas should have. It's not very often you see such skilled or...errr...robust (I think that's the word I'm looking for...) ninjas in fighting games. I've been playing as her 2nd to most of the time in Soul Calibur because of her mad speed and cause of her funny unusual weapon [Spoiler]Tabacoo Pipes.[/Spoiler] Though I use Misturugi more but...anyways...yeah...Taki, my favorite ninja...next to the god of ninjas, Shinobi!
Mine would have to be Ciruelo (Treva),Gary Ruddel (Mystic Avenger,Sabertooth Nishoda), John Avon (Chlorophant) and Terese Nielson (5th edision Stream of Life). Though I can't forget Kev Walker, illustrator of the Krosan Colossus.
Okay, time to share an awesome experience I've had. You know my Infinite Forests deck? Well, I fought a white deck that had Akroma(Forgot casting cost, Legend Angel, Haste, Flying, First Strike, Trample, and a few other abilities, 6/6) and PLatnium Angel (7, Artifact Creature-Angel, You cannot lose the game. Your opponent cannot when the game. 4/4). He managed to get them out on the VERY same turn. At this time, I had my Treva, My Krosan Colossus with Rancor and Aura Shards. As soon as he summoned PA, I used Divine Offering and gained 7 life. Then, he attempted to attack useing Akroma...you should of seen the look on the guy's face when I "Humble"d it and blocked with Krossan Colossus! With the rules we use at our school, seeing as my KC had trample, I did 11 damage to him when he blocked and killed him!
Yes, I do know that Japan is not paradise. Yes, I know it's harder to live there. But guess what? It's my dream, okay? I'm still young. I want to move out of this forsaken country before someone does something REALLY stupid and has us blown up! I want out of this home where I'm trapped in insults! All I get ALL day when I'm at home is "Why can't you be more like your brother and get into sports?" It's a damn load of BULL! I'm not one for not fulfilling my dreams! Besides, it's not like they'll want me in the house any longer. None of my family does anything for me cause, 1, My sister is a ***** that doesn't get off her damn *** to scratch it, 2, my brother would punch me everytime I don't do what he tells me, 3, my mother, being a damn neat-freak, goes into my room every hour on the hour to check if I have made a mess and blames me for something I didn't do and 4, my father, basically, throws me out the damn door everytime I'd leave the house, even for school! If they didn't want me in the house, they should have abandoned me as a baby or something other than endlessly torture me! Just visiting Japan has been an impossiblity for me my entire life. I've been wanting to visit it's mountains, it's hot-springs, it's beautiful shinto shrines and be at peace since I saw my first picture of Japan...and now I get the chance. Hell, I would stay there forever if I could, and that's what I'm going to do. When I get there, I'm already going to know enough Japanese to get into a good conversation and get a job. I'm going to fulfill my dream. I'm going to go to Japan and prove all you people that don't even know me wrong. I will make a fine living. And who knows, maybe one day when all of you are 16 again, you'll come live with me. So, as you can plainly see Semjaza, this is not just some goal that will fade away over time. I will save my money. I will leave this country. I will live in Japan. Besides, I already have a profession. I'm already fairly skilled with computer programs. I'll start small, maybe just small computer games. Who knows? Maybe you'll actually hear of me someday... Also, her english is perfect cause she had been studying it since she was 9. She speak just as well as everyone else.
[QUOTE]Yes, Japan would be a nice place to visit, but how are you going to survive there? [/QUOTE] We'll, I actually have a friend that came over in a forgein exchange program. She'll let me stay when I do get over there, which is, of coarse, after I finish high school. Anyways, she'll show my around Shijuku and the sights and help me learn Japanese. I plan to move out of her place when I'm 19 and get a nice place of my own. [QUOTE]I wish i was you (Darius_Stomu)! I wanna move out and go some where like Japan but i've gotta spend my teen years in a really deep hell-hole. The only refuge i have is at my dad's house. And i'm only allowed to go there on weekends and in the summer. It royally sux!! And the money your getting...i envy you. *sigh* [/QUOTE] It's not all good though...I may get the boat load of cash and monthly cash, but you also much remember that I don't have nearly ANY possesions, because almost everything I had was based around anime. The only things she didn't take where the PS2 itself, my bed, my TV and my ONE table...At least I can pack light ^^.
Here here Fate. I have about...5 friends that are like that. "I'm hidious!", "I'll never get a boyfriend!" and the unusual "I broke my mirror this morning..." even thogh they're all beautiful! One of them almost went into being anarecick...anerecsick...ana-AH FORGET IT! I'm slowly convincing them that they are great, beautiful people not because of there physical beauty, but because of their mental beauty.
With the new Mirrodin set out, I found a card I LOVE when it comes to direct damage decks...Extraplaner Lens. With the new Imprint ability, it makes it so when you tap an Imprinted mana, you'd make a another of that type! So let's say I use this with...Fireball! You'd be dealling double the damage for the same amount of mana you're putting in it! Now imagine...if you had 4 of those out! With some of the basic direct damage decks with Firballs and Disintigrates, you have 20-25 red mana. You'd deal 80-100 damage a spell! Another great Imprinting combo is Soul Foundry and anything monster that is powered from it's own type, like a Reckless One (4R,Goblin Avatar,Haste, Power and toughness are equal to the number of goblins in play). So you imprint Reckless One on the Soul Foundery, tap it, cough up 5 mana and you have a copy of it! Doing this once per turn can give your opponent a REALLY good pummling. Being that these are the only cards I have with Imprint, besides Isicron Septer (4, Imprint: Any Instant with mana cost lower than 2.), that's all I have for now...
In my oppinion...it would have to be Yu-Gi-Oh...*Takes out a sheild and block several attacks from his friend who's throwing rotten vegetables at him...*Anyways, it takes a good ONE episode for them to put down a card! And when they do activate something, it's all "You cannot stop the power of my (Insert monster name here)! I shall obliterate you!" And it REALLY bothers me that the one card I like, the one cards that has extreme power, Exodia, the Forbidden One...IS ONLY SEEN ONCE OUT OF ALL THE EPISODES I"M FORCED TO WATCH EVERY MORNING WHEN I WAKE UP! Sure, Kaida (or whatever his name is) gets UBEWD out nearly every episode and wipes his opponents away, while Yuji gets ONE episode with the strongest monster! One god damn episode with only 10 seconds of my favorite monster in the series! And dpn't get me started with the God cards. Those are just to....GAH....I don't mind Obilisk. He, I can tolerate cause he's usable if he was a legal card. Slyfer isn't so bad either...but Ra is just annoying...maybe cause I don't like the color gold...who knows? I just know, I HATE Yu-gi-oh. Wasted a good amount of my monetary earnings on that series. In turn, I've wasted a good portion of my teen-hood.
Guess what? I'm moving out in 3 weeks! I don't have to spend the rest of my teen years in this hell-hole of a household! Also, because I sued my parents because they sold all my hard-earned anime and mangas, the judge is making them pay me 7500 dollars! WOOHOO!!! I can't wait to actually move to Japan! Also, there was a side judgement that makes it so every month, my parents send me 500 dollars. ^^ Arn't I lucky?
I'd like to share a hilarious experience I went through when I was using my blue, anti-artifact deck. There was this one kid in my school that would always use this artifact deck that could destory any deck, even when he doesn't have that many artifacts in play. With that deck was a...Broodstar something or other, who's power and toughness was equal to the number of artifacts in play...here's the thing, with the new artifact lands, that sucker was at 20/20 when it came into play! Even worse, it had flying! So there was only one option for me when I used my anti-artifact deck...the Kill Switch!As long as it is tapped, all other artifacts are tapped! Even artifact lands! Then I had to rid of his Broodstar, so I "Unsummon"ed it! After that, I just pummeled him with Vessadrix a few times. It was so GREAT! All of his lands where artifacts and he couldn't do a damn thing to stop me!
Here's my G/W deck of which I call... INFINITE FOREST (No reason...just to give it a name...) Mana: [COLOR=Wheat]Plains X 10[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]Forests X 10[/COLOR] Creatures: [COLOR=Lime]Green: Gaint Spider X 2 Skyshroud Troll Chlorophant Uktabi WildCats Cockatrice Quirion Dryad Taunting Elf Nut Collecter Krosan Colossus Wild Elephant Rabid Elephant Squirrel Wrangler[/COLOR] [COLOR=Wheat]White: Longbow Archer Ironfist Crucher Soltari Lancer[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrange] Gold: Treva, The Renewer Sabertooth Nishoba Llanowar Knight Scalebane's Elite Mystic Enforcer[/COLOR] Sorceries: [COLOR=Lime]Green: Overrun Stream of Life[/COLOR] Enchantments: [COLOR=Lime]Green: Call of the Wild Game Preserve[/COLOR] [COLOR=Wheat]White: Angelic Renewal X 2[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Gold: Aura Shards Hunting Grounds[/COLOR] Enchant Creatures: [COLOR=Lime]Green: Rancor[/COLOR] [COLOR=Wheat]White: Ward of Lights Sandskin X 2 Seeker Pacifism Inviolability Unquestioned Authority[/COLOR] Instants: [COLOR=Lime]Green: Predator's Strike Vitalize Giant Growth[/COLOR] [COLOR=Wheat]White: Disenchant X 3 Humble X 2 Divine Offering[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Artifacts: Mana Prism X 2 Mind's Eye[/COLOR] Not once have I lost with this deck.
[QUOTE]Do you know why she hates it though?[/QUOTE] She claims that it's ruining my grades. BULL! I'm getting straight A's in all my classes! I think it's cause I'm the only non-prep in the family. My father was a damn quarterback and still pushes us kids on sports. My mother was Miss Perfect in High School and my brother is a HUGE jock, even though I can kick his *** at any sport. And my sister...GAAAH! I want to SLAUGHTER he when she's bubbly! SHe's always high on something and is a cheerleader! [QUOTE]I think you could possibly press charges since she stole your things.[/QUOTE] I am pressing charges. Not only that, I'm going to get my last name erased. I'm changing my name COMPLETLY! I don't want to have anything to do with those *****! I'm sueing for the EXACT cost of all of those items which comes to a good 5,000 dollars, and that's NOT including my 900 card collection of M:TG. We're still trying to figure that out. My lawyer says we can double it because of emotional distress. I might as well too. I just hope the judge isn't a dumb **** like my parents! [QUOTE]I guess I'm pretty lucky, I still have my $500.00+ collection of anime and manga along with my sailor Venus plushy, Sailor Jupiter doll, Sailor Neptune doll (good condition, I'm willing to sell) and Sailor moon bank.[/QUOTE] ...gee...thanks for rubbing it RIGHT in there!
People are telling me to repent for my sins, but screw them. I don't beleive in God, Hell, Fate, Hope, Hallelujah or any of that. I just beleive that death is when you're suddenly snuffed out like a flame. I think death is a type of..."Ultimate Salvation" if you will, not in pain, not in pleasure...happy or sad...it's an empty void of which all will go through...and never return...
Berserk? GOD, it was awesome. Then again, I'm one for deep story lines and lots of gore. I didn't care about the supposed crappy animation that some people may have stated. Some of the demons irritated me but then again, it's Japanese artists doing European demons. Anyways, the only reason Guts didn't seem to have any character cause [spoiler]HE KILLED HIS MENTOR DURING HIS YOUTH! Hell, I think that you mentally disturb just about anyone when they're young (I'm sorry if that spoils somethings for people that havn't seen it yet).[/spoiler] Further more, you must also realize that Guts has been a mercenary for nearly all his life. If they DO bring out the next series, he'd be even more heartless conciering the ending of the first 25 episodes. If anyone that hasn't seen it wants to know it, post so and I shall give thee the end. [COLOR=Navy]*winces* I so did [i]not[/i] want to see that. Next time, please add spoiler tags to any sensitive information by typing [*spoiler]text[/spoiler] (but without the asterisk). Thanks! ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
That would sound like a fun card to use...except for one tiny thing: I don't use blue decks. I, personly, do best with my G/U and R/B decks. *drools at their powers* I've managed to make the G/U deck so as when even the opponent would play a spell, if I have thresehold, I play a creature (Hunting Grounds). THEN, when I play a creature, I can destroy an enchantment or artifact (AUra Shards)! It's and awesome deck, and even MORE so when I get out [I][B]Treva![/B][/I] It even has some awesome old cards that everyone knows and loves like Disenchants, Uktabi Wildcats, Sabertooth Nishoba, Nut Collecter, Squirrel Wrangler, ect. I even have a combo that makes it so as I can block ever single non-flying, non-blockable creeture an opponent has and the blocking creature isn't even killed! It gets better when I summon...KROSAN COLLOSUS (Green, 9/9, 6GGG) and put Rancor (G, Enchant creature, Target creature gains +2/+0 and Trample) on it. I'll make a card list for that deck with Treva when I have the time.
Okay, now I'm having another problem. I can't find the town that is havinig trouble with the Orochi...I even have the walkthru and I can't find the village. Help...
Yes, but there are some games not even worth playing. I can understand if life was full of things like in M:TG. Spells, enchantments, creatures, magic at your fingertips, waiting to be used...but hat is it we have here? In this world? Not much. We have gadgets, yes, we can go online to play games and such too. Play Unreal and such. But that's merely an illusion. And though I'm being hipocritical about this cause I play them too, I hate illusions. It only makes me feel like I'm beinig tricked.
Well, I've just had a completely new development of how much my mother doesn't want me to have anything to do with anime...SHE REBOOTED MY COMPUTER! I had, screenshots, music, movie clips, EVEN MY TRIGUN SERIES THAT TOOK ME 4 HOURS TO DOWNLOAD OFF THE NET!!! Not only that but she even sold all my anime stuff I had! Posters, movies, games (MY ENTIRE .HACK COLLECTION OF GAMES!), bedsheets, pillows, even my M:TG cards. And they're not even anime! I'm sorry, but they have gone TOO DAMN FAR!! I'm moving out, NOW!
Models are mostly just brainless people that compensate for their stupidity with their breasts or ***. So you can leave those features off my lists. If anything, I'd like a girl who has a small chest, not one that when I turn over into during the night I don't die in by morning.Anyways, now for my list. Physical: Small chested: Don't want to die by morning... Blue eyes: It's as close to black as most can get. Black Hair: Cause it's my favorite color. Slightly thick arse: I don't want a numb lap. Average build: No one too muscular, no one too weak. Just an average girl. Asian: I don't know why...I like the asian culture and for some reason.. Mental: Bi: Yes, bi. My last two girlfriends were bi and they were awesome. Cuddler: I don't mind cuddling every now and then to lighten my day. Self-Conscious: I'd like someone that isn't such a worrier about her looks! I'd like someone that doesn't care about the greasy hair and such! Non-prep: Someone who doesn't think she's better than everyone around her and doesn't say "Oh my god!" in a high pitched voice every three sentences. Geeky: Not much of one. Just one to the point where she'd understand what I'm saying when talking D&D, D20, video games, ect. Anti-"anythiong"ist: Someone that doesn't care about another persons race, color, religion, government, ect. Last but not least... Anti-White/Black: I don't want a girl that listens to rap and think she's black when she's another race!
I've begun playing D&D on the turn of the new year, and quite frankly, I love it. Our DM might try throwing a random Fireball at us but I (At the least) always make out of it without a scratch...It might help that I'm a Level 5 Frenzied Berzerker though, but still. I love how cordinated my group is. Yes, there are a few of us that just go in and slaughter and come out with a premature case of dead, but when we actually team up, think ahead and junk, we make it to the big bad Emerald Dragon and die there instead of dieing AT the entrance like my friends always do...I guess the dice just like me.
...I don't know how this turned into a post-thingy about Holland, but it's odd... Anyways, I don't think we'll have much of a future to look at unless we stop being such screw up, which, I've learned from many video games, can never happen unless every one in the world became the same religion or had the same government. Not that I'd like a society like that, being that I hate government and don't have a religion. Hell, I just want my own little island so as I can be me. My dark, secretive, sadistic, me.
I'm not really afraid of anything. t the least, nothing I've come up to in my life. The things is, I've been pretty well desencitized when it comes to fear and happiness. I was biten by a viper when I was 10. Of coarse, I yelled in pain and hate. But I wasn't scared. When someone told me that the venom had to be removed in 5 minutes or I'd die, still not scared. When I was turning purple from not being able to breath, still not afraid. When I was legally dead for 5 minutes...ummm....could I be scared? Meh, don't know, don't care. Point being, I don't know of anything I've seen that I'm scared of.
[QUOTE]The card game might be interesting (I haven't played it), but the fact that it's based almost directly on MTG seems like a deturrent to me.[/QUOTE] *Sigh...* You don't get it much do you? It's a game created by Wizards of the Coast. It might even have the same people that worked on M:TG. Of coarse most of the consept is going to be the same. It's so that dedicated WotC fans don't think that they're going chibi-ish on us. They WANT the gameing to remain difficult. Unlike Yu-gi-oh which can make it so you're invincible (God cards...phht!). I'm sure that if Konami, the makers of YGO Trading Card Game, make another card game, they would have nearly the same things as YGO has: Sacking monsters for monsters, traps, magic, stuff like that.
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Darius_Stomu replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
Of the few animes I've actually watched I would say that I'm most like Gutsu from Berserk. Both of us would rather be alone and train alone, and when talking to someone, we both just listen, adding in a few words of wisdom when nessesary. Somehow, we end up being the center of attention and just want to be left alone. Even so, we are (When not irritated) polite and leave their presence. We both also seem to get help from some odd, dark person that we barely even know. Then, when we fall in love, someone else, usually being a close friend that turns his back on us, tries to steal her from us...*curses at a person he once called friend...* On the upside, we both enjoy huge weapons and talking with our own, personal swordsmiths. -
This message is in responce to dposse's post. So? There are many things based on the same thing. Although Duel Masters deals with magical forces, but do they deal with DARK magical forces from "Millinium Items"? They may both have old men, but do they look the same or have the same names? Are the people who PLAY the game simular to those in Yugioh? Are the three friends also named the same? My point is that, sure, they may seem the same. But actually LOOK at the story lines and compare before you go off and try to murder a possibly good show.