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Everything posted by Darius_Stomu
My family doesn't care much about what I watch as long as it doesn't have any nudity in it. Though I think it's starting to drive them nuts cause when ever a tense fight in DBZ or some anime like that comes on, they would start yelling at the TV about how they should get the action going already...sheesh...adults need to realize anime isn't just about the action, it's about the story line too. At the least, mine do.
Every weekend, I go to a friend that helps me in many situations. anyways, he has a powerful direct damage deck that he come 1 life close to killing me with before I pummel him back down to his level. I made a weak *** Lifegain deck once and challanged him with it and won! He kepts on hitting me for one damage with a Dainamo Goblin as i healed for 5 each turn with the Mutant cleric. If you ever get these two cards, Wall of Faith and Spirit En Kor, use them in the same deck. He couldn't hurt me unless it WAS direct damage.
I would have to be on the Trigun Planet. Simple because, there, something is always blowing up. ^^
I don't belong to any religions. Tell you the truth, I don't like the thought of "higher powers" so therefore, I don't beleive in a God or Godess. I just think we come, we live, we breed, we die. And from there, nothing. No resurrection, reincarnation, just death. Besides that, I don't even beleive life itself is a good thing. I have a theory that it's more of a virus. An incurable one at that. Life is sexually transmited and always fatal. You'll find it out when you die someday and find nothing but hey, it's just my opinion.
To rethink my theory on death... Death is death. People are buried or cremated or what ever funky crap and forgotten unless they were important. There are, maybe, 5 people at the least to remember you when you die. Though I do believe life is short and needs to be lived out to the fullest, most people won't let you do that cause, when you say fullest, you have no restrictions. But that's what this damned country is all about: Restrictions. I can speak publicly, put not in the manner I choose. I can go out to lunch but it needs to be within budget or I go broke. I can go and by weed, but I'd get arrested. All of those are part of restrictions. "I want to fly" is another restricted thing cause of two things, gravity and no wings. All life can ever be about to me is restrictions...
Man, I had to think long and hard about this one...I think it would have to be Guts from Berserk. 1. Both of us enjoy big weapons. 2. We both have the same ideals. 3. Wouldn't have to worry about lack of training. Second choice is Bulma from DB. 1.She's about my age. 2. SHe's a techy. 3. She has the same anger issues as I do. The one I don't want to room with is...Corkus from Berzerk. 1. He's a pesstimist (or However you spell that. I'm too much of one already. 2. He's weak. 3. I'd end up killing him when he makes me mad.
we've had the same problem at my school too. Yu-gi-oh, that evil, evil game, is taking over the young minds of the underclass men. Lucky me, I have an even more evil mind...I've developed a formula to make YGO into Magic! And using this formula, I proved to them that YGO monsters are far weaker to the creatures of M:TG. Raise your hand if you'd like the formula...awww to hell with it. I'll post it anyways! MY FORMULA TO TRANSFORM YGO TO M:TG!!! First, we need a YGO monster...for this, we'll use BEWD BEWD Level 8 Light Dragon 3000/2500 First, we need Power and Toughness. Reduce them attack and defence to single digit numbers and round up if needed. 3/3 The color is dependent on the element of the monster. Light-White Dark-Black Pyro-Red Air,Aqua-Blue Earth-Green So BEWD is: White The type of the creature depend on the type of the monster. So, the damn dragon is: Dragon Mana cost was a little difficult at first, but I found a way! Mana cost is: Level - 4 + One mana of the creature's color + One of it's color for each ability the creature possesses. Just for kicks, BEWD has flying. So it's mana cost is: 3WW So we have, all together: Blue Eyes, White Dragon 3WW Creature-Dragon Legend (Since it's so well known.) Flying 3/3 Hope someone finds a good use for this! Oh, and I'd love to post that deck but...it was dismantled by my sister...damn friggin' little...
I've only got one anime on my list... BERSERK I love that anime! I've only seen the first season on DVD and I want more!! :drool: :drool: :drool:
Over the years, I have realized this same thing. But the thing is, LP isn't something you can easily discard...at least it is to me. I have been listening to LP since I was, maybe, 10 and when I heard 'In The End', I felt my suicide tendency to withdraw. I didn't know why but I just dropped the knife and listened the song...so...really, LP is one of the few things keeping here.
Well, in my opinion, a pure world would be one without humans. We, of all creatures on this planet, are the most destructive of them all. Our world was pure before we fully evolved into what we are today. Sure, evolution is the way to survive. It's what keeps us alive today, but at the same time, it's killing our planet. So how, according to my opinion, are we not tainting our planet?
I change my decision about the fact we humans are born to destroy. But I still say he are here to AT LEAST taint that which is pure. Look at nature. Look at what we have done to nature. Some have tried to keep nature pure and whole, while the othe 95% of the world changed nature from forest to wastedumps just so we may live! So here after, watch as nature becomes like us humans...and you'll understand why we where placed here.
Well, sarcasm is wasted on me cause I take things too seriously. I'm not complaining about anything either. I'm just saying that if there is someone out there for me and they're not with me, screw them. I got better things to do than waste my life sitting around and waiting for "The love of my life".
Hard for me to answer this topic cause the closest thing I have to a friend is an aquantence. And I have about 50 of them around the intire school. So here I am, trying to get some alone time, when a group of them just sit around me and start to talk my damn ears off! I tell many of them to bugger off, and they do...until the next morning. The worst thing about it is that I don't know many of their names. I remember...maybe...20 of them. But the rest are just random people that come up to me and say "Hiya!" when ever they feel like it! :mad: It's time like these I wish I could maul someone... Anyways...If anything, I WANT alone time. I don't like being the center of attention or getting lectured to and I really hate having to make group decisions cause no one likes my desicions.
[QUOTE]That's exactly why you don't have a valentine this year...[/QUOTE] So you're saying to lie about who I am? Be someone else just for the sake of another person who dosn't even like the real me?
I could care less what I look like. If I want to wear spikes and black clothing, I'm going to wear them. I don't give a ***** about what others think of me.
Here's a nifty little quote that all who read it should consider: "It's not a question of if you'll die. It's more a question of who's first in line to the gates of hell." As I see it, we're born from the darkest depths of the darkness and spawned into the light so we may destroy it. In other words, we (Humans) came from hell to destroy this planet. I beleive this cause what we have done to this world. We have bombed each other, cut down forests, slayed animals to the point of extinction, and for what? So we can live a measly day longer than we were meant to. In the midst of this destruction are our demons, our sins, which slowly poison our minds with the need for power and pleasure. Basically put, if we're placed here for any reason at all, either because we spontaniously came to life or created by some huge power, Satan, God, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, who cares, we were placed here to destroy it...and, finally, in the middle of our destruction, we'll destroy ourselves.
I dispise Valentine's Day...It's just a reminder that goth-freaks like me will never find anyone to share a home or anything with.
My older brother taught me how to play a year ago, just after he graduated from high school. He gave the cards to me to pass down his school legacy of the best "Evil Elves" deck ever...I didn't have a clue what he was talking about then but when I finally USED the deck, it was FAST. I slaughtered dragons, goblins, orcs, almost anything that came in it's path. When I got some new cards, I further improved it and so made it so that slivers where a sinch to beat. It was one thing in my school to beat the best person in the school, whom used all those dragon legends in his deck and could get them out in three turns, but to bet the dude that beat that dude is really something. You can find how to learn it at [url]www.wizards.com[/url] It'll show you the basics of how to play, what cards do what and so on and so on... I do have a favorite color combonation... Green and white. I plan to perfect the green and white deck with the almighty Treva, the Renewer! *Godly coruses sing to the almighty name of Treva...*. Treva was my first draon legend card ever...I was so happy to have it but someone stole it from me two years ago...I'm going to get another one by next week though so PERFECTION CAN BE OBTAINED!!! Err...sorry about that...I get a bit crazy when it comes to power...cause I'm a bit power hungry...power...must....feed...
I'll shut up when you get my point. Goth is about the alternative side of life. None of this "Happy-go-lucky" crap for music. Man, you have a closed mind..
It only get repetitive for one reason: The base pattern of lyrics from Hybrid Theory and Meteora are the same. Listen to In The End and Somewhere I belong. The set up for the lyrics is the same.
Finally, a positive thing said about LP!...sorta...anyways, the last I heard of LP was that they were on tour when soimething went wrong with Cheaster. What happened to him?
Todays rappers tend to make me sick when it comes to the beat that they use except when it comes to LP, whom use more than just a huge booming sound as their beat. Everytime I'd hear a rap, I start to get nausous and my family takes full advantage of this. The next time I hear .50, .25, even .01 on the radio, I'm smashing it. As for the whole bulletproof thing, I think this guy is a demon or something. I mean, 9 times? Sheesh...the moron should be dead. Either that, or he can't embrace the fact that he's lived long past his moment of glory and is doing everything he can to keep it going. I say death to the .50. [QUOTE]Well, I think that wanting anyone dead, for whatever reason. . is wrong![/QUOTE] So you are saying that if your closest dearest friend was shot and killed by your worst bully, you wouldn't avenge his death? I sure as hell would.
Let me rephrase that, gothic rock. Besides, there is far more to goth than just "darkness" and "death" as you claim. It is a belief in a alternative side to the life we are forced to live because of the close minded people who are goverment officials that try to claim that they know what is best for everyone but they do not truly know what the people want.They only know what they want for the people. And if that confuses you, *censored* you, for Godsmack is goth.
Then don't play Final Fantasy 7 with the flu! My favorite Final Fantasy villian would have to be...agg...it's a tie between Sephiroth and Ultimicia. Sephiroth, simply, because he confused my family! It was so funny, watching them scratch their heads trying to comprehend the great mastermind that is Sephiroth! Ultimicia cause she has evil intentions. Not that evil IS everything(which it is) but the whole time compression idea was sweet...I mean, creating the world as you see fit? Hell, if I did that, the world would BE Final Fantasy.
Okay, this may be one of the lamest things you'll ever hear, but I need major help with DW3 for gbc. I cannot find were I need to place the Dry Vase. I know you're suppose to place it somewhere in the western sea on a shoal but guess what? I CAN'T FIND IT!!! It's irritating to no end so if someone could help me find it, it would be much appreciative.